Papers by Zshivka Zsheliaskova

Proceeding book Vol.2
Introduction: Paneurhythmy is a unique Bulgarian and European recreational physical activity, app... more Introduction: Paneurhythmy is a unique Bulgarian and European recreational physical activity, appropriate for a proactive approach in maintaining and improving health. The aim of the present study is to find out if there are changes in the affective balance and the feeling of happiness with adults practicing Paneurhythmy. Method: The subjects (n=155) of the experimental study were adults (18-69 years old), divided into two groups: an experimental group (EG, n=77, mean age 41.7), participating in a course of Paneurhythmy, and a control group (CG, n=78, mean age 41.8). Paneurhythmy courses were held indoors in the evening during the autumn-winter season. The experimental group subjects conducted an average of 22 Paneurhythmy lessons (SD 7.23). The following questionnaires were used to measure the effect of the experiment: 1) Fordyce Emotions Questionnaire (FEQ) – Fordyce, 1988, Bulgarian adaptation by Zsheliaskova-Koynova & Ianovska (2008). 2) PANAS (Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988), B...
Self-esteem and nAch are studied in a sample of high-school students showing creative contributio... more Self-esteem and nAch are studied in a sample of high-school students showing creative contributions in art and sciences. A scale measuring profiles of self-esteem, and a nAch questionnaire were used. Students with creative contributions show higher nAch and more positive self-esteem as compared to their classmates. More complex relationships between nAch and different parameters of the self-esteem were found.

The Paneurhythmy is a Bulgarian system of rhythmic musical physical exercises. The Pan... more Abstract:
The Paneurhythmy is a Bulgarian system of rhythmic musical physical exercises. The Paneurhythmy has been present in the Bulgarian cultural life for more than 70 years. Its aim is to have a wholesome effect on the psychophysical condition and to improve the quality of life. Since it is accessible to everybody and very enjoyable to practise the number of people in Bulgaria who exercise Paneurhythmy has rapidly increased during the last years.
The Paneurhythmy is an unique combination of music, move¬ments, thought, speech, philosophy and interaction with nature. That's the reason why it has much in common with music therapy, kinesitherapy, positive psychotherapy, art-therapy, peda¬gogy, philosophy, etc. During the last couple of years the Paneurhythmy has been stud¬ied by specialists from different scientific fields. Their studies unveil interesting direc¬tions in respect to the effect of Paneurhythmy, this unique Bulgarian system of exercises.
According to the definition of WHO, health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. The mentioned results of scientific studies give evidence that the activities related to Paneurhythmy contribute to the improvement of the physical, mental and social well-being. In this respect, the Paneurhythmy is an accessible, pleasant and effective physical activity which efficiently supports the maintenance and improvement of health.
Research Interests: Sport Psychology, Exercise and physical activity for health, Paneurhythmy, Health Sciences, Health Promotion, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Recreation & Leisure Studies, Outdoor Recreation, Embodied Mind and Cognition, Health, Body in Performance, Exercise Science, Exercise and physical activity for health, Outdoor Learning, RECREATION, Recreational Activities, Exercise, and HEALTH PHYSICAL EDUCATION RECREATION AND SPORTS
Психологични …, Jan 1, 2010
Целта на изследването е да се адаптира скалата ER89 (Block & Kremen, 1996) за измерване на его-ре... more Целта на изследването е да се адаптира скалата ER89 (Block & Kremen, 1996) за измерване на его-резилиентност. Изследвани са 541 лица на възраст от 18 до 76 г. (292 мъже -54% и 249 жени -46%). Българската версия на ER89 демонстрира адекватна вътрешна консистентност ( = 0.76). Тест-ретест коефициентът е 0.70 при 58 изследвани лица за период от 6 месеца. Българската версия на ER89 е надежден, валиден и информативен психометричен инструмент. Препоръчваме я за изследвания в областта на позитивната психология, здравната психология, клиничната психология, психологията на развитието, психологията на личността и др. Краткостта на скалата я прави подходяща за включване в тестови батерии.
Scientific Journal of Orienteering, Jan 1, 1993
Conference Presentations by Zshivka Zsheliaskova

Според WHO-Europe, депресията е най-преобладаващият здравен проблем в много страни на общността. ... more Според WHO-Europe, депресията е най-преобладаващият здравен проблем в много страни на общността. Депресивността се среща при 10-15% от българите (Манова, 2012). В настоящото изследване се установява влиянието на обучението по Паневритмия върху нивото на депресивност при начинаещи. Изследването с BDI-2 се извършва в началото и края на обучението. Изследвани са 154 лица (средна възраст 41.68 г., 85.9% жени), разпределени поравно в контролна (КГ) и експериментална (ЕГ) група. При първото изследване липсва статистически значимо различие между двете групи; при второто изследване ЕГ се отличава със значимо по-нисък бал (t=2.948, p=0.004): 42.1% подобрение в ЕГ и 2% при КГ. В подгрупата с умерена депресивност подобрението е 37.5% при ЕГ и 14.3% при КГ; в подгрупата с лека депресивност подобрението е 43.6% при ЕГ и 29.5% при КГ. В подгрупата в норма се наблюдава подобрение с 43.5% при ЕГ и влошаване с 14.3% при КГ. Методите, установени поотделно като повлияващи ефективно депресивните симптоми (Morgan & Jorm, 2008), са комбинирани в цялостното многокомпонентно въздействие на обучението по Паневритмия: музика, пеене, физически упражнения, отвличане на вниманието от грижите, подобрение на способностите (двигателни, певчески), социална подкрепа, утвърждаване на позитивното мислене (текст на песните, философия на Паневритмията).
Ключови думи: депресивност, депресия, физически упражнения, Паневритмия
Papers by Zshivka Zsheliaskova
The Paneurhythmy is a Bulgarian system of rhythmic musical physical exercises. The Paneurhythmy has been present in the Bulgarian cultural life for more than 70 years. Its aim is to have a wholesome effect on the psychophysical condition and to improve the quality of life. Since it is accessible to everybody and very enjoyable to practise the number of people in Bulgaria who exercise Paneurhythmy has rapidly increased during the last years.
The Paneurhythmy is an unique combination of music, move¬ments, thought, speech, philosophy and interaction with nature. That's the reason why it has much in common with music therapy, kinesitherapy, positive psychotherapy, art-therapy, peda¬gogy, philosophy, etc. During the last couple of years the Paneurhythmy has been stud¬ied by specialists from different scientific fields. Their studies unveil interesting direc¬tions in respect to the effect of Paneurhythmy, this unique Bulgarian system of exercises.
According to the definition of WHO, health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. The mentioned results of scientific studies give evidence that the activities related to Paneurhythmy contribute to the improvement of the physical, mental and social well-being. In this respect, the Paneurhythmy is an accessible, pleasant and effective physical activity which efficiently supports the maintenance and improvement of health.
Research Interests: Sport Psychology, Exercise and physical activity for health, Paneurhythmy, Health Sciences, Health Promotion, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Recreation & Leisure Studies, Outdoor Recreation, Embodied Mind and Cognition, Health, Body in Performance, Exercise Science, Exercise and physical activity for health, Outdoor Learning, RECREATION, Recreational Activities, Exercise, and HEALTH PHYSICAL EDUCATION RECREATION AND SPORTS
Conference Presentations by Zshivka Zsheliaskova
Ключови думи: депресивност, депресия, физически упражнения, Паневритмия
The Paneurhythmy is a Bulgarian system of rhythmic musical physical exercises. The Paneurhythmy has been present in the Bulgarian cultural life for more than 70 years. Its aim is to have a wholesome effect on the psychophysical condition and to improve the quality of life. Since it is accessible to everybody and very enjoyable to practise the number of people in Bulgaria who exercise Paneurhythmy has rapidly increased during the last years.
The Paneurhythmy is an unique combination of music, move¬ments, thought, speech, philosophy and interaction with nature. That's the reason why it has much in common with music therapy, kinesitherapy, positive psychotherapy, art-therapy, peda¬gogy, philosophy, etc. During the last couple of years the Paneurhythmy has been stud¬ied by specialists from different scientific fields. Their studies unveil interesting direc¬tions in respect to the effect of Paneurhythmy, this unique Bulgarian system of exercises.
According to the definition of WHO, health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. The mentioned results of scientific studies give evidence that the activities related to Paneurhythmy contribute to the improvement of the physical, mental and social well-being. In this respect, the Paneurhythmy is an accessible, pleasant and effective physical activity which efficiently supports the maintenance and improvement of health.
Research Interests: Sport Psychology, Exercise and physical activity for health, Paneurhythmy, Health Sciences, Health Promotion, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Recreation & Leisure Studies, Outdoor Recreation, Embodied Mind and Cognition, Health, Body in Performance, Exercise Science, Exercise and physical activity for health, Outdoor Learning, RECREATION, Recreational Activities, Exercise, and HEALTH PHYSICAL EDUCATION RECREATION AND SPORTS
Ключови думи: депресивност, депресия, физически упражнения, Паневритмия