Plugin Tag: embed
(3 vurderingar i alt)Each Termageddon license includes a consent solution. This plugin helps you install the consent solution with ease, while offering additional features …
Interact: Embed A Quiz On Your Site
(11 vurderingar i alt)Use this plugin to generate a shortcode to embed your Interact Quiz, Poll, or Giveaway into your WordPress site.
WP Calameo
(4 vurderingar i alt)This plugin allows to embed Calaméo publications in blog posts. Copy the WordPress embed code and paste it into your post.
YouTube Block – A better way to embed YouTube videos, shorts, playlists
(12 vurderingar i alt)Embed YouTube videos without slowing down your site. Easily embed one or multiple videos, shorts, and playlists.
WordPress PDF Light Viewer Plugin
(53 vurderingar i alt)Plugin allows you to embed normal, big and very big pdf documents to the wordpress site as flipbooks with thumbnail navigation.
WordPress Video Plugin
(4 vurderingar i alt)A filter for WordPress that displays videos from many video services.
Embed Iframe
(5 vurderingar i alt)Allows the insertion of code to display an external webpage within an iframe.
(20 vurderingar i alt)The Embedly Plugin extends Wordpress's auto-embed feature to give your blog more media types and style optons.
Simple YouTube Responsive
(11 vurderingar i alt)Embed responsive YouTube videos using simple shortcode. Lazy Load supported.
Aparat for WordPress
(9 vurderingar i alt)Displaying Aparat videos on website content, along with a widget for showing a list of channel videos.
Wistia WordPress Plugin
(8 vurderingar i alt)Enables all Wistia embed types to be used in your WordPress blog.
Responsive Video Embeds
(21 vurderingar i alt)Automatically resize WordPress auto-embeds, including video and other iframes, in a responsive fashion.
Unfiltered MU
(14 vurderingar i alt)This WordPress MU/WordPress 3.0 multisite plugin gives blog Administrators and Editors the ability to post whatever HTML they want.
ReactPress – Create React App for WordPress
(18 vurderingar i alt)Easily create, build and deploy React apps into your existing WordPress sites.
SoundPress Plugin
(6 vurderingar i alt)The SoundCloud plugin for WordPress! Embed track, user latest tracks, or playlist!
WP YouTube Live
(10 vurderingar i alt)Displays the current YouTube live video from a specified channel.
Auction Nudge – Your eBay on Your Site
(84 vurderingar i alt)An approved eBay Compatible Application to display your live eBay Listings. Once added, your active eBay items will be updated automatically.
Anchor Episodes Index (Spotify for Podcasters)
(5 vurderingar i alt)A lightweight plugin that allows you to output an podcast player on your site that includes an episode index. Just add two URL's on the …
Document Block – Upload & Embed Docs, PDF, PPT, XLS or Any Documents
(0 vurderingar i alt)Upload & Embed Docs, PDF, PPT, XLS or Any Documents Right From Your Block Editor!