An Alternate Theory

Ben has an interesting item about the Bronx Democratic County Chairman, Jose Rivera, angling for the job of City Clerk.

Ben has an interesting item about the Bronx Democratic County Chairman, Jose Rivera, angling for the job of City Clerk.

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In the world of patronage, it’s a pretty highly coveted job. Low profile, high pay, no trips to Albany, and lots of access to all things political. For Rivera, who is also an Assemblyman, it makes sense. Sort of.

“It’s just not a reality,” said one of Rivera’s confidents, Ululy Martinez. “It’s not even a denial. He’s not interested in it. His interest is in 2009.”

That’s where this story gets really interesting: Rivera wants to fill the job with someone who might run against his son, City Councilman Joel Rivera for state senate, should Senator Efrain Gonzalez go to jail on corruption. If Joel wins that seat, then has a safe place from which to run for Borough president in 2009

That’s what I’m hearing.

— Azi Paybarah

An Alternate Theory