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Journal created:
on 27 April 2004 (#2969131)
on 9 September 2012
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
7 of 9, alexander siddig, andorians, andrew robinson, armin shimerman, art asylum, avery brooks, b'elanna torres, bajorans, beam me up scotty, betazoids, bones, borg, borg queen, breen, captain janeway, captain kirk, captain picard, captain pike, captain sisko, cardassians, chakotay, chekov, chief o'brien, colm meaney, commander riker, counselor troi, data, dax, deep space nine, deforest kelley, delta flyer, dr. bashir, dr. crusher, dr. mccoy, ds9, emh, enterprise, excelsior, ezri dax, ferengi, first contact, garak, gene roddenberry, generations, geordi laforge, george takei, gul dukat, harry kim, hoshi sato, insurrection, jadzia dax, james doohan, janeway, jean-luc picard, jonathan archer, kahn, kate mulgrew, kes, kirk, klingons, leonard mccoy, leonard nimoy, majel barrett roddenberry, major kira, mr. spock, ncc-1701, ncc-1701-d, ncc-2000, ncc-74205, ncc-74656, neelix, nemesis, nichelle nichols, nog, nx-01, odo, patrick stewart, phasers, phlox, photon torpedoes, pocket books, prime directive, q, quantum torpedoes, quark, rom, romulans, sarek, sci-fi, science fiction, scott bakula, scotty, section 31, seven of nine, sisko, space, spock, st:ds9, st:tng, st:voy, star trek, starfleet, starfleet academy, starfleet command, sulu, t'pol, tas, tasha yar, the borg, the defiant, the final frontier, the founders, the next generation, tng, tom paris, torres, tos, travis mayweather, trekkers, trekkies, tribbles, tricorder, trip tucker, tuvok, ufp, uhura, united federation of planets, upn, voy, voyager, vulcans, walter koenig, warp drive, warp speed, weyoun, william shatner, worf, wormhole
