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A wireless sensor based on bioresponsive DNA hydrogel provides smartphone-based detection of wound infection.
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Background: First, first permanent molars (FPMs) of poor prognosis are often planned for extraction at an ‘ideal time’ so that second permanent molars (SPMs) erupt favourably to replace them. However for lower FPM extractions, timing is... more
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      DentistryPediatric dentistryPediatric Dentistry
Background: First, first permanent molars (FPMs) of poor prognosis are often planned for extraction at an 'ideal time' so that second permanent molars (SPMs) erupt favourably to replace them. However for lower FPM extractions, timing is... more
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Aims: To investigate the incidence and reasons for tooth loss during active periodontal therapy (APT) and periodontal maintenance (PM) in a specialist institution. Material and methods: Retrospective data were collected from 273 patients... more
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      DentistryNonparametric StatisticsTreatment OutcomeMedicine
This paper addresses the problem of adverse pregnancy outcome in relation to periodontal disease. There is compelling evidence that a link exists between pre-term low birth weight (PLBW) and periodontitis. Although 25% to 50% of PLBW... more
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      MedicinePregnancyRisk factorsClinical Sciences
Optimisation of plaque control is essential for the success of non-surgical and surgical periodontal therapy. This cannot be achieved with brushing alone; hence, there is a need for adjunctive interdental cleaning aids. The aim of this... more
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      DentistryMedicineOral healthDental Plaque
Background: Dental trauma in children and adolescents represent one of the major public health problems worldwide. School is one of the locations with greatest prevalence of traumatic dental injuries. So, awareness of school teachers... more
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Diabetes and periodontitis are common chronic diseases in the world, and abundant epidemiological evidence implies a bidirectional relationship between the two diseases. It appears that diabetes is a risk factor for greater periodontal... more
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      DentistryMedicineDiabetes mellitusPeriodontitis
Objectives: This narrative review aims to outline the concepts on the significance of the width of attached gingiva around teeth and implants to enable the clinician to decide on the need for gingival augmentation in different clinical... more
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      DentistryOrthodonticsDental ImplantsMedicine
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Objectives: Timely augmentation of the physiological events of dentoalveolar repair is a prerequisite for the optimization of the outcome of regeneration. This study aimed to develop a treatment strategy to promote dentoalveolar... more
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      ChemistryBiomedical EngineeringRegenerationMedicine
The study aims to compare the effects of adjunctive photodynamic therapy (PDT) with scaling and root debridement alone on periodontal parameters and inflammatory cytokines in residual pockets of patients undergoing maintenance therapy. 27... more
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      DentistryCytokinesMedicinePhotodynamic Therapy
Withincreasingknowledgeofwoundbiologyandmaterialsciences,theprovisionof dentalimplantsasatreatmentmodalityhasbecomeincreasinglypredictableandmore commonly used to replace missing teeth. However, without appropriate follow up, peri-implant... more
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To study the perceived sources of stressful events in dental students and the relationships between their self-perceived stress levels and salivary IgA. Undergraduates as well as postgraduates at the Faculty of Dentistry, National... more
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      MedicineSalivaBiological markersDental Students
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are potential therapeutics for the treatment of periodontal defects. It is increasingly accepted that MSCs mediate tissue repair through secretion of trophic factors, particularly exosomes. Here, we... more
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      Cell BiologyRegeneration (Biology)Stem CellMedicine
This study aims to assess the difference in self-perceived stress before and after an academic assessment and its association with the marks scored and to study the association of salivary cortisol, Immunoglobulin A (IgA), and... more
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      PsychologyDentistryEducational MeasurementMedicine
Resveratrol (RES) is a natural polyphenol with potential as an adjunctive therapeutic modality for periodontitis. However, its inferior pharmacokinetics and toxicity concerns about its commonly used solvent dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)... more
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Objectives: To investigate the effect of defined versus undefined periodontal maintenance after implant therapy on the prevalence of peri-implant complications. Material and Methods: Two hundred patients who underwent dental implant... more
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringMedicineImplant
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195 Hong Kong Chinese employees from a single company participated in a 10-month longitudinal study on the effects of various modes of delivery of oral hygiene messages on their gingivai health. Subjects were aiiocated to one of the... more
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