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    • Military Operational Art
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    • Military Operational Art
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Abstract This paper explores the role of transactive memory in enabling knowledge transfer between globally distributed teams. While the information systems literature has recently acknowledged the role transactive memory plays in... more
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Traditionally, project management has focused on the management of projects on a single location either within one organization or among two or more organizations. Recently, however, emerging trends are changing the way projects are... more
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Historically, ERP systems evolved from MRP II systems, which are designed to manage a production facility's orders, production plans, and inventories. ERP systems integrate inventory data with financial, sales, and human resources data,... more
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ABSTRACT While a substantial amount of literature deals with inter-organizational cooperation, scholars mainly focus on mechanisms for coordinating between organizations. The literature offers only limited insight into organizations'... more
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Abstract A recent Offshoring Research Network (ORN) global survey of offshoring shows that since 2004 management concerns about operational issues on achieving the benefits of offshoring have increased significantly. In this paper we... more
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We have attempted to bring together two areas which are challenging for both IS research and practice: forms of coordination and management of knowledge in the context of global, virtual software development projects. We developed a more... more
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In our paper presented at ICCRTS 2007 we argue that there is a limit what can be done to eliminate errors in C2 systems and we should view human actors and the system as ePartners (Grant, 2007). In this paper we take the argument a step... more
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The resource-based approach to strategic management emphasises a firm's need for unique internal resources and competencies (Nelson and Winter, 1982; Wernerfelt, 1984) as enablers of sustainable, dynamic adaptation and competitive... more
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Abstract Coordination–commonly defined as the achievement of concerted action-has been a phenomenon of central concern to organizational theorizing since the 1920s. Until the 1980s, information processing and contingency theorists have... more
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Abstract: In today's internationalized world, value creation consists of knowledge and work integration involving workers from around the world. Members of these globally distributed work teams (GDWT) encounter organizational behavior... more
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ABSTRACT Recent business trends have given rise to coopetttton.-the occurrence of cooperation and competition between firms at the same time. Coopetition comprises the sharing of knowledge, which is conceived as one of the key sources of... more
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ABSTRACT Co-opetition, simultaneous co-operation and competition, is a recent phenomenon. Coopetition entails sharing knowledge that may be a key source of competitive advantage, but the knowledge gained by co-operation may also be used... more
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Theorizing on organizational routines has grown rapidly as an area of organization research (Nelson, and Winter, 1982; Pentland, and Rueter, 1994; Feldman, and Pentland, 2003). Modern societies depend on routines for safety, health,... more
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Abstract Globally distributed collaboration is becoming increasingly common nowadays, yet research on this topic has remained limited. Literature on global collaboration can be classified into two streams: pessimistic and optimistic... more
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The word 'expeditionary'in expeditionary operations evokes the image of climbers conquering a challenging mountain. Those climbers and their support infrastructures are focused on achieving the top in a physically hostile environment, as... more
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Abstract How do complex societal demands and time constraints posed by distributed temporary organizing affect organizational communication? Extending Bowker and Star's (2002) work on infrastructures, we introduce two context-specific... more
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Abstract Recent business trends have given rise to coopetition: simultaneous cooperation and competition between firms. Coopetition entails the sharing of knowledge which may be a key source of competitive advantage. Under coopetition... more
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