Papers by Michael D Martin

Invasive plants provide ample opportunity to study evolutionary shifts that occur after introduct... more Invasive plants provide ample opportunity to study evolutionary shifts that occur after introduction to novel environments. However, although genetic characters pre-dating introduction can be important determinants of later success, large-scale investigations of historical genetic structure have not been feasible. Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is an invasive weed native to North America that is known for its allergenic pollen. Palynological records from sediment cores indicate that this species was uncommon before European colonization of North America, and ragweed populations expanded rapidly as settlers deforested the landscape on a massive scale, later becoming an aggressive invasive with populations established globally. Toward a direct comparison of genetic structure now and during intense anthropogenic disturbance of the late 19th century, we sampled 45 natural populations of common ragweed across its native range as well as historical herbarium specimens collect...

While invasive species are a key driver of the global biodiversity crisis, the drivers of invasiv... more While invasive species are a key driver of the global biodiversity crisis, the drivers of invasiveness remain debated. To investigate the genomic basis of invasiveness in plants, we use the invasive weed Ambrosia artemisiifolia, introduced to Europe in the late 19th century, resequencing 655 ragweed genomes, including 308 herbarium specimens collected up to 190 years ago. In introduced European populations, we report selection signatures in defense genes and lower prevalence of particular plant pathogens in the invasive range. Together with temporal changes in population structure associated with introgression from closely related Ambrosia species, escape from microbial enemies likely favoured the plant’s remarkable success as an invasive species.One-Sentence SummaryThe invasive success of European ragweed was facilitated by release from enemy microbes and inter-species hybridization.

Communications Biology, 2021
Salmonids are important sources of protein for a large proportion of the human population. Mycopl... more Salmonids are important sources of protein for a large proportion of the human population. Mycoplasma species are a major constituent of the gut microbiota of salmonids, often representing the majority of microbiota. Despite the frequent reported dominance of salmonid-related Mycoplasma species, little is known about the phylogenomic placement, functions and potential evolutionary relationships with their salmonid hosts. In this study, we utilise 2.9 billion metagenomic reads generated from 12 samples from three different salmonid host species to I) characterise and curate the first metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) of Mycoplasma dominating the intestines of three different salmonid species, II) establish the phylogeny of these salmonid candidate Mycoplasma species, III) perform a comprehensive pangenomic analysis of Mycoplasma, IV) decipher the putative functionalities of the salmonid MAGs and reveal specific functions expected to benefit the host. Our data provide a basis for fu...

Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2021
The relative importance of introgression for diversification has long been a highly disputed topi... more The relative importance of introgression for diversification has long been a highly disputed topic in speciation research and remains an open question despite the great attention it has received over the past decade. Gene flow leaves traces in the genome similar to those created by incomplete lineage sorting (ILS), and identification and quantification of gene flow in the presence of ILS is challenging and requires knowledge about the true phylogenetic relationship among the species. We use whole nuclear, plastid, and organellar genomes from 12 species in the rapidly radiated, ecologically diverse, actively hybridizing genus of peatmoss (Sphagnum) to reconstruct the species phylogeny and quantify introgression using a suite of phylogenomic methods. We found extensive phylogenetic discordance among nuclear and organellar phylogenies, as well as across the nuclear genome and the nodes in the species tree, best explained by extensive ILS following the rapid radiation of the genus rathe...

Evolution Letters, 2020
Evolutionary processes, including selection, can be indirectly inferred based on patterns of geno... more Evolutionary processes, including selection, can be indirectly inferred based on patterns of genomic variation among contemporary populations or species. However, this often requires unrealistic assumptions of ancestral demography and selective regimes. Sequencing ancient DNA from temporally spaced samples can inform about past selection processes, as time series data allow direct quantification of population parameters collected before, during, and after genetic changes driven by selection. In this Comment and Opinion, we advocate for the inclusion of temporal sampling and the generation of paleogenomic datasets in evolutionary biology, and highlight some of the recent advances that have yet to be broadly applied by evolutionary biologists. In doing so, we consider the expected signatures of balancing, purifying, and positive selection in time series data, and detail how this can advance our understanding of the chronology and tempo of genomic change driven by selection. However, w...

Molecular Plant Pathology, 2019
An outbreak of the potato late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans in Denmark was characterize... more An outbreak of the potato late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans in Denmark was characterized in order to resolve the population structure and determine to what extent sexual reproduction was occurring. A standard set of microsatellite simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers generated using restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) were employed in parallel. A total of 83 individuals, isolated from seven different potato fields in 2014, were analysed together with five Danish whole-genome sequenced isolates, as well as two Mexican individuals used as an outgroup. From a filtered dataset of 55 288 SNPs, population genomics analyses revealed no sign of recombination, implying clonality. In spite of this, multilocus genotypes were unique to individual potato fields, with little evidence of gene flow between fields. Ploidy analysis performed on the SNPs dataset indicated that the majority of isolates were diploid. These contradictory results with clonality and high genotypic diversity may suggest that rare sexual events likely still contribute to the population. Comparison of the results generated by SSRs vs SNPs data indicated that large marker sets, generated by RAD-seq, may be advised going forward, as it provides a higher level of genetic discrimination than SSRs.

Molecular Ecology Resources, 2020
Advances in DNA extraction and next‐generation sequencing have made a vast number of historical h... more Advances in DNA extraction and next‐generation sequencing have made a vast number of historical herbarium specimens available for genomic investigation. These specimens contain not only genomic information from the individual plants themselves, but also from associated microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. These microorganisms may have colonized the living plant (e.g., pathogens or host‐associated commensal taxa) or may result from postmortem colonization that may include decomposition processes or contamination during sample handling. Here we characterize the metagenomic profile from shotgun sequencing data from herbarium specimens of two widespread plant species (Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Arabidopsis thaliana) collected up to 180 years ago. We used blast searching in combination with megan and were able to infer the metagenomic community even from the oldest herbarium sample. Through comparison with contemporary plant collections, we identify three microbial species that ar...

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020
Lions are one of the world’s most iconic megafauna, yet little is known about their temporal and ... more Lions are one of the world’s most iconic megafauna, yet little is known about their temporal and spatial demographic history and population differentiation. We analyzed a genomic dataset of 20 specimens: two ca. 30,000-y-old cave lions ( Panthera leo spelaea ), 12 historic lions ( Panthera leo leo/Panthera leo melanochaita ) that lived between the 15th and 20th centuries outside the current geographic distribution of lions, and 6 present-day lions from Africa and India. We found that cave and modern lions shared an ancestor ca. 500,000 y ago and that the 2 lineages likely did not hybridize following their divergence. Within modern lions, we found 2 main lineages that diverged ca. 70,000 y ago, with clear evidence of subsequent gene flow. Our data also reveal a nearly complete absence of genetic diversity within Indian lions, probably due to well-documented extremely low effective population sizes in the recent past. Our results contribute toward the understanding of the evolutionary...
Genome, 2019
will bring together 384 presenting authors from 57 countries to discuss the latest developments i... more will bring together 384 presenting authors from 57 countries to discuss the latest developments in DNA barcodingenabled biodiversity research and nature management. The latest methodological advances in molecular techniques and bioinformatics, socioeconomically relevant applications of DNA barcoding and metabarcoding, as well as legislative frameworks and regulatory practices will be covered. Copyright remains with the author(s) or their institution(s). Permission for reuse (free in most cases) can be obtained from RightsLink.

Journal of Biogeography, 2019
AimIn this study, we explored spatial patterns of phylogenetic diversity (PD) and endemism in the... more AimIn this study, we explored spatial patterns of phylogenetic diversity (PD) and endemism in the flora of Norway and tested hypothesized post‐glacial environmental drivers of PD, including temperature, precipitation, edaphic factors and time since glacial retreat.LocationNorway.TaxonVascular plants (Trachaeophyta).MethodsWe produced a multi‐locus maximum‐likelihood (ML) phylogeny using a combination of newly produced DNA sequences from herbarium specimens and sequences available from public repositories. We combined the phylogeny with species occurrence data to estimate PD and phylogenetic endemism across Norway, using a spatial randomization to judge statistical significance. We used multiple‐model inference to identify environmental variables that contributed the most to the patterns of PD. Finally, we estimated phylogenetic turnover and used this to identify Norwegian plant assemblages in terms of composition and evolutionary history.ResultsOur ML phylogeny contained 87% of all ...

Ecography, 2019
Communities are assembled from species that evolve or colonise a given geographic region, and per... more Communities are assembled from species that evolve or colonise a given geographic region, and persist in the face of abiotic conditions and interactions with other species. The evolutionary and colonisation histories of communities are characterised by phylogenetic diversity, while functional diversity is indicative of abiotic and biotic conditions. The relationship between functional and phylogenetic diversity infers whether species functional traits are divergent (differing between related species) or convergent (similar among distantly related species). Biotic interactions and abiotic conditions are known to influence macroecological patterns in species richness, but how functional and phylogenetic diversity of guilds vary with biotic factors, and the relative importance of biotic drivers in relation to geographic and abiotic drivers is unknown. In this study, we test whether geographic, abiotic or biotic factors drive biome‐scale spatial patterns of functional and phylogenetic d...

Reconstruction of the demographic and evolutionary history of populations assuming a consensus tr... more Reconstruction of the demographic and evolutionary history of populations assuming a consensus tree-like relationship can mask more complex scenarios, which are prevalent in nature. An emerging genomic toolset, which has been most comprehensively harnessed in the reconstruction of human evolutionary history, enables molecular ecologists to elucidate complex population histories. Killer whales have limited extrinsic barriers to dispersal and have radiated globally, and are therefore a good candidate model for the application of such tools. Here, we analyse a global dataset of killer whale genomes in a rare attempt to elucidate global population structure in a non-human species. We identify a pattern of genetic homogenisation at lower latitudes and the greatest differentiation at high latitudes, even between currently sympatric lineages. The processes underlying the major axis of structure include high drift at the edge of species’ range, likely associated with founder effects and all...
Fungal Biology Reviews, 2017
The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of record. I... more The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of record. If you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher's version. Please see the repository url above for details on accessing the published version and note that access may require a subscription.

Ecology and evolution, Jun 1, 2016
Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is an invasive, wind-pollinated plant nearly ubiquito... more Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is an invasive, wind-pollinated plant nearly ubiquitous in disturbed sites in its eastern North American native range and present across growing portions of Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Phenotypic divergence between European and native-range populations has been described as rapid evolution. However, a recent study demonstrated major human-mediated shifts in ragweed genetic structure before introduction to Europe and suggested that native-range genetic structure and local adaptation might fully explain accelerated growth and other invasive characteristics of introduced populations. Genomic differentiation that potentially influenced this structure has not yet been investigated, and it remains unclear whether substantial admixture during historical disturbance of the native range contributed to the development of invasiveness in introduced European ragweed populations. To investigate fine-scale population genetic structure across th...

Molecular ecology resources, Jan 19, 2016
Population genetic studies of non-model organisms frequently employ reduced representation librar... more Population genetic studies of non-model organisms frequently employ reduced representation library (RRL) methodologies, many of which rely on protocols in which genomic DNA is digested by one or more restriction enzymes. However, because high molecular weight DNA is recommended for these protocols, samples with degraded DNA are generally unsuitable for RRL methods. Given that ancient and historic specimens can provide key temporal perspectives to evolutionary questions, we explored how custom-designed RNA probes could enrich for RRL loci (Restriction Enzyme-Associated Loci baits, or REALbaits). Starting with Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS) data generated on modern common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) specimens, we designed 20,000 RNA probes to target well-characterized genomic loci in herbarium voucher specimens dating from 1835-1913. Compared to shotgun sequencing, we observed enrichment of the targeted loci at 19-151-fold. Using our GBS capture pipeline on a dataset of 38 he...

Nature Communications, 2013
Responsible for the Irish potato famine of 1845-49, the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans ... more Responsible for the Irish potato famine of 1845-49, the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans caused persistent, devastating outbreaks of potato late blight across Europe in the 19th century. Despite continued interest in the history and spread of the pathogen, the genome of the famine-era strain remains entirely unknown. Here we characterize temporal genomic changes in introduced P. infestans. We shotgun sequence five 19th-century European strains from archival herbarium samples-including the oldest known European specimen, collected in 1845 from the first reported source of introduction. We then compare their genomes to those of extant isolates. We report multiple distinct genotypes in historical Europe and a suite of infection-related genes different from modern strains. At virulencerelated loci, several now-ubiquitous genotypes were absent from the historical gene pool. At least one of these genotypes encodes a virulent phenotype in modern strains, which helps explain the 20th century's episodic replacements of European P. infestans lineages.

Molecular Ecology, 2014
Invasive plants provide ample opportunity to study evolutionary shifts that occur after introduct... more Invasive plants provide ample opportunity to study evolutionary shifts that occur after introduction to novel environments. However, although genetic characters pre-dating introduction can be important determinants of later success, large-scale investigations of historical genetic structure have not been feasible. Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is an invasive weed native to North America that is known for its allergenic pollen. Palynological records from sediment cores indicate that this species was uncommon before European colonization of North America, and ragweed populations expanded rapidly as settlers deforested the landscape on a massive scale, later becoming an aggressive invasive with populations established globally. Towards a direct comparison of genetic structure now and during intense anthropogenic disturbance of the late 19th century, we sampled 45 natural populations of common ragweed across its native range as well as historical herbarium specimens collected up to 140 years ago. Bayesian clustering analyses of 453 modern and 473 historical samples genotyped at three chloroplast spacer regions and six nuclear microsatellite loci reveal that historical ragweed's spatial genetic structure mirrors both the palaeo-record of Ambrosia pollen deposition and the historical pattern of agricultural density across the landscape. Furthermore, for unknown reasons, this spatial genetic pattern has changed substantially in the intervening years. Following on previous work relating morphology and genetic expression between plants collected from eastern North America and Western Europe, we speculate that the cluster associated with humans' rapid transformation of the landscape is a likely source of these aggressive invasive populations.

Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2014
The plant pathogen Phytophthora infestans emerged in Europe in 1845, triggering the Irish potato ... more The plant pathogen Phytophthora infestans emerged in Europe in 1845, triggering the Irish potato famine and massive European potato crop losses that continued until effective fungicides were widely employed in the 20th century. Today the pathogen is ubiquitous, with more aggressive and virulent strains surfacing in recent decades. Recently, complete P. infestans mitogenome sequences from 19th-century herbarium specimens were shown to belong to a unique lineage (HERB-1) predicted to be rare or extinct in modern times. We report 44 additional P. infestans mitogenomes: four from 19th-century Europe, three from 1950s UK, and 37 from modern populations across the New World. We use phylogenetic analyses to identify the HERB-1 lineage in modern populations from both Mexico and South America, and to demonstrate distinct mitochondrial haplotypes were present in 19th-century Europe, with this lineage initially diversifying 75 years before the first reports of potato late blight.

American Journal of Botany, 2009
Pollen dispersal is a fundamental aspect of plant reproductive biology that maintains connectivit... more Pollen dispersal is a fundamental aspect of plant reproductive biology that maintains connectivity between spatially separated populations. Pollen clumping, a characteristic feature of insect-pollinated plants, is generally assumed to be a detriment to wind pollination because clumps disperse shorter distances than do solitary pollen grains. Yet pollen clumps have been observed in dispersion studies of some widely distributed wind-pollinated species. We used Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed; Asteraceae), a successful invasive angiosperm, to investigate the effect of clumping on wind dispersal of pollen under natural conditions in a large fi eld. Results of simultaneous measurements of clump size both in pollen shedding from male fl owers and airborne pollen being dispersed in the atmosphere are combined with a transport model to show that rather than being detrimental, clumps may actually be advantageous for wind pollination. Initial clumps can pollinate the parent population, while smaller clumps that arise from breakup of larger clumps can cross-pollinate distant populations.
Papers by Michael D Martin