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Juvenile Nile tilapia (12.05 :1:0.67 g) were exposed for 10 weeks to a stable, sublethal concentration (0.313 mL L-1) of water soluble fractions of the Bonny Light crude oil. A significant decrease in leucocytes, erythrocytes,... more
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    • Aquatic Toxicology
This study examined the long-term effect of a common aquaculture antibiotic, oxytetracycline, o n several blood parameters of the Nile tilapia Oreochrornis niloricus under laboratory conditions. The fish were fed daily on isocaloric... more
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      EnzymologyAquatic ChemistryToxicologyAquatic Biology
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringBiochemical Engineering
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      Aquatic ToxicologyAquatic EcotoxicologyNile TilapiaAquatic pollution
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      Aquatic ToxicologyAquatic EcotoxicologyPetroleum Pollution
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      Aquatic ToxicologyCrude Oil PollutionPetroleum Pollution
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of different levels of pig dung pond fertilization to test tilapia yield at each level of concentrations. The concentrations used were 8.36, 20.89 and 33.43 g/m /day; for Low... more
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      Persistent Organic PollutantsNanomaterialsNanoparticlesWater Pollution
As a part of its efforts to contribute to alleviation of food insecurity, hunger and poverty, this study was conducted to investigate the performance of the cichlid, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus) fed varying levels of processed sweet... more
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      Fish BiologyFish ReproductionAquacultureFish Nutrition
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of different levels of pig dung pond fertilization to test tilapia yield at each level of concentrations. The concentrations used were 8.36, 20.89 and 33.43 g/m /day; for Low... more
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      Persistent Organic PollutantsOrganic agricultureFISH TOXICOLOGYAquatic Biology
Juvenile Labeo senegalensis (Cyprinidae) mean weight: 0.35 ± 0.02 g, were fed moist isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets incorporated with varying levels of veterinary graded oxytetracycline; 5,2.5, 1.25, 0.625 and 0% (control) over a... more
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    • Aquaculture nutrition
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    • Aquaculture, Fish Nutrition, Feed Additives
We evaluated the hypothesis that administering dietary Aloe vera to sexually undifferentiated fry of genetically improved farmed Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus for 30 d would affect their sex ratio. Five experimental treatments were... more
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The acute toxicity of water extracts of the barks of two molluscicidal and piscicidal plants, Balanites aegyptiaca and Kigelia africana, to the Nile tilapia, Oreochromir niloticus (L.), was investigated using static bioassays and... more
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      AquacultureFisheries SciencesOreochromis niloticusAcute Toxicity
A comparative study of the gut helminths of Tilapia zilli and Clarias gariepinus from river Uke in Plateau State, Nigeria was carried. A total of 100 fishes comprising of 60 T. zilli and 40 C. gariepinus were examined for helminth... more
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      AquaticFish Parasitology
The acute toxicity of alkylbenzene sulphonate (ABS) detergent to the toothed carp. Aphyosemion gairdneri (L.). was investigated using static bioassays and continuous aeration over a period of 96 h. The 96-h LC,^, opercular ventilation... more
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      Aquatic ToxicologyWater PollutionAquacultureFisheries Sciences
In the present study, utilization and nutrient digestibility of mango seeds and palm kernel meal by juvenile Labeo senegalensis (Antheriniformes: Cyprinidae) were investigated under laboratory conditions. The two ingredients were... more
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      AquacultureFish NutritionFisheries Sciences
The effect of petroleum effluent pollution on the plasma glucose, liver and muscle glycogen of the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) were investigated. The results obtained shows evidence of stress and impairment of carbohydrate... more
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    • Multidisciplinary
The effects of substituting cottonseed meal (CSM) for groundnut meal (GNM) on growth, food conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio of the toothed carp, Aphyosemion gairdneri (mean weight: 0.1017  0.0077 g) was investigated under... more
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    • Multidisciplinary
A comparative study of the gut helminths of Tilapia zilli and Clarias gariepinus from river Uke in Plateau State, Nigeria was carried. A total of 100 fishes comprising of 60 T. zilli and 40 C. gariepinus were examined for helminth... more
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      AquaticAquatic SciencesFish Parasitology