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      PhilosophyMartin Luther King
This paper deals with the issues of state sovereignty and refugee policy in insecure and marginalized regions of the Global South. Using the displaced Syrian populations (UN-recognized and undocumented) in Lebanon as a case in point, the... more
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Altered mesolimbic dopamine signaling has been widely implicated in addictive behavior. For the most part, this work has focused on dopamine within the striatum, but there is emerging evidence for a role of the auto-inhibitory,... more
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    • Sociology
The concept of solidarity is ambiguous: it includes mechanisms of taxes and redistribution, charity, altruistic contributions and political support, social policy, concessions, grants, funds, food, clothes, social entrepreneurship,... more
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    • Sociology
This paper will attempt to analyze the contribution of the Radical Reformation to Muslim-Christian dialogue in the past and assess whether this historical example of “loving your neighbor as yourself,” and more pointedly “loving your... more
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Based on the concept of ‘affectedness’ (or ‘Betroffenheit’, Mies 1978), this article attempts to demonstrate how all participants in research, education, and social activism in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are impacted by the... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesMasculinity and Gender Studies
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This year116 we celebrate the 125th anniversary of Catholic social teaching. On 15 May 1891 Pope Leo XIII issued the encyclical Rerum Novarum (Of the New Things) promoting a revolutionary change in Christianity’s understanding of the... more
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      HistoryUniversity of Notre Dame history
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    • Comparative Politics
This publication examines the challenges faced by diverse groups, including migrant workers (MWs), expatriates, and dual-nationals, and offers recommendations for enhancing support and protection in future impending crises in the region... more
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      CommunicationHuman RightsRapid Response System
Hobby Lobby, a company that should be merely an individual’s DIY-dream, has become a lawyer’s conundrum. To be precise, this puzzle emerges from the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) holding in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores (Hobby... more
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      Human RightsFreedom of ReligionEuropean Convention of Human RightsU.S. Supreme Court Litigation
RESUMEN: En este artículo los autores buscan volver a la recurrente discusión sobre la crisis de las instituciones centrales de la democracia liberal. Para ello, se propone un repaso de las ideas y principios fundamentales sobre los que... more
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    • Political Philosophy
Luego de esclarecer las definiciones jurídicas y doctrinarias más importantes de terrorismo, se emprende una reflexión en torno a la historia del terrorismo y se aplica la antropología filosófica para desentrañar su esencia. Finalmente,... more
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Starting from the explanation of the preconcepts of law and sovereignty, this essay analyses the symptoms of the transformation of the classic paradigm of international law, which is founded on a will -centered model introduced by the... more
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e Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the scar that the 20 th century printed over the face of Humankind, whose content has been integrated in the life-world of the coming generations. As a milestone or landmark, this essay seeks to... more
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RESUMEN: La de nición del crimen de agresión para la Corte Penal Internacional, acordada en la Conferencia para la Revisión del Estatuto de Roma en Kampala, 2010, es en realidad heredera de una tradición de data mucho más larga que el ius... more
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Tras introducir brevemente los criterios de la tradición de la Guerra Justa, se aplican dichos criterios ante las crisis humanitarias en Libia y Siria, para determinar si en cada caso puede considerarse que la intervención humanitaria... more
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