Buddhist Group Teacher City State/Prov.
1Open Heart Host - Vishaka Smith Shoreline WA
AiShinKai Jonathan Bannister Edmunds WA
Anacortes Mindfulness Community Thich Nhat Hanh Anacortes WA
Ashland Zen Center Etsudo Patty Krahl and Jintei Harold Little Ashland OR
Atammayatarama Buddhist Monastery Ajahn Ritthi Woodinville WA
Back To True Nature Frances Goldman Bellevue WA
Bainbridge Bodhi Center Various visiting teachers of several traditions Bainbridge Island WA
Beginners Mind Zen Meditation Victoria Austin Salem OR
Beginners Mind Zen Meditation Victoria Austin Salem OR
Bellevue Dharma Bill Cooper Bellevue WA
Bellingham Insight Meditation Society multiple, Ayya Santussikā Bhikkhunī, others Bellingham WA
Bellingham Rime . Bellingham WA
BICW-Seattle Khenpo Sodargye Rinpoche and others Seattle WA
Birken Forest Monastery Ajahn Sona Knutsford BC
Blue Heron Zen Community Zen Master Jeong Ji (Anita Feng) Seattle WA
BodhiHeart Sangha Vens. Dhammadinna & Tenzin Jesse Seattle WA
Bozeman Dharma Center Suzanne Colon (BIC), Karen DeCotis (BZG), Floyd Fantelli (BIC) Bozeman MT
Brahma Vihara Foundation DaeJa Napier Seattle WA
Bright Way Zen Rev. Domyo Burk Portland OR
Buddhist Dharma Venerable Rigdzin Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche Edmonds WA
Buddhist Global Relief Bhikkhu Bodhi Seattle WA
Buddhist Institute of Universal Compassion Venerable Geshe Phelgye Spokane WA
Buddhist Meditation Society of Northern BC John DeGrace (Vipassana group) and Eshin Godfrey of Vancouver Zen Centre (Zen group) Prince George BC
Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Seattle Chapter . Seattle WA
Chagdud Gonpa Amrita Lama Padma Yontan Gyatso Edmonds WA
Chenrezig Project Mark Winwood Duvall WA
Chenrezik Practice Group Terri Luoto Port Townsend WA
Cherry Blossom Sangha Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh Seattle WA
Clear Mountain Monastery Ajahn Nisabho & Ajahn Kovilo Seattle WA
Clear Sky Meditation Center Catherine Pawasarat and Doug Duncan Fort Steele BC
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center . Castle Rock WA
Co Lam Pagoda . Seattle WA
Creativity & Dharma Group Sandy Boucher Bellevue WA
Creston Zen Centre Kuya Minogue Creston BC
Dai Bai Zan Cho Bo Zen Ji Genjo Marinello Seattle WA
Dakinis Whisper Choying Khandro Eugene OR
Dance Mandal Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya Portland OR
Dekeling Community Lama Lekshe Portland OR
Dharma Buddies Peer Led Seattle WA
Dharma Drum Seattle Center Ven. Chang Wu, David Listen and others Woodinville WA
Dharma Drum Vancouver Centre Ven. Chang Wu & Others Richmond WA
Dharma Friendship Foundation Jordan Van Voast Seattle WA
Dharma Ocean Seattle Primary teacher is Reggie Ray. Locally senior students alternate leading practice. Seattle WA
Dharma Rain Zen Center Kakumyo Lowe-Charde is abbot. Jyoshin Clay and Genko Rainwater are monastic teachers. Jiko Tisdales, Gyoshi Kaplan, Kengan Trieman are lay teachers. others. Portland OR
Dharma Voices for Animals Portland Chapter We share many Buddhist traditons and teachers Portland OR
Dharmata of Seattle Anam Thubten Seattle WA
Dharmata Portland Anam Thubten Portland OR
diydharma peer leaders Vancouver BC
Dorje Ling/Yeshe Nyingpo Portland Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche (entered parinirvana on April 8, 2023) Portland OR
Drikung Seattle HE Garchen Rinpoche Seattle WA
Drukpa Mila Center Venerable Khenpo Karma Namgyel Rinpoche Bainbridge Island WA
Drukpa Mila Center (Salem) Lama Karma Namgyel Salem OR
Dzogchen Community Seattle Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche Kirkland WA
Dzogchen Nyingthig Samden Ling Lama Jacqueline Mandell Portland OR
Eastside Insight Meditation Steve Wilhelm Kirkland WA
EcoSangha Seattle Jason Tetsuzen Wirth, Elizabeth Myoen Sikes, Eddie Daichi Salazar Seattle WA
Ellensburg Zen Group (Rai Un Zan Ji) Genjo Marinello Osho Ellensburg WA
Empty Field – Zen West Debra Seido Martin Eugene OR
EntsuAn Zen of Bainbridge Island Marc Shozan Joslyn Bainbridge Island WA
Eugene Insight Meditation Center Justin Michelson & Linda Rose Eugene OR
Everett Insight Meditation . Everett WA
Ewam Sang-ngag Ling Gochen Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche Arlee MT
Foundation for Active Compassion Lama John Makransky Portland OR
Friends of Chamtrul Rinpoche PDX Chamtrul Rinpoche Portland OR
Friends of Lama Samten Lama Karma Samten Vashon WA
Gendun Drubpa Buddhist Centre We are affiliated with FPMT.inc and all the teachers within our parent organization. Williams Lake BC
Generous Heart Mountain Sangha Rev. Mark Lancaster Bainbridge Island WA
Great Vow Zen Monastery Chozen and Hogen Bays Clatskanie OR
Heart of Wisdom Zen Buddhist Temple Founders: Jan Chozen Bays, Roshi and Hogen Bays, Roshi. For bios on each of our teachers -https://zendust.org/about-zen-community-of-oregon/our-teachers/ Portland OR
Heruka Institute Tulku Yeshi Rinpoche Mountlake Terrace WA
Insight Dialogue Community . Seattle WA
Insight Meditation of the Mid-Columbia Chris Murray Richland WA
Island Sangha Thich Nhat Hanh Guemes Island WA
Issaquah Tiger Mountain Sangha Thich Nhat Hanh Issaquah WA
Kadampa Meditation Center Washington Gen Kelsang Khedrub Seattle WA
Kagyu Changchub Chuling Lama Eric Triebelhorn Portland OR
Kagyu Sukha Choling Lama Pema Clark and Lama Yeshe Parke Ashland OR
Kathok Centre V.V. Lingtrul Rinpoche and Tulku Karzang Rinpoche Qualicum Beach BC
Katog Choling Hillsboro-Portland Practice Group Khentrul Lodro Thaye Rinpoche Hillsboro OR
Ligmincha Northwest Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche Olympia WA
Living Bodhicitta Joe Evans (Pawo Zangpo) Port Townsend WA
Lotus Insight Sangha Sangha led with Vipassana Teachers Invited for Retreats and Days of Mindfulness. Arinna Weisman, Guiding Teacher Emeritus Seattle WA
Lotus Speech Canada Changling Rinpoche Sechelt BC
Luminous Dharma Jason Bartlett Shoreline WA
Mahasati Retreat Association Ajahn Jamnian Olympia WA
Methow Zen Group Zen Master Ji Haeng - guiding teacher, Zen Center of Las Vegas Winthrop WA
Military Buddhists Our Shakyamuni Buddha Tacoma WA
Mindfulness Community of Puget Sound Thich Nhat Hanh Seattle WA
Mindfulness Northwest Tim Burnett Bellingham WA
Mount Adams Buddhist Temple Thich Minh Tinh (Thay Kozen) Trout Lake WA
Mountain Lamp Community Eileen Kiera, Jack Duffy Deming WA
Mountain Rain Zen Community Kate McCandless and Michael Newton Vancouver BC
Mountain Way Zendo Fa Hsing Jeff Miles Grays Harbor WA
Myokoin Rev. Diane Jishin Dunn Deer Island OR
Nalanda Institute Geshe Jamyang Tsultrim Olympia WA
Nalandabodhi Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche Seattle WA
Nalandabodhi Vancouver The 7th Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche Vancouver BC
Namchak Community Tulku Sangak Rinpoche Missoula MT
Nangten Menlang Buddhist Medical Organization Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche Seattle WA
Natural Awareness George Draffan Seattle WA
Nipponzan Myohoji Bainbridge Island Sangha Rev. Senji Kanaeda Bainbridge Island WA
Nitartha Institute Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche Seattle WA
NO Sangha (North Olympic) Kristen Larson Roshi Port Angeles WA
No-Rank Zendo & Zen Temple Rinzan Pechovnik Osho Portland OR
Northwest Buddhist Recovery . Seattle WA
Northwest Dharma Association . Seattle WA
Northwest iBme Retreat Enrique Collazo, Barnaby Willett and Khalila Archer Gaston OR
Northwest Zen Community – Eishoji Soto Zen Temple Rev. Kosho Itagaki Bellevue WA
Nritya Mandala Mahavihara Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya Portland OR
Ocean Light Zen Center Tim Lerch, JDPSN Seattle WA
Olympia Dharmata Sangha Anam Thubten Olympia WA
Olympia LGBTQI Meditation Peer Lead Olympia WA
Olympic Peninsula Mindfulness Ellen Falconer Port Townsend WA
Open Gate Zendo Koro Kaisan Miles Olympia WA
Open Way Sangha Dharma Teachers Rowan Conrad and Greg Grallo Missoukla MT
Oregon Ariyamagga Okasati Refuge (OAOR) Phra Ajahn Vuttichai Chookaew (Phrawoody) Sandy OR
Pacific Hermitage Ajahn Sudanto White Salmon WA
Pacific Northwest Meditation Trina Truong and Candle Summers Portland OR
Palchen Study Group Seattle Ven. Bardor Tulku Rinpoche Seattle WA
Palmo Center for Peace and Education Venerable Tulku Jigme Rinpoche Springfield OR
Pariyatti S.N. Goenka Onalaska WA
Patacara Community Services . Seattle WA
Pause Meditation Pause Meditation Portland WA
Peaceful Refuge Sangha Thich Nhat Hanh Ashland OR
Pema Kilaya Sangha H.E. Kilung Jigme Rinpoche Clinton WA
People of Color and Allies Sangha Peer-led Seattle WA
Pine Street Sangha Nelly Kaufer Portland OR
Planet Dharma Acariya Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat Fort Stele BC
Port Townsend Meditation Center * Port Townsend WA
Portland Buddhist Center Aryadrishti Portland OR
Portland Buddhist Peace Fellowship . Portland OR
Portland Buddhist Priory Rev. Leon Kackman Portland OR
Portland Community of Mindful Living, Thursday Night Sangha There are 7 ordained members of the Order of Interbeing in this group Portland OR
Portland Friends of the Dhamma Sakula Mary Reinard, Matthew Grad Portland OR
Portland Insight Meditation Center In progress Portland OR
Portland Shambhala Meditation Center Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche Portland OR
PT Sangha Peer Led Port Townsend WA
Puget Sound Zen Center Koshin Christopher Cain Vashon WA
Qi Xin Qigong Tim Tapping Seattle WA
Queer Dharma Michaela McCormick Portland OR
Rainbowdharma International Lama Choyin Rangdrol Seattle WA
Recovery Dharma Lynnwood Sangha Peer-led Lynnwood WA
Red Cedar Zen Community Nomon Tim Burnett Bellingham WA
Rigdrol Dechen Ling Vajra North His Eminence Chagdud Rinpoche Whitehorse BC
Rigpa Seattle Sogyal Rinpoche Seattle WA
Ring of Moss Zendo Andrew Mason Milwaukie OR
River Sangha Jerry Braza Salem OR
River Wisdom Insight Meditation Community Linda Rose (under the guidance of Howie Cohn) Eugene OR
Sakya Kachod Choling His Holiness the 43rd Sakya Trizin and Her Eminence Sakya Jetsun Chimey Luding Rinpoche Friday Harbor WA
Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Buddhism His Eminence Avikrita Vajra Rinpoche, Her Eminence Dagmo Kusho Sakya Seattle WA
Sakya Tsechen Thubten Ling H.E. Jetsun Chimey Luding Rinpoche Richmond BC
Salem Zen Center Lee Ann Kyoan Roshi Salem OR
Samden Ling Lama Jacqueline Mandell Portland OR
SAMGardnerCenter . Seattle WA
Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple Rinban Katsuya Kusunoki Seattle WA
Seattle Buddhist Center – Triratna Buddhist Community Sangharakshita Seattle WA
Seattle Choeizan Enkyoji Nichiren Buddhist Temple Kanjin Cederman Shonin Seattle WA
Seattle Community Practice Group of the Dzogchen Foundation Lama Surya Das Seattle WA
Seattle Insight Meditation Society Tim Geil, Tuere Sala, Keri Pederson, Steve Wilhelm Seattle WA
Seattle Koan Discussion Group John Tarrant Roshi Seattle WA
Seattle Koyasan Buddhist Temple Reverend Taijo Imanaka Seattle WA
Seattle Meditation Center Ven. Manikanto Bhikkhu & Ven.Pormov Dhammathito Mountlake Terrace WA
Seattle One Drop Zendo – Water Moon Dojo Shodo Harada Roshi (Abbott of Sogenji Monastery), who visits 3x/year Seattle WA
Seattle Pragmatic Dharma Society None, peer-led Seattle WA
Seattle Soto Zen Eko Jeff Kelley Seattle WA
Seattle Wisdom . Bellevue WA
Seven Thunders Leonard Marcel Roshi Portland OR
Shambhala Meditation Center Seattle Various Seattle WA
Shared Heart Arbor jan Waldmann, Sosui Portland OR
Shelton Prison Path of Freedom Fleet Maull Montesano WA
Shinnyo-en Shinjo Ito Burien WA
Snow Buddha Meditation Stefan Zijlstra Anchorage AK
Sorig Institute Dr. Nida Chenagtsang Seattle WA
Sorig Khang Portland Dr Nida Chenagtsang Portland OR
Sravasti Abbey Ven. Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron Newport WA
Stillaton, Inc. . Bellevue WA
Tahoma One Drop Zen Monastery Shodo Harada Roshi Freeland WA
Taradhatu Phyllis Moses Kirkland WA
Tergar Meditation Community of Eugene Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche Eugene OR
Tergar Meditation Community of Oregon Mingyur Rinpoche Portland OR
Tergar Vancouver Practice Group Different students of Mingyur Rinpoche - we rotate facilitation Vancouver BC
The Compassion Network (TCN Buddhist Center) Guo Cheen Seattle WA
Three Treasures Sangha of the Pacific Northwest Lee Shields, Madelon Bolling Seattle WA
Tibetan Nuns Project . Seattle WA
TLC Transitional Life Care – A Buddhist End of Life Educational and Support Program Authorized by Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche Ashland OR
TMI Portland . Portland OR
Touching Earth Sangha Satya Vayu Portland OR
Tsinta Mani Choling Lama Lakshey Zangpo Spokane WA
Upright Noble Zen Dana Kojun Lederhos Anchorage AK
Vajra Body Vajra Mind Damien Abel Maple Valley WA
Vancouver Buddhist Center The Venerable Sangharakshita Vancouver BC
Vancouver Chan Meditation Centre Venerable Chang Wu Vancouver BC
Walla Walla Dharma Sangha shared leadership Walla Walla WA
Wat Buddha Oregon Ajahn Chalee Phumiphak Turner OR
WCC Buddhist Meditation Group . Shelton WA
West Seattle Buddhist Sangha Jill Boone Seattle WA
Whidbey Island Insight Meditation Group Kate Davies Langley WA
Whidbey Island Sangha Lama Tsultrim Allione, Kilung JIgme Rinpoche, Lama Wangdor Rinpoche, Lama Lena Langley WA
White Cloud Buddhist Society Bill Hirsch (XiaoBaiYun) (Retired) Issaquah WA
White River Buddhist Temple Rev. James Hozen Warrick Auburn WA
Wise Caregiving . Guemes Island WA
Wise Spirit Buddhist Community Gregory Maloof and Doyle Banks Portland OR
Younge Drodul Ling Younge Khachab Rinpoche Seattle WA
Zenwest Buddhist Society (formerly Victoria Zen Centre) Kosen Eshu Martin, Osho Victoria BC