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A praemenstrualis dysphoriás zavar (PMDD) a fertilis korban lévő nők mintegy 3-8%-át érintő súlyos tünetegyüttes [9]. Vezető tünetei az irritabilitas, harag, melyhez gyakran társul szomorúság, feszültség, szénhidrátéhség [20]. Nem ritka... more
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In 1991, somatometric investigation of oligophrenics living in specialized nursing homes in Western Hungary was carried out by the authors. Focusing on the most important body measurements, we repeated the study 20 years later in order to... more
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The purpose of this study was to get new data about the physique (somatotype) of manic-depressive patients. The somatotypes of manic-depressive females (n = 31, mean age: 30 year) investigated show a balanced mesomorphic-endomorphic... more
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    • Anthropology
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Growth and maturation of children is a dynamic and complex biological process, influenced both by genetic and environmental factors. Children’s growth pattern can change from time to time; therefore, it is necessary to investigate the... more
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On June 9, 2013, a legend, a maverick, a great scientist, an exceptional human being, highly esteemed author of Folia Anthropologica left us. Many of us, just like his close associates, also lost a dynamo, an inspiration, and a truly... more
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Remains of two children from the Neolithic Age dug up in Hungary (Central Europe) were studied using the methods of paleopathology. Children died in the same age. Since scaphocephaly and histiocytosis X (probably Hand-Schüller-Christian... more
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    • Genetics
Quantitative and qualitative inadequacy of sleep is a major risk factor for obesity. Sleep deprivation has been hypothesized to contribute toward obesity by decreasing leptin, increasing ghrelin, and compromising insulin sensitivity.... more
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Growth and maturation of children is a dynamic and complex biological process, influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Children's growth pattern can change from time to time, therefore, it is necessary to investigate the... more
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The purpose of this study was to get new data about the physique (somatotype) of manic-depressive patients. The somatotypes of manic-depressive females (n=31, mean age: 30 year) investigated show a balanced mesomorphic-endomorphic... more
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    • Anthropology
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    • Genetics
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Growth and maturation of children is a dynamic and complex biological process, influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Children’s growth pattern can change from time to time, therefore, it is necessary to investigate the... more
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In 1958, a series of tests repeated every ten years, which is unique worldwide, was launched in Körmend, with the primary goal of assessing more than 20 different body size characteristics, constitution, and development of healthy... more
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Bakgrund: Multipel skleros (MS) är en kronisk inflammatorisk sjukdom som drabbar den vita substansen i delar av det centrala nervsystemet. Typiskt för MS är att den går i skov och är oförutsägbar. Prognosen är mycket individuell och svår... more
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