Videos by Jennifer K . Shah
This video discusses my use of Flipgrid in Teacher preparation.
Papers by Jennifer K . Shah

Mid-Western Education Research Journal, 2022
For students with marginalized social identities, it can be challenging to navigate undergraduate... more For students with marginalized social identities, it can be challenging to navigate undergraduate experiences at predominantly white institutions (PWIs). To better understand lived experiences, ten focus groups were completed with students that represented various marginalized social identities and roles on campus. Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory was used to guide the analysis of ways that individuals navigate interactions within the microsystem that either create a greater sense of belonging for the student or do just the opposite. Findings indicated that student identities shape their entry into this system, the ways that they navigate spaces to survive the system, the complexity of social relationships with faculty and peers in classrooms and through affinity spaces, and the ignorance, neglect, and harm endured during the process. It is critical that higher education institutions, particularly PWIs, hear students' lived experiences in order to better facilitate inclusive and equitable educational experiences where students feel supported and cared for.
This study investigated the factors that pushed and pulled social justice educators out of urban ... more This study investigated the factors that pushed and pulled social justice educators out of urban elementary and secondary (K-12) schools and into teacher education. The authors utilized an autoethnography and counternarrative methodology to examine the systemic and distinct factors that impacted four social justice educators' decisions to leave K-12 schools. Two central categories emerged: neoliberal K-12 push factors and pull factors that lured educators into academia. The Fighting on All Fronts 10 study also revealed K-12 persistence strategies and describes the way educators reimagine their work in teacher education. It is imperative to learn how educators are maintaining their commitment to social justice on all fronts.
Mid-Western educational researcher, 2015
Teacher resident background and media preference as supports to critical media literacy .
Mid Western Educational Researcher, 2015
International Journal of Literacy, Culture, and Language Education
Review of Moving Critical Literacies Forward: A New Look at Praxis across Contexts, edited by Jes... more Review of Moving Critical Literacies Forward: A New Look at Praxis across Contexts, edited by Jessica Zacher Pandya and JuliAnna Ávila, New York: Routledge, 2014.

The science-to-service problem continues to taunt the field of education (Fixsen, Blasé, Naoom, &... more The science-to-service problem continues to taunt the field of education (Fixsen, Blasé, Naoom, & Wallace, 2009). As an academic discipline, the field requires knowledge generation that adds to or deepens theoretical understandings. As a profession, knowledge generation that solves local problems and supports continuous improvement is necessary. Using design-based research (DBR) provides a means of serving theoretical and practical needs in education, addressing the complexity of education by informing immediate practice while simultaneously contributing to theoretical understandings in the field of education. Using Stokes' (1977) model of scientific research and knowledge generation, we situate DBR within Pasteur's quadrant, describe how to increase its use, and recommend a new means for dissemination. The debate over the theory-to-practice divide continues in many fields, including education. Coburn and Stein (2010) suggested that the path from theoretical knowledge to classroom application is neither linear nor direct. Fixsen et al. (2009) stated that research results are not utilized enough to impact communities. In essence, the current process of scholars disseminating information and practitioners applying information results in a perpetual science-to-service problem. Given the complexity that lies at the heart of teaching and learning (Cochran-Smith, 2003), it is no longer reasonable to rely on the passive dissemination of knowledge. Rather, researchers and practitioners must collaborate to create and disseminate knowledge that will address the issues facing education today. This will require not only generating knowledge to expand understandings of theoretical foundations that comprise the science of the field, but also generating knowledge from practice that elucidates the act of applying the science of education. The purpose of the this article is to discuss the role that design-based research (DBR) can play in addressing the complexity of education, by informing immediate practice while simultaneously continuing to develop theoretical understandings in the field of education. In this article the authors: 1) describe Stokes' (1977) quadrant model of scientific research and elaborate on DBR's placement in Pasteur's quadrant based on its dual purpose of theoretical knowledge generation and practical knowledge generation; 2) describe the foundational elements of DBR; 3) discuss ideas of how to increase DBR use in education research; and 4) suggest an approach to disseminating DBR research that more accurately represents the methodological practice of this type of research. Overcoming the Theory to Practice Divide: Dwelling in Pasteur's Quadrant The process of knowledge dissemination suggests that knowledge generated to broaden the theoretical understandings in a discipline will directly lead to the application of that knowledge
Videos by Jennifer K . Shah
Papers by Jennifer K . Shah