Papers by Hilde Berit Moen
International Social Work
The article focuses on how international social work education can enable students to become cult... more The article focuses on how international social work education can enable students to become culturally competent social workers. It follows the idea that the vital aspect of internationalizing social work education is not about structural prerequisites. Rather, it is in the specific role of intercultural perspectives and how these perspectives can be integrated into structural frameworks for internationalizing social work education. It is highlighted that the acceptance of not-knowing and not-understanding provides the basis of cultural awareness or global mindedness. Therefore, a model for the development of intercultural competence in social work is presented.
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning, Jun 24, 2024
førsteamanuensis i sosialt arbeid ved Nord universitet Beate Rossvoll Eidissen, masterstudent i s... more førsteamanuensis i sosialt arbeid ved Nord universitet Beate Rossvoll Eidissen, masterstudent i samfunnsvitenskap ved Nord universitet.
Sosiologisk tidsskrift, Jan 25, 2013
Social Work Education, Feb 11, 2022
førsteamanuensis i sosialt arbeid ved Nord universitet Beate Rossvoll Eidissen, masterstudent i s... more førsteamanuensis i sosialt arbeid ved Nord universitet Beate Rossvoll Eidissen, masterstudent i samfunnsvitenskap ved Nord universitet.

Velferdstjenestenes vilkår, 2020
Kapittel 1 Velferdstjenestenes vilkår-nasjonal politikk og lokale erfaringer CECILIE HØJ ANVIK, H... more Kapittel 1 Velferdstjenestenes vilkår-nasjonal politikk og lokale erfaringer CECILIE HØJ ANVIK, HILDE BERIT MOEN OG JANNE PAULSEN BREIMO SAMMENDRAG Dette kapittelet gir en oversikt over tema og innhold i boken Velferdstjenestenes vilkår-nasjonal politikk og lokale erfaringer. Her redegjøres for bokens bakgrunn, formål og oppbygning. Kapittelet introduserer forskningsprosjektet som boken bygger på, hvor den norske velferdsmodellens tilstand og utfordringer belyses gjennom empiriske innblikk i situasjonen i lokale velferdstjenester. Kapittelet skisserer også hvordan forskerne som står bak boken, har jobbet med de ulike studiene og analysene som boken er fundert på. Avslutningsvis presenteres en oversikt over bokens øvrige 12 kapitler. NØKKELORD velferdspolitikk, velferdstjenester, velferdsmodell, forskningsdesign og-metoder SUMMARY The chapter provides an overview of the book's presented themes and the content of this book which is titled 'Welfare services-National Policies and Local Experiences'. The chapter presents the background, as well as the purpose and the structure of the book. The book presents the 'state-of-the art' of the Norwegian welfare model, in addition to experienced challenges. Also, the chapter outlines methods used and analysis undertaken by the involved researchers that have contributed to the volume. Finally, an overview of the 12 chapters is presented.

Advances in Social Science and Culture, 2021
This article explores episodes characterized by overwhelming emotions in Eating Disorders (ED). I... more This article explores episodes characterized by overwhelming emotions in Eating Disorders (ED). In ED, emotions and symptoms are connected. The mentalizing perspective understands eating disordered symptoms as a form of regulation of painful emotions and as indicative of a reduced ability to attend to mental states in oneself and others (impaired mentalizing). However, the interpersonal and emotional processes associated with impaired mentalizing are insufficiently attended to in research. Based on interviews with eating disordered patients, this article analyses stories of everyday episodes portrayed as emotionally overwhelming. The results of this analysis establish that a wide array of emotions or emotional experiences are activated, the most prominent being inadequacy, anger, discomfort, fear, and sadness. Episodes are typically “multi-emotional”, characterized by a variety of emotional constellations. The findings do not indicate that eating disordered patients generally have d...

Velferdstjenestenes vilkår, 2020
Kapittelet viser og diskuterer tilstand og utfordringer i kommunale tjenester innen psykisk helse... more Kapittelet viser og diskuterer tilstand og utfordringer i kommunale tjenester innen psykisk helse, sett fra et tjenesteyterperspektiv. Sentrale temaer er kommunenes organisering av tilbudet, hvilke spenninger tjenesten rommer, og hvordan tjenesteyterne håndterer disse i sin arbeidshverdag. Sentrale funn peker på knapphet på ressurser, organisering og prioritering som premissleverandører for tjenesteyternes arbeidshverdag. Tjenesteyterne i førstelinjen ivaretar en rekke funksjoner overfor brukerne, i en tjeneste kjennetegnet av relasjonelle saertrekk. NØKKELORD psykisk helsearbeid, ROP-lidelser, tjenesteyting, organisering, prioritering SUMMARY This chapter displays and discusses state and challenges of municipal mental health services, as experienced by service providers. Important questions are how the municipalities organize the services, fields of tension that occur, and how service providers handle these in everyday work. Key findings point at scarcity of resources, specific organizational aspects and prioritizing as contributory to the service provider's everyday work. Frontline service providers describe performing a variety of functions in a service characterized by distinctive relational features. KEYWORDS mental health care, dual-disorders, front-line service providers, organization 1. Gjennomgangen av datamaterialet, som i utgangspunktet besto av 148 artikler, resulterte i en kunnskapsstatus som omfatter 20 vitenskapelige artikler.
International Social Work, 2021
The article focuses on how international social work education can enable students to become cult... more The article focuses on how international social work education can enable students to become culturally competent social workers. It follows the idea that the vital aspect of internationalizing social work education is not about structural prerequisites. Rather, it is in the specific role of intercultural perspectives and how these perspectives can be integrated into structural frameworks for internationalizing social work education. It is highlighted that the acceptance of not-knowing and not-understanding provides the basis of cultural awareness or global mindedness. Therefore, a model for the development of intercultural competence in social work is presented.
Papers by Hilde Berit Moen