NarraFirma is companion software to the textbook Working with Stories in Your Community Or Organization: Participatory Narrative Inquiry.
Participatory narrative inquiry is an approach in which groups of people participate in gathering and working with raw stories of personal experience in order to make sense of complex patterns for better decision making. PNI focuses on the profound consideration of values, beliefs, feelings, and perspectives through the recounting and interpretation of lived experience.
What is NarraFirma?
It’s a checklist. NarraFirma provides practical guidance as you work, with questions for you to answer, recommendations based on the conditions you describe, activities that help you make decisions, and just-in-time advice.
It’s a journal. NarraFirma helps you keep careful records about what happened in your project, and it gives you places to reflect on what happened. This reminds you to keep learning as you work, and it helps you to document your project for future reference.
It’s a kiosk. NarraFirma helps you collect stories, on-line and/or off-line, based on question forms you design (with sample questions you can copy). Because story collection is integrated, there is no need to export or import data.
It’s a workstation. NarraFirma helps you explore and interpret patterns in your data (stories and answers to questions about stories), creating annotated visualizations you can use to make sense of the stories you collected.
Why choose NarraFirma?
It’s portable. You can install NarraFirma anywhere, as a WordPress plugin or a Node.js web application. Web hosting is inexpensive, popular, and well supported. You can also install NarraFirma on your local computer and use it off-line. (Whichever installation method you choose, we strongly suggest that you set up SSL security on your web site before collecting or entering confidential or important information. Many hosting providers can help you with this task.)
It’s a team player. With NarraFirma your team can work on projects together in real time without having to hand files back and forth. You can plan your project, collect stories, discover patterns, and reflect on what you’ve learned – together.
It’s an open book. NarraFirma is open source software. So if you have a question about how something works, you can just look at the source code to find out. If you need the software to do something it can’t do, you can add new functionality yourself or ask someone else to add it.
It works in the real world. One NarraFirma installation supports multiple projects, forms, data sets, and reports. Why? Because real-life story projects are rarely simple or predictable. So go ahead and make a mess. NarraFirma is ready for it.
We have spent a lot of time developing NarraFirma. We appreciate donations, and will use them to keep working on it. You can donate at PayPal.
Need some help?
I offer training in the use of NarraFirma and consulting for PNI projects. If you are interested, check out my web site at, or send me a note at cfkurtz at cfkurtz dot com.
This is the main page of NarraFirma. The sections of the software (and the phases of PNI) are shown in the diagram. Clicking on any of these buttons leads to that section.
This the main page for the NarraFirma planning section. Links to all the pages in that section are listed. You can enter reminders for any page; they show up on this page.
Here the NarraFirma user is describing the groups of people who will be participating in their project. Describing your groups helps you think about how you should collect stories and what you should do with them.
Here the NarraFirma user is doing a little sensemaking exercise based on some stories they told about what might happen when they do the project. Thinking in stories during project planning helps to make better decisions about how to carry out the project.
Here the NarraFirma user is deciding how they will collect stories. They are looking at recommendations the software is giving them based on the answers they gave to the questions about their participant groups (see screenshot 3).
Here the NarraFirma user is creating questions they will ask people about their stories.
Here is the NarraFirma survey form participants see when they tell their stories (or NarraFirma users see when they enter the stories they collected off-line).
Here the NarraFirma user is looking at stories as they come in to the collection. They are looking here only at stories told by older people who said the person in their story wanted to be heard.
Here the user is looking at patterns in the data (answers to questions) collected. The selected row of the table of patterns (at the top) shows that the questions “How do you feel about this story” and “What is your age” are being compared, creating a contingency (bubble) graph. The user has written an observation about that pattern (“People under 35 more positive”) and two interpretations of what that pattern might mean (“More weight on older shoulders” versus “Younger people have lots of energy”). The user has selected some stories on the graph to read; the stories appear in the table at the bottom of the image.
Here the NarraFirma user is designing a plan for a sensemaking session, where people will work with the collected stories and patterns to make sense of the topic being explored.
Here the NarraFirma user is ansewring questions about the outcomes of the project for each participant group. Those outcomes will determine recommendations for interventions.
Here the NarraFirma user is reflecting on the entire project, to learn from it and to keep good records for the future.
To install NarraFirma:
- Download the NarraFirma plugin (in zip format) from or the NarraFirma web site.
- In your WordPress dashboard, click on “Plugins,” then click “Add New.”
- In the “Add Plugins” page, click “Upload Plugin.”
- Click “Browse,” then choose the zip file you downloaded.
- Click “Install Now.”
- Click “Activate.”
- You should see a new “NarraFirma” menu item in your dashboard menu. Click it.
- In the screen that appears, create a new project and add some users who can access it.
Or you can install NarraFirma from the WordPress plugins directory:
- In your WordPress installation, click “Plugins.”
- Click “Add New.”
- In the search box, type “narrafirma”.
- When NarraFirma appears, click “Install.”
- Click “Activate.”
- You should see a new “NarraFirma” menu item in your dashboard menu. Click it.
- In the screen that appears, create a new project and add some users who can access it.
Where can I found out more about participatory narrative inquiry?
Take a look at the book behind NarraFirma, Working with Stories in Your Community Or Organization: Participatory Narrative Inquiry
What should I do if I find a bug?
Tell us about it on the GitHub issues list.
What about web security?
We strongly suggest that you set up any web site on which you intend to install NarraFirma with SSL (secure sockets). Your hosting provider should be able to help you do that.
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“NarraFirma” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.
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Interesse in ontwikkeling?
Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.
Changed: Made “Does not apply” slider label settable and translateable in general (not only for specific questions)
Added: You can now use display lumping to rename a too-long answer or put aside an answer that was rarely chosen (use with care and respect)
Added: In display lumping, you can comment out a line by placing a semicolon at the beginning of it (helps with trying different schemes)
Added: On the “Print story cards” page, you can now hide non-selected choice-question answers (instead of showing all answers)
Added: On the “Print story cards” page, you can enter a custom text to write between choice-question answers
Added: Printed story cards now have a pound/hashtag sign in front of the story number/index (to make it easier to search for a story by number)
Added: On the “Write annotation questions” page, you can now set the order of questions on the “Annotate stories” page (you can also add headers and choose which columns to display in the table of stories)
Added: On the “Explore patterns” page, added a button to export a (simplified) summary of significant correlations across all choice-question subsets (helps in pattern discovery)
Added: More template questions about participants
Changed: The “Spot-check graphs” page is now called the “Review graphs” page (and the introduction has been tweaked)
Changed: The main-page display of story collections is (hopefully) more intuitive (clicking on the number of stories now leads to the “Review incoming stories” page, and clicking on the number of answers now leads to the “Review graphs” page)
Changed: On the “Explore patterns” page, the export buttons have been moved to the top of the page (before they got in the way of writing observations)
Changed: The threshold for drawing extra-tall contingency charts has been reduced from 11+ to 8+ rows (for better clarity)
Changed: Improved formatting of printed session agendas (collection, sensemaking) and project presentation outline
Changed: Slightly improved wording of some of the page descriptions on section pages
Fixed: A bug where the “anything else?” label was forgotten when adding the story form translation system
Fixed: A bug where the statistics information reported (in patterns table) was incorrect (in some relatively rare) situations)
Fixed: A bug on section pages (Planning, Collection, etc) where HTML elements from other pages were appearing on top of the little page-type icons
Fixed: A bug on the “Spot check graphs” (now “Review graphs”) page where making a selection in one subgraph did not remove a previous selection in another subgraph
Fixed: A bug on the “Annotate stories” page where adding the first answer to a choice question also added an empty-string answer
Fixed: A bug where clicking on the number of stories in a collection on the main/dashboard page did not bring up that collection on the “Review graphs” page
Fixed: A bug where certain carriage-return characters within stories would cause the CSV export to misalign spreadsheet cells
Fixed: A bug where, in CSV story import, there was no backup default for a missing multi-choice single-column delimiter (it now defaults to a comma)
Fixed: Bug where code to update legacy data with missing remarkable flags was setting extra flags as well (only affected projects created before v1.4.0)
Fixed: Added explanation of circle colors in clustering during catalysis
Added: Catalysis option to hide patterns that don’t include at least one question asked about stories
Changed: Clarified a few things on the Project admin / Import & Export page
Fixed: Bug in WordPress version where resetting a project more than once would produce an error
Fixed: Bug where a forward slash in a question’s short name would cause the data collected for that question to be invisible (now slashes are not allowed)
Fixed: Bug where story cards html page had title with long messy id instead of short name
Fixed: Bug in csv import that would cause an error (in NF, not in the console) if a data column name was not described in the story form file
Fixed: Bug in csv import where slider with non-default “does not apply” label was being read incorrectly
Added: Buttons to export all graphs and statistics displayed on “Explore patterns” page (without regard to observations)
Fixed: Bug that was slowing down display of graphs on “Explore patterns” page
Fixed: Bug where more than one forward slash in a question or answer name created spurious subfolders in zipped images
Added: Option when printing catalysis reports to save observations and interpretations to simple CSV file
Added: Texts below graphs explaining that you can click and drag in the graph to select stories (this is not obvious)
Added: On “Explore patterns” page, new “things you can do” option to show survey questions for selected pattern
Fixed: Bug where you might have seen a “pattern is null” message on the “Explore patterns” page
Fixed: Bug where not enough space was being allocated to upper-right labels in table (contingency chart) images
Fixed: Bug (introduced in last update) that made it impossible to create the first story collection in a project
Fixed: Several bugs related to multi-user data conflicts
Fixed: Bug where leading/trailing white-space characters were allowed in fixed-answer lists, but display lumping and filtering systems assumed none
Added: Duplicate button to make copies of most items in lists
Added: Data conflict check when updating “snapshot” story form in story collection (to avoid confusion and data loss)
Added: More buttons providing quick access to relevant help pages
Added: On “Spot-check graphs” page, ability to show stories from multiple collections at once
Added: Copy-to-clipboard button on all popup text dialogs
Added: Option to print story cards in multiple columns
Changed: Removed annoying “Please click the close button” popup (by improving data-entry validation system)
Changed: Made “Start story collection” page easier to use and understand
Changed: Improved help on updating “snaphot” story forms in existing collections
Fixed: Made survey text question responsive to screen size (multiplying specified percent width by 4x on mobile, 3x on tablets, 2x on laptops)
Fixed: Bug where special character in survey URL caused link on “Start story collection” page to not work
Fixed: Bug where radio-button or boolean answer showed only on last story entered on form (though data was correctly stored)
Fixed: Bug where stories appeared out of order in survey form.
Fixed: Bug I thought I had fixed long ago, in the “chooser” boxes where you add questions to a story form. Showing the question texts broke the associations. Removed them.
Fixed: I forgot to save one file (package.json) with the new version number in the previous release. That’s all.
Added: Import option for multi-choice delimited questions with write-in answers in the same column.
Added: On “Write questions about stories/participants” pages, when import options are showing, button to directly access import guide.
Added: On “Start story collection” page, button to directly access help on what can be changed in a story form linked to a non-empty story collection.
Changed: Improved import guide and help on updating story forms.
Added: Spot-check graphs page now has buttons to show selected stories (or random sample) in pop-up window for copying and pasting elsewhere.
Added: Spot-check graphs page can now show answers to questions about stories (in a simple format) for copying and pasting elsewhere.
Added: Additional warnings to alert the user of read-only mode, in case they edit fields without realizing they are not logged in to an account with editing privileges.
Added: Icons that show the actitivies on each page (manage, plan, enter, review, journal, export). Can be turned off in project options.
Added: Tips at the bottom of the screen. Can be turned off in project options.
Added: Page (in Planning) to help you observe and reflect on a story-sharing conversation.
Added: Page (in Planning) to help you build and print a project privacy policy.
Added: Journaling pages for reflections at the end of each project phase.
Added: In Planning, added a few more questions about participant groups (these new questions are not linked to the recommendations system).
Fixed: Bug where a question type was being erroneously required for elicitation questions. (It exists there but is not important.)
Added: Validation check to make sure that all questions have types.
Added: Validation check to make sure that questions of types that require answer lists (select, radiobuttons, checkboxes) have answer lists.
Added: For validation support, if you are editing a list item and you click a page-change button, a message will appear asking you to close the currently open item first. (NF needs you to do this so it can run its validation checks.)
Added: Global error pop-up that shows the same message as is posted to the development console (for those who don’t know about or can’t find the development console).
Changed: Improved error reporting when questions that should have but are missing answer lists are imported from CSV.
Changed: Improved error message in survey itself when a question that requires an answer list has no answer list.
Changed: NF’s HTML cleanup process has always interpreted a single angle bracket (<) as the start of an HTML tag (and showed an error if there is no closing bracket). This is a problem for texts like “<25” (an age bracket). Now NF just prints out the < and lets you figure out if it’s an incomplete HTML tag.
Fixed: Broken link on several help pages.
Added: Icons for (nearly) every button.
Changed: Simplified header at top of all pages.
Changed: Simplified and reorganized all section pages (Planning, Collection, etc).
Changed: Removed View and Edit buttons under all “GridWithItemPanel” list tables. Now all items in lists can be edited live, without separate view-only step.
Changed: Renamed “Design, generate, or import story forms” page to “Build story forms.”
Changed: When editing story forms, can now see question texts as well as short names.
Changed: Improved validation of short-name fields in questions (eliciting, about stories, about participants, annotation), story forms, story collections, and catalysis reports.
Fixed: Bug where activity lists in printed agendas for story-collecting sessions and sensemaking sessions were not properly sorted.
Fixed: Error where survey introduction text did not wrap correctly.
Changed: Dealt more gracefully with situation in which multi-choice question (checkboxes) was changed to single-choice question (select) after data was collected. Was choking on wrong data type during story export.
Fixed: Bug in printing story cards where story-form question-answers were not appearing.
Fixed: Bug where choose-questions-for-story-form widget was not matching up questions correctly if question short names had extra (leading or trailing) blank spaces. (Now any extra blank spaces are trimmed off.)
Fixed: Bug where extra (empty) lines in choice-question available-answers lists were creating malformed survey HTML, causing the error “Something went wrong loading the survey questionnaire from the server.” (Blank lines are now being trimmed out correctly.)
Fixed: Bug where the texts of edited stories did not appear correctly in the “Show story texts for copying” popup window on the “Explore Patterns” page.
Fixed: Bug where annotations might not match existing stories correctly during import and bulk changes.
Fixed: Improved error handling for empty (no-name) questions. Was choking on them during export.
Fixed: Bug where write-in answers were missing from the display of submitted stories and answers (which survey-takers can use to save a local copy of what they said).
Added: Brief introductory text (with link to WWS book) to home page
Added: Section links to home page (on right, below story collections table, for better accessibility)
Changed: Moved page descriptions from popup tooltips to texts below page links; shown by default but can be turned off in project admin options
Changed: Improved page descriptions to explain what each page is for and why you would want to use it
Changed: Section pages (Planning, Collection, etc) now start with graphical icons that echo the home-page diagram (better continuity)
Changed: Hid upper-right page navigation buttons (previous, next) in situations in which they had been disabled (gray)
Changed: Made all links have a highlighted box when hovered over (for better accessibility)
Changed: Consolidated all color designations in main CSS file into CSS vars (to make it easier to tweak colors)
Changed: Tweaked some colors to make interface a bit calmer
Changed: Removed hard-coded copy of CSS definitions for SVG-PNG conversion (now read directly from DOM); should reduce errors while changing CSS
Changed: Default font from “Arial, Helvetica” to “Helvetica, Arial” (looks better?)
Fixed: “Explore patterns” page now handles legacy case where observation exists but “remarkable” flag is not set
Fixed: Bug where version number was not updated in place that makes correct version appear on Project admininstration page
Added: Bulk annotation import from CSV file
Fixed: Bug where question links to new story form were not being correctly created (causing it to be impossible to add questions to form)
Fixed: Formatting mistakes in help system
Changed: In Node.js version, added logout link to choose-project page
Fixed: Bug (in WordPress version only) where setting and then deleting read-access permission role/id would allow anonymous read permission
Changed: Added “start here” label to home-page diagram, so beginners have a hint at what to click on first
Changed: Revamped help system to (a) clarify interactions between pages and (b) add previous-next links between help pages
Changed: In story cards, added bold tags so word processors will show selected answers even if style information is lost
Changed: While looking at stories in “Review incoming stories” can now see raw JSON story data
Fixed: Bug where survey could refuse to save story because it seemed to have no name (though it did)
Fixed: Bug where question name with leading or trailing space did not match choice made in story form (now extra spaces are trimmed out)
Fixed: Bug where “Active on web?” column on “Start story collection” page showed “checked” for all story collections (instead of yes or no)
Fixed: Bug where instructions on “Create project story elements” page were out of synch with changed clustering-diagram interface
Fixed: Critical bug in WordPress PHP code that could cause new NarraFirma installations to show a blank screen instead of the setup page
Fixed: Small bug in display lumping code that could cause a lumped count to be off when somebody chose and then un-chose an answer
Added: Option to set custom graph height as well as width
Changed: Improved usability of clustering interface (used in planning and catalysis)
Fixed: Improved error message when JSON was expected but HTML was received (the HTML could be an error message; now it is shown)
Fixed: Small (probably invisible) bug where id for write-in fields was not given story id prefix
Fixed: Bug where catalysis report graphs did not print (list comparison was set backwards, sorry)
Added (survey): Multi-lingual surveys (partipant can choose language; choice is saved for graphing)
Added (survey): Option to embed introductory video (streaming or mp4)
Added (survey): Story collection date question (generated or imported)
Added (survey): For all question types, option to allow write-in answer (for “other” answers or follow-up questions)
Added (survey): For “select” question type, option to show full list box instead of drop-down list
Added (survey): For “select” question type, option to set no-choice text (e.g., “– select –“)
Added (survey): For “boolean” question type, option to set yes/no texts
Added (survey): For “text” question type, option to set width of textbox (in percentage units)
Added (survey): For “radio buttons” and “check boxes” question types, option to include image links to show below answers
Added (catalysis): Ability to change annotation questions while answering them (to build answer lists that emerge from reading stories)
Added (catalysis): Templates for annotation questions
Added (catalysis, sensemaking): Real-time display lumping (merging of similar answers) in catalysis graphs and statistics
Added (catalysis, sensemaking): Ability to filter stories by story length
Added (catalysis, sensemaking): Ability to filter stories by searching for specific pieces of text
Added (usability): Option to set project nickname, which shows on pages and reports within project
Added (usability): Buttons to hide or show advanced and import options for questions, story forms, observations
Added (usability): Improved text-box widths throughout the pages, so shorter texts have shorter text boxes
Added (usability): Better explanation/labeling of cluster order in catalysis clustering
Added (usability): Ability to “archive” (hide) WordPress projects
Changed (catalysis): Moved annotation facility from collection to catalysis; improved annotation process
Changed (usability): Added “choosers” to improve process of adding questions to story forms and changing question order
Changed (usability): Shortened length of text boxes for shorter entry fields (e.g., names, labels)
Changed (usability): Reduced number of entry fields that appear in situations where they don’t apply
Changed (usability): Application now checks that your question short name is unique (instead of asking you to check it yourself)
Changed (usability): Navigation buttons now say “Previous page” and “Next page” (to make it more clear that you are going to a page, not doing something)
Changed (usability): Revamped WordPress launch/options page
Changed (stability): Changed almost all “var” variables to “const” or “let” variables
Fixed (catalysis): Bug where missing custom graph size for catalysis report could result in printed graphs with zero height
Fixed (catalysis): Bug where no-answer answers for boolean and checkbox questions were being graphed as no or false instead of no-answer
Fixed (sensemaking): Bug where generated questions (e.g., Eliciting question) still appeared in story cards when their check boxes were unchecked
Fixed (sensemaking): Bug where story filter with && combination did not work when printing story cards
Fixed (usability): Issue where last few lines of home-page right-side links could pop over to bottom left
Fixed (usability): Many small CSS element spacing awkwardnesses
Fixed (stability): Bug where application did not load under WordPress when installed on Bedrock server
Fixed (stability): Updated Mann-Whitney U test for two improvements in scipy code from which it was derived
Added: Option to limit number of multi-choice answers participants can choose in survey
Added: Option to “pad” bottom of bar graphs and left/bottom of contingency tables to accommodate large fonts specified in CSS
Changed: On bar graphs, removed X axis label – was redundant (same as graph name)
Changed: On contingency tables, moved X and Y axis labels to upper-right corner (so they are no longer floating in space)
Changed: Improved responsive css styling on slider widget
Changed: Made slider value display (to right of slider) tabbable and editable (with Enter) as well as clickable (for accessibility)
Changed: Added CSS variables to make it easier to set colors in different survey areas (with custom CSS)
Changed: Improved story card display when one or both scale labels are missing
Changed: Set resizing on text boxes to vertical only (in survey and in NarraFirma interface) to avoid conflicts with window resizing
Fixed: Bug where “Print story cards” button was hidden when advanced options were turned off
Fixed: Bug where right arrow on survey, when seen on small (phone) screen, could wrap to next line
Added: Message when there are no graphs for a pattern because none had the minimum number of stories to graph
Fixed: Bug where expected bubbles on contingency graphs were sometimes too small (statistical results were not affected)
Fixed: Spurious message in contingency graph when question has no answer counts
Added: Correlation map that shows relationships among all scale questions (overall and by choice question)
Added: Ability to save graph data to CSV file (to recreate graph outside NarraFirma) for selected graph or whole catalysis report
Added: System for marking patterns as remarkable, unremarkable, to be reviewed, or redundant – improves catalysis workflow
Added: Ability to show or hide all columns in pattern table on “Explore patterns” page
Added: Non-printing observation note (to remember something about an observation without having it appear in the report)
Added: Project options page (for options that affect whole project)
Added: Project option to set CSV delimiter for import and export (comma, semicolon, tab)
Changed: Better interface for choosing graph types to show on “Explore patterns” page, with graphics
Changed: Import system now warns if you try to import floating-point (real) numbers rather than integers for scale data
Changed: Better help on graph types on “Explore patterns” page
Changed: Limited size of Mann-Whitney statistical results table for contingency-histograms and multiple histograms (can be very long)
Fixed: Observation/interpretation with no name now shows description on clustering page (instead of nothing)
Fixed: Firefox bug causing help window to be shown in tiny font; now appears in tab but normal sized
Added: Separate custom CSS field for graphs only – affects graphs both in application (“Explore patterns” page) and printed report
Added: Buttons to hide advanced options from beginners (affects three pages: print story cards, configure catalysis report, print catalysis report)
Added: More selection buttons (scales, choices, texts) to question choosing (in configure catalysis report and print story cards)
Changed: Simplified CSS class names of graph elements for easier reference in writing custom CSS field
Fixed: Bug where SVG files were not being saved to ZIP file
Changed: Improved drawing of counts on contingency charts
Added: Interface – Ability to create multiple observations per pattern
Added: Interface – Ability to include multiple patterns per observation
Added: Interface – Ability to save selected pattern image(s) on Explore Patterns page to SVG or PNG (zip file if multiple graphs)
Added: Interface – New field: observation “linking question” to introduce multiple interpretations (e.g., “Why do we see this pattern?”)
Added: Interface – New field: interpretation “questions” to suggest things people can ponder in sensemaking (comes before “idea”)
Added: Reporting – New catalysis report clustered by themes (groups of observations), with multiple interpretations following each observation
Added: Reporting – Option to choose observation strengths (high, medium, low, unassigned) in all catalysis report types
Added: Reporting – Can export all images related to observations only (zip file of PNG or SVG images)
Added: Reporting – Option to set print order of perspectives/themes during clustering (using “Edit cluster” popup window)
Added: Reporting – Option to hide specific observations, interpretations, or clusters from catalysis report (helpful when printing reports for different groups)
Added: Reporting – Option to show sequence number in catalysis report for each perspective, theme, observation, and interpretation
Added: Reporting – Option to hide report-creation information (“This report was generated”) at start of catalysis report
Added: Reporting – Option to set label truncation limit on bar and contingency charts
Added: Reporting – Can now use simple bold and italic formatting in all report fields
Added: Graphing – Option to increase or decrease graph font sizes in report graphs by percentage
Added: Graphing – Option to hide “no answers” counts (applies to graphs and statistics; choice is saved per report and per pattern)
Added: Graphing – Option to replace all graph/statistical texts in catalysis report (e.g., “Count”, “mean”) to simplify or translate report
Added: Graphing – Option to show observed/expected numbers on contingency-table bubbles
Added: Graphing – Option to show row/column totals on contingency-table axes
Changed: Interface – Statistics calculations on “Explore patterns” page now happen in the background; can click on graphs while statistics are calculating
Changed: Interface – Collisions between users editing the same (large text) field are easier to resolve; writing in progress is preserved, and options are avilable to override/accept/edit changes
Changed: Interface – Startup message (“Retrieving project information”) now shows count of messages loaded
Changed: Interface – Lists of questions on “Configure catalysis report” and “Print story cards” pages are now multi-column (less scrolling)
Changed: Interface – Better order/flow/explanations of things on “Configure catalysis report” page
Changed: Interface – Options relevant only to printing have been moved from “Configure catalysis report” page to “Print catalysis report” page
Changed: Interface – “Choose a project” dialog now shows a login link if you are not already logged in
Changed: Reporting – Catalysis report now uses HTML headers (H1 through H6) which are more easily converted to styles by word processors
Changed: Reporting – Old @header@ system for “sectioning” observations is no longer needed and has been removed (no backward compatibility; copy sections into new observations)
Changed: Graphing – In contingency tables and contingency-histogram tables, Y axis now shows answers to question from top to bottom instead of bottom to top
Changed: Graphing – “No answer” bars/bubbles/boxes are now last instead of first bars/columns/rows
Changed: Graphing – Expected bubble on contingency tables is now red – easier to see (can be changed in custom CSS for report)
Changed: Graphing – Squares in contingency-histogram tables are now all the same width, to make it easier to compare means
Changed: Clustering – Interpretation/observation item colors now vary by observation strength (which can be switched on or off)
Changed: Clustering – You can now select and move multiple items/clusters at once (shift-click, or click and drag selection box)
Changed: Clustering – Hover-over hints now show observation name, text, and strength
Changed: Clustering – Setting the clustering surface size is easier than it was
Fixed: Bug (Interface) where multi-choice answers did not display correctly in the “Show selected stories” popup window
Fixed: Bug (Interface) where count of contingency tables and contingency-histogram tables was sometimes wrong on “Configure catalysis report” page
Fixed: Bug (Reporting) where custom CSS was not being applied to images in catalysis report
Fixed: Bug (Reporting) where “Introduction” field was being ignored in catalysis report printing
Fixed: Bug (Export) where exporting story form or stories from “Export stories” page was not working correctly
Fixed: Bug (Graphing) where PNGs were empty in printed catalysis report
Fixed: Bug (Graphing) where “No answer” bar/bubble/box was being sorted in the middle of answers when some answers were numbers
Fixed: Bug (Clustering) where changing size of clustering surface did not update image immediately
Fixed: Bug (Clustering) where you could drag an item off the clustering surface
Changed: Perspectives in catalysis report are now sorted by their vertical position in the clustering space
Changed: Reduced number of debug messages in CSV pre-import check, to prevent error messages from being pushed out by sheer volume of messages on large data sets
Fixed: Bug where zero scale values were not being displayed on histograms (we apologize for never having noticed this before)
Added: Option to hide statistical panels on Explore patterns page (useful when there are long lists of results to scroll through)
Added: Way to view/copy statistical results in pop-up window while looking at graph on Explore patterns page
Added: Interpretation count to summary above patterns table on Explore patterns page
Changed: Bar graph Y axis label now allocates more space when graph counts need more digits to display
Fixed: Bug where showing selected stories was not working correctly in new catalysis report
Added: Better options for replacing or keeping existing questions when importing CSV story form
Added: Way to export observations, intepretations, perspectives from catalysis report to CSV and import them into new report on different story collection (as long as question names match)
Added: Way to view/copy names and texts of random sample of stories (10, 20, or 30) drawn from stories selected on graph
Added: Option to see answers to selected (important) questions while viewing/copying stories in graph selection
Added: Separate columns in catalysis patterns table for (up to 3) questions referred to by each pattern (so you can sort by each question individually)
Added: Option to hide statistical results in printed catalysis report
Added: Option to set number of bins for Story length question
Added: CSS Class names for graph axis labels depending on graph type (bar, histogram, etc)
Added: Summary above catalysis patterns table showing counts of patterns and observations (by strength)
Added: Story index (number in story collection) is now displayed in all places where story names are given (lists, story cards), to distinguish between stories with the same name
Changed: Filter (for catalysis reports and story cards) can now have negated queries (e.g., include every answer but one)
Changed: Filter (for catalysis reports and story cards) can now have multiple questions, creating more complex queries
Changed: Better pre-import check messages
Changed: Improved handling of clustering in situation where interpretations have texts but no names
Changed: Better interface for making and doing things with graph selections
Changed: Moved saved graph selection reference from observation text to its own field (that does not appear in printed catalysis report)
Changed: Better question groupings on “Configure catalysis report” page
Changed: Now if you hover over a dot on a scatterplot and there is more than one story there, it will show you (the first ten of) the story names, instead of just one name/text
Changed: In the catalysis pattern table, for side-by-side scatterplots, instead of showing the lowest p value, it now shows the range of p values (which is more relevant)
Changed: Statistics panel is now transparent (no longer blue), so it doesn’t stick out so much
Changed: Better font sizes for various graph axis labels
Changed: Better error messages for malformed HTML
Changed: Small interface improvements here and there
Fixed: Bug where selected pattern in catalyis pattern table would scroll out of view
Fixed: Bug where allowing AxA question combinations would also include both AXB and BXA question combinations
Fixed: Bug where portion of pre-import check log was being written to browser console when actually importing data
Fixed: Bug where answers lumped during import were printing multiple times in story cards
Fixed: Various little bugs here and there…
Fixed: Critical bug (introduced in v1.2.0) where exporting “project snapshot with stories” was not actually exporting any stories
Fixed: Bug where extra result lines were displayed in Mann-Whitney U test …