Papers by Aleksandra Konjevic
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 18, 2018
Zabranjeno preštampavanje i fotokopiranje. Sva prava zadrţava izdavaĉ. Štampanje odobrila Komisij... more Zabranjeno preštampavanje i fotokopiranje. Sva prava zadrţava izdavaĉ. Štampanje odobrila Komisija za izdavaĉku delatnost Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Novom Sadu Tiraţ 20 Mesto i godina štampanja Novi Sad, 2017. v Knjigu posvećujemo bivšim i budućim generacijama studenata, kao i našim porodicama, koje su stoički tolerisale našu opsednutost insektima.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 18, 2018
Zabranjeno preštampavanje i fotokopiranje. Sva prava zadrţava izdavaĉ. Štampanje odobrila Komisij... more Zabranjeno preštampavanje i fotokopiranje. Sva prava zadrţava izdavaĉ. Štampanje odobrila Komisija za izdavaĉku delatnost Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Novom Sadu Tiraţ 20 Mesto i godina štampanja Novi Sad, 2017. v Knjigu posvećujemo bivšim i budućim generacijama studenata, kao i našim porodicama, koje su stoički tolerisale našu opsednutost insektima.
Универзитет у Новом Саду, Jul 1, 2015

Biljni lekar, 2015
By the end of the last and the beginning of this century, the changed climate conditions, with lo... more By the end of the last and the beginning of this century, the changed climate conditions, with long, hot periods, frequently accompanied by drought or minimal rainfall, have resulted in the appearance of new, previously little known pests. One of them is a potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella Zell. (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae), widespread in tropical and subtropical potato growing regions, whose caterpillars damage both plants in the fi eld and stored potato tubers. Damage caused by this species was recorded in our country in previous years and even decades but, since they were random and rare, growers did not pay much attention to them. However, from 2009 to 2013, a very high population of potato tuber moth was recorded in the region of Leskovac (southeastern Serbia), causing considerable economic damage (of up to 100%). This resulted in lower potato quality and the reduction of total area under ware potatoes in this region and, ultimately, the decision of producers to grow other crops. Nearly catastrophic damage was observed on potato in 2015 in the area of the West Morava River (near Cacak), while damage was also recorded in southern Banat, Backa and Srem. Having in mind its economic importance, as well as its likely further expansion in Serbia, special attention must be paid to this pest in the future. The authors describe potato tuber moth, its distribution, morphological characteristics, biology and symptoms of attack, including its occurrence in Serbia and surrounding countries, and the possible methods of control. .

Journal of Applied Entomology, Mar 30, 2018
The whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) is a cosmopolitan insect pest and causes great damage to ... more The whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) is a cosmopolitan insect pest and causes great damage to many agricultural crops by direct feeding, and transmitting many plant viruses causing disastrous effects. The global distribution of B. tabaci was previously investigated, but so far, it has not been confirmed in Serbia. Sampling conducted on plants at three localities in Serbia revealed the presence of three whitefly species, one is B. tabaci Mediterranean (MED) species, a quarantine pest. Additionally, Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood and an Aleurodes sp. that was not identified to the species level were also confirmed. The last two are common and widespread species in Serbia. Whitefly collections were made from cabbage, kale and oilseed rape plants (Brassica oleracea, B. oleracea var. sabauda, B. napus, respectively) grown in the field, on sunflower (Helianthus annuus) grown in the greenhouse and on potted hibiscus (Hibiscus sp.) and poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) plants grown indoors. DNA sequence analysis from a portion of the Cytochrome Oxidase I gene (COI) revealed the presence of B. tabaci MED species, which is considered to be a very important pest worldwide and has been reported from neighbouring countries, however, not yet from Serbia. Bemisia tabaci MED is recorded here for the first time in Serbia. This first interception suggests its introduction with ornamentals grown indoors, with no outdoor reports and that it is not yet spread. This report is an important alert for local authorities to take the necessary steps in monitoring and preventing its possible expansion.

Arthropod-plant Interactions, Nov 15, 2017
Halyomorpha halys is native to Asia, but was recently accidentally introduced to North America an... more Halyomorpha halys is native to Asia, but was recently accidentally introduced to North America and Europe. This species was recorded for the first time in Russia in 2013 (2014) and in both Serbia and Abkhazia in 2015. In 2015-2017, we conducted surveys in Russia, Serbia, and Abkhazia and found that H. halys had not only successfully survived its first winters in new regions, but also started to establish locally, spread, increase populations, and damage local crops. In Sochi (Russia) and Abkhazia, H. halys was recorded to feed on 32 species and cultivars from 16 plants families. In Serbia, it has so far been observed on only four species from four plant families. H. halys is already widely spread in Abkhazia and causes serious damage to many crops: in 2016, the yield of peach, mandarin orange, persimmon and other crops fell down by 13.2-87.4% if compared to the long-term means of yield. The losses are likely to be mostly caused by feeding of H. halys. We conclude that H. halys was accidentally introduced to Russia in 2012-2013 most likely with woody plants imported to Sochi from Italy or Greece for urban landscaping before the 2014 Winter Olympics. The species established in Sochi and quickly moved to Krasnodar (Russia), Abkhazia, and beyond-to Georgia. Populations in Serbia most likely arrived in 2015 traveling on railway cars or in commodities on the Bucharest-Belgrade railway line. We discuss phenology and prospects of further expansion of H. halys in Europe.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 18, 2018
Zabranjeno preštampavanje i fotokopiranje. Sva prava zadrţava izdavaĉ. Štampanje odobrila Komisij... more Zabranjeno preštampavanje i fotokopiranje. Sva prava zadrţava izdavaĉ. Štampanje odobrila Komisija za izdavaĉku delatnost Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Novom Sadu Tiraţ 20 Mesto i godina štampanja Novi Sad, 2017. v Knjigu posvećujemo bivšim i budućim generacijama studenata, kao i našim porodicama, koje su stoički tolerisale našu opsednutost insektima.
Biljni Lekar Plant Doctor, 2016

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), May 13, 2020
Uvod u ekologiju EKOLOGIJA je nauka koja se bavi izučavanjem uzajamnih odnosa između živih organi... more Uvod u ekologiju EKOLOGIJA je nauka koja se bavi izučavanjem uzajamnih odnosa između živih organizma i (nežive) sredine od kojih zavisi održavanje populacija vrsta u prirodi, njihov raspored, gustina, način života i ponašanje u datim uslovima. Izraz potiče od grčke reči "oikos"-dom, kuća, mesto za život, zbog čega se ekologija može definisati kao ekonomija prirode, nauka o proizvodnji i raspodeli organske materije u prirodi, o gustini naselja vrsta i o održavanju živog sveta uopšte. Termin "ekologija" uveo je nemački biolog Ernest Hekl (Ernest Haeckel) 1866. godine, dok je stvarni tvorac moderne ekologije Čarls Darvin (Charles Darwin), osnivač učenja o organskoj evoluciji. Istorijski razvoj ekologije doveo je do njene praktične podele na:-EKOLOGIJU BILJAKA (starija) i-EKOLOGIJU ŽIVOTINJA. Ova podela nije logički zasnovana, jer obe grupe organizama imaju istu osnovnu problematiku i opšte principe na kojima počivaju svi odnosi između organizama i sredine, a koji podjednako važe i za biljke i za životinje. • Danas je usvojena podela na: 1) IDIOEKOLOGIJA (AUTEKOLOGIJA)bavi se ispitivanjem odnosa indivdue i usova sredine, i 2) SINEKOLOGIJAobuhvata tri stupnja ispitivanja: populaciju, biocenozu i ekosistem. EKOSISTEM predstavlja stepen organizacije u ekologiji. Najčešće se definiše kao integrisana celina koja uključuje životnu zajednicu-BIOCENOZU i njen naseljeni prostor-BIOTOP. Ekosistem je dinamička celina koja počiva na uzajamnim dejstvima tj. interakcijama. Između osnovnih komponenti ekosistema postoje tri osnovne kategorije odnosa: AKCIJE-sva dejstva koja biotop, kao kompleks ekoloških faktora, vrši na živa bića REAKCIJE-suprotna dejstva tj. dejstva koja živa bića, kao članovi zajednice, vrše na sam biotope KOAKCIJE-svi uzajamni odnosi koji postoje između članova biocenoze. * Napomena: Spisak biljnih vrsta, sa potrebnim podacima, nalazi se u Prilogu ovog praktikuma. 36 Tabela 11. Taksonomska analiza korovske flore Biljna vrsta Rod Familija Red Klasa Odeljak Papaver rhoeas L. Fumaria officinalis L. Portulaca oleracea L. Stellaria media (L.) Vill. Amaranthus retroflexus L. Chenopodium album L. Chenopodium hybridum L. Polygonum aviculare L. Anagallis arvensis L. Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.

Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 2020
The brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) is recorded for the first time from... more The brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) is recorded for the first time from Russia (Khosta and Adler districts of the city of Sochi), Abkhazia (Pitsunda), and Georgia (Khobi Municipality). Outbreaks of H. halys populations were detected in all of these regions in October 2016. More than a hundred specimens congregated for overwintering were collected in Sochi during two days. According to the personal communications of the local people, the species appeared in Sochi not later than in 2013, and in Georgia not later than in 2015. It must have been brought to Sochi from Europe (from Italy) with planting material of ornamental plants for landscaping the XXII Olympic Winter Games. Thereafter it spread to Abkhazia and Georgia. Additional steps to identification of H. halys are provided for the keys to the true bugs of the European part of the former USSR (Kerzhner and Jaczewski, 1964).

Urban environments are frequently populated by different insect species. Some of them are very be... more Urban environments are frequently populated by different insect species. Some of them are very beautiful and appealing to the people around them, such as ladybugs and butterflies, while some others are molestants and even dangerous to public health. Mosquitoes often inhabit urban environments by staying close to their hosts (humans, birds, etc.), while phytophagous species such as stinkbugs find hosts among ornamental plants and shelters during the winter around humans. This article describes the early discoveries and distribution of two invasive mosquito species, Aedes albopictus, and Ae. japonicus (Diptera: Culicidae), which were recorded in Serbia in 2009 and 2018, respectively. Both species are important for human health, due to their nuisance behavior and because they are vectors of many viruses. On the other hand, in 2015 and 2008, two invasive stinkbug species, Halyomorpha halys and Nezara viridula (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) were observed to spread, respectively. Since then, t...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 19, 2019
Zabranjeno preštampavanje i fotokopiranje. Sva prava zadrţava izdavaĉ. Štampanje odobrila Komisij... more Zabranjeno preštampavanje i fotokopiranje. Sva prava zadrţava izdavaĉ. Štampanje odobrila Komisija za izdavaĉku delatnost Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Novom Sadu Tiraţ 20 Mesto i godina štampanja Novi Sad, 2019.

NeoBiota, Sep 15, 2021
The arrival, establishment and pest status of Halyomorpha halys in Europe and non-native countrie... more The arrival, establishment and pest status of Halyomorpha halys in Europe and non-native countries in Asia have been well-documented, with thorough characterisation of the genetic diversity and occurrence of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) haplotypes in Switzerland, France, Hungary, Italy and Greece. However, a number of gaps exist in terms of the characterisation of the haplotype diversity and occurrence of H. halys along the invasion front that covers eastern Europe, western and central Asia. To contribute towards filling this gap, the COI haplotype diversity and distribution were investigated for H. halys collected in Serbia, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and Kazakhstan. A total of 646 specimens were analysed and five haplotypes were found (H1, H3, H8, H33 and H80). Haplotype H1 was present in all five countries investigated and was the only haplotype detected amongst > 500 specimens collected from Ukraine, Russia and Georgia. H1 (82%) was the dominant haplotype found in Kazakhstan, alongside H3 (18%). In contrast to the low or no diversity observed in these four countries, Serbia had higher haplotype diversity and was repre

AgroLife Scientific Journal
Corn crops in Romania shelter a large number of insects and spiders, some of them harm the plants... more Corn crops in Romania shelter a large number of insects and spiders, some of them harm the plants (pests) while others are useful (natural enemies). Bearing in mind the wide variety of species present and the high numerical quantity of recent years, we set out to find and exploit those capable of keeping pests under control in the context of the current focus on biological solutions to the detriment of chemical ones. Thus, in 2021-2022 we analyzed the set of pests and natural enemies from 2 lots of corn grown organically, from 2 agricultural companies in the western region. The results showed a great diversity and positive interactions, analyzed both in the open field and in cages. The effectiveness rate of ladybugs in preying on aphids was high (81%) and that of spiders in preying on leaf beetles (Diabrotica, Oulema, Phyllotreta and Chaetocnema) was still high (76.25%). The activity of the parasitoid wasps was reflected in a lower effectiveness rate (parasitized aphids) (14.84%), a...

Biljni lekar, 2020
Vrežaste biljke u toku vegetacije oštećuje veliki broj polifagnih štetnih insekatskih vrsta kao š... more Vrežaste biljke u toku vegetacije oštećuje veliki broj polifagnih štetnih insekatskih vrsta kao što su rovci, popci, biljne vaši, buvači i sovice. Među štetnim insektima, osim pomenutih, može se naći i određeni broj stenica koje se hrane bodenjem i sisanjem sokova iz svih nadzemnih biljnih delova, a oštećenja na plodovima mogu biti u vidu deformacija i/ili pojave manjih ili većih nekrotičnih pega. Ove pege su posledica ishrane tj. ubadanja stileta u biljno tkivo, što utiče na tržišnu vrednost dobijenih plodova. Među vrstama najznačajnim za krastavac, lubenicu, tikvu, bundevu i tikivicu na našim prostorima, kao najčešće prisutne, izdvajaju se predstavnici familije Miridae, rod Lygus sp. Kao najčešće sretane vrste izdvajaju se L. rugulipennis Popp. i L. pratensis L. Od predstavnika familije Pentatomidae najzastupljenije na vrežastim biljkama su zelena povrtna stenica Nezara viridula L. i braon mramorasta stenica Halyomorpha halys Stål, koje se pretežno hrane na krastavcima. Simptomi oštećenja od svih pomenutih vrsta su slični, od tačkastih mesta uboda, koja najpre posvetle a kasnije nekrotiraju, do deformacije plodova oštećenih u toku formiranja, do manjih ili većih nekrotičnih pega koje se vide na zrelim plodovima. Smanjenju štete od stenica doprinose dobre fitosanitarne mere, uklanjanje korovskih vrsta oko polja, i slične, iako se zaštita najčešće oslanja na upotrebu hemijskih preparata u slučaju prenamnoženja štetnih vrsta. U našoj zemlji lista registrovanih preparata za suzbijanje stenica nije duga, a otežavajuću okolnost predstavlja činjenica da se stenice najradije hrane na plodovima u toku zrenja, kada je zbog poštovanja karence nemoguće primeniti većinu raspoloživih insekticida. Ključne reči: stenice, Lygus sp., Nezara viridula, Halyomorpha halys UVOD Plodovito povrće iz familije Cucurbitaceae podložno je napadu brojnih polifagnih insekatskih vrsta, među kojima su česte vaši, popci, rovci, buvači, sovice ali se mogu sresti i stenice. Stenice predstavljaju veoma raznovrsnu grupu inskata koju prvenstveno definišu: mirisne žlezde koje luče neprijatan miris zbog koga se ovi insekti nazivaju smrdibube; izgled prednjeg para krila, tzv. hemielitri (u osnovi očvrsla, a na vrhu membranozna); i usni aparat za bodenje i sisanje. Mirisne žlezde luče materije koje svojim mirisom odbijaju neprijatelje, imaju odbrambe

Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 2014
Research of insect fauna in alfalfa fields in the region of Vojvodina has been neglected for more... more Research of insect fauna in alfalfa fields in the region of Vojvodina has been neglected for more than twenty years. During the second half of the last century, many authors from former Yugoslavia investigated this topic: JOVANIĆ (1957), PETRIK (1959), BALARIN (1974), PROTIĆ (1987), KEREŠI & SEKULIĆ (1994). Despite rich diversity of insect fauna in alfalfa updated data on this topic are lacking, especially on Heteroptera in this crop. This can be explained by the fact that alfalfa makes only 4% of all crops raised in this region and that mainly pest species of economic importance are emphasized during the years of their mass appearance, exclusively. For this reason the aim of this study was to compare situation on heteropteran fauna diversity in alfalfa fields in the region of Bačka, with reference on investigations during the period 1981-1985 and in 2012. Special attention was paid to changes in bugs’ diversity, domination of species and economical threats by certain species. Sampl...

Entomologia Generalis, 2014
The Sunn pests or wheat bugs (Heteroptera) of the families Scutelleridae and Penta tomidae are on... more The Sunn pests or wheat bugs (Heteroptera) of the families Scutelleridae and Penta tomidae are one of the most important pests in wheat and barley, present in the Province of Vojvodina, Serbia for many decades. The three main pest wheat bug species, Eurygaster austriaca Schrk., E. maura L. and Aelia acuminata L., were observed in the laboratory conditions, concerning their biology and development. The overwintered adults were collected from the fields and raised in the laboratory, until the occurrence of next generation adults. According to the environmental temperature, a temperaturedevelopment model for preimmature life stages, embryonic and nymphal development was made and shown with hyperbolas. The threshold temperatures for each of the species were calculated, as well as the thermal constants which represent the quantity of heat necessary for successful embryonic and larval development. The results of this survey show that species E. maura has the highest requirements for temperature during both embryonic and nymphs development. The following is the sibling species E. austriaca, requiring a bit less temperatures sum during the development of embryos and nymphs, while the species A. acuminata has the least requirements for temperature during its embryonic development.
Papers by Aleksandra Konjevic