So I'm playing on Steam, but for verification issues (I lost the email's password), I can't ask this on their forums: How do I completely reset my data in this game? I screwed up on the first ring puzzle and now the phone just tells me to go away.
Uste dut joko gutxik parekatu daitezkeela a pet shop after dark-ekin. Dudarik gabe, inoiz jokatu dudan joko bitxienen, politenen eta nahasienen artean dago. Zure buruan geratzen diren esperientzia horietakoak da, pentsarazten zaituztenak kredituak ikusi eta askoz geroago ere.
Hasieran point & click moduko joko nahiko normal baten gisa aurkezten bada ere, ia-ia idle game bat balitz bezala abentura grafikoa baino, laster konturatzen zara normaletik ezer gutxi daukala. Ez diot inori sorpresarik izorratu nahi, joko hau gehiago disfrutatzen dela uste baitut hari buruz gero eta gutxiago jakinda, baina ez da inondik inora dirudiena. Espektatiben subertsio horrek, espektatiba horiek hain ilunak direnean ere, joko hau hain berezia eta interesgarria egiten duena da.
Gurpila asmatu ez arren, ezta berrasmatu ere hain bitxia izanda eta guzti, egiten duena oso ongi egiten du. Zure sentimenduak erasotzea lortzen du (eta bikain lortu ere!); ez izuaren bidez, etiketak diona diola ere, baizik eta zalantzaren eta deserosotasunaren bidez. Inoiz ez dakizu zerekin joko zaituen gero. Eskaintzen zaituena eta zugandik espero duena hain da xelebrea, non bideojokoei buruz dakizun ia guztia ahaztera bultzatzen zaituen. Hari jaurtitzen diozun guztiarentzat erantzun bat daukala ematen du eta, hala ere, bere sekretuak bekaizki gordetzen ditu (autorearen arabera, badira oraindik inork aurkitu ez dituen sekretuak...). Behin amaituta eta ikusi beharreko guztia ikusita ere, badago oraindik zer hausnartzeko, narratiba ez baitizu ondo murtxikatuta ematen eta zuk atera behar dituzu zenbait ondorio.
npckc-k hemen daukana sormenaldi ikaragarri bat da (eta baditu sorpresa BIZIKI anker batzuk). Mimo handiz egindako obra da, buru handiz eta, gainera, izugarrizko arrandia ere bada, bereziki nobela bisual "estandarragoengatik" ezaguna zen sortzaile batengandik baitator. Eta, hala eta guztiz ere, bere beste nobela bisualak sortzeko erabili zuen motor berbera erabili du joko hau sortzeko ere! Beraz, arazo handirik gabe esan genezake ere trebeziakeria dela honelako joko bat sortu ahal izana horretarako batere prest ez zegoen motor batekin.
Azkenik, aipatu beharra dago npckc-k egindako esfortzu galanta joko hau ahalik eta eskuragarriagoen egiteko; bereziki, hizkuntzei dagokionez. Honelako esperientzia bat gure eskura izan ahal izatea EUSKARAZ, eta gainera ofizialki, inolako kanpo-adabakirik edo zaleen itzulpenik gabe, izugarrizko luxua da. Gainera, bai hura zein gaztelerazko bertsioak ondo landuak daude eta jokoari karisma gehitzen diote. Joko gutxi daude euskaraz eskuragarri, baina mota honetako ekimenek esperantza ematen digute.
Azkeneko aholku bat: ahal baduzue, joka ezazue Steam-eko demoa jokoa bera hasi baino lehen, jada erosi baduzue ere. Eskertuko didazue.
depends on the game but this one is made with ren'py which i highly recommend - open source & free visual novel engine with a lot of online resources/tutorials/&c.
Hello! You chose a great color palette to make this game, It looks beautiful! I work with ENG - PT BR translations, if you're interested you can read more about it here.
I did play the Game Jam version of this game a while back, but playing the full version just now took me about 2 hours, a few hints, and a bit of weird logic. I love this game a whole lot and highly recommend it to anyone that's got a bit of time to kill and enjoys a spooky atmosphere!
The game was super fun! The art and music really complimented each other and even though I got very confused at them, the puzzles you crafted were pretty well made!
I did not expect the game to use the file system like that, but it was a really cool and well done way of making the puzzles and the game itself.
The story was pretty interesting as there was more to find out and the more one found out, there was still more mystery, which was great and made it very repayable and fun, great job on the game and good luck for future projects!
Highly recommended if you want to play a point-and-click adventure game with unconventional mechanics and a spooky atmosphere. Here's my own playthrough for anyone interested:
I played the original version as well, so I can safely say that the full version essentially has more content that extends the length of the game. The difficulty was also ramped up, which gave me a hard time! Though, I noticed that there was hint system added in a later update which might make it easier for others.
There's also more to the game than what I did in my first playthrough. I won't spoil it here, but you can find it in my other video on my Youtube channel if you're really curious. However, it's all I was able to find, so I have no idea if there's still anything else to discover!
I finally checked it out today and really enjoyed it, but I couldn't figure out how to solve the bit towards the end with the goldfish. I looked at the hints but I could only think of one other object that glows, and moving that to the fish, and moving the fish to that, didn't seem to do anything.
I'd look up a walkthrough if I could but all the ones I could find were either from an older version that doesn't seem to be the same at that part, or the walkthrough is only for a small section I already cleared.
it depends on how good you are at puzzles but on average it seems to be taking people about 3 hours! (judging from my testers & people's steam review times)
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So I'm playing on Steam, but for verification issues (I lost the email's password), I can't ask this on their forums: How do I completely reset my data in this game? I screwed up on the first ring puzzle and now the phone just tells me to go away.
Uste dut joko gutxik parekatu daitezkeela a pet shop after dark-ekin. Dudarik gabe, inoiz jokatu dudan joko bitxienen, politenen eta nahasienen artean dago. Zure buruan geratzen diren esperientzia horietakoak da, pentsarazten zaituztenak kredituak ikusi eta askoz geroago ere.
Hasieran point & click moduko joko nahiko normal baten gisa aurkezten bada ere, ia-ia idle game bat balitz bezala abentura grafikoa baino, laster konturatzen zara normaletik ezer gutxi daukala. Ez diot inori sorpresarik izorratu nahi, joko hau gehiago disfrutatzen dela uste baitut hari buruz gero eta gutxiago jakinda, baina ez da inondik inora dirudiena. Espektatiben subertsio horrek, espektatiba horiek hain ilunak direnean ere, joko hau hain berezia eta interesgarria egiten duena da.
Gurpila asmatu ez arren, ezta berrasmatu ere hain bitxia izanda eta guzti, egiten duena oso ongi egiten du. Zure sentimenduak erasotzea lortzen du (eta bikain lortu ere!); ez izuaren bidez, etiketak diona diola ere, baizik eta zalantzaren eta deserosotasunaren bidez. Inoiz ez dakizu zerekin joko zaituen gero. Eskaintzen zaituena eta zugandik espero duena hain da xelebrea, non bideojokoei buruz dakizun ia guztia ahaztera bultzatzen zaituen. Hari jaurtitzen diozun guztiarentzat erantzun bat daukala ematen du eta, hala ere, bere sekretuak bekaizki gordetzen ditu (autorearen arabera, badira oraindik inork aurkitu ez dituen sekretuak...). Behin amaituta eta ikusi beharreko guztia ikusita ere, badago oraindik zer hausnartzeko, narratiba ez baitizu ondo murtxikatuta ematen eta zuk atera behar dituzu zenbait ondorio.
npckc-k hemen daukana sormenaldi ikaragarri bat da (eta baditu sorpresa BIZIKI anker batzuk). Mimo handiz egindako obra da, buru handiz eta, gainera, izugarrizko arrandia ere bada, bereziki nobela bisual "estandarragoengatik" ezaguna zen sortzaile batengandik baitator. Eta, hala eta guztiz ere, bere beste nobela bisualak sortzeko erabili zuen motor berbera erabili du joko hau sortzeko ere! Beraz, arazo handirik gabe esan genezake ere trebeziakeria dela honelako joko bat sortu ahal izana horretarako batere prest ez zegoen motor batekin.
Azkenik, aipatu beharra dago npckc-k egindako esfortzu galanta joko hau ahalik eta eskuragarriagoen egiteko; bereziki, hizkuntzei dagokionez. Honelako esperientzia bat gure eskura izan ahal izatea EUSKARAZ, eta gainera ofizialki, inolako kanpo-adabakirik edo zaleen itzulpenik gabe, izugarrizko luxua da. Gainera, bai hura zein gaztelerazko bertsioak ondo landuak daude eta jokoari karisma gehitzen diote. Joko gutxi daude euskaraz eskuragarri, baina mota honetako ekimenek esperantza ematen digute.
Azkeneko aholku bat: ahal baduzue, joka ezazue Steam-eko demoa jokoa bera hasi baino lehen, jada erosi baduzue ere. Eskertuko didazue.
Will there be gamepad support and will you put on steam?
It's already available on Steam! :)
Hi! What program do you use to make your games? I've been wanting to make a game but I can't find a good one.
- Thank you!
depends on the game but this one is made with ren'py which i highly recommend - open source & free visual novel engine with a lot of online resources/tutorials/&c.
alright! ty, i think i already have the normal ren'py downloaded. also what resources do you use? again ty
Hello! You chose a great color palette to make this game, It looks beautiful! I work with ENG - PT BR translations, if you're interested you can read more about it here.
- Alex
Hi, wanted to let you know that someone has reposted your game as their own.
thank you for letting me know!
I did play the Game Jam version of this game a while back, but playing the full version just now took me about 2 hours, a few hints, and a bit of weird logic. I love this game a whole lot and highly recommend it to anyone that's got a bit of time to kill and enjoys a spooky atmosphere!
Acá dejo una corta review de A Pet Shop After Dark
really enjoying it so far - love the soundtrack and the cute-spooky aesthetic
Wait, the free version was a DEMO? That was awesome, I will definitely be picking this up when I get the money to!
The game was super fun! The art and music really complimented each other and even though I got very confused at them, the puzzles you crafted were pretty well made!I did not expect the game to use the file system like that, but it was a really cool and well done way of making the puzzles and the game itself.
The story was pretty interesting as there was more to find out and the more one found out, there was still more mystery, which was great and made it very repayable and fun, great job on the game and good luck for future projects!
Highly recommended if you want to play a point-and-click adventure game with unconventional mechanics and a spooky atmosphere. Here's my own playthrough for anyone interested:
I played the original version as well, so I can safely say that the full version essentially has more content that extends the length of the game. The difficulty was also ramped up, which gave me a hard time! Though, I noticed that there was hint system added in a later update which might make it easier for others.
There's also more to the game than what I did in my first playthrough. I won't spoil it here, but you can find it in my other video on my Youtube channel if you're really curious. However, it's all I was able to find, so I have no idea if there's still anything else to discover!
I finally checked it out today and really enjoyed it, but I couldn't figure out how to solve the bit towards the end with the goldfish. I looked at the hints but I could only think of one other object that glows, and moving that to the fish, and moving the fish to that, didn't seem to do anything.
I'd look up a walkthrough if I could but all the ones I could find were either from an older version that doesn't seem to be the same at that part, or the walkthrough is only for a small section I already cleared.
I'm stuck on the third ring. Can anyone tell me how to find the door below the window?
Nevermind, I found it. *facepalm*
Yup getting out is a total different story... Good luck!
Fortunately, I found a walkthrough for that part. Now if I could just figure out how to find the heart.
I wish I could help but I want to restart the game to stream it and haven't found out how... So the last I did was the chest :(
Hey there, I bought the steam version and wanted to restart the game halfway through. How can I do that?
its very funny
Yay! I'm so happy it's out, I remember loving the free version and I'm excited to play it again and see what's new^^
i haven't even played the game yet but the soundtrack is fantastic!
thanks! it's by sdhizumi who did an amazing job 🎶
hi! how long is the game?
it depends on how good you are at puzzles but on average it seems to be taking people about 3 hours! (judging from my testers & people's steam review times)
Awesome, thank you! Will be picking up my copy once I have the money, the demo was fantastic!