Papers by VINCENT PAUL (PhD)

8th International Conference on New Public Management in the Post-Subsidy Era: Re-Engineering Nigeria, 2024
Digital technology is rapidly transforming the fashion industry, and fashion design businesses in... more Digital technology is rapidly transforming the fashion industry, and fashion design businesses in Nigeria are no exception. This study explored the effect of the adoption of digital technology on the sustainability of fashion design businesses in Keffi Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The study adopted a casual research design involving the use of quantitative methods in which primary data was collected from a cross section of 91 owners of fashion design businesses in Keffi. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was employed for data analysis. Findings indicated that digital technology adoption was a positive and statistically significant determinant of Financial Performance, Market Expansion and Competitiveness as proxies of Sustainability. This necessitates the strategic adoption and integration of digital technology in business operations in maximising efficiency and effectiveness. There is also the need for leveraging digital technology tools such as social media by fashion design business owners in reaching a wider market base.

Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Disciplines, 2022
Many businesses are trapped on the issue of who will be succussed after the founder/leader is no ... more Many businesses are trapped on the issue of who will be succussed after the founder/leader is no longer controlling the helm of affairs. The study adopted the survey research design in which the population comprise selected family businesses in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The study sampled 145 respondents who were purposively drawn from the entire population where data was analyzed using the regression method with the aid of the SPSS package. It was revealed that succession crisis resolution and family therapy have a significant and positive effect on family business performance. The study recommends among other issues that family business owners should imbibe the culture of leadership succession crisis resolution as it proves to ensure a smooth transition of leadership succession in the organization. furthermore, owners and managers of family businesses should engage their workers in psychological therapy, so as to enable them to be more productive within and outside the business environment.

AFAR Multidisciplinary Journal of Management Sciences, 2022
This study examined the entrepreneurial ecosystem to derive an ideal model for entrepreneurial de... more This study examined the entrepreneurial ecosystem to derive an ideal model for entrepreneurial development and determined a perfect model that can be adopted in Nigeria and other developing countries. A qualitative study was adopted, using the exploratory approach to identify the variables that necessitate an ideal entrepreneurial model considering the Nigerian environment. Triangulation was modified to improve the accuracy of the data gathered. Secondary data was used to gather information, make analyses, and interpreted it. A comparative analysis of the Babson Entrepreneurship Ecosystem project model; Koltai and Company Six + Six model; Organization for Economic Corporation and Development model; and the World Economic Forum model. The findings identified the entrepreneurial system elements in Nigeria: education; infrastructural support; policy and regulatory framework; enterprise support; facilities; training and orientation programmes; cultural influence; market climate conditions; access to financial funding; and internal and external enablers. Priority was given to the entrepreneurial education system by emphasizing the various levels of education where entrepreneurship education should be adapted with the pedagogy for each level of education. The Lamino Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Achievement Process (LEEAP) Model was developed in line with the findings. The study recommended that entrepreneurship needs to be inclusive on all levels of the Nigerian education system, emphasizing that; primary-child centred; secondary-subject-centred, and tertiary-vocational-centred should be adapted for entrepreneurial education to advance in Nigeria. The study further recommended that the Nigerian government need to develop policies that can propel the elements of the ecosystem to thrive; the Nigerian government needs to make sure that necessary infrastructural facilities like electricity, water, roads, and land are easily accessible and available to entrepreneurs; and finally, the Nigerian government should adopt this model towards developing a robust and effective entrepreneurial development framework for her citizen.

POLAC Economic Review, 2022
In this study, the focus was on the investigation of inheritance planning and the role of Will's ... more In this study, the focus was on the investigation of inheritance planning and the role of Will's writing on leadership succession crisis resolution in family businesses. The study specifically aimed at finding out the types of a succession crises and how they influence family business sustainability. Also, the study finds out how well family business owners engage in inheritance planning and wills that help in resolving leadership succession crises and fostering business sustainability. This study adopts a survey research design and used randomly enrolled participants for data development. A total of 145 responses were validated from the enrolled participants and all responses were drawn from family business owners in the Keffi Local Government Area of Nasarawa State. In addition to the information gathered from the family business owners, interviews were conducted and copies of questionnaires were filled by the judges of the Upper Area Court 1 and 2 and the Chief Magistrate Court, all in Keffi. The findings indicated the following: Wills enable the ease of estate administration, and most business owners in Keffi do not engage in Will writing thereby leading to litigations during leadership succession. The lawsuit process takes a long span of time during which the business suffers and incurs huge losses. It was discovered that in Islamic law, a founder has no explicit right to will his/her business to an inheritor as his or her estate is distributed based on the tenets of Islam unlike the Christian and other religions that allowed their own open intention. The recommendations were: Family business owners should imbibe the culture of inheritance planning as it proves to ensure a smooth transition of leadership in the organization, Family business owners should also engage in wills writing to assist in ensuring that the plan for their business is executed and also protects the business assets. The sustainability of a business is key as it not only contributes to family wealth but also to the economy of the nation. Hence, when a family business is undergoing litigation, the court should ensure it is properly managed by capable hands considering the sensitivity of family values.

POLAC Economic Review, 2022
The study's key purpose was to examine the influence of Agribusiness training programme on youth ... more The study's key purpose was to examine the influence of Agribusiness training programme on youth empowerment and economic development in Nigeria. The study population consists of 965,157 beneficiaries of FADAMA III project. Yamane formula was use to draw a sample size of 520 participants that was increased by 30% with a 93.85% response rate. Primary quantitative data was collected through a survey questionnaire with the aid of multistage sampling technique. In analyzing the collected data, the use of the PLS-SEM technique was applied in this study. In the SEM technique, a CFA test was conducted to confirm the model's reliability and validity, whereas the results of path assessment were presented to examine the association between the variables. Findings of this study confirmed a positive and significant effect of agribusiness training programme on self-employment, income generation, poverty

Confluence Journal of Economics and Allied Studies, 2022
The objective of this work was to determine women's economic empowerment and management of househ... more The objective of this work was to determine women's economic empowerment and management of household food security in Kogi State. Primary data was used for the study, which was collected through the administration of a specially designed questionnaire. A survey design was adopted for the study where the population consist of women in Kogi State. A sample size of 384 was determined using Cochran sampling formulae which were increased to 422 to cover nonresponses. A purposive sampling technique was used in the study. Data collected were analysed using frequency distribution, Pearson correlation, OLS regression and ANOVA to test the model fitness. Results from the study show that women's economic empowerment exerts a significant relationship with the management of household food security. Furthermore, the study recommended among other issues that to achieve more women's economic empowerment; the government, support more women with adequate agricultural assets that will aid in necessitating management of household food security in their homes and beyond and women should be enlightened on how to make use of credit facilities to prove their ability to manage household food security.

Niger Delta Economic and Financial Review , 2022
The development of family businesses has been variously referred to as a source of job creation f... more The development of family businesses has been variously referred to as a source of job creation for idle individuals, especially in families. This study examined the role of young females' entrepreneurial skills on family business development and job creation in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The study adopts a survey research design. The population of the study consists of family businesses established and owned by young female entrepreneurs who utilized their acquired skills across six (6) LGAs of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. A total of three hundred (300) businesses; were purposively sampled within the areas covered, and fifty (50) firms were selected; from each LGA. Descriptive statistics were employed to analyze quantitative data. The analysis was done using a frequency distribution table, means and percentages. Statistical inferences were conducted by means of correlation analysis and regression analysis. The study revealed that young females' entrepreneurial skills have a significant and positive effect on family business development and job creation. The study recommends that government and non-governmental organizations need to improve by giving out loans and other financial aid to female entrepreneurs to encourage their entrepreneurial skills so as to enable them to stay in business. Also, a committee should be set by the three tiers of government to investigate those lingering challenges facing young female entrepreneurial skills, job creation and how to proffer possible solutions for unravelling them.

Niger Delta Economic and Financial Review, 2022
The study examined the effect of risk management practices on the growth of small and medium scal... more The study examined the effect of risk management practices on the growth of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in Abuja, FCT, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive research design to determine the relationship between the variables using multiple regression analysis. The study found that risk monitoring and risk management practices; have a positive effect on the growth of SMEs in Abuja, FCT. From the findings, the study recommends that SMEs need to adjust their risk management models such as ERM. Institutionalize the risk management process and integrate it into their organization's daily life. This will ensure that SMEs in Abuja, FCT meet international standards and are globally competitive. Furthermore, administrators need to use information technology for risk management by performing more accurate risk assessments and measurements and installing information systems that can monitor and ensure the effectiveness of risk management procedures. These are recommended in a situation when training employees on business risk management policies and clearly defining risk management roles and responsibilities.

LAFIA JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES | Volume 2 Number 2, December 2017 ISSN: 2550-732X, 2017
The position of family business to the growth of any nation is very strategic. However,... more Abstract
The position of family business to the growth of any nation is very strategic. However, the survival of most family businesses has been the major issue of concern to the stakeholders. This study examines the influence of successors’ personal characteristics on the post succession performance of family businesses. The data were collected from a cross-section of fifty two (52) family owned businesses in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The data collected were analyzed using regression analysis. The result indicates that all the measures of successors’ performance vis-à-vis level of education, training, work experience and preparation level all show a significant influence on the post succession performance of the businesses. The implication of the finding is that these factors are key to the success of the post succession performance of family businesses. It is therefore recommended, successors to family business should be made to undergo training prior succession; to enable them have relevant experience in the operation of such business and be prepared before taking over the family business.
Keywords: Successor, Personal Qualities, Post-Succession, Performance, Family Business

Journal of Governmental and Financial Accounting Research ISSN: 0037 - 0019 (Volume 3 Number 1), 2019
The study examined the effect of monetary policy on the performance of the Nigerian stock exchang... more The study examined the effect of monetary policy on the performance of the Nigerian stock exchange from 1991 to 2017 and the study adopts ex post facto research design. Monetary policy was measured by monetary policy rate and consumer price index while performance was measured by all share index and Panel multiple regression. The study concludes that consumer price index has significant effect on All Share Index. Also, monetary policy rate has negative significant effect on All Share Index, which indicates that monetary policy rate will decrease performance of Nigeria stock exchange. The study recommends that the increase in the monetary policy rates may spike increased interest rates, which may further derail the flow of funds into the stock market. The Central Bank of Nigeria should be cautious in fixing the Monetary Policy Rates to avoid increasing the cost of capital to investors. Furthermore, the exchange rates policy should be effective and consistent enough to motivate foreign investments in the Nigerian Stock Exchange.

Journal of Governmental and Financial Accounting Research ISSN: 0037 - 0019 (Volume 2, Number 2), 2018
This study surveyed the effect of financial factors on post-succession performance of family busi... more This study surveyed the effect of financial factors on post-succession performance of family businesses in Nigeria. In the study, financial factors on post-succession performance were measured by change in capital level, improved sales level and improved access to financial facilities while survey design was adopted as research design. The population of this study is 4141 family owned firms registered with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) of Nigeria as at January 2018. Out of the total population, only 1215 firms have transited and are in their second generations and above. However, only eight hundred and fifty eight (858) family businesses were able to provide the required information across Nigeria. The number of selected businesses that met the requirement were used as sample size of the study. The data collected were tested for reliability. The result of the reliability indicates a Cronbach Alpha of 82% which implies that the instrument is capable of measuring the views of the respondents with consistency. The data collected were analyzed using regression techniques. The analysis was done for each zone and their combined effects using panel regression. Hence, the study recommends that for an improved post succession performance of family businesses, the successors must ensure that their businesses are financially healthy. This can be done with improved access to financial facilities such as loans and plough back capitals. The factors can place the businesses in a better position to compete as it can expand where necessary in the competitive market and also have better access to raw materials. These will increase the performance of the businesses.

ESUT Journal of Accountancy, Vol. 11, Issue 2, July-Dec., 2020, ISSN. 2251 032X, 2020
This work examines treasury single account and effective management of public sector fu... more Abstract
This work examines treasury single account and effective management of public sector funds in Nigeria. In view of the need to utilize accurate data for this research, primary data were obtained through a structured questionnaire to elicit responses from respondents to meet the requirements of this work. Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) techniques were used in this study. The pooled probit regression was also used to estimate the parameters of the stated model using STATA computer software. Based on the statistical test used in the testing of the hypotheses, it was discovered that treasury single account has a significant effect on financial leakages in revenue collection in Nigerian public sector; Treasury Single Account significantly promotes transparency in the administration of funds and financial discipline in the Nigerian Public Sector. In view of the findings, the study recommended for more legislation to cover the states and local governments’ level since the policy only covered the federal level. This is to ensure that, the level of financial leakages in the public sector at all level is drastically reduced; there should also be an integrated financial management information system (IFMIS) for all the players in the TSA system.
Keyword: Treasury single account, public funds, transparency, financial leakages, financial misappropriation

Bingham University Journal of Business Administration (BUJBA), Vol. 1 Number 2, August 2020 ISSN: 2736 - 044, 2020
Effective succession planning is a critical factor for any organization yearning sustain... more Abstract
Effective succession planning is a critical factor for any organization yearning sustainable performance, growth, internal effectiveness and efficiency, and avoiding defenselessness to decline and collapse of the enterprise. This study examines the strategies of filling executive positionsof selected business enterprises in Northern States Nigeria. The population of this study comprised of six hundred and fifty four (654) selected businesses registered with Corporate Affiars Commission (CAC) of Nigeria as at January 2018 which were examined in Northern States of Nigeria. Out of the total population, five hundred and twenty (520) firms provide the required, valid and reliable information as they have transited and are in their second, third generations and above. study uses frequency counts andpercentages to analyse the data collected. It was found that the business enterprises are motivated to fill their executive positions both by the need for recursion and adaptation. It is also found that management takes into consideration the possession of relevant experience and the company’s culture when bringing in new executives as successors. The study recommended that since the managements of these organisations takes the organisations’ culture as very important in the recruitment of executives to top positions, they should rather develop an internal strategy of grooming their own executives since they are much more likely to be familiar with the organisations’ culture instead of employing external excutive who must study the system for period of time before resuming action for effective and efficient running of the organizations’ activities.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Experience, Adaptation, Management Succession, Recursion, Business

POLAC International Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Security Studies, Special Edition November, 2018 ISSN: 2636- 7076, 2018
Nigerian Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) are faced with a lot of challenges wh... more Abstract
Nigerian Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) are faced with a lot of challenges which includes, inadequate marketing skills, low entrepreneurial spirit, and poor strategic orientation which may deter a good performance of the SMEs. Therefore, this study ascertained the relationship between strategic orientation and performance of SMEs in North Central Region of Nigeria. Additionally, the study also examined the mediation effect of organizational learning on the relationship between strategic orientation and performance of SMEs. The study thus, considering the Nigerian market assesses the performance of SMEs using a multivariate approach to performance assessment. Specifically, multiple constructs of entrepreneurial orientation, technology orientation, market orientation, organizational learning and SMEs Performance are considered. Data was collected through hand delivery method by sending questionnaire to 440 SMEs managers/owners. Partial Least Squares (PLS) algorithm and bootstrap techniques were used to test the study‘s hypotheses. The results provide support for most of the hypothesized relationships for the study. Specifically, entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and organizational learning are significantly and positively related to performance of SMEs. On the other hand, technological orientation is insignificantly and negatively related to performance of SMEs. Additionally, entrepreneurial orientation, technology orientation and market orientation are significantly and positively related to organizational learning. Furthermore, the results of mediation indicate that all the three hypotheses are significant. The outcome of this study provides significant contributions to both managers and researchers for further understanding on the effect of strategic orientation and organizational learning on performance of SMEs. As such, organizations should be encouraged to exhibit these strategic orientations for better performance. Managers/entrepreneurs of SMEs should acquire and put into reality sound entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation skills to be able to engage in a more innovative activity in the markets and to place the customers in the center of a firm's strategy and operations
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Orientation, Organizational Learning, Performance, Technology Orientation

POLAC International Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Security Studies, Special Edition November, 2018 ISSN: 2636- 7076, 2018
Small and medium scale enterprises play a significant role as a catalyst for economic gr... more Abstract
Small and medium scale enterprises play a significant role as a catalyst for economic growth and wealth development. However, due to inadequate entrepreneurial skills, SMEs in Nigeria are performing below human expectation. Therefore, this study investigates the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on small and medium scale enterprises performance of North Central Region in Nigeria. It specifically sough to find out how the components of entrepreneurial orientation such as innovativeness, risk-taking, proactiveness, autonomy as well as competitive aggressiveness affect the small and medium scale enterprises performance in North Central Region. Primary data was collected using five point Likert scaling questionnaire and analyzed by using regression. Data obtained for the purpose of this study was prior to the analysis; undergo different validity and reliability scrutiny so as to eliminate all forms of errors arising from the analysis. The findings of the study reveal that components of entrepreneurial orientation (such as innovativeness, risk-taking, proactiveness, autonomy as well as competitive aggressiveness) have positive and significant effect on the SMEs performance in North Central Region. The results, therefore, call for intensive effort by the government, SMEs owners/managers and specialized agencies (like SMEDAN). Government should also ensure adequate provision of a conducive macroeconomic environment (such as uninterrupted electricity and water supplies, easy access to credit facilities, good road networks and many others)to serve as a solid platform for the SMEs to become entrepreneurial oriented in the region and the world at large.
Key words: Autonomy, entrepreneurial Orientation, Innovativeness, Performance, Proactiveness.

Journal of Management Sciences, Vol 7, No.1, June, 2016, Page: 147 - 157, 2016
This study examines the relationship between risk management and the performance of deposit money... more This study examines the relationship between risk management and the performance of deposit money banks from the year 1997 to 2011. The data for performance are aggregate operational risk, market risk and credit risk were collected from the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis. It was found that there exist a significant relationship between risk management and the performance of Deposit Money Banks. It was also found that fraud is in the increase in banks. Based on the finding of the study, it is recommended that Deposit Money Banks should engage more in an all-encompassing risk management practice, by so doing the operational risk, credit risk and market risk will all be given adequate attention. It is also recommended that the Central Bank and Deposit Money Banks should intensify the implementation of strong security and transaction monitoring systems to prevent successful attacks in the electronic payment platforms where frauds tend to be more prevalent.

Journal of Entrepreneurship Research (JER) Volume 3, Number 1 ISSN: 0033 - 0047, 2015
This study examined the determinants of family business succession in North Central Nigeria. Each... more This study examined the determinants of family business succession in North Central Nigeria. Each family with a business faces the reality that the business will end or be taken over someday. This rarely happen and most family business die with the demise of the founder. The research design adopted for the study is the survey design to explore the determinants of family business succession and why businesses have not been able to transfer from other generations to third generation in this region. Data were collected using a Likert-Scale structured questionnaire from 149 family businesses in six (6) states plus FCT- Abuja within the North Central region. The analysis of the data was done using simple percentage, and regression analysis. It was found in the study that succession planning, culture and gender difference have significance effects on the succession and survival of family businesses in Nigeria while financial strength has not. It is recommended that even at the point of inception of the business, there should be a defined structure of how a leader for the company is appointed. A single criterion should not be depended on rather a combination of many factors. Irrespective of the criteria, the following should be among the qualities- a successor must possess an understanding of the way the business work coupled with a good knowledge of entrepreneurship

AFIT JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, Volume 1, Number 1, 2020 ISSN: 2756 - 519X, 2020
The study assessed the impact of sales promotion strategies on the costumers’ patronage of Grand ... more The study assessed the impact of sales promotion strategies on the costumers’ patronage of Grand Cereal and Mills products in Nigeria. Specifically, the study assessed the effect of customers’ patronage and Strategies for reaching target audience on sales promotion of Grand Cereals and Mills Limited, Nigeria. The study adopts survey research design and the population comprised of 100 sellers and customers of Grand Cereal and Mills products living around Keffi Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Simple linear Regressions was used for the analysis and it was discovered that Customers’ patronage and Strategies for reaching target audience has significant effect on sales promotion of Grand Cereals and Mills products in Nigeria. Based on the findings and conclusion, the study recommended that Grand Cereals and Mills Limited Nigeria should design and develop sales promotional measures to increase its customer patronage base. Also, the organization should increase the level of public enlightenment and diversify its strategies in reaching out to its customers so as to get the populace aware of its different product lines available in the market.
Keywords: Customers’ Patronage, Marketing, Sales Promotion, Strategies, Products

AFIT JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, Volume 1, Number 1, 2020 ISSN: 2756 - 519X, 2020
This study evaluates the influence of packaging on consumers purchasing decision of cons... more Abstract
This study evaluates the influence of packaging on consumers purchasing decision of consumable and non-consumable goods of supermarkets in Keffi town, Nasarawa State Nigeria. The study adopted a survey research design using a structured questionnaire to gathered data. The sample size was determined by Taro Yamane and from the four hundred (400) copies of questionnaire distributed; three hundred and nine (309) copies were properly filled and returned. It was gathered from the findings that there are factors that influence consumers purchasing decision for products and the relationship is positively related thus, increase in the factors increase the consumers purchasing decision for products. Also, there is a positive significant effect on the changes on consumers purchasing behaviour which means that increase in the packaging will increase the changes on consumers purchasing behaviour. Furthermore, packaging has positive significant effect on the changes on consumers’ decision process of purchasing products which means that increase in the packaging will increase the changes on consumers’ decision process of purchasing products. From the findings, the study recommends that markets Operators should constantly study the behavioral patterns of their clients before making plans to buy goods or services sold to consumers as factors explored in this study indicate that they strongly shape consumers buying patterns. Also, Supermarket customers in Keffi Town should focus on the good and attractive packaging’s which introduce any new product in the market. Management should consult with the marketing, sales and production department on the kind of packaging tools which will be effective and attractive enough and the one that is cost effective.
Keywords: Packaging, Consumers Purchasing Decision, Consumable and Non-Consumable Goods

Journal of Management Research and Development (JMED) ISSN: 2276-9889, 2019
The packaging is a powerful tool utilized by manufacturing firms of products to fascinating prosp... more The packaging is a powerful tool utilized by manufacturing firms of products to fascinating prospects and consumers to make purchasing. The first purchasing might lead to repeat purchasing or a retrial thereby establishing brand loyalty. One of the critical elements in the marketing of any product is the packaging. Marketers considered packaging, the integral aspect of marketing strategy as a vital factor in product planning and development just as customers or consumers give pride to packaging. The way a product is perceived in the market by merely seeing the package may be a good determinant of the products' success or failure in a competitive business environment. This study evaluates the impact of packaging elements on consumers purchasing decision of supermarket products in Keffi Town, Nasarawa State Nigeria. The study adopted a survey research design using a structured questionnaire in gathering the data. The sample size was determined by Taro Yamane from the four hundred (400) copies of the questionnaire distributed; three hundred and nine (309) copies were properly filled and returned. It was gathered from the findings that there are elements that influence consumers purchasing decision process for products and the relationship is positively related thus, increase in the components leads to increase in consumers purchasing decision process for products. Also, there is a positive significant impact on the changes in consumers purchasing behaviour which means that increase in the packaging will increase the changes in consumers purchasing behaviour. Further, packaging has a positive significant effect on the changes in consumers’ decision process of purchasing supermarket products which means that increase in the packaging will increase the changes in consumers’ decision process of purchasing the products. From the findings, the study recommends that proper attention should be given to all elements of packaging to facilitate positive purchasing decisions by the consumers and product packages should be unique, attractive, cultural conformity, easy handling, protective, to ensure good product brand image.
Papers by VINCENT PAUL (PhD)
The position of family business to the growth of any nation is very strategic. However, the survival of most family businesses has been the major issue of concern to the stakeholders. This study examines the influence of successors’ personal characteristics on the post succession performance of family businesses. The data were collected from a cross-section of fifty two (52) family owned businesses in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The data collected were analyzed using regression analysis. The result indicates that all the measures of successors’ performance vis-à-vis level of education, training, work experience and preparation level all show a significant influence on the post succession performance of the businesses. The implication of the finding is that these factors are key to the success of the post succession performance of family businesses. It is therefore recommended, successors to family business should be made to undergo training prior succession; to enable them have relevant experience in the operation of such business and be prepared before taking over the family business.
Keywords: Successor, Personal Qualities, Post-Succession, Performance, Family Business
This work examines treasury single account and effective management of public sector funds in Nigeria. In view of the need to utilize accurate data for this research, primary data were obtained through a structured questionnaire to elicit responses from respondents to meet the requirements of this work. Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) techniques were used in this study. The pooled probit regression was also used to estimate the parameters of the stated model using STATA computer software. Based on the statistical test used in the testing of the hypotheses, it was discovered that treasury single account has a significant effect on financial leakages in revenue collection in Nigerian public sector; Treasury Single Account significantly promotes transparency in the administration of funds and financial discipline in the Nigerian Public Sector. In view of the findings, the study recommended for more legislation to cover the states and local governments’ level since the policy only covered the federal level. This is to ensure that, the level of financial leakages in the public sector at all level is drastically reduced; there should also be an integrated financial management information system (IFMIS) for all the players in the TSA system.
Keyword: Treasury single account, public funds, transparency, financial leakages, financial misappropriation
Effective succession planning is a critical factor for any organization yearning sustainable performance, growth, internal effectiveness and efficiency, and avoiding defenselessness to decline and collapse of the enterprise. This study examines the strategies of filling executive positionsof selected business enterprises in Northern States Nigeria. The population of this study comprised of six hundred and fifty four (654) selected businesses registered with Corporate Affiars Commission (CAC) of Nigeria as at January 2018 which were examined in Northern States of Nigeria. Out of the total population, five hundred and twenty (520) firms provide the required, valid and reliable information as they have transited and are in their second, third generations and above. study uses frequency counts andpercentages to analyse the data collected. It was found that the business enterprises are motivated to fill their executive positions both by the need for recursion and adaptation. It is also found that management takes into consideration the possession of relevant experience and the company’s culture when bringing in new executives as successors. The study recommended that since the managements of these organisations takes the organisations’ culture as very important in the recruitment of executives to top positions, they should rather develop an internal strategy of grooming their own executives since they are much more likely to be familiar with the organisations’ culture instead of employing external excutive who must study the system for period of time before resuming action for effective and efficient running of the organizations’ activities.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Experience, Adaptation, Management Succession, Recursion, Business
Nigerian Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) are faced with a lot of challenges which includes, inadequate marketing skills, low entrepreneurial spirit, and poor strategic orientation which may deter a good performance of the SMEs. Therefore, this study ascertained the relationship between strategic orientation and performance of SMEs in North Central Region of Nigeria. Additionally, the study also examined the mediation effect of organizational learning on the relationship between strategic orientation and performance of SMEs. The study thus, considering the Nigerian market assesses the performance of SMEs using a multivariate approach to performance assessment. Specifically, multiple constructs of entrepreneurial orientation, technology orientation, market orientation, organizational learning and SMEs Performance are considered. Data was collected through hand delivery method by sending questionnaire to 440 SMEs managers/owners. Partial Least Squares (PLS) algorithm and bootstrap techniques were used to test the study‘s hypotheses. The results provide support for most of the hypothesized relationships for the study. Specifically, entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and organizational learning are significantly and positively related to performance of SMEs. On the other hand, technological orientation is insignificantly and negatively related to performance of SMEs. Additionally, entrepreneurial orientation, technology orientation and market orientation are significantly and positively related to organizational learning. Furthermore, the results of mediation indicate that all the three hypotheses are significant. The outcome of this study provides significant contributions to both managers and researchers for further understanding on the effect of strategic orientation and organizational learning on performance of SMEs. As such, organizations should be encouraged to exhibit these strategic orientations for better performance. Managers/entrepreneurs of SMEs should acquire and put into reality sound entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation skills to be able to engage in a more innovative activity in the markets and to place the customers in the center of a firm's strategy and operations
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Orientation, Organizational Learning, Performance, Technology Orientation
Small and medium scale enterprises play a significant role as a catalyst for economic growth and wealth development. However, due to inadequate entrepreneurial skills, SMEs in Nigeria are performing below human expectation. Therefore, this study investigates the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on small and medium scale enterprises performance of North Central Region in Nigeria. It specifically sough to find out how the components of entrepreneurial orientation such as innovativeness, risk-taking, proactiveness, autonomy as well as competitive aggressiveness affect the small and medium scale enterprises performance in North Central Region. Primary data was collected using five point Likert scaling questionnaire and analyzed by using regression. Data obtained for the purpose of this study was prior to the analysis; undergo different validity and reliability scrutiny so as to eliminate all forms of errors arising from the analysis. The findings of the study reveal that components of entrepreneurial orientation (such as innovativeness, risk-taking, proactiveness, autonomy as well as competitive aggressiveness) have positive and significant effect on the SMEs performance in North Central Region. The results, therefore, call for intensive effort by the government, SMEs owners/managers and specialized agencies (like SMEDAN). Government should also ensure adequate provision of a conducive macroeconomic environment (such as uninterrupted electricity and water supplies, easy access to credit facilities, good road networks and many others)to serve as a solid platform for the SMEs to become entrepreneurial oriented in the region and the world at large.
Key words: Autonomy, entrepreneurial Orientation, Innovativeness, Performance, Proactiveness.
Keywords: Customers’ Patronage, Marketing, Sales Promotion, Strategies, Products
This study evaluates the influence of packaging on consumers purchasing decision of consumable and non-consumable goods of supermarkets in Keffi town, Nasarawa State Nigeria. The study adopted a survey research design using a structured questionnaire to gathered data. The sample size was determined by Taro Yamane and from the four hundred (400) copies of questionnaire distributed; three hundred and nine (309) copies were properly filled and returned. It was gathered from the findings that there are factors that influence consumers purchasing decision for products and the relationship is positively related thus, increase in the factors increase the consumers purchasing decision for products. Also, there is a positive significant effect on the changes on consumers purchasing behaviour which means that increase in the packaging will increase the changes on consumers purchasing behaviour. Furthermore, packaging has positive significant effect on the changes on consumers’ decision process of purchasing products which means that increase in the packaging will increase the changes on consumers’ decision process of purchasing products. From the findings, the study recommends that markets Operators should constantly study the behavioral patterns of their clients before making plans to buy goods or services sold to consumers as factors explored in this study indicate that they strongly shape consumers buying patterns. Also, Supermarket customers in Keffi Town should focus on the good and attractive packaging’s which introduce any new product in the market. Management should consult with the marketing, sales and production department on the kind of packaging tools which will be effective and attractive enough and the one that is cost effective.
Keywords: Packaging, Consumers Purchasing Decision, Consumable and Non-Consumable Goods
The position of family business to the growth of any nation is very strategic. However, the survival of most family businesses has been the major issue of concern to the stakeholders. This study examines the influence of successors’ personal characteristics on the post succession performance of family businesses. The data were collected from a cross-section of fifty two (52) family owned businesses in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The data collected were analyzed using regression analysis. The result indicates that all the measures of successors’ performance vis-à-vis level of education, training, work experience and preparation level all show a significant influence on the post succession performance of the businesses. The implication of the finding is that these factors are key to the success of the post succession performance of family businesses. It is therefore recommended, successors to family business should be made to undergo training prior succession; to enable them have relevant experience in the operation of such business and be prepared before taking over the family business.
Keywords: Successor, Personal Qualities, Post-Succession, Performance, Family Business
This work examines treasury single account and effective management of public sector funds in Nigeria. In view of the need to utilize accurate data for this research, primary data were obtained through a structured questionnaire to elicit responses from respondents to meet the requirements of this work. Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) techniques were used in this study. The pooled probit regression was also used to estimate the parameters of the stated model using STATA computer software. Based on the statistical test used in the testing of the hypotheses, it was discovered that treasury single account has a significant effect on financial leakages in revenue collection in Nigerian public sector; Treasury Single Account significantly promotes transparency in the administration of funds and financial discipline in the Nigerian Public Sector. In view of the findings, the study recommended for more legislation to cover the states and local governments’ level since the policy only covered the federal level. This is to ensure that, the level of financial leakages in the public sector at all level is drastically reduced; there should also be an integrated financial management information system (IFMIS) for all the players in the TSA system.
Keyword: Treasury single account, public funds, transparency, financial leakages, financial misappropriation
Effective succession planning is a critical factor for any organization yearning sustainable performance, growth, internal effectiveness and efficiency, and avoiding defenselessness to decline and collapse of the enterprise. This study examines the strategies of filling executive positionsof selected business enterprises in Northern States Nigeria. The population of this study comprised of six hundred and fifty four (654) selected businesses registered with Corporate Affiars Commission (CAC) of Nigeria as at January 2018 which were examined in Northern States of Nigeria. Out of the total population, five hundred and twenty (520) firms provide the required, valid and reliable information as they have transited and are in their second, third generations and above. study uses frequency counts andpercentages to analyse the data collected. It was found that the business enterprises are motivated to fill their executive positions both by the need for recursion and adaptation. It is also found that management takes into consideration the possession of relevant experience and the company’s culture when bringing in new executives as successors. The study recommended that since the managements of these organisations takes the organisations’ culture as very important in the recruitment of executives to top positions, they should rather develop an internal strategy of grooming their own executives since they are much more likely to be familiar with the organisations’ culture instead of employing external excutive who must study the system for period of time before resuming action for effective and efficient running of the organizations’ activities.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Experience, Adaptation, Management Succession, Recursion, Business
Nigerian Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) are faced with a lot of challenges which includes, inadequate marketing skills, low entrepreneurial spirit, and poor strategic orientation which may deter a good performance of the SMEs. Therefore, this study ascertained the relationship between strategic orientation and performance of SMEs in North Central Region of Nigeria. Additionally, the study also examined the mediation effect of organizational learning on the relationship between strategic orientation and performance of SMEs. The study thus, considering the Nigerian market assesses the performance of SMEs using a multivariate approach to performance assessment. Specifically, multiple constructs of entrepreneurial orientation, technology orientation, market orientation, organizational learning and SMEs Performance are considered. Data was collected through hand delivery method by sending questionnaire to 440 SMEs managers/owners. Partial Least Squares (PLS) algorithm and bootstrap techniques were used to test the study‘s hypotheses. The results provide support for most of the hypothesized relationships for the study. Specifically, entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and organizational learning are significantly and positively related to performance of SMEs. On the other hand, technological orientation is insignificantly and negatively related to performance of SMEs. Additionally, entrepreneurial orientation, technology orientation and market orientation are significantly and positively related to organizational learning. Furthermore, the results of mediation indicate that all the three hypotheses are significant. The outcome of this study provides significant contributions to both managers and researchers for further understanding on the effect of strategic orientation and organizational learning on performance of SMEs. As such, organizations should be encouraged to exhibit these strategic orientations for better performance. Managers/entrepreneurs of SMEs should acquire and put into reality sound entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation skills to be able to engage in a more innovative activity in the markets and to place the customers in the center of a firm's strategy and operations
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Orientation, Organizational Learning, Performance, Technology Orientation
Small and medium scale enterprises play a significant role as a catalyst for economic growth and wealth development. However, due to inadequate entrepreneurial skills, SMEs in Nigeria are performing below human expectation. Therefore, this study investigates the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on small and medium scale enterprises performance of North Central Region in Nigeria. It specifically sough to find out how the components of entrepreneurial orientation such as innovativeness, risk-taking, proactiveness, autonomy as well as competitive aggressiveness affect the small and medium scale enterprises performance in North Central Region. Primary data was collected using five point Likert scaling questionnaire and analyzed by using regression. Data obtained for the purpose of this study was prior to the analysis; undergo different validity and reliability scrutiny so as to eliminate all forms of errors arising from the analysis. The findings of the study reveal that components of entrepreneurial orientation (such as innovativeness, risk-taking, proactiveness, autonomy as well as competitive aggressiveness) have positive and significant effect on the SMEs performance in North Central Region. The results, therefore, call for intensive effort by the government, SMEs owners/managers and specialized agencies (like SMEDAN). Government should also ensure adequate provision of a conducive macroeconomic environment (such as uninterrupted electricity and water supplies, easy access to credit facilities, good road networks and many others)to serve as a solid platform for the SMEs to become entrepreneurial oriented in the region and the world at large.
Key words: Autonomy, entrepreneurial Orientation, Innovativeness, Performance, Proactiveness.
Keywords: Customers’ Patronage, Marketing, Sales Promotion, Strategies, Products
This study evaluates the influence of packaging on consumers purchasing decision of consumable and non-consumable goods of supermarkets in Keffi town, Nasarawa State Nigeria. The study adopted a survey research design using a structured questionnaire to gathered data. The sample size was determined by Taro Yamane and from the four hundred (400) copies of questionnaire distributed; three hundred and nine (309) copies were properly filled and returned. It was gathered from the findings that there are factors that influence consumers purchasing decision for products and the relationship is positively related thus, increase in the factors increase the consumers purchasing decision for products. Also, there is a positive significant effect on the changes on consumers purchasing behaviour which means that increase in the packaging will increase the changes on consumers purchasing behaviour. Furthermore, packaging has positive significant effect on the changes on consumers’ decision process of purchasing products which means that increase in the packaging will increase the changes on consumers’ decision process of purchasing products. From the findings, the study recommends that markets Operators should constantly study the behavioral patterns of their clients before making plans to buy goods or services sold to consumers as factors explored in this study indicate that they strongly shape consumers buying patterns. Also, Supermarket customers in Keffi Town should focus on the good and attractive packaging’s which introduce any new product in the market. Management should consult with the marketing, sales and production department on the kind of packaging tools which will be effective and attractive enough and the one that is cost effective.
Keywords: Packaging, Consumers Purchasing Decision, Consumable and Non-Consumable Goods