New York University
Art History
The Lincoln Square Synagogue, the largest Orthodox synagogue built in Manhattan during the last half century, was established in 1964 but moved in 2013 to a new building nearby, designed after the firm of CetraRuddy Architects, won a... more
The call for papers at the conference 'Baroque for a Wide Public', held at the Institute for Art and Visual History at Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, in June 2015 noted that histories of art and artists had found a mass public... more
The call for papers at the conference 'Baroque for a Wide Public', held at the Institute for Art and Visual History at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, in June 2015 noted that histories of art and artists had found a mass public thanks to... more
Urban VIII, the Archangel Michael, and a forgotten project for the apse altar ofSt Peter's 17. The Archangel Michael appearing bifore Urban VIII, by Gaspare Mola possibly after a design by the Cavaliered'Arpino. 1626. Bronze, 3.7 em.... more