NLM Exemplars That Move the World of Open Science

From maximizing the impact of genomic data to using computational methods to analyze articles for key concepts, our NLM exemplars are exploring the boundless potential of open science practices. Groundbreaking initiatives like these are driving better health outcomes and facilitating collaborative research.

GenBank: An Early Open Science Standard Proves Indispensable

Open science as a concept has existed for many decades, and open-access databases such as GenBank are vital resources to free public access to sequence data. See how GenBank makes genetic sequence data from all forms of life freely and equally available to all, with no restrictions on use or redistribution.

A Year of Open Science, A Lifetime Commitment for NLM

"You might be thinking that providing access to research products and processes sounds a lot like what NLM does," writes Dr. Lisa Federer in this week's blog, "and you’d be right!" Learn how NLM advances open science, a concept at the heart of what NLM has been doing since its founding nearly 200 years ago.

NIH Preprint Pilot Expands to Include Preprints Across NIH-Funded Research

In the background is a stylized illustration of a laptop combined with an open book. Various icons describing science float above the laptop's keyboard. In the foreground of the image is the logo of NIH and a graphic for NLM's Preprint Project that says "made publicly accessible prior to peer review."

Guest post by Kathryn Funk, program manager for NLM’s PubMed Central. In 2020, I shared information about NLM’s launch of the NIH Preprint Pilot: A New Experiment for a New Era to explore how inclusion of preprints in our literature resources, PubMed Central (PMC) and PubMed, could accelerate the discoverability and maximize the impact of … Continue reading NIH Preprint Pilot Expands to Include Preprints Across NIH-Funded Research