The Big Three-O: LOINC Celebrates Three Decades of Standardizing Health Data Terminology

LOINC pig logo

The Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) turns 30! Dr. Clem McDonald, creator of LOINC and NLM Senior Investigator, reflects on its history and achievements and the ways it revolutionized how clinical and laboratory data are documented and shared across healthcare systems.

A Year of Open Science, A Lifetime Commitment for NLM

"You might be thinking that providing access to research products and processes sounds a lot like what NLM does," writes Dr. Lisa Federer in this week's blog, "and you’d be right!" Learn how NLM advances open science, a concept at the heart of what NLM has been doing since its founding nearly 200 years ago.

How Interoperability Advances Data Sharing and Open Science

Person holding a cell phone and typing "interoperability" on laptop

NLM has advanced biomedicine and public health by acquiring, organizing, preserving, and disseminating knowledge that is essential to research, medicine, and health. We must ensure information being shared and used for research is useful to those who use it, and the answer lies in interoperability.