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    • Incommensurability
Purpose -The dependence on human involvement and human behavior to protect information assets necessitates an information security awareness program to make people aware of their roles and responsibilities towards information security.... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive PsychologyInformation SecurityInformation Management
Security awareness is important to reduce human error, theft, fraud, and misuse of computer assets. A strong ICT security culture cannot develop and grow in a company without awareness programmes. This paper focuses on ICT security... more
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      Decision MakingHUMAN ERRORComputers Security
Email communication is growing as a main method for individuals and organizations to communicate. Sadly, this is also an emerging means of conducting crime in the cyber world, e.g. identity theft, virus attacks etc. The need for improving... more
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      Information SecurityIdentity TheftSouth African
Since passwords are one of the main mechanisms used to protect data and information, it is important to ensure that passwords are managed correctly and that those factors which will have a significant impact on password management are... more
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      Information Security and PrivacyInformation Privacy
Development and integration of technology give organisations the opportunity to be globally competitive. However, the potential misuse of Information Technology (IT) is a reality that has to be dealt with by management, individuals and... more
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How secure are passwords that will be used by future health care workers? ... HA Kruger School of Computer, Statistical and Mathematical Sciences North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), Private Bag X6001, Potchefstroom, 2520, South... more
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      Health CareSouth AfricaHealth Care WorkersEmpirical Study
The state of information security as a whole is a disaster, a train wreck". This view is given by Forte and Power (2007) describing the state of information security towards the end of the first decade of the 21st century. Amongst... more
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      Information SecurityISSA
An information security awareness program is regarded as an important instrument in the protection of information assets. In this study, the traditional approach to an information security awareness program is extended to include possible... more
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      Information TechnologyInformation SecurityHuman FactorsSouth Africa
Identity theft is an emerging threat in our networked world and more individuals and companies fall victim to this type of fraud. User training is an important part of ICT security awareness; however, IT management must know and identify... more
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    •   5  
      Information SecurityIT ManagementInformation Security CultureIdentity Theft
The state of information security as a whole is a disaster, a train wreck". This view is given by describing the state of information security towards the end of the first decade of the 21 st century. Amongst solutions offered, the view... more
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      Information SecurityISSA
Abstract: In this paper an overview is given of different views on computer science education and specifically regarding moral and ethical topics. It seems that people do not agree about what should and should not be included in the... more
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We see, know and experience information systems development failures in many domains and in many countries. This paper will explore some of the issues related to the study of these failures. Every year, billions of dollars are wasted on... more
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    • Information System
The state of information security as a whole is a disaster, a train wreck". This view is given by Forte and Power (2007) describing the state of information security towards the end of the first decade of the 21st century. Amongst... more
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      Information SecurityISSA
Honours programs in South African universities must include a research project module. There are external pressures from professional bodies and government that influences the nature of the project module. This paper presents a reflection... more
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In this paper an overview is given of different views on computer science education and specifically regarding moral and ethical topics. It seems that people do not agree about what should and should not be included in the curriculum. A... more
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      Information TechnologyComputer Science EducationSouthern Africa
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      SociologyComputer Science
The state of information security as a whole is a disaster, a train wreck". This view is given by Forte and Power (2007) describing the state of information security towards the end of the first decade of the 21 st century. Amongst... more
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      Information SecurityISSA
An information security awareness program is regarded as an important instrument in the protection of information assets. In this study, the traditional approach to an information security awareness program is extended to include possible... more
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    •   9  
      PsychologyComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyInformation Security
Email communication is growing as a main method for individuals and organizations to communicate. Sadly, this is also an emerging means of conducting crime in the cyber world, eg identity theft, virus attacks etc. The need for improving... more
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