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The availability of a standard and phonetically rich speech corpus provides a common platform for comparing the performance of different speech recognition approaches and therefore is the first step for the research in a language. This... more
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    • Computer Applications
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A training algorithm that maximizes the margin between the training patterns and the decision boundary is presented. The technique is applicable to a wide variety of classifiaction functions, including Perceptions, polynomials, and Radial... more
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In recent years, there has been an exponential growth in the number of complex documents and texts that require a deeper understanding of machine learning methods to be able to accurately classify texts in many applications. Many machine... more
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In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet Technology, text data is growing rapidly every day. Users need to filter out the information they need from a large amount of text. Therefore, automatic text classification... more
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In recent years, it has become possible to perform text classification with high accuracy by using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Zhang et al. decomposed words into characters and classified texts using a CNN with relatively deep... more
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Random forests are a combination of tree predictors such that each tree depends on the values of a random vector sampled independently and with the same distribution for all trees in the forest. The generalization error for forests... more
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      Postgraduate medical educationPneumoniaLung DiseasesBone Marrow Transplantation
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      Blood PressurePostgraduate medical educationHeart rateArteriovenous Malformations
computer security
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    • Computer Engineering
In the modern era of computer and technology, images and videos play a vital role. Therefore, there is always a need for robust skin detection system in order to cope with the intolerable and objectionable contents. In this paper, an... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceImage ProcessingMachine Learning
Face detection is an important contributing factor to make computer vision applicable to problems of everyday life. Of the techniques used for face detection, two are more efficacious i.e. skin detection and violajones based face... more
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    • Computer Applications
This paper describes formant based Pashto continuous speech syn-thesizer, which automatically generates the Pashto Speech from given text using formants. In this work, initially some samples of Pashto Speech are recorded in a noise free... more
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Viola-Jones algorithm and skin detection are the two widely used approaches for face detection. This paper aims at showing, experimentally, the trade-offs associated with each of the algorithm. The parameters used in this work are the... more
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In this paper, the objective is image classification analysis based on the well known image descriptors, the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) and the Speeded up Robust Features (SURF) on five online available standard datasets.... more
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As the world has become a global village, internet is considered as preliminary component of each institution, corporation, business as well as an individual. As internet base applications varies on the basis of functionality they provide... more
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In this paper, we propose a new scale-free social networks (SNs) evolution model that is based on homophily combined with preferential attachments. Our model enables the SN researchers to generate SN synthetic data for the evaluation of... more
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    • Social Network Analysis (SNA)
In this paper, we propose a new scale-free social networks (SNs) evolution model that is based on homophily combined with preferential attachments. Our model enables the SN researchers to generate SN synthetic data for the evaluation of... more
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      Social Network Analysis (SNA)Models of Social Evolution
In this paper, we present a new user trustworthiness estimation model for social networks (SN), whereas most of existing researches have been focused on the user-user/item relationship trustworthiness estimation. Users share information... more
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    • Computer Science
We proposed an application and data variations-independent, generic social media Textual Variations Handler (TVH) to deal with a wide range of noise in textual data generated in various social media (SM) applications for enhanced text... more
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    • Applied Sciences