Musings’ 5 Most Wonderful Posts of the Year

From artificial intelligence to, women’s health research to gut enzymes, we at Musings sure were busy this year! As we ring in the new year, we invite you to reflect on the five posts from 2024 that kept you coming back for more.

Marking a Milestone: The Modernized Becomes the Singular Website Experience

The modernized will soon become the singular website that improves the user experience and efficiencies for clinical trials. But the retirement of the classic version of the website does not mark the end of modernization! Learn more about additional upcoming enhancements…

Continuous Innovation Framework for NLM’s Biomedical Data Repositories

Can original data repositories, system architectures, and web interfaces last "to infinity and beyond"? Not quite, but NLM is meeting the challenge to flexibly adapt to data growth, fulfill high usage demands, and provide more responsive user services. Learn how NLM has been adopting these strategies to keep our offerings innovative.

“Musing” on 2023: Revisiting Our Top 5 Posts

We were "Musing" on this year's most popular posts and discovered a few themes that kept you coming back again and again. What were our Top 5 posts in 2023?

Passing the NLM Torch: Welcome to Dr. Steve Sherry!

NLM is excited to announce that long-time leader and innovator, Stephen Sherry, PhD, is now our Acting Director. His tenure follows that of Patricia Flatley Brennan, RN, PhD, who retired from federal service on September 30 after seven years of service as our director. Join us as we welcome him to NLM!

Looking Backward, Looking Forward—Together

photos of Dr. Patricia Flatley Brennan's time as Director of the National Library of Medicine

One thing I’ve learned as a federal employee is that nothing at work ever happens all alone. As I look to retirement from NIH and federal service at the end of this month, I invite you to look backward at what we have accomplished together and look forward to the next journey for NLM! is Modernizing to Serve You Better

Featured image with a purple background. Superimposed on the background is a cell phone with "step" bars and the logo.

Guest post by Anna M. Fine, PharmD, MS, Acting Director of at the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health. is the world’s largest database of privately and publicly funded clinical trials. It provides easy access to clinical trial information for millions of users every month—from patients and their advocates to … Continue reading is Modernizing to Serve You Better

Our Libraries: Keeping Hope Alive for Heart Health

library shelves leading towards bright light of hope

Right now, I am reading The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles. One quote that struck me the most is, “Libraries are lungs. Books the fresh air breathed in to keep the heart beating, to keep the brain imagining, to keep hope alive.”

The Next Normal: Supporting Biomedical Discovery, Clinical Practice, and Self-Care

coronavirus pixels with earth behind

As we start year three of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s time for NLM to take stock of the parts of our past that will support the next normal and what we might need to change as we continue to fulfill our mission to acquire, collect, preserve, and disseminate biomedical literature to the world. Today, I … Continue reading The Next Normal: Supporting Biomedical Discovery, Clinical Practice, and Self-Care