Papers by Irina Kazachikhina
Sino-US English teaching, Feb 8, 2016
Teacher-retraining course design is considered to be a challenge not only to the course participa... more Teacher-retraining course design is considered to be a challenge not only to the course participants but to the course designers as well, especially, when the participants enrolled turn out to have dramatically different professional background and conditions. This article supports the idea that changes to the course design should be made straightaway in response to the trainees' specific needs. The context for rural school teacher retraining at Novosibirsk State Technical University in Russia illustrates reasons for making immediate changes necessary as the course progressed, and reaction to them. The article discusses a model for a teacher retraining course in which EFL improvement is the core element.

Вестник Томского государственного университета, 2022
This article provides qualitative and quantitative data to establish the effectiveness of the pol... more This article provides qualitative and quantitative data to establish the effectiveness of the polylingual approach application in the second foreign language classroom. The relevance of the research is associated with the need to develop guidelines and teaching materials for polylingual classrooms. In the context of classroom polylingualism, one of the key elements is the phenomenon of the cross-language interference, which generates problems in intercultural communication at the discourse level. The studies of interference conducted so far are mainly dedicated to its phonetic and lexical subspecies, attention is drawn to the morphosyntactic aspect of teaching a second foreign language. The novelty of the research is that for the first time a purposeful study of cross-language interference as a pedagogical resource in teaching several foreign languages is carried out, the expediency of using the polylingual approach is substantiated. Previous research in the field has shown that the polylingual approach might be applied in a polylingual classroom studying foreign languages, but has neither established the conditions and principles, nor proposed the corresponding teaching materials. This study substantiates the need for the implementation of the polylingual approach based on taking into account cross-language interference; the rationale is determined by the solution of professional tasks which students of the humanities are facing when acquiring both universal and professional skills, the visible presence of positive and negative cross-language interference in the grammatical aspect of the second foreign language. Due to the fact that there is no single definition of cross-language interference, we have developed one that is relevant for our research, emphasizing that interference can be both an independent transfer of the norms of one language to another, and the result of code-switching. During the first term we surveyed and observed the target audience, pursuing the aim to collect and classify the data referring to the typical mistakes made in the classroom caused by cross-language interference. A total of 56 1st- and 2nd-year students and 43 professors participated in the research. The students took part in the trial training of the polylingual approach (two terms), which contained the application of the designed teaching and learning materials and a block of module assessment and final assessment, evaluating progress in studies and the decline of the mistakes marked on the 1st stage. The professors commented on their experience of the application of the approach and their wish to apply it in general. The results reveal that the polylingual approach may be successfully implemented in the chosen context if the proposed model and algorithm are followed. The findings suggest that the polylingual model is universal and can be further used in any polylingual classroom of the second foreign language as a basis for its unique educational context.

Advances in intelligent systems and computing, 2019
Raising awareness of the university staff about the need to strengthen their academic writing ski... more Raising awareness of the university staff about the need to strengthen their academic writing skills in English has recently become a challenge to university administrations, EFL teachers and researchers across Russia. National research institutes, federal universities and flagship universities value researcher communication skills in English as an integral part of academic excellence, and initiate research for theory and practice of teaching EAP. The mixed methods study identified learning conditions stimulating the publishing activity of researchers through the educational context of Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU). It explored needs of 102 researchers before launching an inservice training course in academic writing in English and 21 course participants afterward. The results showed that to be able to write articles for leading international scientific journals the non-native English researchers require high proficiency in EAP writing, research findings of their foreign colleagues and highlyqualified language support in writing research articles in English. The research also revealed that participants in EAP in-service training courses are fully aware of the need to develop their general speaking skills as a step to EAP, and importance of relevant learning modes and activities for their success in writing articles in English. The research revealed learning conditions necessary to provide if universities are interested in stimulating the publishing activity and mainstreaming internationalization: electronic environment with full access to credible researchrelated resources, writing centers with a variety of EAP in-service training courses and services, highly-qualified EAP teachers experienced in publishing their research, and research collaboration of NNE and native English researchers.

Advances in intelligent systems and computing, 2019
A culture of isolation pervades the practice and preparation of teachers. Consequently, the devel... more A culture of isolation pervades the practice and preparation of teachers. Consequently, the development of teachers can be delayed and result in a focus on selfconcerns rather than promoting student learning. Teacher educators have a unique opportunity to address this problem by creating opportunities for meaningful collaboration amongst pre-service teachers, supervisors, and faculty. The purpose of this article is to describe our experiences with an ongoing collaborative teacher development project aimed at helping pre-service teachers to see beyond their personal concerns and work collaboratively toward promoting their own, their colleagues, and their students' learning. The body of the article is devoted to a description of the genesis of the project and an overview of the project's activities. We close the article with a description of our own and our students' experiences with the first attempt at integrating this project into our graduate elementary teacher education program.

Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
This article provides qualitative and quantitative data to establish the effectiveness of the pol... more This article provides qualitative and quantitative data to establish the effectiveness of the polylingual approach application in the second foreign language classroom. The relevance of the research is associated with the need to develop guidelines and teaching materials for polylingual classrooms. In the context of classroom polylingualism, one of the key elements is the phenomenon of the cross-language interference, which generates problems in intercultural communication at the discourse level. The studies of interference conducted so far are mainly dedicated to its phonetic and lexical subspecies, attention is drawn to the morphosyntactic aspect of teaching a second foreign language. The novelty of the research is that for the first time a purposeful study of cross-language interference as a pedagogical resource in teaching several foreign languages is carried out, the expediency of using the polylingual approach is substantiated. Previous research in the field has shown that the...

Вестник Томского государственного университета / Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta – Tomsk State University Journal, 2022
Представлены доказательства эффективности применения полилингвального подхода в обучении второму ... more Представлены доказательства эффективности применения полилингвального подхода в обучении второму иностранному языку. Результаты текущего исследования обосновывают валидность предложенных автором модели и алгоритма применения полилингвального подхода. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что модель универсальна и может использоваться в любой полилингвальной аудитории в качестве базовой./
Abstract. This article provides qualitative and quantitative data to establish the effectiveness of the polylingual ap- proach application in the second foreign language classroom. The relevance of the research is associated with the need to develop guidelines and teaching materials for polylingual classrooms. In the context of classroom polylingualism, one of the key elements is the phenomenon of the cross-language interference, which generates problems in intercultural communica- tion at the discourse level. The studies of interference conducted so far are mainly dedicated to its phonetic and lexical sub- species, attention is drawn to the morphosyntactic aspect of teaching a second foreign language. The novelty of the research is that for the first time a purposeful study of cross-language interference as a pedagogical resource in teaching several for- eign languages is carried out, the expediency of using the polylingual approach is substantiated. Previous research in the field has shown that the polylingual approach might be applied in a polylingual classroom studying foreign languages, but has neither established the conditions and principles, nor proposed the corresponding teaching materials. This study substan- tiates the need for the implementation of the polylingual approach based on taking into account cross-language interference; the rationale is determined by the solution of professional tasks which students of the humanities are facing when acquiring both universal and professional skills, the visible presence of positive and negative cross-language interference in the gram- matical aspect of the second foreign language. Due to the fact that there is no single definition of cross-language interfer- ence, we have developed one that is relevant for our research, emphasizing that interference can be both an independent transfer of the norms of one language to another, and the result of code-switching. During the first term we surveyed and ob- served the target audience, pursuing the aim to collect and classify the data referring to the typical mistakes made in the classroom caused by cross-language interference. A total of 56 1st- and 2nd-year students and 43 professors participated in the research. The students took part in the trial training of the polylingual approach (two terms), which contained the appli- cation of the designed teaching and learning materials and a block of module assessment and final assessment, evaluating progress in studies and the decline of the mistakes marked on the 1st stage. The professors commented on their experience of the application of the approach and their wish to apply it in general. The results reveal that the polylingual approach may be successfully implemented in the chosen context if the proposed model and algorithm are followed. The findings suggest that the polylingual model is universal and can be further used in any polylingual classroom of the second foreign language as a basis for its unique educational context.
Для цитирования: Юрченко М.А., Казачихина И.А. Полилингвальный подход в обучении иностранным языкам студентов гуманитарных направлений // Вестник Томского государственного университета. 2022. / For citation: Yurchenko, M.A. & Kazachikhina, I.A. (2022) Polylingual approach in teaching several foreign languages to humanities students. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta – Tomsk State University Journal. 478. рр. 203–211. (In Russian). doi: 10.17223/15617793/478/24
Sino-US English Teaching, 2016
Teacher-retraining course design is considered to be a challenge not only to the course participa... more Teacher-retraining course design is considered to be a challenge not only to the course participants but to the course designers as well, especially, when the participants enrolled turn out to have dramatically different professional background and conditions. This article supports the idea that changes to the course design should be made straightaway in response to the trainees' specific needs. The context for rural school teacher retraining at Novosibirsk State Technical University in Russia illustrates reasons for making immediate changes necessary as the course progressed, and reaction to them. The article discusses a model for a teacher retraining course in which EFL improvement is the core element.

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2019
Raising awareness of the university staff about the need to strengthen their academic writing ski... more Raising awareness of the university staff about the need to strengthen their academic writing skills in English has recently become a challenge to university administrations, EFL teachers and researchers across Russia. National research institutes, federal universities and flagship universities value researcher communication skills in English as an integral part of academic excellence, and initiate research for theory and practice of teaching EAP. The mixed methods study identified learning conditions stimulating the publishing activity of researchers through the educational context of Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU). It explored needs of 102 researchers before launching an in-service training course in academic writing in English and 21 course participants afterward. The results showed that to be able to write articles for leading international scientific journals the non-native English researchers require high proficiency in EAP writing, research findings of their fo...

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2019
Many recent studies have focused on various aspects of self-directed learning (SDL). However, sti... more Many recent studies have focused on various aspects of self-directed learning (SDL). However, still little attention has been paid to a holistic situation as the place for developing SDL. It is important for teachers to be aware of the learning situation which transforms students from dependent to self-directed. In this study we focus on students’ perception of their learning progress in pre-service foreign language (FL) teaching course. The aim of this study was to examine what elements the students perceive as contributing to their successful learning and to discover whether and how these elements change through the course. The situational analysis (SA) allowed covering elements of students’ successful learning, and explore a learning situation of 25 bachelor program students of the teaching profession at the beginning and end of the FL teaching course. Data were collected through students’ written reflective practice. As the qualitative study showed, learning situations comprise ...

В методике обучения иностранным языкам существует такой краеугольный камень, который, если возник... more В методике обучения иностранным языкам существует такой краеугольный камень, который, если возникает на пути поиска способов увеличения эффективности обучению этому предмету, часто – и никто не спорит о том, – правомерно приводит к ведущему фактору регуляции активности личности как мотивация. Не смотря на раскрытие многих аспектов сущности мотивации, которое стало возможным благодаря науке на современном этапе, исследователи не испытывают удовлетворения от осознания того, что «правда в том, что не существует приѐмов, благодаря которым люди станут мотивированными или станут автономными. Мотивация должна исходить изнутри, а не благодаря каким-либо приѐмам. Она возникает тогда, когда они готовы взять на себя ответственность за то, что они будут управлять собой сами» (перевод мой – И.К.) [5, с. 194]. Преподавателей-практиков подобное положение вещей и вовсе демотивирует… Не один раз в своей жизни преподаватель иностранного языка слышал фразу от студента «всю жизнь учу-учу иностранный язык, да так толком и не знаю».
Teacher-retraining course design is considered to be a challenge not only to the course participa... more Teacher-retraining course design is considered to be a challenge not only to the course participants but to the course designers as well, especially, when the participants enrolled turn out to have dramatically different professional background and conditions. This article supports the idea that changes to the course design should be made straightaway in response to the trainees' specific needs. The context for rural school teacher retraining at Novosibirsk State Technical University in Russia illustrates reasons for making immediate changes necessary as the course progressed, and reaction to them. The article discusses a model for a teacher retraining course in which EFL improvement is the core element.
Thesis Chapters by Irina Kazachikhina

В работе предлагается лексикографическая интерпретация коммуникативов русской разговорной речи в ... more В работе предлагается лексикографическая интерпретация коммуникативов русской разговорной речи в учебных целях. В результате исследования расширены способы изучения коммуникативов русского языка за счёт привлечения английского языка в качестве контрастивного фона; выявлены закономерности характера отражения коммуникативов в словарях и описания их лексикографических параметров в исторической перспективе с XVIII по XXI вв.; обоснована оптимальность жанра учебного пособия словарного типа для лексикографической интерпретации коммуникативов и для обучения межкультурному общению на русском языке как иностранном; сформулированы конституирующие признаки учебного пособия словарного типа (УПСТ) как особого раздела учебной лексикографии;разработана система пользовательских запросов как инструмента конструирования УПСТК; разработана теоретическая модель УПСТК, структура и содержание её компонентов – учебной части, учебного словаря и лексического минимума; созданы образцы словарных статей на основе предложенного способа лексикографической интерпретации коммуникативов русской разговорной речи. Выводы и рекомендации могут найти применение в учебной лексикографии, коллоквиалистике, контрастивной лингвистике.
Papers by Irina Kazachikhina
Abstract. This article provides qualitative and quantitative data to establish the effectiveness of the polylingual ap- proach application in the second foreign language classroom. The relevance of the research is associated with the need to develop guidelines and teaching materials for polylingual classrooms. In the context of classroom polylingualism, one of the key elements is the phenomenon of the cross-language interference, which generates problems in intercultural communica- tion at the discourse level. The studies of interference conducted so far are mainly dedicated to its phonetic and lexical sub- species, attention is drawn to the morphosyntactic aspect of teaching a second foreign language. The novelty of the research is that for the first time a purposeful study of cross-language interference as a pedagogical resource in teaching several for- eign languages is carried out, the expediency of using the polylingual approach is substantiated. Previous research in the field has shown that the polylingual approach might be applied in a polylingual classroom studying foreign languages, but has neither established the conditions and principles, nor proposed the corresponding teaching materials. This study substan- tiates the need for the implementation of the polylingual approach based on taking into account cross-language interference; the rationale is determined by the solution of professional tasks which students of the humanities are facing when acquiring both universal and professional skills, the visible presence of positive and negative cross-language interference in the gram- matical aspect of the second foreign language. Due to the fact that there is no single definition of cross-language interfer- ence, we have developed one that is relevant for our research, emphasizing that interference can be both an independent transfer of the norms of one language to another, and the result of code-switching. During the first term we surveyed and ob- served the target audience, pursuing the aim to collect and classify the data referring to the typical mistakes made in the classroom caused by cross-language interference. A total of 56 1st- and 2nd-year students and 43 professors participated in the research. The students took part in the trial training of the polylingual approach (two terms), which contained the appli- cation of the designed teaching and learning materials and a block of module assessment and final assessment, evaluating progress in studies and the decline of the mistakes marked on the 1st stage. The professors commented on their experience of the application of the approach and their wish to apply it in general. The results reveal that the polylingual approach may be successfully implemented in the chosen context if the proposed model and algorithm are followed. The findings suggest that the polylingual model is universal and can be further used in any polylingual classroom of the second foreign language as a basis for its unique educational context.
Для цитирования: Юрченко М.А., Казачихина И.А. Полилингвальный подход в обучении иностранным языкам студентов гуманитарных направлений // Вестник Томского государственного университета. 2022. / For citation: Yurchenko, M.A. & Kazachikhina, I.A. (2022) Polylingual approach in teaching several foreign languages to humanities students. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta – Tomsk State University Journal. 478. рр. 203–211. (In Russian). doi: 10.17223/15617793/478/24
Thesis Chapters by Irina Kazachikhina
Abstract. This article provides qualitative and quantitative data to establish the effectiveness of the polylingual ap- proach application in the second foreign language classroom. The relevance of the research is associated with the need to develop guidelines and teaching materials for polylingual classrooms. In the context of classroom polylingualism, one of the key elements is the phenomenon of the cross-language interference, which generates problems in intercultural communica- tion at the discourse level. The studies of interference conducted so far are mainly dedicated to its phonetic and lexical sub- species, attention is drawn to the morphosyntactic aspect of teaching a second foreign language. The novelty of the research is that for the first time a purposeful study of cross-language interference as a pedagogical resource in teaching several for- eign languages is carried out, the expediency of using the polylingual approach is substantiated. Previous research in the field has shown that the polylingual approach might be applied in a polylingual classroom studying foreign languages, but has neither established the conditions and principles, nor proposed the corresponding teaching materials. This study substan- tiates the need for the implementation of the polylingual approach based on taking into account cross-language interference; the rationale is determined by the solution of professional tasks which students of the humanities are facing when acquiring both universal and professional skills, the visible presence of positive and negative cross-language interference in the gram- matical aspect of the second foreign language. Due to the fact that there is no single definition of cross-language interfer- ence, we have developed one that is relevant for our research, emphasizing that interference can be both an independent transfer of the norms of one language to another, and the result of code-switching. During the first term we surveyed and ob- served the target audience, pursuing the aim to collect and classify the data referring to the typical mistakes made in the classroom caused by cross-language interference. A total of 56 1st- and 2nd-year students and 43 professors participated in the research. The students took part in the trial training of the polylingual approach (two terms), which contained the appli- cation of the designed teaching and learning materials and a block of module assessment and final assessment, evaluating progress in studies and the decline of the mistakes marked on the 1st stage. The professors commented on their experience of the application of the approach and their wish to apply it in general. The results reveal that the polylingual approach may be successfully implemented in the chosen context if the proposed model and algorithm are followed. The findings suggest that the polylingual model is universal and can be further used in any polylingual classroom of the second foreign language as a basis for its unique educational context.
Для цитирования: Юрченко М.А., Казачихина И.А. Полилингвальный подход в обучении иностранным языкам студентов гуманитарных направлений // Вестник Томского государственного университета. 2022. / For citation: Yurchenko, M.A. & Kazachikhina, I.A. (2022) Polylingual approach in teaching several foreign languages to humanities students. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta – Tomsk State University Journal. 478. рр. 203–211. (In Russian). doi: 10.17223/15617793/478/24