smallfandombang, the big bang for small fandoms, is open for Artist sign-ups for Round Five!

A 10,000-word big bang for small fandoms!
FAQ | Rules | Artists | Beta/Cheerleader | Affiliate
We currently have 41 fandoms represented by our authors (and still more to come), so check out the Preliminary List of Fandoms here and then head on over to the Artist Sign-Up Post to sign up!
Please don’t be worried if you aren’t familiar with many of the fandoms listed; since the challenge is multi-fandom and small fandom, we expect that you might not be. For that reason we have given artists 6 weeks to complete their fanart, and are charging authors with assisting their artists with character descriptions, screencaps, etc. Also, the types of fanart we accept is pretty broad and not limited merely to cover art and icons.
So, if you like to create fanart, including graphics, fanmixes and podfic, please check us out!