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Nowadays systems administrators are facing with huge challenges in securing and protecting information systems. Intrusions attempts are increasing and becoming more sophisticated by days leading to the common presumption that any... more
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    • Information Systems
Data compression is a murky science that does not get a lot of visibility in our every-day programming lives. While only a few of us will ever apply these techniques in our own code, this whole area is none-the-less a fascinating one to... more
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E-learning based platforms that support multimedia content to enhance interactive learning demands large disk space. Despite research ground covered under e-learning circles, less attention has been devoted to solicit the best methods to... more
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E-learning based platforms that support multimedia content to enhance interactive learning demands large disk space. Despite research ground covered under e-learning circles, less attention has been devoted to solicit the best methods to... more
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This paper details an analysis of the field of eAgriculture in Zimbabwe. It is performed from the academic context in-country. It centers on the growth in mobile communications and explores how to approach the exploration of the best... more
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The spread of Living Labs across the world has been well documented in . One possible reason for the popularity of Living Labs is the way in which they leverage ICT as a horizontal enabler. Both ICTs and Living Labs are at the centre of... more
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      African StudiesPublic AdministrationDevelopment StudiesAfrica
This submission is a theoretical analysis of the possible approach employable in designing of security algorithms for Internet of Things (IoT). The main tool employed to draw the summary presented here, was through desktop research of... more
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      Computer ScienceWireless CommunicationsComputer NetworksSecurity
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS – established in 2009), has been at the forefront of new knowledge dissemination in research areas of computer science and applications, and advances in... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionComputer Vision
Software-Defined Network (SDN) has emerged as the new big thing in networking. The separation of the control plane from the data plane and application plane gives SDN an edge over traditional networking. With SDN, the devices are... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware defined networkingDenial of Service Attack
With the establishment of the Namibia statistics agency (NSA) in 2011, Namibia, amongst other countries on the continent, made some of its public data sets available in open and reusable formats. These can be accessed through the NSA data... more
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      Open InnovationOpen DataOpen Government Data
Today, cities across the world are faced with numerous challenges, which put a lot of pressure on city resources. Hence, the need for cities to address challenges they are facing in a smart, efficient and effective manner. Technological... more
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      AccountabilityOpen DataTransparencySmart Cities
—Promising a world of endless opportunities, open data is increasingly becoming a global phenomenon, attracting interests from many governments; such as the United States of America, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada and Kenya to mention a... more
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    • Open Data
With the increasing adoption of digital technologies in many developing countries, it has become evident that countries in Africa have enabling environments and infrastructures to deploy state of the art ICT solutions to ease the burden... more
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      Service DesignOpen DataHackathons
— Over the past few years, we have witnessed a paradigm shift in the way public data is administered. The need to effectively manage public data has led to an increased adoption of open data initiatives by many governments. Open data is... more
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      Context-Aware ComputingOpen DataMobile Applications
Resource constraints are a major impediment for most institutions' desire to offer their best in terms of service delivery. Enrolments in most institutions are a witness to the limitations such institutions have, some could be... more
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