Arijana Luburic-Cvijanovic
I am a Full Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad. I teach literature and my main research interests are postcolonial, cosmopolitan and transgressive fiction in English. I have published widely on a variety of issues including but not restricted to identity, migration, space and place, gender, body, magical realism, new literary cosmopolitanism, forms of transgression in literature and transgressive fiction as a genre. My current work has also turned to posthumanism, and I wish to combine postcolonial, cosmopolitan and posthumanist concerns with ecocriticism. I am the author of Ruždi i more priča: Elementi fantastike u prozi Salmana Ruždija (2007) and Insajder/autsajder: Identitet u savremenom postkolonijalnom romanu (2018), as well as co-editor of Nova lica svetske književnosti (2012) and co-author of Out of Bounds: Transgressivity in Poetry, Drama and Fiction (2023). My articles have appeared, among others, in Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory, Contemporary Women's Writing, Književna istorija, Kultura, and Nasleđe.
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Papers by Arijana Luburic-Cvijanovic