Papers by Dr. Farkhanda Afzal

Scientific reports, Feb 28, 2024
To address information ambiguities, this study suggests using neutrosophic sets as a tactical too... more To address information ambiguities, this study suggests using neutrosophic sets as a tactical tool. Three membership functions (called T r , I n , and F i) that indicate an object's degree of truth, indeterminacy, and false membership constitute the neutrosophic set. It becomes clear that the neutrosophic connectivity index (CIN) is an essential tool for solving practical problems, especially those involving traffic network flow. To capture uncertainties, neutrosophic graphs are used to represent knowledge at different membership levels. Two types of CIN s , mean CIN and CIN, are investigated within the framework of neutrosophic graphs. In the context of neutrosophic diagrams, certain node types-such as neutrosophic neutral nodes, neutrosophic connectivity reducing nodes (NCRN) , and neutrosophic graph connectivity enhancing nodes (NCEN) , play important roles. We concentrate on two types of networks, specifically traffic network flow, to illustrate the real-world uses of CIN. By comparing results, one can see how junction removal affects network connectivity using metrics like Connectivity Indexes (CIN) and Average Connectivity Indexes (ACIN). A few nodes in particular, designated by ACIN as Non-Critical Removal Nodes (NCRN s) , show promise for increases in average connectivity following removal. To fully comprehend traffic network dynamics and make the best decisions, it is crucial to take into account both ACIN and CIN insights. This is because different junctions have different effects on average and overall connectivity metrics. Zadeh 1 introduced the idea of a fuzzy set by assigning degrees of membership between 0 and 1 to the elements of the set. In 1975, Rosenfeld 2 examined the fuzzy graph. Thereafter, the identical idea was separately offered over the same time period by Yeh and Bang 3. While Yeh and Bang provided applications for the concept of a fuzzy connected graph and 4-11 , Rosenfeld identified a few basic features. Mathew and Sunitha introduced arc types 12 to fuzzy terminal nodes 13 and geodesics 14. Atanassov 15 introduced the intuitionistic fuzzy set in 1986, which is a development of the fuzzy set. The intuitionistic fuzzy graph described and elaborated by Parvathi and Karunambigai 16 and 17-20 is a generalisation of the fuzzy graph. Karunambigai and Buvaneswari 21 introduced slurs in IFG, like strong and weakest arcs, strong path, α, β-strong, and γ-weak arcs. Karunambigai and Kalaivani 22 viewed IFGs as a matrix representation. The cyclic CI 9 N and the mean cyclic CI N of fuzzy sets are two connectivity measurements that Binu et al. introduced 23. The ideas of CI N , average CI N , and connectivity node types were introduced by Poulik and Ghorai to the bipolar fuzzy graph environment with applications 24. CI N and ACI N were presented by Mathew and Mordeson 25 , who also explored their characteristics and practical uses.
Eurasian Chemical Communications, Jun 1, 2021
Chemical graph theory is one of the dominant branches in graph theory. In this paper, we compute ... more Chemical graph theory is one of the dominant branches in graph theory. In this paper, we compute the atom bond connectivity, geometric arithmetic, first K-Banhatti, second K-Banhatti, first Khyper Banhatti, second K-hyper Banhatti, modified first K-Banhatti, modified second K-Banhatti and harmonic K-Banhatti index via M-polynomial of zigzag Benzenoid system. We also elaborate the result with graphical representation.
Eurasian Chemical Communications, May 1, 2021
The graph entropy measures take part in various problem domains such as graph theory, biology and... more The graph entropy measures take part in various problem domains such as graph theory, biology and chemistry. Using the calculated values of topological indices, degree weighted entropy of graph the entropy measures are calculated viz., symmetric division index, inverse sum index atom-bond connectivity entropy and geometric arithmetic entropy for the nanotube HAC 5 C 7 [p, q].

Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Jan 19, 2022
In this article, a new concept of neutrosophic soft quad-topological structures is introduced. Ge... more In this article, a new concept of neutrosophic soft quad-topological structures is introduced. Generalised neutrosophic soft * b open sets in neutrosophic soft quad-topological structures concerning soft points of the space are introduced. Different results are addressed in neutrosophic soft quad-topological structure on the basis of these new neutrosophic soft * b open sets. Neutrosophic soft separation axioms and other separation axioms are addressed in neutrosophic soft quad-topological structures. e engagement of these axioms is switched over with different results with respect to soft points. Neutrosophic soft topological properties of some results are also addressed in neutrosophic soft quad-topological structure. To secure the results, examples are constructed. e nonvalidity of some results are justified with examples. e understanding of some complicated problems is secured with simple techniques.

Sensors, Jan 3, 2023
The development of robotic applications necessitates the availability of useful, adaptable, and a... more The development of robotic applications necessitates the availability of useful, adaptable, and accessible programming frameworks. Robotic, IoT, and sensor-based systems open up new possibilities for the development of innovative applications, taking advantage of existing and new technologies. Despite much progress, the development of these applications remains a complex, timeconsuming, and demanding activity. Development of these applications requires wide utilization of software components. In this paper, we propose a platform that efficiently searches and recommends code components for reuse. To locate and rank the source code snippets, our approach uses a machine learning approach to train the schema. Our platform uses trained schema to rank code snippets in the top k results. This platform facilitates the process of reuse by recommending suitable components for a given query. The platform provides a user-friendly interface where developers can enter queries (specifications) for code search. The evaluation shows that our platform effectively ranks the source code snippets and outperforms existing baselines. A survey is also conducted to affirm the viability of the proposed methodology.
arXiv (Cornell University), Jun 4, 2017
We present the algorithms for computing the normal form of unimodular complete intersection surfa... more We present the algorithms for computing the normal form of unimodular complete intersection surface singularities classified by C. T. C. Wall. He indicated in the list only the µ-constant strata and not the complete classification in each case. We give a complete list of surface unimodular singularities. We also give the description of a classifier which is implemented in computer algebra system Singular .

Applied Sciences
In this article, we introduce bipolar neutrosophic (BN) aggregation operators (AOs) as a revoluti... more In this article, we introduce bipolar neutrosophic (BN) aggregation operators (AOs) as a revolutionary notion in aggregation operators (AOs) by applying Einstein operations to bipolar neutrosophic aggregation operators (AOs), with its application related to a real-life problem. The neutrosophic set is able to drawout the incomplete, inconsistent and indeterminate information pretty efficiently. Initially, we present essential definitions along with operations correlated to the neutrosophic set (NS) and its generalization, the bipolar neutrosophic set (BNS). The Einstein aggregation operators are our primary targets, such asthe BN Einstein weighted average (BNEWA), BN Einstein ordered weighted average (BNEOWA), BN Einstein hybrid average (BNEHA), BN Einstein weighted geometric (BNEWG), BN Einstein ordered weighted geometric (BNEOWG) and BN Einstein hybrid geometric (BNEHG), as well as their required properties. The most important benefit of using the suggested approaches is that they...
Eurasian chemical communications, Mar 1, 2021
Chemical graph theory has an important impact on the development of the chemical sciences. A chem... more Chemical graph theory has an important impact on the development of the chemical sciences. A chemical graph is a graph that is produced from some molecular structure by applying some graphical operations. The demonstration of chemical compounds and chemical networks with the Mpolynomials is a revolution and the M-polynomial of different molecular structures contributes to evaluating many topological indices. In this paper we worked out M-Polynomial and topological indices of the tadpole graph, then we recovered numerous topological indices using the M-polynomials.
Coronavirus is able to cause illnesses ranging from the common flu to severe respiratory disease.... more Coronavirus is able to cause illnesses ranging from the common flu to severe respiratory disease. Today there is great competition among researchers and physcisians to cure COVID-19. Remdesivir is being studied for the COVID-19 treatment. In this article, we presented the topological analysis of remdesivir with the help of M-polynomial. Proofs of the closed form of some topological indices via M-polynomial are also included in this article.
Algebraic polynomials play an important role in theoretical chemistry because these can reflect t... more Algebraic polynomials play an important role in theoretical chemistry because these can reflect the properties of the chemical compound. M-polynomial is also an algebraic polynomial that is used to find the expressions of several degree dependent topological indices. These topological indices have the ability to explore the information store in the chemical molecule. In this work, we computed the M-polynomial and then obtained the degree-based topological indices for the benzene ring embedded in P-type-surface in 2D network. We also explored the results graphically.
Chemical graph theory is related with the chemical structure of different compounds. A chemical g... more Chemical graph theory is related with the chemical structure of different compounds. A chemical graph represents the molecule of the substance. Chemical graph theory is related to the chemical structure of different mixtures. The chemical graph represents the molecule of the substance. By put on some mathematical tools, a chemical graph is converted into a real number. This number can elaborate on the properties of the molecule. This number is called topological directories. In this article, we find some topological directories via M-polynomial for the Starphene graph.
Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 2020
Abstract In [10] we have computed left zero divisor graph of the ring R, where R is the set of al... more Abstract In [10] we have computed left zero divisor graph of the ring R, where R is the set of all 3 × 3 matrices over the ring ℤ2 of integers modulo 2 is constructed. We have extended our result for right zero divisor graph of the ring R. Thus we have listed vertices of RZDG by means of lexicographic order. Which enables us to present algorithm that computes the edges of this graph. In addition, it helps to analyze some of its important properties.
Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 2020
Abstract In this paper right zero divisor graph of ring R, where R is set of all 2×2 matrices ove... more Abstract In this paper right zero divisor graph of ring R, where R is set of all 2×2 matrices over the ring Z3 of integer modulo 3 is constructed. Algorithm is also presented to find vertices and edges of right zero divisor graphs. Properties of RZDG(R) are also discussed.
In this object, we present some new formulas of the reduced reciprocal Randic index, the arithmet... more In this object, we present some new formulas of the reduced reciprocal Randic index, the arithmetic geometric 1 index, the SK, SK1, SK2 indices, first Zagreb index, the general sum-connectivity index, the SCI index and the forgotten index. They were utilized for new degree-based topological indices via M-polynomial. We retrieved these topological indices for H-Naphtalenic nanotubes.

Scientific Reports, Mar 6, 2023
An incredible eradication of thermal indulgence is required to enhance the flow and heat transfer... more An incredible eradication of thermal indulgence is required to enhance the flow and heat transfer enhancement in micro/nanofluidic devices. In addition, the rapid transport and instantaneous mixing of colloidal suspensions of metallic particles at nanoscale are exceptionally crucial at ascendency of inertial and surface forces. To address these challenges, the present work is intended to investigate the role of trimetallic nanofluid comprising of three kinds of nano-sized granules (titanium oxide, Silica and Aluminium dioxide) with pure blood through a heated micropump in the presence of inclined magnetic field and axially implemented electric field. To ensure rapid mixing in unidirectional flow, the pump internal surface is lined-up with mimetic motile cilia with slip boundary. The embedded cilia whip in pattern due to dynein molecular motion controlled by time and produce a set of metachronal waves along the pump wall. The shooting technique is executed to compute the numerical solution. In a comparative glance it is revealed that the trimetallic nanofluid exhibits 10% higher heat transfer efficiency as compared to bi-hybrid and mono nanofluids. Moreover, the involvement of electroosmosis results in almost 17% decrease in the heat transfer rate if it values jumps from 1 to 5. The fluid temperature in case of trimetallic nanofluid is higher and thus keeps the heat transfer entropy and the total entropy lower. Furthermore, involvement of thermal radiated and momentum slip significantly contribute in reducing heat losses. List of symbols Latin symbols a Mean width of channel (m) B 0 Magnetic field (A/m) Be Bejan number c Speed of wave transmission (m/s) C P Specific heat capacity (J/(kg•K)) e Electric charge (C) Ec Eckert number E x Applied electric field (V/m) F Normalized flow rate (m 3 /s) Ha Hartmann number k Thermal conductivity (W/mK) K Electroosmotic parameter
Processes, Mar 10, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Computers in Biology and Medicine, Feb 1, 2023

Journal of function spaces, May 5, 2022
This article has been retracted by Hindawi following an investigation undertaken by the publisher... more This article has been retracted by Hindawi following an investigation undertaken by the publisher [1]. This investigation has uncovered evidence of one or more of the following indicators of systematic manipulation of the publication process: (1) Discrepancies in scope (2) Discrepancies in the description of the research reported (3) Discrepancies between the availability of data and the research described (4) Inappropriate citations (5) Incoherent, meaningless and/or irrelevant content included in the article (6) Peer-review manipulation The presence of these indicators undermines our confidence in the integrity of the article's content and we cannot, therefore, vouch for its reliability. Please note that this notice is intended solely to alert readers that the content of this article is unreliable. We have not investigated whether authors were aware of or involved in the systematic manipulation of the publication process. Wiley and Hindawi regrets that the usual quality checks did not identify these issues before publication and have since put additional measures in place to safeguard research integrity. We wish to credit our own Research Integrity and Research Publishing teams and anonymous and named external researchers and research integrity experts for contributing to this investigation. The corresponding author, as the representative of all authors, has been given the opportunity to register their agreement or disagreement to this retraction. We have kept a record of any response received.
Nonlinear Analysis-Modelling and Control, Jan 9, 2023
The current research deals with the exact solutions of the nonlinear partial differential equatio... more The current research deals with the exact solutions of the nonlinear partial differential equations having two important difficulties, that is, the coefficient singularities and the stochastic function (white noise). There are four major contributions to contemporary research. One is the mathematical analysis where the explicit a priori estimates for the existence of solutions are constructed by Schauder's fixed point theorem. Secondly, the control of the solution behavior subject to the singular parameter when → 0. Thirdly, the impact of noise that is present in the differential equation has been successfully handled in exact solutions. The final contribution is to simulate the exact solutions and explain the plots.

In this paper, we propose an agent-based approach for the evaluation of Multiple Unmanned Autonom... more In this paper, we propose an agent-based approach for the evaluation of Multiple Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle (MUAV) wildfire monitoring systems for remote and hard-to-reach areas. Emerging environmental factors are causing a higher number of wildfires and keeping these fires in check is becoming a global challenge. MUAV deployment for the monitoring and surveillance of potential fires has already been established. However, most of the scholarly work is still focused on MUAV operations details. In wildfire surveillance and monitoring, evaluations of the system-level performance in terms of the analysis of the effects of individual behavior on system surveillance has yet to be established. Especially in an MUAV system, the individual and cooperative behaviors of the team affect the overall performance of the system. Such systems are dynamic and stochastic because of an ever-changing environment. Quantifying the emergent system behavior and general performance measures of such a system...
Papers by Dr. Farkhanda Afzal