Papers by Alphonsus Chong
Tissue …, 2006
A significant problem in flexor tendon repair is the lack of suitable graft material for reconstr... more A significant problem in flexor tendon repair is the lack of suitable graft material for reconstruction. The ex vivo production of flexor tendon graft constructs requires the expansion of primary cells. Growth factors, such as platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB), ...

Journal of Hand Surgery-american Volume, 2006
Dupuytren’s disease (DD) is characterized by fibroblastic proliferation of the palmar fascia, oft... more Dupuytren’s disease (DD) is characterized by fibroblastic proliferation of the palmar fascia, often leading to flexion contracture in the hand. Although there is a strong genetic component the genome-wide expression of novel genes is not known. The purpose of this study was to use DNA microarray technology to identify upregulated genes in DD.Human tissue samples were harvested from 3 patient sources: DD cord tissue (n = 20), normal-appearing adjacent control fascia (n = 15), and palmar fascia from patients having carpal tunnel release (n = 15). DNA microarray analysis was performed on amplified sample RNA. Novel genes were compared with known gene functions. A candidate gene of interest was studied further by using immunohistochemistry on DD tissue samples and controls.Several novel genes not described previously in the study of DD were upregulated significantly, including MafB, collagen type V, α-2 (COL5A2), collagen type VIII, α-1 (COL8A1), contactin I (CNTN1), and leucine-rich re...
Plastic and …, 2009
Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed to maint... more Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed to maintaining your privacy and will not share your personal information without your express consent. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy. ... Skip Navigation Links Home > June ...
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Surgical training involves repetitive practice in order to attain an optimal level of proficiency... more Surgical training involves repetitive practice in order to attain an optimal level of proficiency. Lascar et al notes that residents undergo an abrupt learning curve prior to reaching a plateau in skill level. Trainees have limited resources and often turn to simple simulation models for
training. The aim is to establish the utility and existence of skill transference in using simple constructs to acquire competency with complex skills.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the e ect of strain rate on the failure properties of te... more The purpose of this study is to evaluate the e ect of strain rate on the failure properties of tendons. Seventy-ve chicken exor digitorum profundus ( FDP) tendons were tensile tested at 15 strain rates, ranging from 0.05 to 150 per cent/s. Results showed that strain rate had little e ect on the shape of the stress-strain curve. No signi cant change was observed in the toe region, while the slope of the linear region increased with the increase in strain rate. Generally, the ultimate tensile strength ( UTS ) and elastic modulus increased signi cantly as strain rate increased (p <0.01), while no signi cant change in strain at UTS (p>0.01) was observed. It was found the change in failure properties of tendons was not signi cant, with small change in strain rate.
Background." Recently, preoperative endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) was shown to be less time co... more Background." Recently, preoperative endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) was shown to be less time consuming, posing less risk of adverse events than other more invasive diagnostic procedures used for locating insulinomas. Furthermore, laparoscopy can be part of a less aggressive approach in the management of such tumors, avoiding open surgery, which is used all out of proportion for benign small-size lesions, as insulinomas frequently are.

Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 2019
KEYWORDS � Pediatric hand fractures � Physeal injuries � Seymour fractures � Phalangeal neck frac... more KEYWORDS � Pediatric hand fractures � Physeal injuries � Seymour fractures � Phalangeal neck fractures � Metacarpal fractures � Scaphoid fractures � Distal radius fractures KEY POINTS � Closed fractures with no clinical malrotation or scissoring generally have a favorable outcome with conservative management. � The possibility of a Seymour fracture should be considered in pediatric fingertip injuries. A true lateral radiograph facilitates diagnosis and the condition should be treated as an open fracture. � Conservative treatment of Al Qattan type II phalangeal neck fractures is associated with remodeling of sagittal malalignment and translation. � Patients with clinical signs of carpal fractures and normal radiographs should be immobilized. Patients with persistent pain at review after 10 days to 14 days with a normal repeat radiograph should have an MRI done. � Sporting injuries can occur through high-energy trauma or repeated stress. Chronic wrist pain in gymnast or finger pain in climbers should be assessed radiographically for stress related physeal injuries. Conservative treatment with splinting and complete rest from training a usually sufficient.
Papers by Alphonsus Chong
training. The aim is to establish the utility and existence of skill transference in using simple constructs to acquire competency with complex skills.
training. The aim is to establish the utility and existence of skill transference in using simple constructs to acquire competency with complex skills.