Musings’ 5 Most Wonderful Posts of the Year

From artificial intelligence to, women’s health research to gut enzymes, we at Musings sure were busy this year! As we ring in the new year, we invite you to reflect on the five posts from 2024 that kept you coming back for more.

A Distinctive and Evolving NLM Legacy: The G08 Resource Program

Illustration of library desk

For over 50 years, NLM’s G08 grants have supported innovative projects that improve health information management, empower communities, and reduce health disparities. From telephone ECG monitoring to interactive heart-healthy resources, the G08 program continues to drive public health advancements in unique ways.

Evolving with Science: Introducing NLM’s New Division of Intramural Research

curtains opening to show new Division of Intramural Research

NLM is proud to introduce the new Division of Intramural Research (previously the Intramural Research Program)! This reorganization marks a significant milestone in advancing our research efforts in computational health and biology, with a particular focus on AI and machine learning.

Fostering the Researchers of Tomorrow: The NLM Data Science and Informatics Scholars Program

This summer’s NLM Data Science and Informatics Scholars Program welcomes its largest cohort of interns who are collaborating on innovative research in bioinformatics, data analytics, and more. Learn how they’re shaping the future of biomedical research and how NLM can accelerate your own career!

This Gut Enzyme Helps Turn Urine Yellow… and Affects Our Health, Too

Researchers from NLM and the University of Maryland Hall Lab, including Xiaofang Jiang, PhD, a Principal Investigator in the NLM Intramural Research Program (IRP), identified a key enzyme in the human gut microbiome, called bilirubin reductase, and investigated its role in the bilirubin-to-urobilinogen reduction process.

Appreciating the Distinction: Clinical Informatics Research vs. Clinical Research Informatics

Looping GIF of woman wearing glasses typing near search engine pop-up window reading "Does NLM fund..." The phrases "Clinical Informatics Research" and "Clinical Research Informatics" alternate in the search bar.

NLM funds grants related to both Clinical Informatics Research and Clinical Research Informatics—two fields that sound similar but are distinct in the ways they contribute to advancing health care delivery and patient outcomes. NLM’s Dr. Allison Dennis discusses how these concepts relate and how researchers can apply to related funding opportunities.

Funding Announcement: Helping Individuals Understand and Improve Their Health through AI-Powered Insights

illustration of a cell phone with health data and people walking a mountain trail

The emerging field of personal health informatics strives to bridge the gap between personally generated health data and individuals receiving real-time information to make informed decisions about their health. Check out our notice of funding opportunity!

Listening… and Watching… and Learning

Animated GIF of a Deaf person on a video chat signs "health" and "practice" to a room of five colleagues

Recently, Meryl and I visited in person with the trainees at Gallaudet University, where we were challenged to consider how language affects terminology and knowledge formalization, especially when engaging with the Deaf community.

Swapping Data Management Recipes

The 2023 DataWorks! Prize Challenge is underway, building off the successes of its first year. The challenge is sponsored by the NIH Office of Data Science Strategy, in partnership with the FASEB. We truly hope that you’ll help others enhance their data management practices by sharing your wisdom and recipes.

Can Studying Viruses Help Us Understand the Evolution of Life?

From Our Researchers: Eugene V. Koonin, PhD, and evolutionary genomics

One fascinating question my group asked was, might it be possible to peer into the distant past and figure out what viruses were infecting our distant ancestors? Our conclusions were rather remarkable.