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Velychko E., Polidovych Yu. GOLDEN FINDS FROM «NIKOPOLIAN BARROWS» FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF B. AND V. KHANENKO The article is devoted to the attribution of objects from the collection of B. and V. Khanenko, which were received in the... more
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      Scythian archaeologyScythiansScythian and other Eurasian Nomadic Horse Warrior CulturesScythian Animal Style
Yu. B. Polidovych, Eu. O. Velychko, Yu. O. Bilan Articles of the scythian zoomorphic Art in the collection of the Museum of Historical Treasures of Ukraine: a general overview The Museum of Historical Treasures of Ukraine, a branch of... more
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      Scythian archaeologyScythiansScythian HistoryScythian and other Eurasian Nomadic Horse Warrior Cultures
Інститут археологІї нан україни управлІння культури сумської обласної державної адмІнІстрацІї комунальний заклад сумської обласної ради «державний Історико-культурний заповІдник у м. путивлІ» Всеукраїнська археологічна конференція: Тези... more
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      Scythian archaeologyScythiansScythian HistoryScythian and other Eurasian Nomadic Horse Warrior Cultures
Музей історичних коштовностей України зберігає п’ять циліндрич-них печаток із халцедону, які були вилучені на митниці в кінці 1990-х –на початку 2000-х рр. Циліндричні печатки є важливим об’єктом давньо-месопотамської культури, оскільки... more
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      AssyriologyMesopotamian ReligionsAncient Near EastSumerian
Ye. O. Velychko, Yu. B. Polidovych Items from the Ogu z kurgan in the Varvara and Bohdan Khanenko collection (based on the materials of the Museum of Historical Treasures of Ukraine ) Twenty six precious items from the Varvara and... more
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      Scythian archaeologyScythiansScythian HistoryScythian and other Eurasian Nomadic Horse Warrior Cultures
Статья посвящена анализу ювелирных изделий из коллекции Б.И. и В.Н. Ханенко, приобретенных ими как «ольвийские», которые сейчас хранятся в филиале Национального музея истории Украины – Музее исторических драгоценностей Украины. На данный... more
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    • History
WINGED BOAR: IMAGE AT THE CROSSROAD OF THE SCYTHIAN, IRANIAN AND ANCIENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY Yu. Polidovych, E. Velychko he gold plates adorning women’s headdresses were found in the Scythian elite mounds of the 4th century BC Tovsta Mohyla... more
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      Greek MythScythian archaeologyScythiansScythian and other Eurasian Nomadic Horse Warrior Cultures
Yu. B. Polidovych, Ye. O. Velychko Gorytos Jewelry from the 1st Vovkivtsі Mound (1897) The article examines the gold plates that decorated the gorytos found by S. A. Mazaraki in 1897 in the Scythian mound No. 1 near the village of... more
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      Scythian archaeologyScythiansScythian HistoryScythian and other Eurasian Nomadic Horse Warrior Cultures
This article discusses a poorly studied child elite burial discovered in 1953 at the necropolis of Panticapaeum, situated near the modern city of Kerch, Crimea. A reassessment of previous research is urgently needed since it did not offer... more
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      Archaeology of ChildhoodBlack Sea regionAncient jewellery