Simulation Models for Hydro-Electric Energy by Steady-Rate and Night-Shift-Pumped-Storage Operations, 2023
New operation simulation models for hydroelectric energy and its financial benefit over an N-year... more New operation simulation models for hydroelectric energy and its financial benefit over an N-year period in daily time steps by the steady-rate and the open-loop night-shift-pumpedstorage rules are developed. These models are applied on 11 existing dams in Türkiye, which reflect a wide range of hydrologic and hydraulic peculiarities, for regulations between 90% through 40% and the outputs are compared. Regulation is the ratio of (outflow for energy generation, hm 3 /day) / (average inflow, hm 3 /day). The present worth of energy benefits and of that of pumping costs computed with a discount rate of 9.5% over a 35-year period yield that the night-shift pumped-storage operations are more profitable than the steady-rate rule. Finally, generalized regression equations for average annual produced energy and for present worth of net benefits by both operation rules against statistically significant explanatory variables are developed using the results of these 11 dams, which are all meaningful by relevant statistical criteria.
This paper investigates the accuracy of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy computing technique in suspended ... more This paper investigates the accuracy of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy computing technique in suspended sediment estimation. The monthly streamflow and suspended sediment data from two stations, Kuylus and Salur Koprusu, in Kizilirmak Basin in Turkey are used as case studies. The estimation results obtained by using the neuro-fuzzy technique are tested and compared with those of the artificial neural networks and sediment rating curves. Root mean squared errors, mean absolute errors and correlation coefficient statistics are used as comparing criteria for the evaluation of the models' performances. The comparison results reveal that the neuro-fuzzy models can be employed successfully in monthly suspended sediment estimation.
New operation simulation models for hydroelectric energy and its financial benefit over an N-year... more New operation simulation models for hydroelectric energy and its financial benefit over an N-year period in daily time steps by the steady-rate and the open-loop night-shift-pumpedstorage rules are developed. These models are applied on 11 existing dams in Türkiye, which reflect a wide range of hydrologic and hydraulic peculiarities, for regulations between 90% through 40% and the outputs are compared. Regulation is the ratio of (outflow for energy generation, hm 3 /day) / (average inflow, hm 3 /day). The present worth of energy benefits and of that of pumping costs computed with a discount rate of 9.5% over a 35-year period yield that the night-shift pumped-storage operations are more profitable than the steady-rate rule. Finally, generalized regression equations for average annual produced energy and for present worth of net benefits by both operation rules against statistically significant explanatory variables are developed using the results of these 11 dams, which are all meaningful by relevant statistical criteria.
... The methods of ML and PWM are not so far applicable to this distribution. Jain & Singh (1... more ... The methods of ML and PWM are not so far applicable to this distribution. Jain & Singh (1987) used the LB distribution along with a few others in a recent study, and they found it one of the more suitable models. Downloaded by [] at 15:32 08 July 2011 Page 12. ...
Haktanir, T., 1992. Comparison of various flood frequency distributions using annual flood peaks ... more Haktanir, T., 1992. Comparison of various flood frequency distributions using annual flood peaks data of ri~ers in Anatolia. J. Hydrol., 136:I-3 !. The two-parameter log-normal, three-parameter log-normal, smemax, two-step-power, Iog-Boughton, Gumbei, general extreme-value, Pearson-3, log-Pearson-3, log-logistic, and Wakeby distributions were applied to the annual flood peaks series /> 30 observations of 45 unregulated streams in Anatolia. The varameters of most of these distributions were estimated by methods of: (1) moments; (2) maximum-like!ihood; (3) probability-weighted moments. Methods of entropy, Bobee, and mixed-moments also were employed for the log-Pearson-3 distribution. Average values and standard deviations of the absolute relative differences of the 0.01, 0.001, and 0.0001 exceedance-probability peaks computed from 3333 and 1000 synthetically generated series of 30-and 100-element lengths, respectively, from the peaks by the base distribution used in generating the synthetic data revealed that the three-parameter and two-parameter log-normal, and the Gumbel distributions predicted these extreme right-tail events better than the other distributions.
The parameter estimation methods of (1) moments, (2) maximum-likelihood, (3) probability-weighted... more The parameter estimation methods of (1) moments, (2) maximum-likelihood, (3) probability-weighted moments (PWM) and (4) self-determined PWM are applied to the probability distributions of Gumbel, general extreme values, three-parameter log-normal (LN3), Pearson-3 and log-Pearson-3. The special method of computing parameters so as to make the sample skewness coefficient zero is also applied to LN3, and hence, altogether 21 candidate distributions resulted. The parameters of these distributions are computed first by original sample series of 14 successive-duration annual extreme rainfalls recorded at a rain-gauging station. Next, the parameters are scaled by first-degree semi-log or log-log polynomial regressions versus rainfall durations from 5 to 1440 min (24 h). Those distributions satisfying the divergence criterion for frequency curves are selected as potential distributions, whose better-fit ones are determined by a conjunctive evaluation of three goodness-of-fit tests. Frequency tables, frequency curves and intensity-duration-frequency curves are the outcome.
Bridge backwater data were collected for 92 different floods at 35 bridge sites in the Mississipp... more Bridge backwater data were collected for 92 different floods at 35 bridge sites in the Mississippi River basin in 1960s [Neely BL. Hydraulic performance of bridges, hydraulic efficiency of bridges—analysis of field data. Unpublished Report Conducted by US Geological Survey, June 30; 1966]. This major field data showed that the backwater computed both by the United States Geological Survey’s method
Artificial Portland cement concrete paving blocks are widely used in many countries. These paving... more Artificial Portland cement concrete paving blocks are widely used in many countries. These paving blocks come in a variety of designs with names such as "Interlocking" and "Italian Flower", and are manufactured with special machinery using rather high quality concrete having a compressive strength of about 50 MPa. Concrete blocks are employed instead of natural cobble stones for essentially economic reasons. The laboratoiy equipment required to measure paving block splitting strength and abrasion resistance, two of the chief properties to be tested in quality checks, is costly and the tests are time-consuming and labour-intensive. The present paper reports on a detailed experimental study performed to relate the splitting strength and abrasion resistance of concrete paving blocks to "dry bulk specific gravity" (DBSG) and "ultrasonic pulse velocity" (UPV), respectively. Statistically significant regression equations describing the dependence of...
Artificial Portland cement concrete paving blocks are widely used in many countries. These paving... more Artificial Portland cement concrete paving blocks are widely used in many countries. These paving blocks come in a variety of designs with names such as "Interlocking" and "Italian Flower", and are manufactured with special machinery using rather high quality concrete having a compressive strength of about 50 MPa. Concrete blocks are employed instead of natural cobble stones for essentially economic reasons. The laboratoiy equipment required to measure paving block splitting strength and abrasion resistance, two of the chief properties to be tested in quality checks, is costly and the tests are time-consuming and labour-intensive. The present paper reports on a detailed experimental study performed to relate the splitting strength and abrasion resistance of concrete paving blocks to "dry bulk specific gravity" (DBSG) and "ultrasonic pulse velocity" (UPV), respectively. Statistically significant regression equations describing the dependence of splitting strength on DBSG and abrasion resistance on UPV were obtained with data from random samples of material provided by seven different manufacturers.
The Food and Agriculture Organization advocates the Penman–Monteith (FAO-56 PM) equation as the s... more The Food and Agriculture Organization advocates the Penman–Monteith (FAO-56 PM) equation as the standard model for estimation of the reference evapotranspiration (ET0) because it is considered to have better accuracy. However, in regions where meteorological variables such as solar radiation, wind speed, and relative humidity are not gauged, the Hargreaves–Samani (HS) equation is resorted to as an alternative simply because it needs minimum and maximum air temperatures only as the explanatory variables. In this study, first the HS equation is applied to the monthly means of measured temperature data recorded at 275 meteorology stations in Turkey. Next, the coefficients of the HS equation are calibrated using the ET0 values given by the FAO-56 PM equation at all these stations. Next, the HS equation is modified by adding the wind speed as an extra explanatory variable, separately in each one of seven geographical regions of Turkey, which is observed to yield smaller error statistics ...
ABSTRACT One of the most important climatic factors influencing growth, development and yield of ... more ABSTRACT One of the most important climatic factors influencing growth, development and yield of crops, which involve a countless number of biochemical reactions, is temperature. It is also one of the most effective explanatory variables of the evapotranspiration estimation models such as Hargreaves, Rich and Thornthwaite needed for irrigation scheduling policies. Using artificial neural networks (ANN), adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), and multiple linear regression (MLR) models, means of maximum, minimum, and average monthly temperatures are estimated as a function of geographical coordinates and month number for any location in Turkey. The monthly data measured by the General Directorate of State Meteorological Works at 275 stations having records of at least 20 years are used in developing the models. The latitude, longitude, and altitude of the location, and the month number are used as the input variables, and each of the mean monthly maximum, minimum, and average air temperatures is computed as the output variable. The observed values are compared versus those predicted by the ANN, ANFIS, and MLR models by evaluating their errors, and as a result the ANFIS model turns out to be the best.
A regional flood frequency analysis based on the index flood method is applied using probability ... more A regional flood frequency analysis based on the index flood method is applied using probability distributions commonly utilized for this purpose. The distribution parameters are calculated by the method of L-moments with the data of the annual flood peaks series recorded at gauging sections of 13 unregulated natural streams in the East Mediterranean River Basin in Turkey. The artificial neural networks (ANNs) models of (1) the multi-layer perceptrons (MLP) neural networks, (2) radial basis function based neural networks (RBNN), and (3) generalized regression neural networks (GRNN) are developed as alternatives to the L-moments method. Multiple-linear and multiple-nonlinear regression models (MLR and MNLR) are also used in the study. The L-moments analysis on these 13 annual flood peaks series indicates that the East Mediterranean River Basin is hydrologically homogeneous as a whole. Among the tried distributions which are the Generalized Logistic, Generalized Extreme Vaules, Generalized Normal, Pearson Type III, Wakeby, and Generalized Pareto, the Generalized Logistic and Generalized Extreme Values distributions pass the Z statistic goodness-of-fit test of the L-moments method for the East Mediterranean River Basin, the former performing yet better than the latter. Hence, as the outcome of the L-moments method applied by the Generalized Logistic distribution, two equations are developed to estimate flood peaks of any return periods for any un-gauged site in the study region. The ANNs, MLR and MNLR models are trained and tested using the data of these 13 gauged sites. The results show that the predicting performance of the MLP model is superior to the others. The application of the MLP model is performed by a special Matlab code, which yields logarithm of the flood peak, Ln(Q T), versus a desired return period, T.
ABSTRACT Monthly mean reference evapotranspiration (ET 0 ) is estimated using adaptive network ba... more ABSTRACT Monthly mean reference evapotranspiration (ET 0 ) is estimated using adaptive network based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and artificial neural network (ANN) models. Various combinations of long-term average monthly climatic data of wind speed, air temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation, recorded at stations in Turkey, are used as inputs to the ANFIS and ANN models so as to calculate ET 0 given by the FAO-56 PM (Penman-Monteith) equation. First, a comparison is made among the estimates provided by the ANFIS and ANN models and those by the empirical methods of Hargreaves and Ritchie. Next, the empirical models are calibrated using the ET 0 values given by FAO-56 PM, and the estimates by the ANFIS and ANN techniques are compared with those of the calibrated models. Mean square error, mean absolute error, and determination coefficient statistics are used as comparison criteria for evaluation of performances of all the models considered. Based on these evaluations, it is found that the ANFIS and ANN schemes can be employed successfully in modeling the monthly mean ET 0 , because both approaches yield better estimates than the classical methods, and yet ANFIS being slightly more successful than ANN.
Simulation Models for Hydro-Electric Energy by Steady-Rate and Night-Shift-Pumped-Storage Operations, 2023
New operation simulation models for hydroelectric energy and its financial benefit over an N-year... more New operation simulation models for hydroelectric energy and its financial benefit over an N-year period in daily time steps by the steady-rate and the open-loop night-shift-pumpedstorage rules are developed. These models are applied on 11 existing dams in Türkiye, which reflect a wide range of hydrologic and hydraulic peculiarities, for regulations between 90% through 40% and the outputs are compared. Regulation is the ratio of (outflow for energy generation, hm 3 /day) / (average inflow, hm 3 /day). The present worth of energy benefits and of that of pumping costs computed with a discount rate of 9.5% over a 35-year period yield that the night-shift pumped-storage operations are more profitable than the steady-rate rule. Finally, generalized regression equations for average annual produced energy and for present worth of net benefits by both operation rules against statistically significant explanatory variables are developed using the results of these 11 dams, which are all meaningful by relevant statistical criteria.
This paper investigates the accuracy of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy computing technique in suspended ... more This paper investigates the accuracy of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy computing technique in suspended sediment estimation. The monthly streamflow and suspended sediment data from two stations, Kuylus and Salur Koprusu, in Kizilirmak Basin in Turkey are used as case studies. The estimation results obtained by using the neuro-fuzzy technique are tested and compared with those of the artificial neural networks and sediment rating curves. Root mean squared errors, mean absolute errors and correlation coefficient statistics are used as comparing criteria for the evaluation of the models' performances. The comparison results reveal that the neuro-fuzzy models can be employed successfully in monthly suspended sediment estimation.
New operation simulation models for hydroelectric energy and its financial benefit over an N-year... more New operation simulation models for hydroelectric energy and its financial benefit over an N-year period in daily time steps by the steady-rate and the open-loop night-shift-pumpedstorage rules are developed. These models are applied on 11 existing dams in Türkiye, which reflect a wide range of hydrologic and hydraulic peculiarities, for regulations between 90% through 40% and the outputs are compared. Regulation is the ratio of (outflow for energy generation, hm 3 /day) / (average inflow, hm 3 /day). The present worth of energy benefits and of that of pumping costs computed with a discount rate of 9.5% over a 35-year period yield that the night-shift pumped-storage operations are more profitable than the steady-rate rule. Finally, generalized regression equations for average annual produced energy and for present worth of net benefits by both operation rules against statistically significant explanatory variables are developed using the results of these 11 dams, which are all meaningful by relevant statistical criteria.
... The methods of ML and PWM are not so far applicable to this distribution. Jain & Singh (1... more ... The methods of ML and PWM are not so far applicable to this distribution. Jain & Singh (1987) used the LB distribution along with a few others in a recent study, and they found it one of the more suitable models. Downloaded by [] at 15:32 08 July 2011 Page 12. ...
Haktanir, T., 1992. Comparison of various flood frequency distributions using annual flood peaks ... more Haktanir, T., 1992. Comparison of various flood frequency distributions using annual flood peaks data of ri~ers in Anatolia. J. Hydrol., 136:I-3 !. The two-parameter log-normal, three-parameter log-normal, smemax, two-step-power, Iog-Boughton, Gumbei, general extreme-value, Pearson-3, log-Pearson-3, log-logistic, and Wakeby distributions were applied to the annual flood peaks series /> 30 observations of 45 unregulated streams in Anatolia. The varameters of most of these distributions were estimated by methods of: (1) moments; (2) maximum-like!ihood; (3) probability-weighted moments. Methods of entropy, Bobee, and mixed-moments also were employed for the log-Pearson-3 distribution. Average values and standard deviations of the absolute relative differences of the 0.01, 0.001, and 0.0001 exceedance-probability peaks computed from 3333 and 1000 synthetically generated series of 30-and 100-element lengths, respectively, from the peaks by the base distribution used in generating the synthetic data revealed that the three-parameter and two-parameter log-normal, and the Gumbel distributions predicted these extreme right-tail events better than the other distributions.
The parameter estimation methods of (1) moments, (2) maximum-likelihood, (3) probability-weighted... more The parameter estimation methods of (1) moments, (2) maximum-likelihood, (3) probability-weighted moments (PWM) and (4) self-determined PWM are applied to the probability distributions of Gumbel, general extreme values, three-parameter log-normal (LN3), Pearson-3 and log-Pearson-3. The special method of computing parameters so as to make the sample skewness coefficient zero is also applied to LN3, and hence, altogether 21 candidate distributions resulted. The parameters of these distributions are computed first by original sample series of 14 successive-duration annual extreme rainfalls recorded at a rain-gauging station. Next, the parameters are scaled by first-degree semi-log or log-log polynomial regressions versus rainfall durations from 5 to 1440 min (24 h). Those distributions satisfying the divergence criterion for frequency curves are selected as potential distributions, whose better-fit ones are determined by a conjunctive evaluation of three goodness-of-fit tests. Frequency tables, frequency curves and intensity-duration-frequency curves are the outcome.
Bridge backwater data were collected for 92 different floods at 35 bridge sites in the Mississipp... more Bridge backwater data were collected for 92 different floods at 35 bridge sites in the Mississippi River basin in 1960s [Neely BL. Hydraulic performance of bridges, hydraulic efficiency of bridges—analysis of field data. Unpublished Report Conducted by US Geological Survey, June 30; 1966]. This major field data showed that the backwater computed both by the United States Geological Survey’s method
Artificial Portland cement concrete paving blocks are widely used in many countries. These paving... more Artificial Portland cement concrete paving blocks are widely used in many countries. These paving blocks come in a variety of designs with names such as "Interlocking" and "Italian Flower", and are manufactured with special machinery using rather high quality concrete having a compressive strength of about 50 MPa. Concrete blocks are employed instead of natural cobble stones for essentially economic reasons. The laboratoiy equipment required to measure paving block splitting strength and abrasion resistance, two of the chief properties to be tested in quality checks, is costly and the tests are time-consuming and labour-intensive. The present paper reports on a detailed experimental study performed to relate the splitting strength and abrasion resistance of concrete paving blocks to "dry bulk specific gravity" (DBSG) and "ultrasonic pulse velocity" (UPV), respectively. Statistically significant regression equations describing the dependence of...
Artificial Portland cement concrete paving blocks are widely used in many countries. These paving... more Artificial Portland cement concrete paving blocks are widely used in many countries. These paving blocks come in a variety of designs with names such as "Interlocking" and "Italian Flower", and are manufactured with special machinery using rather high quality concrete having a compressive strength of about 50 MPa. Concrete blocks are employed instead of natural cobble stones for essentially economic reasons. The laboratoiy equipment required to measure paving block splitting strength and abrasion resistance, two of the chief properties to be tested in quality checks, is costly and the tests are time-consuming and labour-intensive. The present paper reports on a detailed experimental study performed to relate the splitting strength and abrasion resistance of concrete paving blocks to "dry bulk specific gravity" (DBSG) and "ultrasonic pulse velocity" (UPV), respectively. Statistically significant regression equations describing the dependence of splitting strength on DBSG and abrasion resistance on UPV were obtained with data from random samples of material provided by seven different manufacturers.
The Food and Agriculture Organization advocates the Penman–Monteith (FAO-56 PM) equation as the s... more The Food and Agriculture Organization advocates the Penman–Monteith (FAO-56 PM) equation as the standard model for estimation of the reference evapotranspiration (ET0) because it is considered to have better accuracy. However, in regions where meteorological variables such as solar radiation, wind speed, and relative humidity are not gauged, the Hargreaves–Samani (HS) equation is resorted to as an alternative simply because it needs minimum and maximum air temperatures only as the explanatory variables. In this study, first the HS equation is applied to the monthly means of measured temperature data recorded at 275 meteorology stations in Turkey. Next, the coefficients of the HS equation are calibrated using the ET0 values given by the FAO-56 PM equation at all these stations. Next, the HS equation is modified by adding the wind speed as an extra explanatory variable, separately in each one of seven geographical regions of Turkey, which is observed to yield smaller error statistics ...
ABSTRACT One of the most important climatic factors influencing growth, development and yield of ... more ABSTRACT One of the most important climatic factors influencing growth, development and yield of crops, which involve a countless number of biochemical reactions, is temperature. It is also one of the most effective explanatory variables of the evapotranspiration estimation models such as Hargreaves, Rich and Thornthwaite needed for irrigation scheduling policies. Using artificial neural networks (ANN), adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), and multiple linear regression (MLR) models, means of maximum, minimum, and average monthly temperatures are estimated as a function of geographical coordinates and month number for any location in Turkey. The monthly data measured by the General Directorate of State Meteorological Works at 275 stations having records of at least 20 years are used in developing the models. The latitude, longitude, and altitude of the location, and the month number are used as the input variables, and each of the mean monthly maximum, minimum, and average air temperatures is computed as the output variable. The observed values are compared versus those predicted by the ANN, ANFIS, and MLR models by evaluating their errors, and as a result the ANFIS model turns out to be the best.
A regional flood frequency analysis based on the index flood method is applied using probability ... more A regional flood frequency analysis based on the index flood method is applied using probability distributions commonly utilized for this purpose. The distribution parameters are calculated by the method of L-moments with the data of the annual flood peaks series recorded at gauging sections of 13 unregulated natural streams in the East Mediterranean River Basin in Turkey. The artificial neural networks (ANNs) models of (1) the multi-layer perceptrons (MLP) neural networks, (2) radial basis function based neural networks (RBNN), and (3) generalized regression neural networks (GRNN) are developed as alternatives to the L-moments method. Multiple-linear and multiple-nonlinear regression models (MLR and MNLR) are also used in the study. The L-moments analysis on these 13 annual flood peaks series indicates that the East Mediterranean River Basin is hydrologically homogeneous as a whole. Among the tried distributions which are the Generalized Logistic, Generalized Extreme Vaules, Generalized Normal, Pearson Type III, Wakeby, and Generalized Pareto, the Generalized Logistic and Generalized Extreme Values distributions pass the Z statistic goodness-of-fit test of the L-moments method for the East Mediterranean River Basin, the former performing yet better than the latter. Hence, as the outcome of the L-moments method applied by the Generalized Logistic distribution, two equations are developed to estimate flood peaks of any return periods for any un-gauged site in the study region. The ANNs, MLR and MNLR models are trained and tested using the data of these 13 gauged sites. The results show that the predicting performance of the MLP model is superior to the others. The application of the MLP model is performed by a special Matlab code, which yields logarithm of the flood peak, Ln(Q T), versus a desired return period, T.
ABSTRACT Monthly mean reference evapotranspiration (ET 0 ) is estimated using adaptive network ba... more ABSTRACT Monthly mean reference evapotranspiration (ET 0 ) is estimated using adaptive network based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and artificial neural network (ANN) models. Various combinations of long-term average monthly climatic data of wind speed, air temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation, recorded at stations in Turkey, are used as inputs to the ANFIS and ANN models so as to calculate ET 0 given by the FAO-56 PM (Penman-Monteith) equation. First, a comparison is made among the estimates provided by the ANFIS and ANN models and those by the empirical methods of Hargreaves and Ritchie. Next, the empirical models are calibrated using the ET 0 values given by FAO-56 PM, and the estimates by the ANFIS and ANN techniques are compared with those of the calibrated models. Mean square error, mean absolute error, and determination coefficient statistics are used as comparison criteria for evaluation of performances of all the models considered. Based on these evaluations, it is found that the ANFIS and ANN schemes can be employed successfully in modeling the monthly mean ET 0 , because both approaches yield better estimates than the classical methods, and yet ANFIS being slightly more successful than ANN.
Papers by T. Haktanır