? ?
27 March 2015 @ 05:01 pm
05 November 2010 @ 11:05 pm
A local (to me) organization that does really outstanding work for special-needs kitties,
Blind Cat Rescue and Sanctuary, Inc., asked for this message to be passed along to anyone who might be able to help:

CRITICAL- Blind Cat BROOKLYN NY AC 15 years old, owner DIED.
Contact 718-272-6460 ext: 229 or 646-210-5375 [email protected]
Neutered Male, White/Orange: Will be euthanized at end of 4 day hold.

More info about him under our discussion board. ID 11218, DueOut Date 11/07/2010!/pages/Blind-Cat-Rescue-and-Sanctuary-Inc/121386005165?v=info

This was taken from their Facebook post, you can read more about the situation there or contact the number/email address listed above. This is such a heartbreaking situation. Several people have offered to help pay for transportation and re-homing expsenses if a home is found in time. Please, please pass along this info.

More info on Blind Cat Rescue and Sanctuary at their website:

23 September 2010 @ 07:25 pm
Hi guys. I won't bore you with all the details, but the long and the short is that I need to be out of my current (Bed-Stuy) apartment by October 1. I've put in an application for an apartment (Midwood), but I won't find out for sure if I have the place until Monday or Tuesday, and I want to prepare for the worst in the event that this place falls through (I've already had one apartment get sniped out from under me).

I have four cats. I have an offer of a couch for me, but the cats would have to go elsewhere.

Can folks recommend either a cat sitter who can house cats at their place, or else a good kennel? Ideally in Brooklyn, but I'm open to other boroughs, depending on the situation.

I'm also open to any other brilliant suggestions folks might have. :)

x-posted to the usual suspects
Current Location: United States, New York, Long Island City
27 July 2010 @ 11:23 am
Hey all. A few days ago I posted here searching for a veterinarian. Long story short: We just moved, which means the cats are still stressed out, plus their regular vet is like 300 miles away.

In the comments, someone suggested finding a vet who does house calls, which I thought was an awesome idea. Unfortunately, I'm having a little trouble finding one. I've tried yelp, but under "veterinarians house calls" I'm only finding two house call practices, neither of which anyone has rated yet.

Does anyone here have any experience with a veterinary house call practice? Good? Bad? Other?

Also, how does that even work? Are they like movers -- do they charge extra for stairs and stuff like that? (I'm in Bed-Stuy in a walkup). I'm sure house calls cost more than office visits, but does anyone know a ballpark figure?

I should clarify: The post-move stress is not the reason I need a vet, it's just the reason I'm hesitant to try to stuff my guys into a carrier again (i.e. why I'm looking for someone who does house calls). The reason I need a vet is an ooky-looking thing on my cat's gums. :(

x-posting to newyorkers, brooklynliving and brooklyn_usa
25 July 2010 @ 07:06 pm
Hi all. I need a vet for my cat(s).

I'm in Brooklyn (Bed-Stuy). I have a car, but would still like to stay in Brooklyn if at all possible. Being able to park nearby would probably rank higher than proximity to Bed-Stuy.

We recently moved to the area, and in our old city we had a vet who would treat my guys like they were her own. Ideally, I'd love to find that level of caring and compassion in their new vet.

And speaking of the recent move, my guys are NOT going to be happy about being stuffed into carriers again, so a patient bedside manner would be AWESOME.

Thanks so much!

x-posting to newyorkers, brooklynliving and brooklyn_usa
Current Location: United States, New York, Corona
15 May 2008 @ 02:41 pm
Does anyone know where I could adopt a pet for free? Or if there is even such a thing? I read up on how not to buy a dog from a pet store and the puppy mill ordeal so I was wondering if I could adopt a pet for free that needed a home? Does anyone know of any good shelters in New York? Specifically I'm looking for a puppy. thanks
03 January 2008 @ 11:58 am
has anyone recently gotten a french bulldog and can recommend a breeder or store who is well regarded?
01 December 2007 @ 12:00 pm
I have to say, this is hard for me to say. I live in nyc, but i'm from Houston. When I lived in Houston I HATED animal cops houston, preferring animal precinct. I feel like ACH kills way too many animals and gives much lighter sentences, though i do enjoy the variety houston offers: horses, cows, tigers, etc. I made bitter journal entries over this in houston. Now that I've moved here I've met people that know my hometown by that show and think the hspca is a good thing. I'm shocked!

does houston actually come across as good in that show? or maybe people haven't seen animal precinct where they do amazing things at no kill shelters? maybe my judgement is too harsh?

hmm, maybe i should crosspost this to lonestarnewyork.....
01 December 2007 @ 11:55 am
Has anyone kept their dog with dog chaffeur (aka petride)? I like their taxi service, but do they know how to care for dogs? I don't want any lectures about kennel vs cage free, my dog is shy and honestly, she'll love to have a kennel to retreat to at the end of the day. It took me a very expensive bed and several people's couches to learn that(even when she had doggie company!). Their services are $28/day (that's what i live on!) which is cheaper than everyone else (at least in nyc), so i'm a bit worried about that.

Any experiences with them?

anyone else have experience anywhere else that doesn't bust my budget? or even pet sitters? I may be resigned to taking her to texas with me! (where dog boarding is $20/day!)
Current Mood: distresseddistressed
11 November 2007 @ 10:43 am
I figured this would be the best place to ask:

for those of you who have dogs, how do you do it?

when people are gone for large chunks of the day, how do you handle pee breaks? dog walkers? and what's the cost?

I'd like to get a dog, I haven't had one for almost a year now, and I really miss them. The thing is, I work 'part time' which means 4 days a week 8 hours a day- then Im at home most of the day- I run every day, so I'd be able to exercise the dog.. but Im considered about how to manage the pee break thing without going into debt.

any thoughts from nyc dog owners on their experiences being a pet owner in the city?