Papers on gold by Oksana Lifantii

Arts, 2024
This article explores the phenomenon of a specific type of personal adornment worn by members of ... more This article explores the phenomenon of a specific type of personal adornment worn by members of the Scythian elite in the North Black Sea region in the second half of the 5th century and throughout the 4th century BCE. The discussion juxtaposes the records from 19th-century and early 20th-century excavations with contextual analyses of very recent discoveries from Ukraine, which shed significant new light on the appearance, production, and meaning of Scythian jewelry. The reconstruction of the shape of the jewelry type in question is greatly complicated by two factors: the lack of relevant depictions in the contemporary corpus of Scythian and Greco-Scythian figure scenes
and misleading scholarly references to supposed analogies in a Roman-era mosaic, which became the chief reason for the misinterpretations of the ornament’s appearance. Composed of numerous gold or gilded silver tubes; beads; pendants; and, sometimes, “buttons,” this jewelry type is reconstructed in two gender-specific variants in this article: one mesh-like and the other with a cross-chest form. For over a hundred years, scholars have considered only the mesh variant to be the correct reconstruction.
As a result, many costume reconstructions of this jewelry form in specialist research and museum displays alike are still proposed without a sufficient evidentiary base.

Arts, 2023
This article considers finds from the Scythian monuments of the North Black Sea area that can be ... more This article considers finds from the Scythian monuments of the North Black Sea area that can be connected to local jewelry production from the 7th century to the end of the 4th century BCE. I wish to draw attention to the problem of prolonged bias in this area of study. The prominence of the famous masterpieces by West Asian artisans (Lyta Mohyla and Kelermes Kurgans) and of the Greco-Scythian goldwork from the North Pontic kurgans (Chortomlyk, Solokha, Tovsta Mohyla, etc.) invited the view that the vast majority of the gold objects that the Scythians used during their lifetime and later took into their graves were imported rather than locally produced. Instead of trying to consider all artifacts that could potentially be Scythian-made, my goal in this article is to review the direct archaeological evidence of local jewelry production in the form of punches, matrices, and recorded cases of workshops at Scythian settlements. Gathering this evidence, as I will argue, gives us compelling insight into the high level of Scythian goldsmithing from the beginning of Scythian culture in the 7th century BCE and its improvement and adaptation of new techniques in the 5th and 4th centuries BCE, probably in the context of intensified cultural exchanges between Scythians and Greeks.

PEUCE Seria Nova, 2022
In this article, we shall analyse pieces of the late 5th-4th centuries BC of Greco-Scythian ar... more In this article, we shall analyse pieces of the late 5th-4th centuries BC of Greco-Scythian art with depictions of bladed weaponry. “Barbarians” armed with swords and daggers were mostly represented by using Greek art templates. The figures are distinguishable by their Scythian “ethnographic” features (costumes, hair, weapons). Despite the usual detailed manner in which individual attire and sometimes even the human faces or other weapons were rendered, the depictions of swords and daggers remain, however, very simplified. It is possible that the Greeks were prevented from depicting a “truly Scythian” sword, which personified the Scythian war god. Still, detailed images of weaponry can be found on the Scythian stelae. This paradox may be explained by both the work of Scythian sculptors and because of the mythological connection between stelae, the identification of swords with the chthonic deity Ares, and the death realm.
Istros, 2020
There is an attempt to start a dialogue concerning problems of making the typology of gold appliq... more There is an attempt to start a dialogue concerning problems of making the typology of gold appliques. The main remarks, comments and sticking points, which I have experienced during dissertation research, are described here. Here I raise the question of what material can be considered as precious clothes appliques and why. The article describes the process of creating an author's typology, analyses its strengths and weaknesses. Arguments in favour of the selected principles and criteria for the selected types, subgroups, groups and clusters. Here are some conclusions that were obtained through the analysis of clothes appliques. As a result, one could conclude that with such colourful material, the lack of universal features is not always a problem for typological constructions. Most likely, such a typology simply cannot have clear crit
Археологія і давня історія України, 2020
Recently revealed data considering gold appliques series, forced to correct notion, which has alr... more Recently revealed data considering gold appliques series, forced to correct notion, which has already fastened in literature. These artefacts were found during an excavation of a group of barrows near Olhyne village, Hornostaivskyi district, Kherson Oblast.
Нещодавно відкриті дані змушують внести корективи у вже закріплені в літературі уявлення про аплікації одягу, знайдені під час розкопок групи курганів біля с. Ольгине Горностаївського району Херсонської області. Ця публікація покликана усунути прикру плутанину та, можливо, уточнити дату окремих поховань курганної групи.

Barrow 6 of Vodoslavka burial ground. The grave of Scythian nobility
This is the first publicati... more Barrow 6 of Vodoslavka burial ground. The grave of Scythian nobility
This is the first publication of the barrow 6 of burial ground placed near Vodoslavka village in Novotroitskyi district of Kherson Oblast of Ukraine. Under the small mound of soil 1.4 meters height two wealthy persons were buried in the same catacomb with two entering pits. Due to stratigraphy observation, the funeral rate in this case had two phases. Firstly, the body of Scythian noble warrior was placed in the grave in his armour and with weapon. Near him on the West his horse was putted in separate small grave. Some time since, the woman`s corpse dressed in ceremonial gown with gold decoration was placed near man in his grave. Lately, the grave was robbed (probably not long time since funeral rates). But robbers used the second entering pit for their purpose. It is very uncommon, that after taking some of the grave goods and disturbing the upper part of bodies, thefts have leaved in the second entering pit the animal sacrifice (?) — horse corpse.
The grave goods demonstrate the high social level of the two Scythians. The man was buried with representative set of weapon: set of ranged weapon, spears and javelins, scaled armour and antique greaves. On the woman`s skeleton the number of gold clothes decorations were recorded. Besides that, the set of silver table ware was found inside the catacomb, and the entrance to the grave was lock with wagon parts.
The analysis of the gold appliqués and rings, armour, weapon and silver vessels shows the time of burial — second — third quarter of the 4th century BC. The area, where these noble Scythians found their last resting place, was strategically important at that time. This barrow was built on the way that leaded from the Bosporan Kingdom to the center of the Scythia in the Dnieper River area.
Abstract of the thesis - Автореферат дисертації , 2018
The thesis examines jewel metal costume appliquйs of Scythian elite representatives disc... more The thesis examines jewel metal costume appliquйs of Scythian elite representatives discovered in the barrows of Eastern European Steppe. The research is based on the narrative and archaeological sources. The author has analyzed the evidence of written sources on the use of jewel decoration as clothing applications by Scythians as well as the researches of Graeco-Scythian toreutics and costume of
Iranian peoples.
Археологія та етнологія півдня Східної Європи, 2016
The paper considers bronze punches for making metal jewelry. Unpublished earlier the chance find ... more The paper considers bronze punches for making metal jewelry. Unpublished earlier the chance find of punch dated to the 4-th century BC from Kamjanske hillfort is introduced to consideration. In addition, the analysis of the presently known products with anthropomorphic images of the Black Sea basin, as well as some findings from Mediterranean basin was made./
У роботі розглянуті бронзові пуансони для виготовлення коштовних металевих прикрас. До наукового обігу вводиться знахідка пуансону ІV ст. до н.е. з Кам’янського городища. Крім того, проведено аналіз відомих на сьогодні виробів із антропоморфними зображеннями з Циркумпонтійської зони, а також окремих знахідок Середземномор’я.
Музейні читання, 2015
The article is about the depictions of flies and spiders on the plaques that were sewn on the cer... more The article is about the depictions of flies and spiders on the plaques that were sewn on the ceremonial clothes of Scythian nobility in North Pont area (modern Ukraine).

Археологія і давня історія України, 2015
The article describes the long appliqués of headdresses
from complexes of the Black Sea Steppe of... more The article describes the long appliqués of headdresses
from complexes of the Black Sea Steppe of Scythian
time with ornithomorphic images. They were found in
five barrows. At the same time small plates of clothes in
the form of birds were found in 15 complexes in the region.
It was observed that on the appliqués of headwear
practically weren’t depicted birds of prey. The most
popular are the animals of crow family. There were portrayed
also pigeons, cranes and geese. It was possible to
make a correlation between depicted birds and the world
tree, which symbolized among other things the Mother
Goddess and feminine. In support of this thesis testifies
the presence of this plot only on female headdresses.
Розглянуто довгі пластини головних уборів зі
степових комплексів Скіфії, на яких присутні орнітоморфні зображення. Зроблено спробу ідентифікації птахів та інтерпретації їх семантичного
Магістеріум, 2015
The gold stamped appliqués-decoration of the headdresses of Scythian aristocracy is considered. R... more The gold stamped appliqués-decoration of the headdresses of Scythian aristocracy is considered. Relatively small sample is divided into two types by similarity or identity of the plot. The semantic interpretation of the characters is reviewed.
Stratum plus, 2015
The author examines applicative gold decorations with images of birds found on sites in the North... more The author examines applicative gold decorations with images of birds found on sites in the North-Pontic steppes. Of all noble burials, only fifteen contain badges with ornithomorphic images. We revealed a dependence between the image on applications and the gender of the buried. We also managed to identify particular elements of costume that were decorated with ornithomorphic images. Thus, female headdresses were decorated with images of ducks, whom the Scythians believed to personify goddesses (Mistresses of the Animals and “Rankenfrau”), while male headdresses and belts were decorated with birds of prey, who represented gods (similar to Surya and Verethragna).
Наукові записки. Серія: Історичні науки., 2014
The article is devoted to the gold appliqués from the Litiy (Melgunovsky) kurhan of the Early Scy... more The article is devoted to the gold appliqués from the Litiy (Melgunovsky) kurhan of the Early Scythian time. The possible variant of reconstruction parts of the warriors’ ceremonial clothes is proposed.
Боспорские исследования, 2014
In the article are examined golden appliqués from Steppe complexes of Early Scythian period. The ... more In the article are examined golden appliqués from Steppe complexes of Early Scythian period. The regularities in the spread of burials that contain plaque in the Northern Black Sea coast are traced. Also possible variant of reconstruction of the two parts of the warrior’s ceremonial suit from the Litiy (Melgunovsky) kurhan is proposed.
Papers on Scythian material culture by Oksana Lifantii

The Early Iron Age of Eastern Europe, 2021
The materials from the Yakushyntsi settlement are published here. They were collected during an a... more The materials from the Yakushyntsi settlement are published here. They were collected during an archaeological survey by B. I. Lobai in 1978. The monument is located in the Southern Buh River basin.
Due to the available materials, one can consider it as the Chornolis culture settlement. All examined materials are published for the first time. The authors used information about the described survey from the Archaeological report written by в. I. Lobay. Now, it is stored and preserved in the Scientific Archive of the Institute of Archaeology of
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The described settlement is located near the Yakushyntsi village in the Vinnytsia district of Vinnytsia Oblast. Its size is about 250 m along the W—E line and 120 m along the N—S. The cultural layer's thickness is no more than 20 cm due to several survey tranches. The excavation site was in the southern part of the monument because the burned clay remains concentrated here. As a result — two pithouses were researched here. The fragments of ceramic vessels make up the biggest part of the finds. They consist of kitchenware and tableware remains. The kitchenware is ornamented with a stuck raised border under the rim or on the middle vessel part. The border can have taps and pricks or could be smooth. The bowls have curved inwards rims mostly ornamented with pricks and two parallel smooth borders. There are also several pieces of ladles or pot-shaped goblets. Most of them are ornamented with grooves. It is worth mentioning that in dwelling № 2, the flint sickle and a piece of stone hummer were found.
Thus, all findings from the settlement point to the dating of the beginning of the Early Iron Age and could be interpreted as the Chornolis culture materials.
Shelekhan О., Lifantii O. The Explorations on the Hillfort of the Scythian Period Near Yakushуnci... more Shelekhan О., Lifantii O. The Explorations on the Hillfort of the Scythian Period Near Yakushуnci Village
The results of new research of the hillfort of the Scythian time near Yakushуnci village are presented. The plan of the fortifications was made with using the GPS device. The explorations revealed artifacts of two cultures – Bilohrudivka and Scythian. The fortifications are definitely belonging to the second horizon. Materials of Bilohrudivka culture are dating XI — XII c. B.C., Scythian – VII -V c. B.C. The last circumstance is expanding our knowledge of the monument. Previously was thought that it is belong only to the late Scythian time. The analysis of the geographical position of the hillfort indicates that it was the center of most northern site of monuments of the Scythian period in the Eastern Podiliya.
Магістеріум, 2011
This article is devoted to the history of studying marks on the bronze arrowheads of the Scythian... more This article is devoted to the history of studying marks on the bronze arrowheads of the Scythian period. The author analyses development of conceptions concerning the purpose, meaning and origin of signs. Besides that, the question of the holes on the hub of this type of weapon was considered.
Conference theses by Oksana Lifantii

The Scythians, who lived in the North Pontic area from the 7th until the late 4th century BC, had... more The Scythians, who lived in the North Pontic area from the 7th until the late 4th century BC, had a tradition of adorning ceremonial clothes with geometric and animal images from earliest times. Anthropomorphic images however did not appear here until the 5th century BC. The oldest among them originates from the Nymphaion necropolis (Kerch Peninsula). Anthropomorphic features could have entered the mythological thinking of the inhabitants of Scythia through partially zoomorphic motifs (gorgons, sphinxes etc.). In the 4th century BC, the Scythians adopted in their art some other personages, which were interpreted as maenads, snake-legged and plant-legged deities, Athena, etc.
Most of them, at first glance, do not relate to Scythian mythology. Consequently, there is the question of the mechanics of such an intervention. Could it be just a visual display of already existing personages or was it the entirely new way of religious thinking? Scholars propose some ideas concerning only one or two types of goddess image in Scythian art: for example, the infiltration of Dionysian mysteries into
Scythian aristocratic traditions, which led to the use of maenad images. The Anguiped deity (alias ‘Rankenfrau’ or ‘sprouting maiden’) gains different interpretations: as the Scythians’ legendary progenitor, as a personage connected with Dionysian cults, or as a Greek iconographic adaptation of the Near Eastern mythical Mistress of Animals. However, it is still unclear whose idea is most relevant. I propose in a way a combined idea, based on iconographical similarity, mythological and chronological comparison of appliqués from many Scythian kurgans (Oguz, Kul-Oba, Haimanova and Сhmyreva Mogila, Melitopol barrow, etc.). In my opinion, all the described personages that previously were considered as different, have a close semantic connection with the Scythian’s legendary progenitor and at the same time with the Mistress of Animals.
Papers on gold by Oksana Lifantii
and misleading scholarly references to supposed analogies in a Roman-era mosaic, which became the chief reason for the misinterpretations of the ornament’s appearance. Composed of numerous gold or gilded silver tubes; beads; pendants; and, sometimes, “buttons,” this jewelry type is reconstructed in two gender-specific variants in this article: one mesh-like and the other with a cross-chest form. For over a hundred years, scholars have considered only the mesh variant to be the correct reconstruction.
As a result, many costume reconstructions of this jewelry form in specialist research and museum displays alike are still proposed without a sufficient evidentiary base.
Нещодавно відкриті дані змушують внести корективи у вже закріплені в літературі уявлення про аплікації одягу, знайдені під час розкопок групи курганів біля с. Ольгине Горностаївського району Херсонської області. Ця публікація покликана усунути прикру плутанину та, можливо, уточнити дату окремих поховань курганної групи.
This is the first publication of the barrow 6 of burial ground placed near Vodoslavka village in Novotroitskyi district of Kherson Oblast of Ukraine. Under the small mound of soil 1.4 meters height two wealthy persons were buried in the same catacomb with two entering pits. Due to stratigraphy observation, the funeral rate in this case had two phases. Firstly, the body of Scythian noble warrior was placed in the grave in his armour and with weapon. Near him on the West his horse was putted in separate small grave. Some time since, the woman`s corpse dressed in ceremonial gown with gold decoration was placed near man in his grave. Lately, the grave was robbed (probably not long time since funeral rates). But robbers used the second entering pit for their purpose. It is very uncommon, that after taking some of the grave goods and disturbing the upper part of bodies, thefts have leaved in the second entering pit the animal sacrifice (?) — horse corpse.
The grave goods demonstrate the high social level of the two Scythians. The man was buried with representative set of weapon: set of ranged weapon, spears and javelins, scaled armour and antique greaves. On the woman`s skeleton the number of gold clothes decorations were recorded. Besides that, the set of silver table ware was found inside the catacomb, and the entrance to the grave was lock with wagon parts.
The analysis of the gold appliqués and rings, armour, weapon and silver vessels shows the time of burial — second — third quarter of the 4th century BC. The area, where these noble Scythians found their last resting place, was strategically important at that time. This barrow was built on the way that leaded from the Bosporan Kingdom to the center of the Scythia in the Dnieper River area.
Iranian peoples.
У роботі розглянуті бронзові пуансони для виготовлення коштовних металевих прикрас. До наукового обігу вводиться знахідка пуансону ІV ст. до н.е. з Кам’янського городища. Крім того, проведено аналіз відомих на сьогодні виробів із антропоморфними зображеннями з Циркумпонтійської зони, а також окремих знахідок Середземномор’я.
from complexes of the Black Sea Steppe of Scythian
time with ornithomorphic images. They were found in
five barrows. At the same time small plates of clothes in
the form of birds were found in 15 complexes in the region.
It was observed that on the appliqués of headwear
practically weren’t depicted birds of prey. The most
popular are the animals of crow family. There were portrayed
also pigeons, cranes and geese. It was possible to
make a correlation between depicted birds and the world
tree, which symbolized among other things the Mother
Goddess and feminine. In support of this thesis testifies
the presence of this plot only on female headdresses.
Розглянуто довгі пластини головних уборів зі
степових комплексів Скіфії, на яких присутні орнітоморфні зображення. Зроблено спробу ідентифікації птахів та інтерпретації їх семантичного
Papers on Scythian material culture by Oksana Lifantii
Due to the available materials, one can consider it as the Chornolis culture settlement. All examined materials are published for the first time. The authors used information about the described survey from the Archaeological report written by в. I. Lobay. Now, it is stored and preserved in the Scientific Archive of the Institute of Archaeology of
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The described settlement is located near the Yakushyntsi village in the Vinnytsia district of Vinnytsia Oblast. Its size is about 250 m along the W—E line and 120 m along the N—S. The cultural layer's thickness is no more than 20 cm due to several survey tranches. The excavation site was in the southern part of the monument because the burned clay remains concentrated here. As a result — two pithouses were researched here. The fragments of ceramic vessels make up the biggest part of the finds. They consist of kitchenware and tableware remains. The kitchenware is ornamented with a stuck raised border under the rim or on the middle vessel part. The border can have taps and pricks or could be smooth. The bowls have curved inwards rims mostly ornamented with pricks and two parallel smooth borders. There are also several pieces of ladles or pot-shaped goblets. Most of them are ornamented with grooves. It is worth mentioning that in dwelling № 2, the flint sickle and a piece of stone hummer were found.
Thus, all findings from the settlement point to the dating of the beginning of the Early Iron Age and could be interpreted as the Chornolis culture materials.
The results of new research of the hillfort of the Scythian time near Yakushуnci village are presented. The plan of the fortifications was made with using the GPS device. The explorations revealed artifacts of two cultures – Bilohrudivka and Scythian. The fortifications are definitely belonging to the second horizon. Materials of Bilohrudivka culture are dating XI — XII c. B.C., Scythian – VII -V c. B.C. The last circumstance is expanding our knowledge of the monument. Previously was thought that it is belong only to the late Scythian time. The analysis of the geographical position of the hillfort indicates that it was the center of most northern site of monuments of the Scythian period in the Eastern Podiliya.
Conference theses by Oksana Lifantii
Most of them, at first glance, do not relate to Scythian mythology. Consequently, there is the question of the mechanics of such an intervention. Could it be just a visual display of already existing personages or was it the entirely new way of religious thinking? Scholars propose some ideas concerning only one or two types of goddess image in Scythian art: for example, the infiltration of Dionysian mysteries into
Scythian aristocratic traditions, which led to the use of maenad images. The Anguiped deity (alias ‘Rankenfrau’ or ‘sprouting maiden’) gains different interpretations: as the Scythians’ legendary progenitor, as a personage connected with Dionysian cults, or as a Greek iconographic adaptation of the Near Eastern mythical Mistress of Animals. However, it is still unclear whose idea is most relevant. I propose in a way a combined idea, based on iconographical similarity, mythological and chronological comparison of appliqués from many Scythian kurgans (Oguz, Kul-Oba, Haimanova and Сhmyreva Mogila, Melitopol barrow, etc.). In my opinion, all the described personages that previously were considered as different, have a close semantic connection with the Scythian’s legendary progenitor and at the same time with the Mistress of Animals.
and misleading scholarly references to supposed analogies in a Roman-era mosaic, which became the chief reason for the misinterpretations of the ornament’s appearance. Composed of numerous gold or gilded silver tubes; beads; pendants; and, sometimes, “buttons,” this jewelry type is reconstructed in two gender-specific variants in this article: one mesh-like and the other with a cross-chest form. For over a hundred years, scholars have considered only the mesh variant to be the correct reconstruction.
As a result, many costume reconstructions of this jewelry form in specialist research and museum displays alike are still proposed without a sufficient evidentiary base.
Нещодавно відкриті дані змушують внести корективи у вже закріплені в літературі уявлення про аплікації одягу, знайдені під час розкопок групи курганів біля с. Ольгине Горностаївського району Херсонської області. Ця публікація покликана усунути прикру плутанину та, можливо, уточнити дату окремих поховань курганної групи.
This is the first publication of the barrow 6 of burial ground placed near Vodoslavka village in Novotroitskyi district of Kherson Oblast of Ukraine. Under the small mound of soil 1.4 meters height two wealthy persons were buried in the same catacomb with two entering pits. Due to stratigraphy observation, the funeral rate in this case had two phases. Firstly, the body of Scythian noble warrior was placed in the grave in his armour and with weapon. Near him on the West his horse was putted in separate small grave. Some time since, the woman`s corpse dressed in ceremonial gown with gold decoration was placed near man in his grave. Lately, the grave was robbed (probably not long time since funeral rates). But robbers used the second entering pit for their purpose. It is very uncommon, that after taking some of the grave goods and disturbing the upper part of bodies, thefts have leaved in the second entering pit the animal sacrifice (?) — horse corpse.
The grave goods demonstrate the high social level of the two Scythians. The man was buried with representative set of weapon: set of ranged weapon, spears and javelins, scaled armour and antique greaves. On the woman`s skeleton the number of gold clothes decorations were recorded. Besides that, the set of silver table ware was found inside the catacomb, and the entrance to the grave was lock with wagon parts.
The analysis of the gold appliqués and rings, armour, weapon and silver vessels shows the time of burial — second — third quarter of the 4th century BC. The area, where these noble Scythians found their last resting place, was strategically important at that time. This barrow was built on the way that leaded from the Bosporan Kingdom to the center of the Scythia in the Dnieper River area.
Iranian peoples.
У роботі розглянуті бронзові пуансони для виготовлення коштовних металевих прикрас. До наукового обігу вводиться знахідка пуансону ІV ст. до н.е. з Кам’янського городища. Крім того, проведено аналіз відомих на сьогодні виробів із антропоморфними зображеннями з Циркумпонтійської зони, а також окремих знахідок Середземномор’я.
from complexes of the Black Sea Steppe of Scythian
time with ornithomorphic images. They were found in
five barrows. At the same time small plates of clothes in
the form of birds were found in 15 complexes in the region.
It was observed that on the appliqués of headwear
practically weren’t depicted birds of prey. The most
popular are the animals of crow family. There were portrayed
also pigeons, cranes and geese. It was possible to
make a correlation between depicted birds and the world
tree, which symbolized among other things the Mother
Goddess and feminine. In support of this thesis testifies
the presence of this plot only on female headdresses.
Розглянуто довгі пластини головних уборів зі
степових комплексів Скіфії, на яких присутні орнітоморфні зображення. Зроблено спробу ідентифікації птахів та інтерпретації їх семантичного
Due to the available materials, one can consider it as the Chornolis culture settlement. All examined materials are published for the first time. The authors used information about the described survey from the Archaeological report written by в. I. Lobay. Now, it is stored and preserved in the Scientific Archive of the Institute of Archaeology of
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The described settlement is located near the Yakushyntsi village in the Vinnytsia district of Vinnytsia Oblast. Its size is about 250 m along the W—E line and 120 m along the N—S. The cultural layer's thickness is no more than 20 cm due to several survey tranches. The excavation site was in the southern part of the monument because the burned clay remains concentrated here. As a result — two pithouses were researched here. The fragments of ceramic vessels make up the biggest part of the finds. They consist of kitchenware and tableware remains. The kitchenware is ornamented with a stuck raised border under the rim or on the middle vessel part. The border can have taps and pricks or could be smooth. The bowls have curved inwards rims mostly ornamented with pricks and two parallel smooth borders. There are also several pieces of ladles or pot-shaped goblets. Most of them are ornamented with grooves. It is worth mentioning that in dwelling № 2, the flint sickle and a piece of stone hummer were found.
Thus, all findings from the settlement point to the dating of the beginning of the Early Iron Age and could be interpreted as the Chornolis culture materials.
The results of new research of the hillfort of the Scythian time near Yakushуnci village are presented. The plan of the fortifications was made with using the GPS device. The explorations revealed artifacts of two cultures – Bilohrudivka and Scythian. The fortifications are definitely belonging to the second horizon. Materials of Bilohrudivka culture are dating XI — XII c. B.C., Scythian – VII -V c. B.C. The last circumstance is expanding our knowledge of the monument. Previously was thought that it is belong only to the late Scythian time. The analysis of the geographical position of the hillfort indicates that it was the center of most northern site of monuments of the Scythian period in the Eastern Podiliya.
Most of them, at first glance, do not relate to Scythian mythology. Consequently, there is the question of the mechanics of such an intervention. Could it be just a visual display of already existing personages or was it the entirely new way of religious thinking? Scholars propose some ideas concerning only one or two types of goddess image in Scythian art: for example, the infiltration of Dionysian mysteries into
Scythian aristocratic traditions, which led to the use of maenad images. The Anguiped deity (alias ‘Rankenfrau’ or ‘sprouting maiden’) gains different interpretations: as the Scythians’ legendary progenitor, as a personage connected with Dionysian cults, or as a Greek iconographic adaptation of the Near Eastern mythical Mistress of Animals. However, it is still unclear whose idea is most relevant. I propose in a way a combined idea, based on iconographical similarity, mythological and chronological comparison of appliqués from many Scythian kurgans (Oguz, Kul-Oba, Haimanova and Сhmyreva Mogila, Melitopol barrow, etc.). In my opinion, all the described personages that previously were considered as different, have a close semantic connection with the Scythian’s legendary progenitor and at the same time with the Mistress of Animals.
base of the tradition: using gold foil as the decoration of clothes or
images stamped on the appliques?
belong to the Scythian time. artifacts and associated materials are analysed in complex. The supposition of their local production is proposed.
the Pontic forest ‑steppe is the reason behind their construction at all
and size. The most frequent interpretations centre around two questions: were they to protect from external threats (i.e. the nomads) or
were they the result of a carefully planned construction strategy related to the economic and social pressure from the Greek colonies in the
Black Sea region? it is also possible that both explanations are true.
groups according to function. Assumptions have been made about the
source regions of their origin.
fortifications. in 2009 a rampart and a moat on a cliff on the south
floor ‑level side. in 2012 ‑2013 there was made a rampart and escarp
sections in the north ‑eastern part of the fortification. Separate stages
of its construction are distinguished; the possible reconstruction of
the defensive structures is suggested.
hillfort. in the mentioned area there was found and studied a part of
the large multi ‑layered complex, which is considered as the remains
of probable public worship structure. in the complex filling there were
revealed numerous finds of wares, including a number of complete tableware and miniature forms, tools, jewelry and weapons. also there
were traced the tracks of rites administering that is recorded by the
physical layout of objects in the complex and a female jaw find.
Horn-made horse bridle details from Severynivka hill-fort
The paper considers horn-made horse bridle parts originating from
Severynivka hill-fort of Early Scythian time.
Horse cheekpieces of horn were identified and their typological and cultural bonds were shown. They are dates from the mid-7th to first half of the 6th centuries BC. This chronological frame indicates the existence of a settlement itself. However, stylistic features exhibit
chronological progression. A bit earlier are the samples which replicates the shape of a horn. More recent products are decorated in animal style. These observations were confirmed by the discoveries of some fragments of ancient vessels.
Artistic decoration of curb bits is typical for archaic Scythian iconography. However their style and composition demonstrate a number of peculiar and original features. In addition,
we traced a number of evidence for local production. Some finished products were found along with the processing products and wastes of horn carving case. Carving case shows the entire spectrum of technological methods available to the master of that time. Described
items illustrate forms of the relationship between nomads and agricultural population.
Key words:Eastern Podilia, Scythian times, horse bridle, bone carving.