Slashing Our Fandoms with Pride's Journal
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LiveJournal for Slashing Our Fandoms with Pride.

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Wednesday, January 4th, 2017

Subject:FIC: "Love is Blindness"-- Archie Comics, Jughead Jones/Kevin Keller, PG
Posted by:whimsicalnixie.
Time:3:14 pm.
TITLE/LINK: Love is Blindness
AUTHOR: Maeve_of_Winter
FANDOM: Archie Comics
PAIRING: Jughead Jones/Kevin Keller
GENRE: Slash
SUB-GENRE: Romance, comedy
SUMMARY: Not a whole lot of people understand why Kevin is dating Jughead, but that's okay: they understand each other.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I merely borrow them from time to time.
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Subject:Archie Comics, "I'll Be Fighting Crime for Christmas" (Betty/Veronica, PG)
Posted by:whimsicalnixie.
Time:2:41 pm.
Title: I'll Be Fighting Crime for Christmas
Author: Maeve_of_Winter
Fandom: Archie Comics
Rating: PG
Pairings/Characters: Betty Cooper/Veronica Lodge
Warnings: Some action violence.
Summary: A priceless painting has been stolen, and Agents Betty and Veronica are on the case!
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Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017

Subject:[Fantastic Four] "Just Rough Enough" (Ben/Johnny, NC-17)
Posted by:whimsicalnixie.
Time:9:38 pm.
TITLE/LINK: Just Rough Enough
AUTHOR: Maeve of Winter
FANDOM: Fantastic Four
PAIRING: Ben Grimm/Johnny Storm
WARNINGS: Explicit sex, rough sex, size kink.
SUMMARY: Ben is reluctant to have sex with Johnny out of fear of accidentally hurting him, so Johnny makes it his mission to prove him wrong. But Ben might just be too big for him to take . . .
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Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Subject:*/ FIC: Red & White */ ([Music Video] Body and Blood – .clipping)
Posted by:naemi.
Time:10:17 pm.
[cross-posted to naemi and AO3]

Title: Red & White
Author: naemi
Fandom: Body and Blood Music Video by .clipping
Word Count: 1,047
Featuring: The Killer, The Narrator
Rating: R
Warnings: serial killers, non-graphic violence, minor mind-fuck, implied childhood abuse, dissociative identity disorder
Disclaimer: Don't own. Gave back. No infringement intended.
Notes: Many thanks and my eternal gratitude to jacie3 for betaing this when she was in the middle of her own writing/beta crisis.

As the young man waiting to be transformed into the art he thinks he already is enters the room, she stubs out her smoke and rises.Collapse )
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Saturday, October 22nd, 2016

Subject:Announcement: Small Fandoms Bang Open for Author Sign-Ups!
Posted by:spikedluv.
Time:6:07 pm.
smallfandombang, the big bang for small fandoms, is open for Round Six!

All small fandoms (once they have been verified as small) qualify, and there is no requirement that you have to have written a long fic before you sign up. The minimum word count is only 10,000 words and we give you plenty of time to get your fic written. All ratings, pairings, and genres are welcome, as are AUs, and crossovers/fusions between small fandoms. Check out the Author Sign-Up post for more information.

Author sign-ups are open now through October 31; Artist sign-ups open November 1st.

If you love small fandoms, come check us out!


A 10,000-word big bang for small fandoms!

FAQ | Rules |Author Sign-Up | Beta/Cheerleader | Affiliate
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Wednesday, September 21st, 2016

Subject:FIC - Shadow's legacy [Shadow series - Maria Gripe]
Posted by:mayachain.
Time:11:20 pm.
Title: Shadow's legacy
Fandom: Shadow series - Maria Gripe
Characters: Arild Falck af Stenstierna
Relationships: Arild & Carolin, Arild/Ingeborg, Arild/OMC
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~1500 words
Summary: It emerges that Carl is Carolin is a woman, and Arild is relieved.
Spoilers/Warnings: Aftermath of accidental incestuous feelings, internalized homophobia, family issues, ambiguous relationships.

here on AO3
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Monday, May 16th, 2016

Subject:FIC: The Diary of Jane-- (Trixie Belden)
Posted by:whimsicalnixie.
Time:11:20 pm.
Fic: "The Diary of Jane"
Author: Maeve of Winter
Series Link: "Songs About Jane"
Rating: Chapter Rating: PG, Fic Rating: PG-13
Summary: By February of ninth grade, Jane Morgan viewed Diana Lynch as her rival. But back in September of first grade, they became friends. A backstory explaining the connection, friendship, and eventual (one-sided) rivalry between Diana Lynch and Jane Morgan. 4th in the "Songs About Jane" series.
Note: Comments and critique are welcome on this story.
Link: At AO3.
Disclaimer: I do not own Trixie Belden, nor do I profit from my fanfics. Also, Breaking Benjamin has a song by the same name of this fic.
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Wednesday, March 30th, 2016

Subject:FIC: Calamity Jane-- (Trixie Belden)
Posted by:whimsicalnixie.
Time:1:58 am.
Title: "Calamity Jane"
Author: Maeve of Winter
Fandom: Trixie Belden
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3,077
Warning: Brief profanity and mentions of adultery.
Summary: Jane Morgan may not be the best person around, but to be fair, she's not exactly having the best year. Takes place during The Mystery of the Velvet Gown.
Disclaimer: Trixie Belden belongs to Random House, and I don't own any of the characters.
At AO3.
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Sunday, March 27th, 2016

Subject:FIC: Nothing in the Dark-- (Trixie Belden)
Posted by:whimsicalnixie.
Time:3:45 pm.
Fandom: Trixie Belden
Fic: "Nothing in the Dark"
Author: Maeve of Winter
Characters: Dan
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mentions and contemplation of death.
Summary: Dan contemplates life, death, and future career options.
Note: Comments and critique are welcome on this story.
At AO3.
Disclaimer: I do not own Trixie Belden, as the series is owned by Random House.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Friday, March 25th, 2016

Subject:FIC: To Endure Whatever Comes, (Trixie Belden) Mart Belden/Dan Mangan
Posted by:whimsicalnixie.
Time:3:00 pm.
Fandom: Trixie Belden
Fic: "To Endure Whatever Comes"
Chapter: 1/4
Author: Maeve of Winter
Pairing: Mart Belden/Dan Mangan
Rating: PG
Warnings: Brief profanity, brief suggestiveness
At AO3.
Disclaimer: I do not own Trixie Belden, as the series is owned by Random House.
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Sunday, January 3rd, 2016

Subject:Announcement: Small Fandoms Bang Open for Artist Sign-Ups!
Posted by:spikedluv.
Time:12:05 pm.
smallfandombang, the big bang for small fandoms, is open for Artist sign-ups for Round Five!


A 10,000-word big bang for small fandoms!

FAQ | Rules | Artists | Beta/Cheerleader | Affiliate

We currently have 41 fandoms represented by our authors (and still more to come), so check out the Preliminary List of Fandoms here and then head on over to the Artist Sign-Up Post to sign up!

Please don’t be worried if you aren’t familiar with many of the fandoms listed; since the challenge is multi-fandom and small fandom, we expect that you might not be. For that reason we have given artists 6 weeks to complete their fanart, and are charging authors with assisting their artists with character descriptions, screencaps, etc. Also, the types of fanart we accept is pretty broad and not limited merely to cover art and icons.

So, if you like to create fanart, including graphics, fanmixes and podfic, please check us out!
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Monday, November 9th, 2015

Subject:Announcement: Round 18 Open at Small Fandoms Fest!
Posted by:spikedluv.
Time:2:25 pm.
Our Eighteenth Fest at smallfandomfest is now open for prompt submission!

We don’t think we’re the only ones excited at the prospect of getting a bunch of new fanfic and fanart in our favorite small fandoms. By now you know what we need you to do to make that happen: you have to submit loads of prompts to entice others to write or create art (including graphics, fanvids, and fanmixes)! And if you know anyone else who loves small fandoms, please point them in our direction.

We’ll be accepting prompts through November 21st. For more information or to submit a prompt, read this post and then follow the link to the prompt submission form.

Prompts will be available for claiming on November 23rd.

And if you’d like to sign up to pimp out your favorite small fandom, read this post and comment there.

Thank you!
Comments: Add Your Own.

Friday, October 2nd, 2015

Subject:ANNOUNCEMENT: Better Weird than Dead: An Eerie Indiana Fic Fest
Posted by:froodle.
Time:10:29 pm.
The eerie_indiana comm on LJ is currently hosting Better Weird than Dead: An Eerie, Indiana Fic Fest.

Come along, submit a few requests, maybe fill a few more, or simply enjoy what's already on offer.

Also, if you're interested, our 2015 Rewatch is still ongoing, with the next episode up being the Lost Hour at 4pm GMT tomorrow.

Please stop by; we'd love to have you.
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Subject:Announcement: Small Fandoms Bang Open for Author Sign-Ups!
Posted by:spikedluv.
Time:4:09 pm.
smallfandombang, the big bang for small fandoms, is open for Round Five!

All small fandoms (once they have been verified as small) qualify, and there is no requirement that you have to have written a long fic before you sign up. Also, the min is only 10,000 words and we give you plenty of time to get your fic written.

Author sign-ups are open now through October 31; Artist sign-ups open November 1st.

If you love small fandoms, come check us out!


A 10,000-word big bang for small fandoms!

FAQ | Rules |Authors | Beta/Cheerleader | Affiliate
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Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Subject:Reminder: Round 17 Open at Small Fandoms Fest!
Posted by:spikedluv.
Time:9:35 am.
Our Seventeenth Fest at smallfandomfest is still open for prompt submission!

We don’t think we’re the only ones excited at the prospect of getting a bunch of new fanfic and fanart in our favorite small fandoms. By now you know what we need you to do to make that happen: you have to submit loads of prompts to entice others to write or create art (including graphics, fanvids, and fanmixes)! And if you know anyone else who loves small fandoms, please point them in our direction.

We’ll be accepting prompts through May 21st. For more information or to submit a prompt, read this post and then follow the link to the prompt submission form.

Prompts will be available for claiming on May 23rd.

And if you’d like to sign up to pimp out your favorite small fandom, read this post and comment there.

Thank you!
Comments: Add Your Own.

Saturday, January 10th, 2015

Subject:Announcement: Small Fandoms Bang LF Artists!
Posted by:spikedluv.
Time:2:51 pm.
smallfandombang, the big bang for small fandoms, is open for Artist sign-ups for Round Four!

A 10,000-word big bang for small fandoms!


FAQ | Rules | Artists | Beta/Cheerleader | Affiliate

We currently have 55 fandoms represented by our authors, so check out the list of fandoms here
and then head on over to the Artist Sign-Up Post to sign up!
Comments: Add Your Own.

Monday, November 17th, 2014

Subject:Announcement: Round 16 Open at Small Fandoms Fest!
Posted by:spikedluv.
Time:3:42 pm.
Our Sixteenth Fest at smallfandomfest is now open for prompt submission!

We don’t think we’re the only ones excited at the prospect of getting a bunch of new fanfic and fanart in our favorite small fandoms. By now you know what we need you to do to make that happen: you have to submit loads of prompts to entice others to write or create art (including graphics, fanvids, and fanmixes)! And if you know anyone else who loves small fandoms, please point them in our direction.

We’ll be accepting prompts through November 21st. For more information or to submit a prompt, read this post and then follow the link to the prompt submission form.

Prompts will be available for claiming on November 23rd.

And if you’d like to sign up to pimp out your favorite small fandom, read this post and comment there.

Thank you!
Comments: Add Your Own.

Thursday, September 11th, 2014

Subject:Announcement: Small Fandoms Bang Open for Author Sign-Ups!
Posted by:spikedluv.
Time:2:38 pm.
smallfandombang, the big bang for small fandoms, is open for Round Four!

All small fandoms (once they have been verified as small) qualify, and there is no requirement that you have to have written a long fic before you sign up. Also, the min is only 10,000 words and we give you plenty of time to get your fic written.

Author sign-ups are open now, so check it out! *g* (Artist sign-ups open November 1st.)


A 10,000-word big bang for small fandoms!

FAQ | Rules |Authors | Beta/Cheerleader | Affiliate

(Thanks to soleta for allowing this promotion.)
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Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

Subject:Announcement: Round 15 Open at Small Fandoms Fest!
Posted by:spikedluv.
Time:3:35 pm.
Our Fifteenth Fest at smallfandomfest is now open for prompt submission!

We don’t think we’re the only ones excited at the prospect of getting a bunch of new fanfic and fanart in our favorite small fandoms. By now you know what we need you to do to make that happen: you have to submit loads of prompts to entice others to write or create art (including graphics, fanvids, and fanmixes)! And if you know anyone else who loves small fandoms, please point them in our direction.

We’ll be accepting prompts through May 21st. For more information or to submit a prompt, read this post and then follow the link to the prompt submission form.

Prompts will be available for claiming on May 23rd.

And if you’d like to sign up to pimp out your favorite small fandom, read this post and comment there.

Thank you!

(Thanks to soleta for allowing this promotion.)
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Sunday, September 1st, 2013

Subject:Announcement: Small Fandoms Bang Open for Author Sign-Ups!
Posted by:spikedluv.
Time:6:39 pm.
smallfandombang, the big bang for small fandoms is open for Round Three!

All small fandoms (once they have been verified as small) qualify, and there is no requirement that you have to have written a long fic before you sign up. Also, the min is only 10,000 words and we give you plenty of time to get your fic written.

Author sign-ups are open now, so check it out! *g* (Artist sign-ups open January 1st.)


A 10,000-word big bang for small fandoms!

FAQ | Rules |Authors | Beta/Cheerleader | Affiliate
Comments: Add Your Own.

LiveJournal for Slashing Our Fandoms with Pride.

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