Shu-Fen Chen
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Papers by Shu-Fen Chen
关键词 台湾流行语;名词动词化;外来词;新词;宅
Keywords: Hindi speakers, Teaching Chinese as a foreign language (CFL), contrastive analysis, Mandarin, pronunciation
現存《金剛經》的漢譯版本共有六種,本文主要針對鳩摩羅什和玄奘的版本,對照梵文本進行比較。玄奘的漢譯本(663 A.D.)比鳩摩羅什的漢譯本(401 A.D.)晚了約260年譯出,且比較忠實原文,理應廣受歡迎。可惜目前在佛教徒中所流傳的版本是鳩摩羅什所譯,譯文較簡潔流暢。本文想針對鳩摩羅什和玄奘二人對梵文《金剛經》中否定詞之譯法,加以分析比較,以語言學的角度來看兩位譯者的譯經風格。
鳩摩羅什的《金剛經》版本,共使用了5180個漢字,而玄奘的版本則使用了8208個漢字。其中,兩譯本中的「不」字皆出現超過100次,前者為117次,後者為137次;「無」字,前者出現80次,後者出現136次;「非」共出現46次與78次。可見玄奘大量使用否定詞。其他如「莫」、「勿」及「未」在兩種譯本中只出現不超過5次。然而,梵文否定詞的使用相對於漢譯本,比較簡單,通常是否定前綴 “a-“, 及否定副詞 “na”. 簡而言之,本文作者將研讀《金剛經》梵文本,對照鳩摩羅什與玄奘的漢譯本,找出中古漢語否定詞之使用情形,並研究兩位譯者之翻譯風格。
A Study of the Sanskrit Compound Words and Their Corresponding Chinese Translations in the Diamond Sutra: Based on Kumārajīva’s and Xuanzang’s Texts
Shu-Fen Chen*
This paper examines 275 Sanskrit compound words found in the Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitāhṛdayasutra (Diamond Sutra). According to the six Chinese traditional interpretations of Sanskrit terms, Liu He Shi六合釋, these compound words are classified into six categories: tatpuruṣa (determinative compounds), karmadhāraya (descriptive compounds), dvandva (co-ordinative compounds), dvigu (compounds with a numeral), avyayībhāva (adverbial compounds), and bahuvrīhi (possessive compounds). In Chinese there are five main types of compounds; however, most of the Sanskrit compounds are translated into modified-head structure in Chinese. Besides modified-head compounds, many Sanskrit compounds are translated into Chinese as verb-object phrases. We also study the translation techniques employed by Kumārajīva and Xuanzang based on the translation of the Sanskrit compound words. It is found that Kumārajīva did not translate the compound words for 150 times, while Xuanzang, for only two times. The former sometimes did not translate the first or the second components in compound words, whereas the latter would faithfully translate every component, including negative prefixes and prepositions. Xuanzang also used calques (loan translations), a kind of literal morpheme-to-morpheme translation, to translate Sanskrit compounds. His translation of compound words mostly sticked to the Sanskrit word structures, and was supposed to be much more correct. However, nowadays Buddhists study only Kumārajīva’s translation of the Diamond Sutra, despite his less faithful translation skills. Kumārajīva’s translation of Sanskrit compounds words uses more familiar word structures and terms in Chinese, and thus one cannot tell that they were translated from Sanskrit. On the contrary, Xuanzang though faithfully follows Sanskrit word structures, he created some terms which were unfamiliar to the public and thus difficult to understand. That is why Kumārajīva’s translation is widely accepted in the Buddhist circles.
Keywords: Sanskrit, compound words, Diamond Sutra, six interpretations of Sanskrit compound words, comparative study of Sanskrit-Chinese lexicon
Siddham literature plays a very important role in Buddhist practice since the principles regarding how to pronounce mantras are embedded. That is what people used to say: "A word contains a dharma-door which is a key to enlightenment." The knowledge of Siddham is indeed a kind of valuable wisdom
for Buddhist practitioners. However, for most people Siddham literature is hard to understand, and they are especially is discouraged from reading the charts regarding Chinese historical phonology. This paper mainly deals with some important
technical terms found in Siddham literature, and provides a detailed illustration
and explanation. Our aim is to let people be familiar with Siddham literature, and
accurately grasp the contents. Section II briefly introduces the designing concepts of rhyme tables and their basic structures, and explains some of the commonly used terms, such as initials, voicing, five places of articulation, rhymes and tones. Section III analyzes the charts related to Chinese historical phonology found in Siddhakośa《悉曇藏》and Xitan Lunlüe Tuchao《悉曇輪略圖抄》. Section IV is the conclusion.
Keywords: Siddham, Chinese historical phonology, Siddhakośa, Xitan Lunlüe Tuchao 《悉曇輪略圖抄》
Keywords: punctuation marks, Diamond Sūtra, Taishō Tripiṭaka, CBETA, Sanskrit-Chinese comparative analysis
关键词 台湾流行语;名词动词化;外来词;新词;宅
Keywords: Hindi speakers, Teaching Chinese as a foreign language (CFL), contrastive analysis, Mandarin, pronunciation
現存《金剛經》的漢譯版本共有六種,本文主要針對鳩摩羅什和玄奘的版本,對照梵文本進行比較。玄奘的漢譯本(663 A.D.)比鳩摩羅什的漢譯本(401 A.D.)晚了約260年譯出,且比較忠實原文,理應廣受歡迎。可惜目前在佛教徒中所流傳的版本是鳩摩羅什所譯,譯文較簡潔流暢。本文想針對鳩摩羅什和玄奘二人對梵文《金剛經》中否定詞之譯法,加以分析比較,以語言學的角度來看兩位譯者的譯經風格。
鳩摩羅什的《金剛經》版本,共使用了5180個漢字,而玄奘的版本則使用了8208個漢字。其中,兩譯本中的「不」字皆出現超過100次,前者為117次,後者為137次;「無」字,前者出現80次,後者出現136次;「非」共出現46次與78次。可見玄奘大量使用否定詞。其他如「莫」、「勿」及「未」在兩種譯本中只出現不超過5次。然而,梵文否定詞的使用相對於漢譯本,比較簡單,通常是否定前綴 “a-“, 及否定副詞 “na”. 簡而言之,本文作者將研讀《金剛經》梵文本,對照鳩摩羅什與玄奘的漢譯本,找出中古漢語否定詞之使用情形,並研究兩位譯者之翻譯風格。
A Study of the Sanskrit Compound Words and Their Corresponding Chinese Translations in the Diamond Sutra: Based on Kumārajīva’s and Xuanzang’s Texts
Shu-Fen Chen*
This paper examines 275 Sanskrit compound words found in the Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitāhṛdayasutra (Diamond Sutra). According to the six Chinese traditional interpretations of Sanskrit terms, Liu He Shi六合釋, these compound words are classified into six categories: tatpuruṣa (determinative compounds), karmadhāraya (descriptive compounds), dvandva (co-ordinative compounds), dvigu (compounds with a numeral), avyayībhāva (adverbial compounds), and bahuvrīhi (possessive compounds). In Chinese there are five main types of compounds; however, most of the Sanskrit compounds are translated into modified-head structure in Chinese. Besides modified-head compounds, many Sanskrit compounds are translated into Chinese as verb-object phrases. We also study the translation techniques employed by Kumārajīva and Xuanzang based on the translation of the Sanskrit compound words. It is found that Kumārajīva did not translate the compound words for 150 times, while Xuanzang, for only two times. The former sometimes did not translate the first or the second components in compound words, whereas the latter would faithfully translate every component, including negative prefixes and prepositions. Xuanzang also used calques (loan translations), a kind of literal morpheme-to-morpheme translation, to translate Sanskrit compounds. His translation of compound words mostly sticked to the Sanskrit word structures, and was supposed to be much more correct. However, nowadays Buddhists study only Kumārajīva’s translation of the Diamond Sutra, despite his less faithful translation skills. Kumārajīva’s translation of Sanskrit compounds words uses more familiar word structures and terms in Chinese, and thus one cannot tell that they were translated from Sanskrit. On the contrary, Xuanzang though faithfully follows Sanskrit word structures, he created some terms which were unfamiliar to the public and thus difficult to understand. That is why Kumārajīva’s translation is widely accepted in the Buddhist circles.
Keywords: Sanskrit, compound words, Diamond Sutra, six interpretations of Sanskrit compound words, comparative study of Sanskrit-Chinese lexicon
Siddham literature plays a very important role in Buddhist practice since the principles regarding how to pronounce mantras are embedded. That is what people used to say: "A word contains a dharma-door which is a key to enlightenment." The knowledge of Siddham is indeed a kind of valuable wisdom
for Buddhist practitioners. However, for most people Siddham literature is hard to understand, and they are especially is discouraged from reading the charts regarding Chinese historical phonology. This paper mainly deals with some important
technical terms found in Siddham literature, and provides a detailed illustration
and explanation. Our aim is to let people be familiar with Siddham literature, and
accurately grasp the contents. Section II briefly introduces the designing concepts of rhyme tables and their basic structures, and explains some of the commonly used terms, such as initials, voicing, five places of articulation, rhymes and tones. Section III analyzes the charts related to Chinese historical phonology found in Siddhakośa《悉曇藏》and Xitan Lunlüe Tuchao《悉曇輪略圖抄》. Section IV is the conclusion.
Keywords: Siddham, Chinese historical phonology, Siddhakośa, Xitan Lunlüe Tuchao 《悉曇輪略圖抄》
Keywords: punctuation marks, Diamond Sūtra, Taishō Tripiṭaka, CBETA, Sanskrit-Chinese comparative analysis