Plugin tag: multiple authors
Co-Authors Plus
(77 aantal beoordelingen)Assign multiple bylines to posts, pages, and custom post types with a search-as-you-type input box.
Starbox – the Author Box for Humans
(203 aantal beoordelingen)Starbox is de auteur box voor mensen. Professionele thema’s om uit te kiezen, HTML5, sociale media profielen, Google Authorship.
Co-Authors, Multiple Authors and Guest Authors in an Author Box with PublishPress Authors
(93 aantal beoordelingen)PublishPress Authors is the best plugin for adding authors, co-authors, multiple authors and guest authors to WordPress posts.
Molongui Authorship – Author Boxes, Guest Authors & Co-Authors for WordPress
(155 aantal beoordelingen)All-in-One Authorship Solution: Seamless Author Box, Guest Authors, and Co-Authors to enhance your site's authority, credibility, engagement, and SEO.
WP Post Author – Boost Your Blog's Engagement with Author Box, Social Links, Co-Authors, Guest Authors, Post Rating System, and Custom User Registration Form Builder
(18 aantal beoordelingen)Add an Author Box, Social Links, Co-Authors, Guest Authors, Post Rating System, and Custom User Registration Form Builder
(5 aantal beoordelingen)Solves the co/multi-author problem without modifying the theme. Uses a custom taxonomy, "Byline," that replaces the Display Author.
Genesis Co-Authors Plus
(2 aantal beoordelingen)Enables full support for the Co-Authors Plus plugin in Genesis.
Co-Authors Widget
(0 aantal beoordelingen)The plugin add a widget and a shortcode in order to show authors of an article. It is compatible with Co-Authors Plus.
SP Authors
(0 aantal beoordelingen)This very simple plugin allows multiple authors to be assigned to a Post or Page.
WordPress Multiple Author Ad management
(0 aantal beoordelingen)The plugin is ideal for blogs with multiple authors and acts as an incentive for making quality posts.
Profile Xtra
(0 aantal beoordelingen)This plugin adds some xtras to authoring profile: profile image, social media contacts, as well as alternative author and multiple authors.
Authors as Taxonomy
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Decouple authors from users. Instead of using users as authors use a special taxonomy for it.