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"Participatory designers can work to discover, represent and even change the values of organizations that are taken on as clients. Considering this, the following paper profiles a recent change initiative undertaken by a private... more
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    • Design Thinking (Business)
This paper describes how a participatory research process called situation mapping has been used to identify the way information services are generated and delivered to passengers in an Australian public transport system. The exercise has... more
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      Organisational ChangeDesign multi-disciplinary practiceDesign thinking
Real-time (RT) transport information conveys actual locations of transport services in real-time, as opposed to only timetabled departure times. The development of RT transport information mobile applications has become a focus of many... more
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      Information SystemsManagementDesignActor Network Theory
Since the mid-2000s, the " Smart City " has emerged as a popular discourse describing technological solutions to challenges of urban gover-nance. The Smart City has been praised but also criticized as a discourse for its narrow... more
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      PragmatismVisualizationUrbanismActor Network Theory (ANT)
Public transport provision is a wicked problem (Rittel & Webber 1973), in which many stakeholders have a vested interest in the way the services are delivered such as councils, transport service providers, local retail destinations,... more
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    • Business
Real-time (RT) transport information conveys actual locations of transport services in real-time, as opposed to only timetabled departure times. The development of RT transport information mobile applications has become a focus of many... more
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      Information SystemsManagementGeographyDesign
This paper presents the findings of empirical research on social housing renewal projects designed to achieve social/tenure mix. The findings illustrate that the benefits normally attributed to social mix are in practice contingent on... more
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      Measurement and EvaluationSocial HousingSocial Impact InvestingSocial Housing; Housing Policies
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Objective To provide evidence to underpin a minimum clear width dimension for a wayfinding path and the associated falling risk for the use of all vision impaired persons walking with a guide dog. Research design and methods Part D1.6 of... more
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    • Age
We would also like to acknowledge Yong-Jung Moon, a research associate who assisted with SPSS. This project was a partnership with SEQUAL consequently we would also like to acknowledge the assistance of Kevin Conlon; Martin Lynch; Craig... more
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Reverse mortgages and older people: growth factors and implications for retirement decisions Title 978-1-921610-37-0 ISBN
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Mobilities in settler states have become a defining feature of indigenous spatiality. This is mainly due to the structural disadvantage of indigenous communities in relation to urban locations. In Israel, Palestinian citizens are... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesHuman RightsIsrael/PalestineUrban Studies
A vast body of research has characterised urban Indigeneity as a novel phenomenon. In response, this paper historicises the presence of Indigenous people in settler-colonial cities. I argue that although Indigenous people have always been... more
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      Indigenous StudiesUrban StudiesSettler colonialism
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      SegregationIsrael/PalestineUrban Studies
As a conferred status, citizenship is commonly imagined as a binary; one is either a citizen or not. However, citizenship is better understood as a spectrum of rights and opportunities to participate in public life, and is neither... more
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      Human RightsIndigenous Peoples RightsCitizenshipPolitical and Legal Anthropology
In the conspicuously geographical debate between 'North' and 'South' urbanism, settler colonial cities remain displaced. They are located in the 'North' but embody 'South-like' colonial dynamics and are hence neither colonial nor... more
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      Comparative UrbanismPropertyUrban StudiesIndigenous Peoples
Repossession of land by Indigenous people is commonly understood as a legal act that unfolds within the confines of state apparatuses. But for many Indigenous urbanites, legal repossession is both impossible and irrelevant due to their... more
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      PropertyAustraliaIndigenous Peoples RightsCities