Themis Bilis
Th. Bilis studied Architecture in NTUA (1985-1991) where also he received his doctorate. In 1993 he established the architecture office Magnisali-Bilis (www.Magnisali-Bilis.com) specialized in monument restorations and modern constructions. Three of their projects (Sangri Naxos, Stadium of ancient Messsini and Temple of Athena, Karthaia) have been awarded with Europa Nostra Award. Since 2017 Themis Bilis has been head of the architectural department of the German Archaelogical Institute of Athens (DAI Athen). He is also corresponding member of the German Archaelogical Institute.
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Papers by Themis Bilis
the prominent Greek historical figure Pavlos Melas lends it remarkable historical value. A rare example of a 19th-century picturesque country house with special decorative elements, this
historic building has special architectural value and at the same
time formed an important element of the 19th-century built environment of Kifissia. The aim of the study was not the revival of
a 19th-century residence, but the creation of a place to commemorate the personality and family of Pavlos Melas. As architects, our main axis of interest was for the restoration to stand
as a strong landmark, a reference point for the city of Kifissia and
beyond. The completion of the project gives new life to the building, this time hosting an exhibition of objects and visual material
that focuses on the activities of Melas and his family.
The restoration project was realized thanks to the close cooperation and remarkable contribution of everyone involved, including the owner who leased the property to the public, the
sponsor, and the team of researchers. Now restored, the Ministry of National Defense, and specifically the Evelpidon School,
has undertaken the operation and further maintenance of the
Due to the long period of inactivity within the house, the
aging of the materials, and the lack of systematic maintenance,
the building had suffered significant damage. Additionally, some
luxury elements had been lost over the years, such as the fireplace and the marble elements on both sides of the entrance to
the terrace, as well as a large portion of the ceramic tiles of the
The restoration followed the modern trends in designing and
executing plans for the protection and enhancement of monuments, practices that are valid both internationally and in our
country. Seeking to both strengthen the building in order to receive the public and at the same time preserve its original forms,
mainly on the facade and interior spaces as required by the
ethics of monument management, the intervention faced significantly complex issues. The presence of painted sections on the
walls and ceiling also set strict requirements for the process and
materials to be used in the restoration.
The general principles of restoration specified in the project
were as follows: minimization of new elements to those absolutely necessary; reproduction of lost original architectural
forms with copies after researching photo archives and comparable cases; invisibility of both the static reinforcements and the
necessary installations; restoration of the decorative forms in
order to restore the quality of the building’s interior; and finally,
restoration of the courtyard so as to highlight the harmony of
the building with its immediate environment
This paper outlines a proposal for the enhancement and development of the rich and dynamic monumental, cultural and environmental reserves of Naxos through increased social awareness and mobilization. For this purpose, a new form of a well-known management tool for the development of cultural tourism is proposed: the cultural routes.
The proposed cultural route of Naxos is titled: “Naxos. A unique, diachronic trip through European civilization”. It consists of one main and six secondary routes. Such a systematically and purposefully structured cultural and touristic package can be effectively implemented, provided that the necessary studies and synergies are set in place. We strongly believe that it will not only showcase Naxos’ dynamism in nature, culture and recreation, but, most importantly, it will shift the island's economy towards quality tourism with prospects of sustainability. This may be achieved by avoiding the deadlocks of physical deterioration and social overburdening resulting from uncontrolled tourism driven almost exclusively by a hunt for clients seeking sun-sea-relaxation.
κατασκευής των ανδήρων στην Καρθαία και η διατύπωση
νέων ερµηνειών και παρατηρήσεων σχετικά µε τη διαδικασία
της διαχείρισης του εδάφους σε αυτόν τον πανέµορφο τόπο.
Η νέα ερµηνεία που προτείνεται βασίζεται σε ανάλυση
κατασκευαστικών και αρχιτεκτονικών παρατηρήσεων. Επισηµαίνεται ότι στον ναό Απόλλωνα υπάρχει µια εντυπωσιακή και πολύ πρώιµη επίλυση του ζητήµατος διαχείρισης
του επικλινούς εδάφους σε µια εποχή πριν από τα µεγαλιθικά
αναληµµατικά έργα της Καρθαίας. Η κατασκευή αυτή
αποτελεί πιθανότατα θεµέλιο για ένα λατρευτικό κτήριο, η
παρουσία του οποίου ίσως αντανακλάται στην κάτοψη του
µεταγενέστερου ναού του Απόλλωνα στην ίδια περίπου θέση.
Προτείνεται µια εξήγηση για τους προεξέχοντες λίθους στο
ανάληµµα της «Αθηνάς» στηριγµένη σε κατασκευαστικούς
λόγους. Αναλύεται η διαδικασία της κατασκευής του ανδήρου της «Αθηνάς» σε σχέση µε τη θεµελίωση του ναού και
τέλος ερµηνεύονται οι διαφορές στις όψεις του ανδήρου του
ναού της «Αθηνάς» όχι εξαιτίας µιας χρονικής απόστασης
στην κατασκευή αυτών των τµηµάτων, αλλά εξαιτίας διαφόρων κατασκευαστικών (αλλού επένδυση βράχου, αλλού
κατασκευή τοίχου) και αρχιτεκτονικών λόγων (κύρια και
δευτερεύουσα όψη ενός ανδήρου). Επίσης, διατυπώνεται το
ερώτηµα εάν όλα τα µεγαλιθικά αναλήµµατα αποτελούν
σχέδιο που εκτελέστηκε σε µια εποχή ακµής για την Κέα,
που συµπίπτει µε τα έτη δράσης του Σιµωνίδη, ζήτηµα
που θα έθετε νέα δεδοµένα στη χρονολόγηση του ναού
του Απόλλωνα.
of a rare monument that combines interesting evolution
in the course of time and imposing frescoes.
During measurements for the architectural documentation
of the monument five tiny fragments of iron
nails were noticed in one wall outside of the main space
of the church. These findings combined with the remains
of one ceramic tube that was build in the same
area of the monument. These evidences were enough
for the writer to suppose that the first use of the building
was a Roman bath. After this supposition took place
a small scale investigation such as small scale excavations
and partial removals of the plaster that were covered
crucial areas of walls.
Supposition has been verified by the findings such
as other two ceramic tubes in relation to the one mentioned
before, one fragment of circular ceramic tile and
one small pillar (probably from the Hypocausts system),
gaps in foundations and Late roman ceramic. After the
combination of all discovered evidences, the result was
to complete the reconstruction of the plan and the function
system of the small bath complex. The evolution of
the building in the course of time can be reconstructed
with accuracy such as follows: Probably in the 4th century
the building complex was erected to house a small
bath. After years of abandonment, in the 10th century
(due to dating of one layer of frescoes), the building was
converted into church. In 1900 a huge restoration project
took place and probably many ruins around the
church were demolished. Many stones with fragments
of frescoes are built in a nearby retaining wall.
A unique reuse of an ancient building was discovered
after the systematic documentation of tiny remains.
I would like to thank the ex director of the 2nd EBA of
the Ministry of Culture Mr. C. Pennas for his support
and the trust that showed to my work.
ΝΕΟΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣΤΙΚΗΣ ΤΕΧΝΗΣ (Βυζαντινὸ καὶ Χριστιανικὸ Μουσεῖο 15,16 Νοεμβρίου 2010) , ΑΘΗΝΑ 2012, 167-183.
the prominent Greek historical figure Pavlos Melas lends it remarkable historical value. A rare example of a 19th-century picturesque country house with special decorative elements, this
historic building has special architectural value and at the same
time formed an important element of the 19th-century built environment of Kifissia. The aim of the study was not the revival of
a 19th-century residence, but the creation of a place to commemorate the personality and family of Pavlos Melas. As architects, our main axis of interest was for the restoration to stand
as a strong landmark, a reference point for the city of Kifissia and
beyond. The completion of the project gives new life to the building, this time hosting an exhibition of objects and visual material
that focuses on the activities of Melas and his family.
The restoration project was realized thanks to the close cooperation and remarkable contribution of everyone involved, including the owner who leased the property to the public, the
sponsor, and the team of researchers. Now restored, the Ministry of National Defense, and specifically the Evelpidon School,
has undertaken the operation and further maintenance of the
Due to the long period of inactivity within the house, the
aging of the materials, and the lack of systematic maintenance,
the building had suffered significant damage. Additionally, some
luxury elements had been lost over the years, such as the fireplace and the marble elements on both sides of the entrance to
the terrace, as well as a large portion of the ceramic tiles of the
The restoration followed the modern trends in designing and
executing plans for the protection and enhancement of monuments, practices that are valid both internationally and in our
country. Seeking to both strengthen the building in order to receive the public and at the same time preserve its original forms,
mainly on the facade and interior spaces as required by the
ethics of monument management, the intervention faced significantly complex issues. The presence of painted sections on the
walls and ceiling also set strict requirements for the process and
materials to be used in the restoration.
The general principles of restoration specified in the project
were as follows: minimization of new elements to those absolutely necessary; reproduction of lost original architectural
forms with copies after researching photo archives and comparable cases; invisibility of both the static reinforcements and the
necessary installations; restoration of the decorative forms in
order to restore the quality of the building’s interior; and finally,
restoration of the courtyard so as to highlight the harmony of
the building with its immediate environment
This paper outlines a proposal for the enhancement and development of the rich and dynamic monumental, cultural and environmental reserves of Naxos through increased social awareness and mobilization. For this purpose, a new form of a well-known management tool for the development of cultural tourism is proposed: the cultural routes.
The proposed cultural route of Naxos is titled: “Naxos. A unique, diachronic trip through European civilization”. It consists of one main and six secondary routes. Such a systematically and purposefully structured cultural and touristic package can be effectively implemented, provided that the necessary studies and synergies are set in place. We strongly believe that it will not only showcase Naxos’ dynamism in nature, culture and recreation, but, most importantly, it will shift the island's economy towards quality tourism with prospects of sustainability. This may be achieved by avoiding the deadlocks of physical deterioration and social overburdening resulting from uncontrolled tourism driven almost exclusively by a hunt for clients seeking sun-sea-relaxation.
κατασκευής των ανδήρων στην Καρθαία και η διατύπωση
νέων ερµηνειών και παρατηρήσεων σχετικά µε τη διαδικασία
της διαχείρισης του εδάφους σε αυτόν τον πανέµορφο τόπο.
Η νέα ερµηνεία που προτείνεται βασίζεται σε ανάλυση
κατασκευαστικών και αρχιτεκτονικών παρατηρήσεων. Επισηµαίνεται ότι στον ναό Απόλλωνα υπάρχει µια εντυπωσιακή και πολύ πρώιµη επίλυση του ζητήµατος διαχείρισης
του επικλινούς εδάφους σε µια εποχή πριν από τα µεγαλιθικά
αναληµµατικά έργα της Καρθαίας. Η κατασκευή αυτή
αποτελεί πιθανότατα θεµέλιο για ένα λατρευτικό κτήριο, η
παρουσία του οποίου ίσως αντανακλάται στην κάτοψη του
µεταγενέστερου ναού του Απόλλωνα στην ίδια περίπου θέση.
Προτείνεται µια εξήγηση για τους προεξέχοντες λίθους στο
ανάληµµα της «Αθηνάς» στηριγµένη σε κατασκευαστικούς
λόγους. Αναλύεται η διαδικασία της κατασκευής του ανδήρου της «Αθηνάς» σε σχέση µε τη θεµελίωση του ναού και
τέλος ερµηνεύονται οι διαφορές στις όψεις του ανδήρου του
ναού της «Αθηνάς» όχι εξαιτίας µιας χρονικής απόστασης
στην κατασκευή αυτών των τµηµάτων, αλλά εξαιτίας διαφόρων κατασκευαστικών (αλλού επένδυση βράχου, αλλού
κατασκευή τοίχου) και αρχιτεκτονικών λόγων (κύρια και
δευτερεύουσα όψη ενός ανδήρου). Επίσης, διατυπώνεται το
ερώτηµα εάν όλα τα µεγαλιθικά αναλήµµατα αποτελούν
σχέδιο που εκτελέστηκε σε µια εποχή ακµής για την Κέα,
που συµπίπτει µε τα έτη δράσης του Σιµωνίδη, ζήτηµα
που θα έθετε νέα δεδοµένα στη χρονολόγηση του ναού
του Απόλλωνα.
of a rare monument that combines interesting evolution
in the course of time and imposing frescoes.
During measurements for the architectural documentation
of the monument five tiny fragments of iron
nails were noticed in one wall outside of the main space
of the church. These findings combined with the remains
of one ceramic tube that was build in the same
area of the monument. These evidences were enough
for the writer to suppose that the first use of the building
was a Roman bath. After this supposition took place
a small scale investigation such as small scale excavations
and partial removals of the plaster that were covered
crucial areas of walls.
Supposition has been verified by the findings such
as other two ceramic tubes in relation to the one mentioned
before, one fragment of circular ceramic tile and
one small pillar (probably from the Hypocausts system),
gaps in foundations and Late roman ceramic. After the
combination of all discovered evidences, the result was
to complete the reconstruction of the plan and the function
system of the small bath complex. The evolution of
the building in the course of time can be reconstructed
with accuracy such as follows: Probably in the 4th century
the building complex was erected to house a small
bath. After years of abandonment, in the 10th century
(due to dating of one layer of frescoes), the building was
converted into church. In 1900 a huge restoration project
took place and probably many ruins around the
church were demolished. Many stones with fragments
of frescoes are built in a nearby retaining wall.
A unique reuse of an ancient building was discovered
after the systematic documentation of tiny remains.
I would like to thank the ex director of the 2nd EBA of
the Ministry of Culture Mr. C. Pennas for his support
and the trust that showed to my work.
ΝΕΟΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣΤΙΚΗΣ ΤΕΧΝΗΣ (Βυζαντινὸ καὶ Χριστιανικὸ Μουσεῖο 15,16 Νοεμβρίου 2010) , ΑΘΗΝΑ 2012, 167-183.
to Archaeological Site,
Vortrag, Dresden. 5.12.2017
Dienstag 5. Dezember 2017 18.30h
Andreas-Schubert-Bau, Zellescher Weg 19, Hörsaal 028