New York University
School of Professional Studies (SPS)
Personal Experience of the events of September, 1970 in Jordan.
Reflections on a forgotten, pre-Islamic Jewish poet of Arabia.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: If and when the Palestinian Authority (PA) collapses, Jordan will bear the greatest brunt of the resulting humanitarian crisis. Such a collapse could be triggered by several factors, but will almost certainly lead to a... more
Food occupies a central position in every culture and it is therefore of great interest to understand the evolution of food culture. The advent of the World Wide Web and online recipe repositories have begun to provide unprecedented... more
In early 1991, as Anthony Powell was listening to BBC Radio, he heard an advisement for an Alan Bennett adaptation of an episode from Marcel Proustǯs novel A la recherche du temps perdu. DzOn the whole, the best-known the announcer... more
Tricontinental Modernities: Vargas Llosa's Late Turn Against Imperialism in El sueño del celta 1. Revising the Celtic In its mixture of the personal and political, concentration on an individual making difficult moral choices, and wide... more