Thesis Chapters by Dr Dr Motsamai John Modise MJ

This study aims to create a comprehensive investigation model for identifying and disrupting ille... more This study aims to create a comprehensive investigation model for identifying and disrupting illegal online gambling and server-based computer gambling delinquency, focusing on its rise, negative consequences, law enforcement methods, and the importance of international cooperation. Traditional investigative methods are insufficient for addressing illegal online gambling. A data-driven approach, comprehensive investigation, financial analysis, technical analysis, and international collaboration are needed for effective disruption. The study reviews literature on illegal online gambling, analyzes trends, and develops a theoretical framework for an investigation model. This model can enhance law enforcement's effectiveness in combating illegal gambling and protect individuals and communities. The study aims to inform policymakers on effective strategies to combat illegal online gambling, focusing on law enforcement agencies, researchers, and the general public, highlighting the need for international cooperation. Conclusion by implementing a comprehensive investigation model and fostering international cooperation, stakeholders can significantly reduce the prevalence of illegal online gambling and create a safer online environment for all.

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
This paper aims to accomplish two goals: first, it will discuss some issues pertaining to corpora... more This paper aims to accomplish two goals: first, it will discuss some issues pertaining to corporate governance, strategy, and policy for police work, emphasizing the significance of expressing appropriate values. Secondly, it will provide examples of strategic governance issues that are critical to police operations in order to support the aforementioned suggestion. The process of directing, managing, and holding organizations accountable is known as corporate governance; it may also involve the larger stakeholder group associated with the organization. It is concluded that as law enforcement is an organization and method that is always changing, it may and need to learn from new advancements. It is essential to articulate the ideals that guide effective police governance in light of this ongoing transformation. It is essential to articulate the principles that guide effective police governance in light of ongoing change. There are five reasonable recommendations made: the significance of formal meeting rules; the application of master strategists' strategies; the significance of ethical infrastructure; the establishment of KPIs for success evaluation; and the significance of distinguishing issues from personality. It is believed that these recommendations would have both intellectual and practical value.

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
The article's goals are to foster communication and trust between the police and communities. Clo... more The article's goals are to foster communication and trust between the police and communities. Close the distance by having honest conversations and communication between the public and the police. Encourage accountability and openness throughout the police force. Encourage a sense of belonging and shared accountability for security, Increasing Community Empowerment Give locals a say in decisions that impact their safety and wellbeing. Give locals tools like community organization, dispute mediation, and crime prevention strategies. Boost civic engagement and involvement in local decision-making. Advocacy and policy change are the article's secondary goals. Determine and deal with the structural factors that lead to crime and social concerns, Encourage policy modifications that advance community well-being and safety. Make local government representatives answerable for their dedication to enhancing public safety, enhancing quality of life, Work on projects that go beyond preventing crime, like enhancing public areas, environmental security, and other issues related to quality of life Promoting Inclusion and Social Cohesion, Bridge gaps between various community groups, encourage inclusivity, and serve as a hub for community development programs. Community policing forums and community empowerment are complementary concepts. CPFs can serve as powerful catalysts for the growth of more lively, secure, and equitable communities by empowering residents and fostering cooperation. Even if there will be challenges along the way, there might be significant advantages. By working together, communities and CPFs can build a future where everyone feels safe, in charge, and actively engaged in choosing their own well-being.

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology , 2023
The article's goal is to conceptualize a perfect policing model and crime-fighting tactics for th... more The article's goal is to conceptualize a perfect policing model and crime-fighting tactics for the South African police service. Controlling crime is the police's primary goal. Nobody contests this. Since it symbolizes a strong dedication to this goal, professional crime fighting is widely supported by the public as the fundamental policing strategy. The focus appears to be blurred by other suggested tactics, such as problem-solving or community policing (Robert and Trojanowicz, 1987). These would be undesirable alternatives if they increased the risk of criminal victimization in the community. However, one should not be deceived by language or merely proclaimed dedication to the goal when evaluating the usefulness of alternative police techniques in controlling crime; one must keep an eye on proven efficacy in accomplishing the goal. The three main strategies used in professional crime-fighting today are motorized patrol, quick service to emergency calls, and retroactive crime investigation (George, Kelling, Mark, and Moore, 1987). The President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice, Task Force Report, 1988). Over the past few decades, police responsiveness has been improved by connecting officers with the public via telephones, radios, and cars as well as by matching police officer schedules and locations to anticipated calls for service. By prioritizing patrol, screening calls for service, and creating forensic technology (such as computerized criminal record files and automatic fingerprint systems) the police have also been able to focus more intently on significant crimes (

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 2023
This article sought to increase performance through corporate culture at policing, leadership, an... more This article sought to increase performance through corporate culture at policing, leadership, and employee behaviour. The first element focuses on how well an organization performs in creating a high-performance culture that fosters excellence, high performance, and an environment of continuous improvement. The second area of attention is on leadership and how well an employer can influence and persuade people to work with him as a team to accomplish a specific objective. Although each leader has an own leadership style, it cannot be inherited automatically. Every leader possesses particular traits that manifest in various circumstances. The final portion of the exam focused on the organizational culture of the Police, a unique type of law enforcement agency that ensures both internal order and public safety. The police simultaneously maintain the legal and structural security of the economy as an armed law enforcement agency. Security is crucial for both profit-making and non-profit enterprises, as well as for individuals and social organizations. The final portion of organizational culture focuses on aspects like values, norms, and cultural forms, which are present in all organizational practices and activities.

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 2023
The goal of this article is to provide a reference manual for those who are interested in writing... more The goal of this article is to provide a reference manual for those who are interested in writing on predictive policing, which will include evaluations of the most promising technical tools for producing predictions as well as the most promising tactical strategies to act on such predictions. More generally, this research aims to place predictive policing in relation to other contemporary, proactive policing measures: Although predictive policing is merely a tool, it can be a very helpful one. It is not a magic oracle. The second section will go through how predictive policing is conceptualized, as well as its potential and actual advantages and disadvantages. Review clarifies how predictive policing is conceptualized, as well as its potential, actual benefits, and disadvantages. Predictive policing, also known as crime forecasting, is a set of high technologies aiding the police in solving past crimes and pre-emptively fighting and preventing future ones. With the right deployment of such technologies, law enforcement agencies can combat and control crime more efficiently with time and resources better employed and allocated. The current practices of predictive policing include the integration of various technologies, ranging from predictive crime maps and surveillance cameras to sophisticated computer software and artificial intelligence. Predictive analytics help the police make predictions about where and when future crime is most likely to happen and who will be the perpetrator and who the potential victim. The underpinning logic behind such predictions is the predictability of criminal behaviour and crime patterns based on criminological research and theories such as rational choice and deterrence theories, routine activities theory, and broken windows theory.

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 2022
This article aimed to discusses the role of the community in preventing gender base violence and ... more This article aimed to discusses the role of the community in preventing gender base violence and femicide in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa.The study was a descriptive survey in its design and adopted qualitative research methods. The study site was the Northern Cape and the total sample size was seventeen (17). Members was involve in the study with four (4) focus group discussions were held to collect data.The researcher recommends massive sensitisation on the subject of domestic violence, all perceived community leaders need to be educated on domestic violence so that they take part in prevention efforts, the Northern Cape Ward Councilors Committee must immediately initiate strategies on domestic violence prevention and also women economic empowerment is urgently required in the Northern Cape Province as economic dependency on men was cited as a major contributor to domestic violence. The researcher also recommends that there is an urgent need to implement the National Plan of Action on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) of 2020-2030 which has elaborated on community participation in eradicating GBVF.

This study is founded upon the Technological Determinism Theory as the theory is considered to pr... more This study is founded upon the Technological Determinism Theory as the theory is considered to provide the most appropriate foundational framework for the study's intent to establish how artificial intelligence can be used to improve the efficiency of public healthcare at Galeshewe Community Health Clinic. Consequently this study's central theoretical statements indicated below are derived from the aforementioned theoretical perspective. The technological advancements introduced in the 4IR have presented opportunities for the efficient use of technology within the public healthcare arena. The study will tackle the problem of extended waiting time, poor record-keeping, poor infection and hygiene control procedures, adverse events situations, medicine and equipment shortages, and heightened litigation that GCHC is facing. A qualitative research approach was chosen for this study, to develop an in-depth understanding how artificial intelligence can be used to improve the efficiency of public healthcare, with specific reference to GCHC.

Corruption is one of the major challenges that confront South Africa. The public in South Africa ... more Corruption is one of the major challenges that confront South Africa. The public in South Africa are increasingly intolerant of corruption and the abuse of power by those in positions of leadership and are more willing to hold them to account. Law enforcement institutions are entrusted with a diverse set of tasks requiring a high degree of integrity within police agencies and their oversight. Where this does not function well, law enforcement officers may become vulnerable to acting unlawfully and outside their remit. "Corruption is an insidious plague that has a wide range of corrosive effects on societies. It undermines democracy and the rule of law, leads to violations of human rights, distorts markets, erodes the quality of life, and allows organized crime, terrorism and other threats to human security to flourish"(Annan, 2004). This study aims to identify key issues in police integrity and corruption, with a specific emphasis on the causes of corruption and the efficacy of different prevention strategies. Other issues of relevance include the links between integrity (and lapses in it) and the development of corruption, and strategies for instilling o organizational values and integrity in staff. It is not an aim of this report to provide an assessment of the current extent or nature of police corruption in South Africa. Efforts to enhance police oversight and accountability must focus on three key, related priorities. Firstly, where policing has been militarized and may be undemocratic and authoritarian, efforts must be made to enhance civilian control over the police. Secondly, it is necessary to increase public confidence in the police by upgrading levels of police service delivery as well as by investigating and acting in cases of police misconduct. Finally, reducing corruption within the police is crucial.

The objective of the article is to determine the outcomes of T&D programmes offered by the Divisi... more The objective of the article is to determine the outcomes of T&D programmes offered by the Division Training and development. This article adopted a qualitative research methodology to validate the research question and authenticate the problem statement. In the main, secondly, this article intended to establish whether there is a significant effect or impact on the performance of trainees and in their workplace that can be linked to the training conducted by the Division Training and Development. Thus, the article can thus be viewed as the outcome or impact determination factor through the lenses of the M&E practitioner. The research focused largely on post-training M&E mechanisms to determine the outcome of training conducted, and in the study the term "impact assessment" was predominantly used as most participants were familiar with the term as compared to "outcomes assessment". The study adopted a qualitative research methodology to validate the research question and authenticate the problem statement. This study used qualitative research procedures which consist of a set of interpretative, material tests that make the thought-world visible and therefore measurable. Qualitative research includes field notes, conversations, recorded interviews, photographs and memos, amongst others. It involves an interpretative, representational approach to ordering the world. This means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, "attempting to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them". This article makes actionable recommendations, emanating from the research findings. Training is a strategic mechanism used for the achievement and deliverance of efficient and proficient public security. It is also used as a meas

Quality assurance is vital to ensure the continuous improvement of the content and delivery of po... more Quality assurance is vital to ensure the continuous improvement of the content and delivery of police training and development in the South African Police Service (SAPS). The need for SAPS trainers to be taught quality improvement themselves is well recognized; it is also imperative that quality assurance processes are in place in division training so that members of the SAPS will provide excellent service to the communities within their areas of jurisdiction. Furthermore, quality assurance during training is important for accountability as well as to support the ongoing development of training institutions and of teaching and learning. Well-functioning systems have mechanisms to support and balance vertical and horizontal, internal and external accountability.The purpose of this article is to determine the presence of, and justify the need for, implementation of effective quality assurance processes in education and training within the SAPS. The study employed a qualitative approach to source the relevant data for the purposes and objectives of this study. Sampling methods used were purposive and the simple random sampling technique was applied. The population of the study comprised 103 SAPS Northern Cape trainers. The instrument used in the data collection was a questionnaire with a five point rating-response scale. The validity of this instrument was determined by giving draft copies of the questionnaire to experts in the fields of measurement and evaluation. In the data analysis, the results indicate that training in quality improvement together with a strong experiential pedagogical approach, fosters long-term improvement for the course participants and, even more important, long-term improvement (and increased improvement skill) in their respective organisations. The research revealed that quality assurance programmes should be introduced to enable continuous improvement in both trainers and trainees. These programmes should provide a set of "tools" to meet, and exceed, the present needs and expectations of the adult learners in the SAPS context.
The study aimed, firstly, to recognise factors that produce unprofessional conduct among trainers... more The study aimed, firstly, to recognise factors that produce unprofessional conduct among trainers at the Northern Cape Province training centre of the South African Police Service (SAPS). Professionalism encompasses a range of behaviours in multiple domains but the researcher focused on the status of trainers in the SAPS and intended to determine whether In-Service Education and Training assists in enhancing trainers' professional status. The second aim of this study was to identify how the levels of trainer professionalism within the South African Police Service could be improved.
Papers by Dr Dr Motsamai John Modise MJ
International journal of innovative science and research technology, Jun 29, 2024

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 9, 2023
In this article, two different definitions of principled leadership are presented. The focus is o... more In this article, two different definitions of principled leadership are presented. The focus is on the common principles and accompanying tasks that guided leaders in developing, constructing, and/or maintaining necessary services, and to describe leadership traits or the elements of the system that they led. This is the most obvious explanation. The study then concentrates on the general guidelines and related duties that helped leaders develop, build, and/or maintain essential services. The article's concluding portion focuses on how principled leadership is essential for the success of any organization: it lays the foundation for a culture of honesty, integrity, and transparency, which are essential for trust and respect. This definition of leadership focuses on the moral and ethical ideals that direct a leader's behavior. Principled leaders are trustworthy, dependable, and fair. Even when it is challenging, they live by their values. This concept concentrates on how leaders make decisions. Leadership is defined as principled decision-making. Principled leaders make judgments that are in the best interests of all stakeholders and take into account the ethical ramifications of those decisions.

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 9, 2023
The article's goal is to examine the value of having leaders who uphold moral principles and serv... more The article's goal is to examine the value of having leaders who uphold moral principles and serve as excellent role models. The Mahavakya leadership philosophy stresses that leaders should practice what they preach, and its application can lead to a deep examination of one's values and the modification of one's behavior. The article's main focus is on a review of the theoretical frameworks supporting this study and valuesbased leadership literature. The following leadership, theoretical framework, and leadership theories are reviewed in the article: servant leadership, genuine leadership, ethical/moral leadership, transformational leadership, and ethical/moral leadership. The goal of the literature review is to critically analyze the major cornerstone ideas that support values-based leadership in addition to providing insights into it. Authentic leadership, ethical leadership, transformative leadership, and principled leadership are the three main philosophies of values-based leadership. Strong principles, morality, and ethics are essential for a leader to possess. The idea of values-based leadership, which has been pervasive in the literature and permeates both management and leadership, has come under more attention as a result of this argument.
Thesis Chapters by Dr Dr Motsamai John Modise MJ
Papers by Dr Dr Motsamai John Modise MJ