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NorthWoods MallRats
[Most Recent Entries] [Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in Northwoods Mallrats' LiveJournal:

Monday, July 25th, 2005
10:58 am
yea! im a mallrat! thats cool theres a northwoods mall community. i thought id never find a peoria community other than peoria and central_il.

come join sbtbland! i no im a loser for making a saved by the bell and other t-nbc shows community, but i had to!

Current Mood: contemplative
Friday, July 23rd, 2004
12:28 am
Yes! I am so cool now! I'm in a Northwoods Mall community!

Monday, July 12th, 2004
8:01 pm
Northwoods Mallrats
Well, I figured, since there are so many of us, we should unite!