Hengwen Liu
Main Research Field: legal history
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Papers by Hengwen Liu
本文以碩博士學位論文為研究對象,嘗試運用國家圖書館建置之學位論文資 料庫以及其所提供之數位工具等資源,回顧二十多年來臺灣法律史之學位論文, 進行學科知識生產之分析討論。分析這些論文如何反應臺灣社會變遷與發展需求, 逐漸從中華民國的、國家的、法體制的規範性研究角度,轉型為以臺灣的、人民 的、本土社會法律生活的社會實證研究取向。
相較於既有的法律史論述,這些學位論文在研究主體上多從臺灣出發,以臺 灣社會為主,與過去的中國法制史研究,尤其是針對中華民國法規範體系為主體 的近代法制史研究,關懷已有所不同。在討論對象上,除針對抽象的法規範,更逐 步擴及規範生成的相關政經社條件,以及規範實施的法社會效應等面向。在研究 方法上,則較強調兼顧法規範(法秩序)與法事實,嘗試運用不同研究取徑與資料 進行研究。
本文審視過去二十多年來臺灣法律史之相關研究成果,已逐步反映臺灣地緣 的特殊性,以及歷史多元與多源等發展特色,針對不同時期、地域特性,針對因應 不同族群、性別、政黨、意識形態等因素而生的不同法律文化與法律生活,開展出 嶄新的研究視野。
This article is a retrospective review of master theses and doctoral dissertations on legal studies archived at the National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan. The analysis aims to shed light on the generation of content knowledge over the past two decades and traces the evolution in these legal studies from the normative research perspective of the country and the legal system to the social empirical research orientation of the people and the social/legal life in response to social changes and development needs of Taiwan.
In contrast to the established narratives of legal history in Taiwan and past research emphasis on legal history of China, these analyzed theses and dissertations focus more on contemporary legal history with local perspectives developed from Taiwan. Their discussion, in addition to abstract legal norms, has gradually expanded to political, economic and social conditions consequent to implementation of laws. Moreover, their research approaches have also become more varied emphasizing both norms and facts of legal practices.
Research findings on legal history of Taiwan in the past two decades reveal distinct features of Taiwan including its geographical location, multi-ethnic origins and diverse cultures The different legal cultures and lives arising from ethnicities, political parties, genders and ideologies in different eras and regions have opened up a new research horizon.
本文嘗試在法規面外,以人才養成的背景為核心,以例示的方式,透過具指標性意義的大法官與司法首長人選,觀察不同世代、不同地區出身,參與司法活動的法律人們,在個人成長以及法律專業學習的受教育過程中,是以何種方式、如何地受到日本教育或日本法的影響。在戰後臺灣新生世代主導臺灣司法之前,參與戰後臺灣司法活動的老一輩法律人們,有的是前日本帝國殖民地/外地/ 佔領地人民(臺灣/滿洲國/中國沿海省分等地),有的則是以前日本帝國鄰國,甚或是敵國人民的角色成長。分析各種背景中蘊含的複雜的日本因素,以及交纏於其中的國籍、省籍與黨籍等因素,對戰後臺灣司法產生之影響。
The Politicization of the Judiciary in Post-War Taiwan
The KMT’s Control of Judicial Personnel Administration before 1990 and Its Aftermath
This paper begins with examining the impact of the politicization of the judiciary controlled by the KMT before World War II, when the Republic of China was in its so-called “tutelage period.” In that period, the content of law was aligned with the KMT charter, and judicial personnel were affiliated with KMT organizations. These gimmicks continued even after 1947, when the ROC claimed to be a constitutional republic with an independent judicial system.
When the judicial personnel from mainland China took over judicial institutions left by the Japanese government in Taiwan, they built a mainlander-dominated judiciary in 1947. The legacy of the politicization of the judiciary was thus preserved. Democratization altered this legacy profoundly during the 1990s. The “Civil Association Act” implemented in 1993 eradicated the KMT party organizations within judicial institutions and halted the harmful legacy. However, only after 2012 were judges banned from participation in any political parties under the “Judge Act.”
Before the War, the politicization of the judiciary allowed the KMT to control the personnel administration openly. The impact continued to cripple the judicial operations in Taiwan after the war. Its deleterious legacy persisted at the core of the judicial personnel, where the party agents and national security agents played a heavy role. In this way the KMT reinforced its clout over the judicial system.
The Setback in The Development of Legal Education in China Before World War II
The nationalist government in Nanjing eventually unified China in form following a series of transfers of power. Inspired by the idea of modern state, the nationalist government perceived the improvement of education as a weighty element in its state-building project. In the section of high education, it regulated the educational institutions over their types and curricula in order to tally the practical needs of state-building project.
After the incident of 918, its educational policy was re-directed to develop the industries in order to rescue the crisis of nationalist government. ‘The Act of educational reform’ was enacted in the third general meeting by the fourth-session central executing council of Kuomingtang. Under the title of ‘Develop industries and reform Humanity and Law education,’ they judged to correct the deviant developments of Humanity and Law education and thus approved the act to ’rearrange the educational institutions for training human resource in needs.’ This act created huge impact on later designers of educational policies. Later on, the ministry of Education devoted to this correction under the guise of reducing the oversupplied high education. They expected to change the structure of high education accordingly, and created the human resources tallied to the needs of industrialization.
The nationalist government reshaped the Humanity and Law education zealously with iron wrist and reverted previous educational policies. From 1933 onwards, the circulations of the knowledge of Law became restricted in a limited space as well as other subjects which were included in the Humanity and Law education due to the preference of educational reform. When facing the approaching wars and the pressure of industrialization, the study of Law was evaluated as ‘study of vanity/impractical knowledge’. The education of Law declined in both quality and quantity continuously. Although after the nationalist government proclaimed a new constitution the authorities had once propose to establish a modern college of Law, it did not meet the expectations before the fall of nationalist government in 1949. The Act of reform in 1932 thus frustrated the development of the modern education of Law in China before the World War II.
Carrying this policy with it, the nationalist government re-founded itself in Taiwan after World War II. Its educational policy followed the path of ‘develop the industries, neglect the Humanity and education of Law,’ which became the new laid basis for the education of Law in Taiwan after World War II.
KMT’s Legal Discourse during the Nanjing National Government Era
The relationship of law and politics has long been an intricate and interesting issue. This article is a historical analysis of the legal practice and expressions of revolution and counter-revolution used by the KMT during the Nanjing National Government Era. Provided by the government archives at the Academic Historica, the materials used in this research are focused on the various legal punishment measures used by the KMT to consolidate their regime, including the Counter-revolution Criminal Code, the Act governing the Organization of Special Courts, the Act governing the Trial of Counter-revolution Cases, the Provisionary Act governing the Jury in Counter-revolution Cases and the Act governing the Organization of the Provisionary Special Criminal Tribunal as well as the practices of the Inspection Yuan which was established pursuant to the Inspection Yuan Law and the relevant legal discourse in the Nanjing National Government Era.
A Study of the Judges and Prosecutors in Postwar Taiwan: An Observation focused on their training culture
In the judicial system of Taiwan today, the judges and prosecutors trained during the postwar period have taken the place of those ones trained in Mainland China and Colonial Taiwan. This article is a study of the composition of the former ones by researching the training process in the Judicial Training Institute of Department of Justice(法務部司法官訓練所)since 1955, including the training program, the discipline, the age , gender, and career planning of the trained members. This article also wants to explore whether such a training process leads to some kind of special judicial culture in Taiwan today, as emphasizing the importance of discipline, of the consistency of form of judicial decision, and of the priority of graduation from the Institute. On this basis, it would like to understand the potential impact of such composition and culture to the legal profession in Postwar Taiwan.
The Stigma of ‘Trickery for Official Job’: the Influence of the Abolition of the Traditional Examination System in the late-Qing Dynasty over the Legal Education of Modern China
From the late Qing period on, a trend of learning western jurisprudence and government rose among Chinese intelligentsia. The heat of this trend did not cool down until the 1930s under Republican rule. There after this trend was constrained by the same government. This constrain-policy was derived from an idea that learning jurisprudence and government was a trick to obtain an official position rather to serve the purpose of a modern state. The combination between the traditional exam system and modern school system was built during the reform of late Qing Imperial court, when it bestowed official positions to students who completed western style education. Institutionally, the graduates thus became equivalent to those intellectuals who were selected through the imperial exams. Although this arrangement did not serve students of jurisprudence and government exclusively, most of the official positions were taken by them. General impressions to contempories judged it as an
usual channel to access official positions. This impression resulted to the enlargement of the school attending in the courses of jurisprudence and government around revolutionary era, while triggered the constrain-policy of republican government later on.
From an Imperial Official to a Judge of Nationalist Government:
A Case Study of Chaoyang University in Beijing
This article attempts to portray the imaginations of new ‘‘judicial’’ professions impressed on the common people in lay society using the case of famous Chaoyang University/ College of Chaoyang in China under the rule of the nationalist government. The new judicial professions refer to new official positions arranged under the principle of separation of Powers and created during the process of modern state-building. The observations focus on the transformation, by which an imperial official in the board of penalty gradually evolved into a judge ratified by the judicial examination.
Chaoyang University was founded by a group of imperial officials and traditional jurists who served in Beijing and belonged to the school of jurists’ in the late Qing period. They organized a private society and thus raised money to establish a Law school in the western style. They recruited faculty with different backgrounds, including the previous imperial officials serving in judicial institutions and the new legal professions studied abroad. Although this Law college was privately financed, its faculty was always provided by the judicial ministry of the central government.
After the termination of the imperial examination system, the graduates of Chaoyang University joined the specialized professional national judicial examinations in order to become judges. Most of its graduates passed national judicial examinations successfully under the rule of the nationalist government. Such success created a saying, ‘‘no graduates from Chaoyang, no law court’’.
The case of Chaoyang University shows how the traditional path of the imperial official career, which was qualified by the imperial examination system, was absorbed into the modern school system and national examinations. The graduates now became participants who join judicial examinations and obtain a position in a modern judicial administration. The case of Chaoyang University therefore also represents how the traditional intelligentsia who were soaked in classics were transformed into modern legal professionals, trained to embody the principles of western jurisprudences.
Practices of “Guilt-Redemption” in the Aftermath of 228 Incident:
Case Studies on Taichung, Chiayi, Tainan and Kaohsiung
From the legal perspective, this article examines the pre-war practices of “Guilt-redemption” and “Self-incrimination” applied to bandits and communist rebels in China and the related current laws using selected cases from the 228 Incident archives.
The practice of “Guilt-redemption” was widely applied in the aftermath of 228 Incident involving several thousands of individuals. Its legal effects were poorly defined and the legal procedures remained ambiguous, thus leaving much leeway for human maneuver and manipulation. It served as a flexible conciliatory measure implemented under Draconian military oppression and its nature violated the principles of “Rechtsstaat”
The case studies reveal that individuals subjected to “Guilt-redemption” would be released on bail only after accepting state-imposed conditions and obligations. They would remain under surveillance or undergo ideological reeducation. The name lists of these individuals on bail for “Guilt-redemption” were important intelligence for the government for state control. Some of them were recruited as informants or were given missions to accomplish, thus turning them into state instruments for social surveillance in post-war Taiwan.
Takeover of Judicial System in Early Postwar Years (1945-1949):
Changes in Personnel, Language and Culture
Using related archives in Academia Historica, this article details the process involved in the takeover of judicial establishments, such as Judicial Yuan and Judicial Administrative Bureau, in the early postwar years. The archives examined include the first-hand records of document exchange between Nanking, the then capital of ROC, and Taiwan; in particular, performance-evaluation documents submitted to Nanking by courts and prosecutor offices of Taiwan. This article traces the changes in personnel and handovers of assets in Taiwan to explore the unique features of such takeover. It is expected that the analysis can shed light on the transformation of the Taiwanese judicial system in the aftermath of World War II and contribute to further comparative studies.
本文以碩博士學位論文為研究對象,嘗試運用國家圖書館建置之學位論文資 料庫以及其所提供之數位工具等資源,回顧二十多年來臺灣法律史之學位論文, 進行學科知識生產之分析討論。分析這些論文如何反應臺灣社會變遷與發展需求, 逐漸從中華民國的、國家的、法體制的規範性研究角度,轉型為以臺灣的、人民 的、本土社會法律生活的社會實證研究取向。
相較於既有的法律史論述,這些學位論文在研究主體上多從臺灣出發,以臺 灣社會為主,與過去的中國法制史研究,尤其是針對中華民國法規範體系為主體 的近代法制史研究,關懷已有所不同。在討論對象上,除針對抽象的法規範,更逐 步擴及規範生成的相關政經社條件,以及規範實施的法社會效應等面向。在研究 方法上,則較強調兼顧法規範(法秩序)與法事實,嘗試運用不同研究取徑與資料 進行研究。
本文審視過去二十多年來臺灣法律史之相關研究成果,已逐步反映臺灣地緣 的特殊性,以及歷史多元與多源等發展特色,針對不同時期、地域特性,針對因應 不同族群、性別、政黨、意識形態等因素而生的不同法律文化與法律生活,開展出 嶄新的研究視野。
This article is a retrospective review of master theses and doctoral dissertations on legal studies archived at the National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan. The analysis aims to shed light on the generation of content knowledge over the past two decades and traces the evolution in these legal studies from the normative research perspective of the country and the legal system to the social empirical research orientation of the people and the social/legal life in response to social changes and development needs of Taiwan.
In contrast to the established narratives of legal history in Taiwan and past research emphasis on legal history of China, these analyzed theses and dissertations focus more on contemporary legal history with local perspectives developed from Taiwan. Their discussion, in addition to abstract legal norms, has gradually expanded to political, economic and social conditions consequent to implementation of laws. Moreover, their research approaches have also become more varied emphasizing both norms and facts of legal practices.
Research findings on legal history of Taiwan in the past two decades reveal distinct features of Taiwan including its geographical location, multi-ethnic origins and diverse cultures The different legal cultures and lives arising from ethnicities, political parties, genders and ideologies in different eras and regions have opened up a new research horizon.
本文嘗試在法規面外,以人才養成的背景為核心,以例示的方式,透過具指標性意義的大法官與司法首長人選,觀察不同世代、不同地區出身,參與司法活動的法律人們,在個人成長以及法律專業學習的受教育過程中,是以何種方式、如何地受到日本教育或日本法的影響。在戰後臺灣新生世代主導臺灣司法之前,參與戰後臺灣司法活動的老一輩法律人們,有的是前日本帝國殖民地/外地/ 佔領地人民(臺灣/滿洲國/中國沿海省分等地),有的則是以前日本帝國鄰國,甚或是敵國人民的角色成長。分析各種背景中蘊含的複雜的日本因素,以及交纏於其中的國籍、省籍與黨籍等因素,對戰後臺灣司法產生之影響。
The Politicization of the Judiciary in Post-War Taiwan
The KMT’s Control of Judicial Personnel Administration before 1990 and Its Aftermath
This paper begins with examining the impact of the politicization of the judiciary controlled by the KMT before World War II, when the Republic of China was in its so-called “tutelage period.” In that period, the content of law was aligned with the KMT charter, and judicial personnel were affiliated with KMT organizations. These gimmicks continued even after 1947, when the ROC claimed to be a constitutional republic with an independent judicial system.
When the judicial personnel from mainland China took over judicial institutions left by the Japanese government in Taiwan, they built a mainlander-dominated judiciary in 1947. The legacy of the politicization of the judiciary was thus preserved. Democratization altered this legacy profoundly during the 1990s. The “Civil Association Act” implemented in 1993 eradicated the KMT party organizations within judicial institutions and halted the harmful legacy. However, only after 2012 were judges banned from participation in any political parties under the “Judge Act.”
Before the War, the politicization of the judiciary allowed the KMT to control the personnel administration openly. The impact continued to cripple the judicial operations in Taiwan after the war. Its deleterious legacy persisted at the core of the judicial personnel, where the party agents and national security agents played a heavy role. In this way the KMT reinforced its clout over the judicial system.
The Setback in The Development of Legal Education in China Before World War II
The nationalist government in Nanjing eventually unified China in form following a series of transfers of power. Inspired by the idea of modern state, the nationalist government perceived the improvement of education as a weighty element in its state-building project. In the section of high education, it regulated the educational institutions over their types and curricula in order to tally the practical needs of state-building project.
After the incident of 918, its educational policy was re-directed to develop the industries in order to rescue the crisis of nationalist government. ‘The Act of educational reform’ was enacted in the third general meeting by the fourth-session central executing council of Kuomingtang. Under the title of ‘Develop industries and reform Humanity and Law education,’ they judged to correct the deviant developments of Humanity and Law education and thus approved the act to ’rearrange the educational institutions for training human resource in needs.’ This act created huge impact on later designers of educational policies. Later on, the ministry of Education devoted to this correction under the guise of reducing the oversupplied high education. They expected to change the structure of high education accordingly, and created the human resources tallied to the needs of industrialization.
The nationalist government reshaped the Humanity and Law education zealously with iron wrist and reverted previous educational policies. From 1933 onwards, the circulations of the knowledge of Law became restricted in a limited space as well as other subjects which were included in the Humanity and Law education due to the preference of educational reform. When facing the approaching wars and the pressure of industrialization, the study of Law was evaluated as ‘study of vanity/impractical knowledge’. The education of Law declined in both quality and quantity continuously. Although after the nationalist government proclaimed a new constitution the authorities had once propose to establish a modern college of Law, it did not meet the expectations before the fall of nationalist government in 1949. The Act of reform in 1932 thus frustrated the development of the modern education of Law in China before the World War II.
Carrying this policy with it, the nationalist government re-founded itself in Taiwan after World War II. Its educational policy followed the path of ‘develop the industries, neglect the Humanity and education of Law,’ which became the new laid basis for the education of Law in Taiwan after World War II.
KMT’s Legal Discourse during the Nanjing National Government Era
The relationship of law and politics has long been an intricate and interesting issue. This article is a historical analysis of the legal practice and expressions of revolution and counter-revolution used by the KMT during the Nanjing National Government Era. Provided by the government archives at the Academic Historica, the materials used in this research are focused on the various legal punishment measures used by the KMT to consolidate their regime, including the Counter-revolution Criminal Code, the Act governing the Organization of Special Courts, the Act governing the Trial of Counter-revolution Cases, the Provisionary Act governing the Jury in Counter-revolution Cases and the Act governing the Organization of the Provisionary Special Criminal Tribunal as well as the practices of the Inspection Yuan which was established pursuant to the Inspection Yuan Law and the relevant legal discourse in the Nanjing National Government Era.
A Study of the Judges and Prosecutors in Postwar Taiwan: An Observation focused on their training culture
In the judicial system of Taiwan today, the judges and prosecutors trained during the postwar period have taken the place of those ones trained in Mainland China and Colonial Taiwan. This article is a study of the composition of the former ones by researching the training process in the Judicial Training Institute of Department of Justice(法務部司法官訓練所)since 1955, including the training program, the discipline, the age , gender, and career planning of the trained members. This article also wants to explore whether such a training process leads to some kind of special judicial culture in Taiwan today, as emphasizing the importance of discipline, of the consistency of form of judicial decision, and of the priority of graduation from the Institute. On this basis, it would like to understand the potential impact of such composition and culture to the legal profession in Postwar Taiwan.
The Stigma of ‘Trickery for Official Job’: the Influence of the Abolition of the Traditional Examination System in the late-Qing Dynasty over the Legal Education of Modern China
From the late Qing period on, a trend of learning western jurisprudence and government rose among Chinese intelligentsia. The heat of this trend did not cool down until the 1930s under Republican rule. There after this trend was constrained by the same government. This constrain-policy was derived from an idea that learning jurisprudence and government was a trick to obtain an official position rather to serve the purpose of a modern state. The combination between the traditional exam system and modern school system was built during the reform of late Qing Imperial court, when it bestowed official positions to students who completed western style education. Institutionally, the graduates thus became equivalent to those intellectuals who were selected through the imperial exams. Although this arrangement did not serve students of jurisprudence and government exclusively, most of the official positions were taken by them. General impressions to contempories judged it as an
usual channel to access official positions. This impression resulted to the enlargement of the school attending in the courses of jurisprudence and government around revolutionary era, while triggered the constrain-policy of republican government later on.
From an Imperial Official to a Judge of Nationalist Government:
A Case Study of Chaoyang University in Beijing
This article attempts to portray the imaginations of new ‘‘judicial’’ professions impressed on the common people in lay society using the case of famous Chaoyang University/ College of Chaoyang in China under the rule of the nationalist government. The new judicial professions refer to new official positions arranged under the principle of separation of Powers and created during the process of modern state-building. The observations focus on the transformation, by which an imperial official in the board of penalty gradually evolved into a judge ratified by the judicial examination.
Chaoyang University was founded by a group of imperial officials and traditional jurists who served in Beijing and belonged to the school of jurists’ in the late Qing period. They organized a private society and thus raised money to establish a Law school in the western style. They recruited faculty with different backgrounds, including the previous imperial officials serving in judicial institutions and the new legal professions studied abroad. Although this Law college was privately financed, its faculty was always provided by the judicial ministry of the central government.
After the termination of the imperial examination system, the graduates of Chaoyang University joined the specialized professional national judicial examinations in order to become judges. Most of its graduates passed national judicial examinations successfully under the rule of the nationalist government. Such success created a saying, ‘‘no graduates from Chaoyang, no law court’’.
The case of Chaoyang University shows how the traditional path of the imperial official career, which was qualified by the imperial examination system, was absorbed into the modern school system and national examinations. The graduates now became participants who join judicial examinations and obtain a position in a modern judicial administration. The case of Chaoyang University therefore also represents how the traditional intelligentsia who were soaked in classics were transformed into modern legal professionals, trained to embody the principles of western jurisprudences.
Practices of “Guilt-Redemption” in the Aftermath of 228 Incident:
Case Studies on Taichung, Chiayi, Tainan and Kaohsiung
From the legal perspective, this article examines the pre-war practices of “Guilt-redemption” and “Self-incrimination” applied to bandits and communist rebels in China and the related current laws using selected cases from the 228 Incident archives.
The practice of “Guilt-redemption” was widely applied in the aftermath of 228 Incident involving several thousands of individuals. Its legal effects were poorly defined and the legal procedures remained ambiguous, thus leaving much leeway for human maneuver and manipulation. It served as a flexible conciliatory measure implemented under Draconian military oppression and its nature violated the principles of “Rechtsstaat”
The case studies reveal that individuals subjected to “Guilt-redemption” would be released on bail only after accepting state-imposed conditions and obligations. They would remain under surveillance or undergo ideological reeducation. The name lists of these individuals on bail for “Guilt-redemption” were important intelligence for the government for state control. Some of them were recruited as informants or were given missions to accomplish, thus turning them into state instruments for social surveillance in post-war Taiwan.
Takeover of Judicial System in Early Postwar Years (1945-1949):
Changes in Personnel, Language and Culture
Using related archives in Academia Historica, this article details the process involved in the takeover of judicial establishments, such as Judicial Yuan and Judicial Administrative Bureau, in the early postwar years. The archives examined include the first-hand records of document exchange between Nanking, the then capital of ROC, and Taiwan; in particular, performance-evaluation documents submitted to Nanking by courts and prosecutor offices of Taiwan. This article traces the changes in personnel and handovers of assets in Taiwan to explore the unique features of such takeover. It is expected that the analysis can shed light on the transformation of the Taiwanese judicial system in the aftermath of World War II and contribute to further comparative studies.