Friday Afternoon Roundup

The New York Times reports the Jets and the Giants will collaborate on a $800 million stadium in the Meadowlands.

The New York Times reports the Jets and the Giants will collaborate on a $800 million stadium in the Meadowlands. It’s the first time two N.F.L. teams will have financed and constructed an arena together. It’ll be share land with Xanadu, a $2 billion shopping and entertainment facility.
Elsewhere in the Gray Lady, there’s a report on plans for a half million square feet of retail down Ground Zero way. Wal-Mart is pleased.

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It’s almost, but not quite, a palindrome, so it’s gotta be good. The Post reports that a freedom-free 9/11 museum at Ground Zero will be built by 9/11/09.

The News reports that residents in the South Slope are getting steamed at developers who are trying to beat the clock on a rezoning that’ll take effect in November limiting the size and scale of new buildings. People have been complaining and the Department of City Planning rushed a much-approved down-sizing through. But, like in the Far West Village right now, developers are racing to build, build, build before they’re stopped by the new zoning.
Remember the bad old days of Prospect Park? Yeah, neither do we. Back then we were too busy scoring in Thompson Square Park. But the News does; now thank your FIDO for cleaning up the park.

Friday Afternoon Roundup