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Gender mainstreaming is accepted by many national and international agencies and Non-governmental organization, as an effective strategy for promoting gender equality. Many researchers widely agree thatessential but can also lead to... more
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    • Political Science
Based on a study initiated in 2018 (Persson, ¡La maternidad será deseada o no será!: En kvalitativ analys av feministiska strategier i kampen för fri, (laglig), säker och gratis abort i Chile (Thesis). Lund University, 2019), this chapter... more
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      Economic JusticeFundamentalismSpringer Ebooks
Background: Skin bleaching is a widespread phenomenon in spite of their potentially toxic health effects. Objectives: This study aimed to determine if such products are used in Sweden in particular by pregnant women, furthermore to... more
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      ImmigrationFocus GroupsHealth CareEnvironmental Health
Gender equality and women's empowerment have, since the 1970s, become a significant policy discourse globally. The millennium development goals (MDGs) constitute one of the most recent attempt by the Global North to tackle discrimination... more
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      Philosophy of AgencyPolitical ScienceFundamentalismReproductive health
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceSexual Orientation
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      PsychometricsDepressionSleep DeprivationPsychometric Properties
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      PolymorphismCircadian RhythmsAgingAdolescent
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      Quality of lifeFatigueAnxietyStroke
s u m m a r y Despite significant contributions made in the area of persistent/chronic insomnia, especially with regard to the underlying mechanisms driving its maintenance, the area of acute insomnia has received comparatively little... more
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      Sleep MedicineBiomedical ResearchSleepDiagnostic Criteria
Objectives. Sleep disturbances are common in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and one of the key symptom complaints, yet it has been neglected by previous qualitative research. The aim was to explore the specific role of sleep in patients'... more
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The precise relationship between sleep and physical and mental functioning in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) has not been examined directly, nor has the impact of daytime napping. This study aimed to examine self-reported sleep in... more
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      BioinformaticsDepressionCognitionLife Sciences
Introduction Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) is a severely debilitating condition characterized by intense fatigue, muscle/joint pain, memory/concentration impairment and sleep disturbance. However, little is known about how much sleep... more
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      Biological SciencesSleep
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      PsychologyTreatment OutcomeCognitive TherapySleep
To cite: Gotts ZM, Deary V, Newton J, et al. Are there sleep-specific phenotypes in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome? A cross-sectional polysomnography analysis. ABSTRACT Objectives: Despite sleep disturbances being a central... more
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    • Evidence Based Practice
We investigate the complexity and recurrence properties of human activity measured from forearm movement in individuals carrying out their normal daily routines. We show that complexity in activity decreases with age and speculate that... more
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Background: The relationship between sleep and daytime physical and mental functioning in chronic fatigue syndrome has been largely neglected by researchers, as has the impact of daytime napping. Objectives: To examine self-reported sleep... more
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Despite cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) being effective, barriers to adherence have been documented. Perceived partner alliance has been shown to influence adherence and treatment outcome across a range of other health... more
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      PsychologyTreatment OutcomeCognitive TherapySleep
We investigate the complexity and recurrence properties of human activity measured from forearm movement in individuals carrying out their normal daily routines. We show that complexity in activity decreases with age and speculate that... more
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To identify whether sleep disturbances are more prevalent in primary SS (pSS) patients compared with the general population and to recognize which specific sleep symptoms are particularly problematic in this population. Electronic... more
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      RheumatologyImmunologyQuality of lifeCognitive Therapy