Implementation of the hospital building project, have a ways of estimation in accordance with the... more Implementation of the hospital building project, have a ways of estimation in accordance with the phases of the project. In the early stages of project planning, (owner) requires the estimated cost to construct the project budget. So it is necessary to develop cost estimation model that is easy to use, accurate and reliable. This research planning to develop a model estimation on stage initial project planning, easywith a fairly accurate results. Development method uses the principle of " Cost Significant Model" and the multiple linear regression. 6 data obtained using the method of work packages BoQ (Bill of Quantity) hospital building with details of data among 5 work packages that have been realized from fiscal year 2011-2014 were compared with 1 package of work to be performed.
Faktor keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) secara umum di Indonesia masih menjadi masalah besar ... more Faktor keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) secara umum di Indonesia masih menjadi masalah besar yang sering terjadi pada proyek konstruksi. Contoh nyatanya adalah tingginya angka kecelakaan kerja di proyek konstruksi, baik pekerjaan bangunan gedung ataupun pekerjaan sipil (civil work). Industri ini menghasilkan produk akhir berupa bangunan dan bentuk fisik lainnya, baik yang berupa sarana maupun prasarana yang berfungsi mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan diberbagai bidang, seperti dibidang ekonomi, sosial maupun budaya. Dalam perencanaan suatu proyek kontruksi yang baik diharuskan memiliki rencana analisa keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan kondisi yang mendukung kenyamanan kerja bagi tenaga kerja.. Pada penelitian ini akan diteliti mengenai estimasi biaya keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) pada item pekerjaan pemasangan dinding bata merah menggunakan metode Analisa SNI yang dimodifikasi untuk mengetahui estimasi biaya keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3). Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh biaya keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) sebesar Rp. 182.837 per 1 meter persegi pemasangan bata merah yang mana jumlah tersebut merupakan penambahn 31% dari biaya 1 meter persegi biaya pemasangan dinding bata merah.
Implementation of the hospital building project, have a ways of estimation in accordance with the... more Implementation of the hospital building project, have a ways of estimation in accordance with the phases of the project. In the early stages of project planning, (owner) requires the estimated cost to construct the project budget. So it is necessary to develop cost estimation model that is easy to use, accurate and reliable. This research planning to develop a model estimation on stage initial project planning, easywith a fairly accurate results. Development method uses the principle of " Cost Significant Model" and the multiple linear regression. 6 data obtained using the method of work packages BoQ (Bill of Quantity) hospital building with details of data among 5 work packages that have been realized from fiscal year 2011-2014 were compared with 1 package of work to be performed.
Implementation of the hospital building project, have a ways of estimation in accordance with the... more Implementation of the hospital building project, have a ways of estimation in accordance with the phases of the project. In the early stages of project planning, (owner) requires the estimated cost to construct the project budget. So it is necessary to develop cost estimation model that is easy to use, accurate and reliable. This research planning to develop a model estimation on stage initial project planning, easywith a fairly accurate results. Development method uses the principle of " Cost Significant Model" and the multiple linear regression. 6 data obtained using the method of work packages BoQ (Bill of Quantity) hospital building with details of data among 5 work packages that have been realized from fiscal year 2011-2014 were compared with 1 package of work to be performed.
Implementation of the hospital building project, have a ways of estimation in accordance with the... more Implementation of the hospital building project, have a ways of estimation in accordance with the phases of the project. In the early stages of project planning, (owner) requires the estimated cost to construct the project budget. So it is necessary to develop cost estimation model that is easy to use, accurate and reliable. This research planning to develop a model estimation on stage initial project planning, easywith a fairly accurate results. Development method uses the principle of " Cost Significant Model" and the multiple linear regression. 6 data obtained using the method of work packages BoQ (Bill of Quantity) hospital building with details of data among 5 work packages that have been realized from fiscal year 2011-2014 were compared with 1 package of work to be performed.
Faktor keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) secara umum di Indonesia masih menjadi masalah besar ... more Faktor keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) secara umum di Indonesia masih menjadi masalah besar yang sering terjadi pada proyek konstruksi. Contoh nyatanya adalah tingginya angka kecelakaan kerja di proyek konstruksi, baik pekerjaan bangunan gedung ataupun pekerjaan sipil (civil work). Industri ini menghasilkan produk akhir berupa bangunan dan bentuk fisik lainnya, baik yang berupa sarana maupun prasarana yang berfungsi mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan diberbagai bidang, seperti dibidang ekonomi, sosial maupun budaya. Dalam perencanaan suatu proyek kontruksi yang baik diharuskan memiliki rencana analisa keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan kondisi yang mendukung kenyamanan kerja bagi tenaga kerja.. Pada penelitian ini akan diteliti mengenai estimasi biaya keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) pada item pekerjaan pemasangan dinding bata merah menggunakan metode Analisa SNI yang dimodifikasi untuk mengetahui estimasi biaya keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3). Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh biaya keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) sebesar Rp. 182.837 per 1 meter persegi pemasangan bata merah yang mana jumlah tersebut merupakan penambahn 31% dari biaya 1 meter persegi biaya pemasangan dinding bata merah.
Implementation of the hospital building project, have a ways of estimation in accordance with the... more Implementation of the hospital building project, have a ways of estimation in accordance with the phases of the project. In the early stages of project planning, (owner) requires the estimated cost to construct the project budget. So it is necessary to develop cost estimation model that is easy to use, accurate and reliable. This research planning to develop a model estimation on stage initial project planning, easywith a fairly accurate results. Development method uses the principle of " Cost Significant Model" and the multiple linear regression. 6 data obtained using the method of work packages BoQ (Bill of Quantity) hospital building with details of data among 5 work packages that have been realized from fiscal year 2011-2014 were compared with 1 package of work to be performed.
Implementation of the hospital building project, have a ways of estimation in accordance with the... more Implementation of the hospital building project, have a ways of estimation in accordance with the phases of the project. In the early stages of project planning, (owner) requires the estimated cost to construct the project budget. So it is necessary to develop cost estimation model that is easy to use, accurate and reliable. This research planning to develop a model estimation on stage initial project planning, easywith a fairly accurate results. Development method uses the principle of " Cost Significant Model" and the multiple linear regression. 6 data obtained using the method of work packages BoQ (Bill of Quantity) hospital building with details of data among 5 work packages that have been realized from fiscal year 2011-2014 were compared with 1 package of work to be performed.