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      ConflictSecurityDemocratic Republic of CongoMali
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      Foreign AidConflict ResolutionSecurity and developmentPeace and Security In Fragile States
The state of the Congolese state has been subject to a heated debate, with some arguing that it remains mostly irrelevant outside its capital or even that there is no such thing as Congo. Others contend that there is no lack of state... more
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      ConflictSecurityJusticeDemocratic Republic of Congo
This paper uses a systematic literature review to suggest that three emerging critical approaches to the production of public authority are identifiable within the contemporary literature on conflict-affected and transitioning regions. We... more
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      SecurityJusticeFragile StatesPolitical Settlements
Rebels may set myths into motion when they govern civilians. Rebels who want to overturn the socio-political order often incorporate its values, beliefs, representations, and practices into their governance of civilians. In doing so they... more
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      ConflictCivil WarDemocratic Republic of CongoRebellion
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      Race and EthnicityDemocratic Republic of CongoColonial and Postcolonial History of Congo
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      KivuArmed GroupsDRCPublic Authority
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      Security StudiesDemocratic Republic of CongoIturi
For more than 20 years, Kalehe and Walikale, two territories connecting the provinces of North and South Kivu, have been characterized by a proliferation of armed groups. The first of these groups emerged during the Masisi war in North... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityMilitarism and militarizationRebellionFragmentation
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityMilitarism and militarizationRebellionFragmentation
There has been a slow, but growing awareness among external actors that some local non-state security actors should be involved in security governance in conflictaffected situations. Already in 2006, the OECD published a report that... more
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      SecurityPeacekeepingDemocratic Republic of CongoPeacebuilding
This contribution analyses the role of taxation in the constitution of authority in the conflict-ridden eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, where a multitude of authorities alternately compete and collude over the right to extract... more
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      TaxationDemocratic Republic of CongoStateness
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesDemocratic Republic of CongoPatronageSecurity Sector Reform/Security Governance
Much of the recent literature on rebel governance and violent political orders works with ‘centred’ and instrumental understandings of power. In this view, power is seen as exercised over subjects, and as situated in rebel rulers,... more
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      GovernmentalityArmed ConflictDemocratic Republic of CongoNon State Armed Actors
In this article I investigate colonial constructions of ethnicity and territory and their effects in the post-independence period in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. The core argument of the article is that the constructions of... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesGovernmentalityEthnicityDemocratic Republic of Congo
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesRace and EthnicityPierre BourdieuAfrican chieftaincy