Translate Multilingual sites – TranslatePress


Ervaar een betere manier om je WordPress site te vertalen en meertalig te maken, rechtstreeks vanaf de front-end via een visuele vertaal interface.

TranslatePress is een WordPress vertaal plugin die iedereen kan gebruiken.

Met de interface kan je de volledige pagina in één keer gemakkelijk vertalen, inclusief de uitvoer van shortcodes, formulieren en page builders. Het werkt ook out-of-the-box met WooCommerce.

Bouw op de WordPress manier, TranslatePress – Multilingual is een GPL en self hosted vertaal plugin wat betekent dat je jouw vertalingen voor altijd bezit. Het is de snelste manier om een tweetalige of meertalige site te bouwen.

Multilingual & Translation Features

  • Translate all your website content directly from the front-end, in a friendly user interface (translations are displayed in real-time).
  • Volledig compatibel met alle thema’s en plugins
  • Onmiddellijke voorvertoning van jouw vertaalde pagina’s terwijl je ze bewerkt.
  • Image translation support, for translating images, sliders and other media.
  • Ondersteuning voor manuele en automatische vertalingen
  • Ability to translate dynamic strings (gettext) added by WordPress, plugins and themes.
  • Integrates with Google Translate, allowing you to set up Automatic Translation using your own Google API key.
  • Translate larger html blocks by merging strings into translation blocks.
  • Place language switchers anywhere using shortcode [language-switcher], WP menu item or as a floating dropdown.
  • Editorial control allowing you to publish your language only when all your translations are done
  • Conditional display content shortcode based on language [trp_language language=”en_US”] English content only [/trp_language]
  • Possibility to edit gettext strings from themes and plugins from English to English, without adding another language. Basically a string-replace functionality.
  • Vertaal enkel bepaalde paden en sluit inhoud uit van vertaalt te worden
  • Translation Block feature in which you can translate multiple html elements together
  • Native Gutenberg support, so you can easily translate Gutenberg blocks
  • Out of the box WooCommerce compatibility
  • Gebruik onze GRATIS site vertaling gereedschap/widget om elke site in je eigen taal te bekijken.

Note: this plugin uses the Google Translation API to translate the strings on your site. This feature can be enabled or disabled according to your preferences.

Gebruikers met beheerdersrechten hebben toegang tot de volgende instellingen:

  • selecteer de standaard taal voor de site en een te vertalen taal, voor tweetalige sites
  • kies of de taal wisselaar talen in hun eigen naam of Engelse naam moet weergeven
  • dwing aangepaste links om te openen in de huidige taal
  • in- of uitschakelen url sub-folder voor de standaard taal
  • enable automatic translation via Google Translate

Krachtige vertaal add-ons

TranslatePress – Multilingual has a range of premium Add-ons that allow you to extend the power of this WordPress translation plugin:

Pro Add-ons (alleen beschikbaar in de premium versies)

  • TranslatePress AI – automatically translate your entire website without extra platforms to sign up for, API keys and additional translation costs. Each premium version includes a set number of AI translated words you can use to instantly translate your site, saving you both time and money.
  • Extra Languages – allows you to add an unlimited number of translation languages, with the possibility to publish languages later after you complete the translation
  • SEO Pack – lets you translate meta information (like page title, description, url slug, image alt tag, Twitter and Facebook Social Graph tags & more) for boosting your multilingual SEO and increase traffic. Works with all popular SEO plugins.
  • Translator Accounts – create or allow existing users to translate the site without admin rights
  • Browse as User Role – view and translate content that is visible only to a particular user role
  • Navigation Based on Language – configure and display different menu items for different languages
  • Automatic User Language Detection – redirect first time visitors to their preferred language based on their browser settings or IP address
  • DeepL Automatic Translation – De DeepL automatische vertaling add-on vertaalt automatisch jouw website door middel van de DeepL API

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • CTRL ( ⌘ ) + S – Save translation for the currently editing strings
  • CTRL ( ⌘ ) + ALT + Z – Discard all changes for the currently editing strings
  • CTRL ( ⌘ ) + ALT + (Right Arrow) – Navigate to next string
  • CTRL ( ⌘ ) + ALT + (Left Arrow) – Navigate to previous string



Bezoek TranslatePress WordPress Vertaling plugin documentatie pagina



Demo Site

You can test out TranslatePress – Multilingual plugin by visiting our demo site


  • TranslatePress front-end visual translation editor in action
  • Front-end translation editor used to translate the entire page content
  • Hoe een dynamische string te vertalen (gettext)
  • Vertaling van WooCommerce producten voor jouw meertalige shop
  • Translate Images and Image Sliders
  • Instellingen pagina
  • Floating Language Switcher
  • Menu Language Switcher


Deze plugin heeft 1 blok.

  • Language Switcher Displays the Language Switcher.


  1. Upload de translatepress folder naar de ‘/ wp-content/plugins/’ folder
  2. Activeer de plugin via het ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Ga naar Instellingen – > TranslatePress en kies een vertaal taal.
  4. Open de front-end vertaling editor van de beheer balk om je site te vertalen.


Waar worden mijn vertalingen opgeslagen?

All the translation are stored locally in your server’s database.

What types of content can I translate?

TranslatePress – Multilingual plugin works out of the box with WooCommerce, custom post types, complex themes and site builders, so you’ll be able to translate any type of content.

Hoe verschilt het van andere meertalige & vertaal plugins zoals WPML of Polylang?

TranslatePress is easier to use and more intuitive altogether. No more switching between the editor, string translation interfaces or badly translated plugins. You can now translate the full page content directly from the front-end. This makes TranslatePress a great alternative to plugins like Polylang and WPML. For more details check out this WordPress Translation Plugin Comparison: TranslatePress vs WPML vs Polylang vs Gtranslate.

Hoe begin ik mijn WordPress site te vertalen?

After installing the plugin, select your secondary language and click “Translate Site” to start translating your entire site exactly as it looks in the front-end.

Zal het mijn site vertragen?

TranslatePress heeft weinig invloed op de snelheid van je site. Zie voor meer informatie Top WordPress vertaal plugins vergeleken op basis van pagina laadtijd

Is het mogelijk om de WooCommerce store te vertalen?

Ja, TranslatePress werkt out-of-the-box met WooCommerce. Je kan het gebruiken om een meertalige WooCommerce shop te bouwen.

Where can I find out more information?

For more information please check out our documentation.


24 maart 2025
I am using the free version and everything is working as expected, except for the search bar. When i selecet the secondary language (english) and search for my woocommerce products, they do not appear but they do appear in default language (portuguese). I wonder if i can fix it?
24 maart 2025
For me, it is the fastest multilingual technical option to implement and maintain.
17 maart 2025 1 reactie
Really timely support even for the free version. Thanks to the team!
14 maart 2025 1 reactie
Hello, I started translating my website manually because using DeepL Translate for automatic translation charges extra for each word. The plugin was designed with a clear idea of its function. Great job on that! What would I like to correct? I’m using Divi Builder and I can’t understand why it doesn’t allow me to edit every phrase on a given page. I mark some places for manual translation, but in some areas, I don’t have that option. On the manual translation panel, I can select what to translate using the arrow, but it doesn’t always capture the intended passage. If I can’t translate a large block of words, at least create a word counter to tell me how many words I can translate on a given page. Also, it doesn’t remember the button or text I don’t want to translate. Also, it doesn’t remember the button or text I don’t want to translate. Additionally, there is no menu where I can save the names of the same buttons and text passages. All best, Pal!
13 maart 2025 1 reactie
I’m new to this plugin. I’m actually still in the website building stage. It’s easy to use. I like that I can translate even the images, which is basically replacing an image with another image I upload. It’s great! I can’t use it while in the website builder editing mode though. This might be normal but if I decide I want to change something in the first language, I can’t do it from the translation mode so it creates some friction. There is one issue with its use. For some reason, the same page doesn’t render some of the content exactly the same on the different language version. What do I mean by that? The bottom divider and the image don’t show up on the same pages at the same time. Not only that, but it seems that they tend to switch back and forth depending on the changes I make. I don’t know why that is happening. That’s the only complain I have. That’s why it has only 4 stars instead of 5. If I’m doing something wrong, I would appreciate if someone let’s me know about it. I’m using DIVI builder for the record.
Lees alle 1.471 beoordelingen

Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars

“Translate Multilingual sites – TranslatePress” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.


“Translate Multilingual sites – TranslatePress” is vertaald in 11 talen. Dank voor de vertalers voor hun bijdragen.

Vertaal “Translate Multilingual sites – TranslatePress” naar jouw taal.

Interesse in ontwikkeling?

Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.



  • Fixed issue with language switcher not showing all languages on non-admin visits for free version users that manually changed TranslatePress settings in version 2.9.7
  • Fixed error about undefined constant TRP_IN_EL_PLUGIN_DIR for paid version users in case Multiple Languages add-on was disabled
  • Fixed automatic user language detection settings not appearing for paid version users in case Multiple Languages add-on was disabled
  • Fixed html lang attribute declaration on formal languages
  • Fixed edge case triggering php warnings when opening Translation Editor


  • Redesigned TranslatePress Settings UI
  • Improvements to the plugin stats API
  • Fixed insecure use of serialization function on request parameters
  • Fixed edge case issue with untrimmed home url preventing functioning on secondary languages


  • Added support for translating html tags “picture” and “audio”
  • Improved query efficiency for removing duplicate entries when running Database Optimization
  • Fixed compatibility issue with Blocksy in Customizer


  • Added support for video tag in order to show different videos according to selected language
  • Added compatibility for Elementor element caching on additional languages
  • Added compatibility with Profile Builder redirects after registration and edit profile forms
  • Reduced requests to TP AI when quota is unavailable
  • Fixed redirecting to wrong language after checkout in some cases


  • Fixed potential security issue by preventing direct access to files
  • Extended keyword search in String Translation UI to return results from translations too, alongside matching default language text, for Gettext, Email and Regular strings
  • Added new feature to delete translations in String Translation UI, individually or in bulk, for Gettext, Email and Regular strings
  • Fixed incorrect translated urls in the page when reordering languages and using subdirectory for default language, while also excluding certain paths from translation
  • Fixed edge case PHP error in ajax request for front-end translations
  • Fixed edge case PHP error between Gutenberg language restrictions and WP Interactivity API
  • Fixed edge case PHP error argument must be of type string


  • Fixed form action losing GET parameters on translated pages


  • Fixed not setting srcset attributes properly for translated images


  • Added Gutenberg Language Restriction option to allow for easily including/excluding blocks in specific languages
  • Fixed PHP notice in WP 6.7: function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly
  • Fixed translating internal links from inside translation blocks
  • Fixed edge case with some excluded paths redirecting translated urls to incorrect original urls


  • Improved database management by no longer inserting non-translated external URLs and images
  • Fixed detecting the same email address multiple times due to antispambot outputting it in different encodings
  • Fixed Translation Editor pencil icon positioning
  • Fixed Translation Editor when viewing in RTL language
  • Fixed php error occurring in some cases when translating WooCommerce emails
  • Fixed deprecated notice in PHP 8 regarding rtrim function


  • Fixed WooCommerce emails being sent in default language instead of user’s language when placing order as non-logged in guest on a Blocks checkout form
  • Fixed trp-gettext wrappings appearing on WooCommerce Blocks checkout form
  • Added admin notifications about Black Friday sale


  • Opgelost compatibiliteit met CTX Feed plugin
  • Verbeterde beveiliging door een capaciteitscontrole uit te voeren bij het activeren/deactiveren van de licentie
  • Added new parameter to hook trp_translate_this_href


  • Fixed url slug handling. It’s recommended to back-up your database before updating
  • Fixed admin notices text


  • Fixed version difference between TranslatePress plugins causing infinite loop and php errors when having specific settings
  • Fixed some cases of grayed out translation input box in String Translation Regular tab
  • Fixed showing Run the update notice in various cases
  • Fixed Translation Editor translation boxes showing incorrect values after saving translations in some cases
  • Fixed JS error in Advanced tab


  • Opgelost url slug verwerking
  • Fixed pencil icon not showing in correct place for some themes
  • Added filter trp_mtapi_chunk_size to change the number of string sent in one batch to TP AI
  • Added correct flag for Kurdish(Sorani) language
  • Opgelost rand geval probleem met trp_settings db optie die onjuist is opgeslagen, wat leidt tot PHP fouten
  • Fixed PHP 8 deprecated notice when calling rtrim


  • Major refactoring of url slugs handling. It’s recommended to back-up your database before updating
  • Numerous fixes including support for WooCommerce custom permalinks, custom post permalinks, permalinks without base category


  • Fixed errors in Multisite leading to targeting incorrect subsite tables for some strings
  • Fixed TranslatePress Editor pencil icon’s incorrect placement in some cases
  • Fixed deprecated notice when translating WooCommerce emails


  • Added support for Chinese Traditional automatic translations when using TP AI
  • Fixed menu language switcher not showing native language names when option was selected
  • Improved positioning of Edit button in the visual Translation Editor
  • Opgelost randgeval waarbij TP AI automatische vertaling altijd hetzelfde was als het origineel


  • Fixed menu language switcher showing Current Language instead of actual language name


  • Added compatibility with PWA plugin
  • Added missing flag for Kyrgyz language
  • Fixed menu language switcher labels not being taken into account
  • Fixed issue with custom css being broken on translated language
  • Fixed notice related to language switcher inside Elementor content


  • Opgelost probleem op de afrekenpagina bij gebruik van BABE Payment Pack
  • Fixed issue showing Unsupported languages when changing API key
  • Opgelost CSS probleem met taalwisselaar shortcode in Elementor pop-up
  • Fixed deprecated PHP notice when using rtrim function
  • Fixed edge case issue with license being invalid on Automatic Translation tab


  • Opgelost compatibiliteit met oudere versies van PHP 7


  • New Feature: TranslatePress AI translation engine
  • Fixed Translate Page button missing in Gutenberg Editor
  • Opgelost rand geval probleem waarbij specifieke stijl tags werden gedetecteerd voor vertaling


  • Fixed nonce issue on the Database Optimization form
  • Fixed edge case issue with the Automatic Translation settings default values


  • Improved page load speed by caching translation blocks query
  • Improved page load speed by adding index by block type
  • Fixed frequency of diagnostics usage requests when Marketing Opt-in is active


  • Opgelost compatibiliteitsprobleem met WP Job Board Pro PDF’s
  • Opgelost compatibiliteitsprobleem met Brikk thema formulieren
  • Opgelost het scannen van plugins en themabestanden voor vertaling wanneer Oxygen actief is


  • Improved automatic translation character count to better enforce enforce daily limit
  • When Marketing opt-in feature is enabled, automatic translation usage is included in the non-sensitive diagnostic tracking data
  • Added support for translating more meta tags


  • Fixed translation saved confirmation message in the Translation Editor
  • Opgelost CSS probleem in Geavanceerde instellingen
  • Fixed notice in TranslatePress settings


  • Fixed potential security issue in the language switcher
  • Fixed floating language switcher appearance when displaying only flags on sites with many languages
  • Minor UI tweaks in TranslatePress settings


  • Opgelost probleem met Exclude alleen bepaalde paden geavanceerde optie op submap pad installaties
  • Verbeterde foutbeheerder door de gehele mislukte query uit te voeren
  • Verbeterde SQL foutafhandeling in trp-ajax aanroepen


  • Added compatibility with WooCommerce Product Filters by barn2


  • Opgelost relatieve URL’s met ankerlinks op vertaalde pagina’s
  • Opgelost zoeken in vertaalde talen op sites met specifieke plugincombinaties


  • Added new feature that displays translation percentage for current page in Translation Editor
  • Added RSS Feed support for translating title, content and excerpt
  • Added support for Duplicate Page plugin resolving post slug translation conflict
  • Toegevoegd compatibiliteit met Fluent Forms
  • Added compatibility with WooCommerce Bookings plugin
  • Added WP Webhooks Automator under recommended plugins
  • Opgelost verouderde waarschuwing in PHP 8.1


  • Allow translation of comments and categories in REST API
  • Improved compatibility with Complianz plugin
  • Improved rules for creating translation blocks


  • Fixed some cases of unnecessarily detecting text inside script tags
  • Fixed compatibility code with Oxygen


  • Improved page loading speed when WooCommerce is active
  • Fixed some cases of errors on function insert_gettext_string
  • Fixed edge case issue with missing tables


  • Improved page loading speed by optimizing code handling gettext
  • Improved page loading speed when Query Monitor plugin is active
  • Fixed internal links not being translated when using Do not translate certain paths feature
  • Fixed trp-gettext wrappings on Query Monitor strings
  • Fixed flag for Hindi and Punjabi (India) languages


  • Fixed absolute paths not working in the Exclude Paths From Translation option
  • Fixed Pencil icon displayed in wrong positions on WP Forms in the Translation Editor
  • Added missing Sindhi language flag
  • When Marketing opt-in feature is enabled, list of active plugins is now included in the non-sensitive diagnostic tracking data
  • Updated logos for Profile Builder and Paid Member Subscriptions in the recommended plugins section


  • Improved DOM parser to better handle HTML comments
  • Improved Database optimization tool’s default operations


  • Fixed some cases of 404 on translated pages for WooCommerce permalinks
  • Improved compatibility with RankMath


  • Added loader component as extra parameter in trp_allow_tp_to_run hook to ease integration with 3rd parties
  • Fixed edge case error with undefined variable $disabled_language
  • Fixed notice about deprecated property in php 8.2
  • Fixed edge case error in class-error-manager.php file


  • Fixed some cases of disappearing CPT slugs translations leading to 404 pages
  • Fixed incorrectly adding empty href attributes to link tags on translated pages
  • Fixed PHP 8 deprecated notices regarding dynamically defined properties


  • Added a new item in Database optimization tool to fix some cases of gettext not being selectable in Translation Editor
  • Fixed Edit pencil icon being difficult to click when hovering over certain text in Translation Editor
  • Added compatibility with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
  • Improved compatibility with WP Rocket


  • Improved settings UI by showing formality option only for languages and translation engines that support it
  • Fixed focus on search input when opening the languages dropdown in settings
  • Removed unnecessary calls for Marketing opt-in feature


  • Redesigned TranslatePress Settings Advanced tab UI using subtabs
  • Improved the translation status icons for the case when multiple strings are shown at once in Translation Editor
  • Fixed deprecated notice on php 8


  • Updated look of language switchers for shortcode generated and floating options
  • Added notice in TranslatePress settings to avoid adding duplicate languages with different formalities
  • Fixed deprecated warning triggered by date_create function
  • Fixed bug with some strings not being editable in Translation Editor


  • Improved security by escaping form actions
  • Fixed filtering by gettext domain in String Translation
  • Fixed title positioning in String Translation UI
  • Added more information in our opt-in non-sensitive diagnostic tracking


  • Redesigned Translation Editor UI to match the latest WordPress style
  • Fixed hreflang language code attribute for languages with formal/informal in their default code
  • Added missing Aragonese language flag


  • Added Language Switcher block in Gutenberg Editor
  • Fixed edge case error regarding __return_true function


  • Improved converting urls in different languages
  • Fixed language switcher directing to page not found in some edge cases

Click Here to view the full changelog.