Papers by Michail Giannakos
Over the past 20 years some higher education instructors have increased their technology use as a... more Over the past 20 years some higher education instructors have increased their technology use as a way to extend and enhance students' understanding and move away from the traditional lecture approach. One recent strategy is to use a flipped classroom approach and have students use technology to access the lecture and other instructional resources outside the classroom; this leaves the in-class time to engage in active learning. However, at this time there are no empirically-based flipped classroom frameworks. The purpose of this study is to fill this gap in the academic literature and develop a framework. This will provide a springboard for other scholars and practitioners to further examine the efficacy of this specific blended approach to learning and effective approaches that can be adapted to meet the needs of their students.
Online shopping purchase intention is influenced by several factors based on the literature revie... more Online shopping purchase intention is influenced by several factors based on the literature review. Effort expectancy, performance expectancy, trust and self-efficacy are some of the most widely used factors. An empirical study was undertaken to investigate the impact of various levels of these factors on consumer purchase intention. High levels of the above factors are shown to have highly significant impact on customers' intention to purchase. On the other hand lower levels of these factors do not have an impact on customer's intention. The paper contributes by highlighting the level where the impact of the factors is getting more significant.
In order to promote a more dynamic and flexible communication between the learner and the system,... more In order to promote a more dynamic and flexible communication between the learner and the system, we present a structure of a new innovative and interactive e-learning system which implements emotion and level of cognition recognition. The system has as inputs the emotional and cognitive state of the user and re-organises the content and adjusts the flow of the course. Our concept aims to increase the learning efficiency of intelligent tutoring systems by using a combination of characteristics, such as content customization and user's emotion recognition, and adapting all these features into a learner-centered educational system.

The goal of this paper is to define a concept based on Web 3.0 technologies to improve the learni... more The goal of this paper is to define a concept based on Web 3.0 technologies to improve the learning experience and attempt to create a lifelong learning environment in people's daily routine. To achieve that, there was a need to analyze the current curves of the World Wide Web (WWW) in this field. The last few years a lot of interesting on-line services have been introduced to the public. On-line video conferencing, synchronous/asynchronous conversations, wikis and social networking are just a few of those technologies which changed the way people see and use the Internet. By using some of these services and combining them with most resent (and interesting) techniques like background customized search and live manipulation of content, it is possible to create a Web 3.0 application with smart, content-aware interface for educational purposes. An application like that will be able to be used both in the corporate and education sector.
In recent years, designing useful learning diagnosis systems has become a hot research topic. In ... more In recent years, designing useful learning diagnosis systems has become a hot research topic. In order to help teachers and designers to create useful e-learning environment we tried to find an evaluation method that would evaluate an applications' usefulness and also its pedagogical abilities. Because one evaluator (typically a teacher, designer or planer) can hardly be an expert on all fields of science, a multidisciplinary evaluation framework has been created to help the evaluators to address the critical factors of quality of elearning. The purpose of this paper is to describe an evaluation system based on usability and pedagogical usability evaluation of e-learning. The evaluation framework and the prototype have been tested at the

This paper investigates the uses of the popular social networking site Facebook, and the percepti... more This paper investigates the uses of the popular social networking site Facebook, and the perceptions of the users which derive from their Facebook experience. In the exploratory stage, 70 users generated phrases to describe the manner they used Facebook. Interestingly, some users do not only describe the uses, but also mention how they perceive these uses. These phrases were coded into 14 items and then clustered into 4 factors. The second stage of the study, which was addressed to 131 Facebook users, the factor analysis that was conducted, verified the validity of the four factors: Social Connection, Social Network Surfing, Wasting Time, Using Applications. Finally, the results were analyzed in order to interpret each factor's impact and to enable a comparison with previous research regarding the same subject. These showed how users continue to primarily regard Facebook as a means of socializing with other users, but also the extent to which Facebook has become a part of their daily routine, something that is indicated by the impact of the "Wasting Time" factor. Further research can be conducted by addressing a greater number of users, selected with a less random manner and possibly with a different (cultural, economical etc.) background.

Computer Science (CS) Education research, specifically when focusing on secondary education, face... more Computer Science (CS) Education research, specifically when focusing on secondary education, faces the difficulty of regionally differing political, legal, or curricular constraints. To date, many different studies exist that document the specific regional situations of teaching CS in secondary schools. This ITiCSE working group report documents the process of collecting, evaluating, and integrating research findings about CS in secondary schools from different countries. As an outcome, it presents a category system (Darmstadt Model), as a first step towards a framework that supports future research activities in this field and that supports the transfer of results between researchers and teachers in CS education (CSE) across regional or national boundaries. Exemplary application of the Darmstadt model shows in several important categories how different the situation of CSE in secondary education in various countries can be. The Darmstadt Model (DM) is now ready for discussion and suggestions for improvement by the CSE-community.
In this study, we present results of a research that investigates the impact of attending program... more In this study, we present results of a research that investigates the impact of attending programming courses at Lyceum (15-18 years old students), on students' confidence and behavioral intention towards algorithmic logic. In particular, we measured students' behavioral intention for programming and students' confidence regarding data structures, problem solving and programming commands (Conditional -Loop). Responses from 81 graduate students, whose curriculum included programming courses at Lyceum were used to examine the benefits of programming in secondary education. The results indicate that students with prior attendance of programming courses exhibit high levels of confidence and acceptance regarding structured logic.

In this study, variables from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and Social C... more In this study, variables from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and Social Cognitive Theory were chosen as important factors in students' behavior and attitude towards Computer Science Education (CSE). This hybrid framework aims to measure the level of the selected key variables on CSE and identify potential differences among our different groups. The three different groups are consisted of students from: (1) programming courses of Greek Lyceums, (2) computer science courses at German Gymnasiums and (3) at the Department of Informatics (freshmen) at the Ionian University, Greece. We asked the three different groups of students to complete a questionnaire that was derived from this combination of the prior theories. The results revealed several differences in the measured variables, e.g. the freshmen who should have the highest programming competencies compared to the other two groups expressed the lowest degree of self-efficacy. The overall outcomes are expected to contribute to the understanding of students' likelihood to pursue computing related careers and promote the acceptance of CSE.
Adoption of Social Media (SM) has been growing in an incremental manner over the past few years. ... more Adoption of Social Media (SM) has been growing in an incremental manner over the past few years. In their attempt to capitalize from the large user base present on such websites, business executives have been piloting different approaches in order to gain a competitive edge and promote their products and services to consumers. Research however, has been lagging in this direction. This study examines utilitarian and hedonic motivations of consumer engagement in the context of social media. Partial Least Squares (PLS) modelling techniques were applied on data obtained from 115 SM users to identify the impact that such sites have on commerce. Results indicate that specific aspects trigger Utilitarian (Convenience and Product Selection) and Hedonic (Idea and Adventure) motivations which in sequence impact user intention to browse products on such mediums.

Enjoyment and privacy are essential ingredients for successful personalization. However, the curr... more Enjoyment and privacy are essential ingredients for successful personalization. However, the current understanding of the influence of personalization is limited. This study extends personalization literature into the area of enjoyment and privacy issues related to intention to purchase and into the context of online shopping. Responses from 148 online customers were used to examine the effects of personalization on enjoyment, privacy issues and intention to purchase. Results show that personalization affects positively enjoyment and intention, but has no effect on privacy. Additionally, privacy affects negatively both enjoyment and purchase intentions, while enjoyment has a positive influence on purchase intentions. This study suggests future research directions including the relation of trust with privacy, as well as different types of emotions, hedonic and utilitarian dimensions that relate with personalized services.

Motivated by the fact that social media are continuously gaining in popularity, firms are pilotin... more Motivated by the fact that social media are continuously gaining in popularity, firms are piloting different approaches of promoting their products and services. However, there is much debate in the academic and business community about the effectiveness of social media as a platform for marketing. Specifically, practitioners are concerned with how Word-of-Mouth (WOM) is spread through these sites, and what aspects facilitate users in doing so. The aim of this research is to elucidate the motivations for WOM over social media based on utilitarian and hedonic theories. Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis is performed on data obtained from 169 social media users to test our research model. Outcomes indicate that both, utilitarian and hedonic motivations impact WOM. Utilitarian motives are triggered through customized advertisements, while hedonic motives through the ability to socialize during product browsing.
The International Workshop on Analytics on Video-based Learning (WAVe2013) aims to connect resear... more The International Workshop on Analytics on Video-based Learning (WAVe2013) aims to connect research efforts on Videobased Learning with Learning Analytics to create visionary ideas and foster synergies between the two fields. The main objective of WAVe is to build a research community around the topical area of Analytics on video-based learning. In particular, WAVe aims to develop a critical discussion about the next generation of analytics employed on video learning tools, the form of these analytics and the way they can be analyzed in order to help us to better understand and improve the value of video-based learning. WAVe is based on the rationale that combining and analyzing learners' interactions with other available data obtained from learners, new avenues for research on video-based learning have emerged.

The curricula for Computer Science Education (CSE) of many countries comprise both Programming an... more The curricula for Computer Science Education (CSE) of many countries comprise both Programming and Information and Communication Technology (ICT); however these two areas have substantial differences, inter alia the attitudes and beliefs of the students regarding the intended learning content. In this study, variables from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and Social Cognitive Theory were chosen as important factors in students' behavior and attitude towards CSE. This hybrid framework aims to measure the level of the selected key variables on CSE and identify potential differences among ICT and Programming courses. Responses from the total of 126 Greek students, (71 attending ICT courses and 55 attending Programming Courses) were used to measure the variables and to identify the differences between ICT and Programming students. The results revealed several differences in the measured variables. The overall outcomes are expected to contribute to the understanding of students' likelihood to pursue computing related careers and promote the acceptance of CSE.
This study explores the dynamics of personalized services in online shopping, with regard to emot... more This study explores the dynamics of personalized services in online shopping, with regard to emotions, privacy and trust. The basic emotions of happiness and anxiety were chosen. A sample of 182 online shoppers was used to assess the effect of privacy and trust on their emotions through personalized services, and how these emotions ultimately affect their purchase intentions. The findings indicate that privacy affects anxiety while trust affects happiness, while both emotions have significant influence on customers' intention to buy through personalized services. The study concludes with theoretical and practical implications, limitations, and future research directions.

In this tutorial, we explore open source software practices and tools that are suitable for a gro... more In this tutorial, we explore open source software practices and tools that are suitable for a growing number of creators of interactive and playful systems. The introduction of open source tools such as Processing and Arduino has motivated a broader participation of technical and non-technical users in the creative production of interactive systems. Maker communities meet regularly and they share resources and knowledge for creative hacking, fun, and networking. In this context there are two main issues: on the one hand, software creation practices, based on collaboration and sharing, on the other hand, the respective end-user programming tools for artists, hobbyists or children. This tutorial presents a coherent overview of related work and our own experiences in the organization and running of maker workshops. It encompasses creative sessions whose final goal is to inspire the participants to experience open software practices and tools. This goal can divided into three sub-goals: 1) Technical (Interactivity, multimedia) 2) Artistic (poetic message, playful, experimental) 3) Open (sharing, reuse and participation). As a side effect of the study, the participants will cooperate and get to know each other and learn examples of new media prototyping tools and sharing platforms. The tutorial proposes a set of initial research questions which will challenge the participants to explore the relationship between Open Source Software and Entertainment.
This paper presents the development of a set of research-derived design guidelines for healthcare... more This paper presents the development of a set of research-derived design guidelines for healthcare games and applications for toddlers (children aged 1-3 years). An initial set of best practices was first developed through a workshop with experts; and afterwards, by employing an affinity diagram constructed by a HCI researchers' focus group, a revised set of best practices was obtained. This set of best practices was connected with gaming application design principles and translated into design guidelines. The results should be useful for designers and researchers who work with design and evaluation of healthcare games and applications for toddlers.

Educators and museum curators have recognized the value of interactivity, but it remains unclear ... more Educators and museum curators have recognized the value of interactivity, but it remains unclear what is the right level of interactivity in informal learning settings, such as museums. In this study, we explore the effect of increasing levels of interactivity on learning performance and students' intention for future museum visits. We developed an educational mobile application based on QR codes and quiz software, in order to augment visual arts comprehension during a visit to an art gallery. In addition to the mobile-based version of the game, a paper-based version was also employed followed by a controlled experiment. A total of 60 lyceum students (between 15 and 16 years old) participated in a between-groups evaluation that compared the performance of three levels of interactivity (passive guided tour, paper-based, mobile-based), as well as the perceptions among the groups. The results indicate that the mobile-based student group had higher performance in the post-assessment when compared with the paper-based one. Notably, perceived interest for the game affects students' perceptions for a future museum visit. Further research should consider the effects of higher-fidelity types of mobile applications, such as 3D graphics, as well as augmented-reality games.

Educational video games have been employed by teachers in order to make educational software more... more Educational video games have been employed by teachers in order to make educational software more attractive to students. However, limited research has been made on the design and assessment of the storytelling elements and the educational effectiveness of these games in sciences curricula. For this purpose, we used Scratch to develop a storytelling mathematics video game and then we measured its educational effect to a small group of twelve students. We found that the story-based math video game has captivated the interest of students and it has been beneficial in the improvement of their performance in an assessment test. Most notably, the improvement was higher for students who used to have poor performance in mathematics. In practice, educators should develop similar games for similar science topics (e.g., physics, chemistry, etc), while further research should consider the active involvement of students in the design of serious games.

Serious video games that enable students to engage into topics as mathematics through an enjoymen... more Serious video games that enable students to engage into topics as mathematics through an enjoyment process are becoming increasingly popular. However, there is lack of empirical evidence on the relationship between students' enjoyment and their intention to use serious video games. This study is about a storytelling serious video game, which has the goal to improve the mathematical skills of players. The game has a plot, featuring a story in which a mission is assigned to the player. The story and the mission are used to stimulate the students' interest and motivate them to play the game. The empirical study is a controlled experiment to which 46 Gymnasium (middle school) students participated. Results confirmed the positive effects of the enjoyment on students' intention to use storytelling serious games. Notably, we found that gender has a moderating effect on the relationships between enjoyment and intention to use the game. The results of this study suggest that games with a storytelling component might be attractive to girls.
Papers by Michail Giannakos