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You all know that using the right internal linking strategy can boost your SEO! Before your content can rank, it needs links. Internal links connect your content and give Google an idea of the structure of your website. The more links an important page receives, the more important it will seem to search engines. Therefore, good internal links are crucial to your SEO.
The Automatic links for SEO plugin is a revolution in the field of internal linking. No need to manually create your links with any other WordPress plugins. This plugin will do it for you, in automatic mode, using Yoast / Rank Math Focus keywords as **anchor text for internal link building.**
How it works (short version)
Nadat de plugin is geïnstalleerd, neem even de tijd om de uitleg door te lezen om te begrijpen welke functies je kunt gebruiken.
- Make sure you select the correct options in the “Settings” section. These are generalized to all the functionalities of the plugin (SYNC, AUTO LINKS, INTERNAL / EXTERNAL LINKS), such as for example:
- Where to apply: if you want the plugin to limit link creation only to pages, articles, products and “custom post types”.
- Waar niet toepassen: als je bepaalde pagina’s, artikelen en andere wil uitsluiten (let op dat je ook sommige pagina’s kunt uitsluiten door de META BOX te gebruiken die zichtbaar is in de ZIJBALK van elke pagina).
- Exclude HTML Tags: if you want to limit link creation to your content (by default, H1, H2, H3 tags are excluded)
- Prioriteit: als je wil dat de gemaakte links de links die al zijn gemaakt overschrijven.
- Max links: het aantal links dat per pagina moet worden gemaakt (zorg ervoor dat je er niet te veel maakt, 2 is een goed gemiddelde).
- Nieuw tab: als de gecreëerde links moeten worden geopend in een nieuw venster.
- No Follow: als het NOFOLLOW attribuut moet worden toegevoegd aan gecreëerde links (niet aanbevolen – alleen voor externe links).
- Gedeeltelijke overeenkomst: als de “anker tekst” kan variëren afhankelijk van de gevonden variant (zoals de meervoudsvorm).
- Hoofdlettergevoelig: als de gecreëerde “anker tekst” dezelfde “vorm” moet hebben (bijvoorbeeld hoofdletters).
Once done, you can start synchronization from the **SYNC **button.
Once launched, a log will appear just below showing you all the links being created.
Once finished, if you want to view all the links created by the plugin, simply go to “Activity Log“.
Then you can also create custom links manually by going to the “Custom Manual links” section.
– The “Internal links” feature allows you to create internal links from custom words (anchor text) (other than “focus Keywords”) for existing pages on your website
– The “External links” feature allows you to create external links also from specific words (Anchor text)
An editable “Log” is available on the same page allowing you to modify each of these “custom” links.
Hoe werkt het (uitleg)?
Automatic Internal links for SEO works from the “Focus Keywords” (META tag Keyword) used with the help of Yoast SEO or Rank Math when creating META data (the titles and descriptions listed by Google when you do a search).
Considering that the words (or combinations of words) used as “Focus Keywords” when you created your META data are important as they represent the theme for which you want your content to be understood by search engines and also that one of the factors that play a role on how valuable a link is, is the anchor text, this plugin will scan your website for these “Focus Keyword” and identify / match the pages, articles, or products where they have been found.
Then, it will scan the content of your website looking for words or combinations of words similar to these “Focus Keywords” (the plugin offers a certain flexibility in the identification of these words, in particular via some options like “Partial Match, Case sensitive, … ).
Once identified, these will be automatically converted into “anchor text” with a link redirecting to the page to which they correspond.
For example, if you have written a page for which you have defined as “Focus Keyword” the word “Mechanical”, the plugin will scan your website for the word “Mechanical” and once found, it will automatically create a link to the page where this “Focus Keyword” was found. If you subsequently change this “Focus Keyword” to something else, the previously created links will be deleted and new links will be created.
The particularity of this plugin is that the detection of new content created is done on an automatic basis! In other words, the plugin will continuously scan your website looking for new links to create from “Focus Keywords”.
Maar er is meer! Zodra de plugin is geïnstalleerd, worden er 2 opties aangeboden: SYNC & AUTO LINKS.
The SYNC function, from the chosen configuration (Priority, number of links, etc.), without even having to identify anything, will scan your website for “Focus Keywords” and automatically create all the corresponding links. Once done, depending on your activity on the website, the plugin will notify you of the existence of new links to synchronize. This last operation is manual.
The AUTO LINKS functionis 100% automated. In other words, the plugin will automatically detect page updates or new pages created and proceed directly to the creation of the links, without you having to do anything.
Thus, your internal linking strategy evolves at the same time as the creation of your content and will boost your SEO and Web traffic.
Over de PRO-versie
The PRO version allows you to activate several features including:
– Woocommerce productpagina’s voor de functie “SYNC”.
– De functie “AUTO LINK” (continue synchronisatie)
– Productpagina’s voor aangepaste interne/externe links
Hoe werkt het met zoekmachines?
Dit is wat Google zegt:
Google moet voortdurend zoeken naar nieuwe pagina’s en deze toevoegen aan zijn lijst met bekende pagina’s. Sommige pagina’s zijn bekend omdat Google ze al eerder heeft gecrawld. Andere pagina’s worden ontdekt wanneer Google een link volgt van een bekende pagina naar een nieuwe pagina.
When Google (or any other search engine) crawls a website, it does so by following internal links using the Google bot. The bot reaches the homepage of a website (or any other page) and starts following the first link that it comes across on the site. By following such links, it can understand the relationships between different web pages within a website.
Internal links also give Google an idea of your website structure and that’s the purpose of adding links throughout your content. They help you to build a site hierarchy, allowing you to provide more value to important web pages on your site or blog posts than the rest. A good internal linking strategy allows the distribution of page rank and link juice from one page to another
The perfect example of internal link usage is Wikipedia. If you view any page on Wikipedia you will immediately notice that they are using tens of internal links (with keywords as the anchor text) and guess what? Wikipedia appears very often on top of search engine results pages … !
Google Recommendations on Internal Links : Matt Cutts (former head of the Google Quality team) in this video confirmed that internal links are treated differently from external links and provided that you are not doing any exaggerations (for example having more than 100 links per page), you don’t have to worry that you are violating Google webmaster guidelines.
Kijk hier voor meer informatie:
Wat zijn interne links?
Internal linking is essential to any website because it helps establish site architecture and spread the link juice. An internal link is any link from one page on your website to another page on your website. Both your users and search engines use links to find content on your website. They won’t find a page if there are no links to it.
Waarom is interne linking belangrijk?
For a very simple reason. Just because you post content on your website doesn’t mean it is:
– Direct beschikbaar in zoekresultaten van zoekmachines
– Toegankelijk en indexeerbaar door zoekmachines
And this, even if your website has an up-to-date sitemap.
For content, whatever it is, to be crawled by search engines, then indexed and ultimately to generate SEO, it must be accessible through the internal linking! In other words, crawlers, moving from link to link on your website, must be able to access it quickly.
But this is usually where two major obstacles prevent crawling and indexing of this content (and this is one of the biggest SEO issues) on millions of websites: (too) deep pages and orphaned pages.
Deep pages (also called “weak pages”) are pages too deep in the structure of your website that struggle to be discovered and crawled on a regular basis by crawlers, which decreases their importance (at search engine eyes) and therefore decrease the likelihood that they generate SEO.
Orphaned pages are also a common problem. These are pages identified as existing by crawlers, from your sitemaps, but which cannot be found by search engines, via internal links. These are therefore pages that will not generate any ranking on search engines.
An automatic internal linking solution will allow you to flatten your URL structure so as to make all of your content much more accessible by search engines and therefore more likely to generate SEO. Moreover, internal link building has several other advantages as it helps build page authority, usability, connections between web pages, user experience, and more important, an efficient Google ranking.
Interne links versus externe links
Every website consists of internal and external links. Internal links connect pages and posts on your own website and external links connect your pages to other websites
Handmatige installatie:
- Unzip all files to the
directory - Login op WordPress beheer en activeer de plugin ‘SEO Auto Internal Links’ via het menu ‘Plugins’.
- Ga naar “Auto Links for SEO” in het linkermenu om ermee te werken.
Kan ik deze plugin gebruiken met een andere SEO plugin?
Op dit moment is de Auto internal links for SEO plugin alleen compatibel met de Yoast SEO en Rank Math plugins. Toekomstige updates zullen meer compatibiliteit mogelijk maken.
Is het mogelijk om een bepaald gebied van de tekst uit te sluiten?
Yes. it’s possible. You’ll need to “inspect” the element using DevTools. Get the CSS id and add it in the Exclude HTML Tags / ID / Class section like this: #container (if it’s a class then like this: .skip-autolinks). All links inside that container will be skipped.
Is it possible to “blacklist” keyword from being used as anchors?
Yes. There is a section where you can enter all your keywords, one by line, they will be skipped during the process. Please note that excluded keywords are case sensitive by default. If your keyword is adding links to both cases, then make sure to include both (case sensitive & insensitive) on each line. e.g. “wordpress” in excluded keywords list will not skip “WordPress”. You can just add “WordPress” on new line to skip both.
Is deze plugin compatibel met Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)?
Op dit moment is deze plugin niet compatibel met ACF (omdat ACF postmeta gebruikt voor aangepast veld, terwijl deze plugin de_content filter gebruikt die postmeta niet ondersteunt).
Werkt het met geplande publicaties?
Yes. As soon as your content is published, this plugin will detect your URL and focus keywords and will create links everywhere needed.
Verbruikt de plugin veel serverbronnen tijdens het “auto-links” proces?
Nee! De SYNC en AUTO SYNC functies verbruiken zeer weinig middelen. Dit betekent dat zelfs een gedeelde host deze continue processen goed zou moeten aankunnen.
Nee. Het synchronisatieproces neemt alleen gegevens van berichten op. Maar het staat op onze TODO lijst voor toekomstige updates.
Is deze plugin compatibel met WPML of Polylang plugins?
Gedeeltelijk. Dit betekent dat deze plugin al uw pagina’s zal detecteren, zelfs de (gedupliceerde) pagina’s die zijn aangemaakt met WPML, en links zal maken zoals verwacht. De Auto Internal Links plugin kan echter nog geen onderscheid maken tussen identieke woorden die in verschillende talen worden gebruikt. Bijvoorbeeld, het woord “stress” wordt op dezelfde manier gespeld in het Engels en in het Frans. Dit betekent dat wanneer het wordt gedetecteerd als een “focus keyword”, het kan gebeuren dat links naar Engelse pagina’s worden gemaakt in de Franse versie van de site en vice versa (de plugin is op dit moment niet in staat om de talen te onderscheiden die worden gebruikt tussen de pagina’s). Dit is een probleem waar we een oplossing voor proberen te vinden.
Yes. No relation to breadcrumbs.
Is it possible to avoid a page/post/product from being used by the plugin?
Yes. You can use the META Box available on sidebar of your post to “unSync” a specific page.
Wat voor soort externe links moet ik maken?
Met betrekking tot externe links raden we het toepassen van 3 regels aan. De eerste regel is om altijd een externe link te maken naar een autoriteit pagina waarvoor zoekmachines geen twijfels hebben over de betekenis (bijv. Wikipedia). Zorg er vervolgens voor dat je slechts één dergelijke externe link per pagina maakt. Ten slotte is het belangrijk om een NoFollow attribuut op te nemen in je link om de prestaties van crawlers op JE site te maximaliseren.
Moet ik een Nofollow attribuut gebruiken voor interne links?
NEE. Het wordt niet aanbevolen om de NoFollow attribuut te gebruiken voor interne links.
Ondersteunt deze plugin een groot aantal tekencoderingen?
Ja, tot nu toe gaat het goed. Laat ons weten als je hiermee een probleem hebt.
Is het mogelijk om te voorkomen dat links die door de plugin zijn gemaakt, naar zichzelf worden doorgestuurd?
Ja. Deze plugin is gemaakt om dit soort problemen te voorkomen.
Bijdragers & ontwikkelaars
“Internal Linking for SEO traffic & Ranking – Auto internal links (100% automatic)” is open source software. De volgende personen hebben bijgedragen aan deze plugin.
BijdragersInteresse in ontwikkeling?
Bekijk de code, haal de SVN repository op, of abonneer je op het ontwikkellog via RSS.
- 🚀 Initial release.
- 🐛 FIX: Fatal error because of type hinting.
- 🐛 FIX: Script type issue with import modules.
- 👌 IMPROVE: Notification to refresh page after 20 seconds if SYNC process is stuck.
- 🐛 FIX: Issue with PHP 5.6
- 👌 IMPROVE: Notifications for opt-in
- 🐛 FIX: Security fix
- 👌 IMPROVE: MySQL query for fetching data
- 👌 IMPROVE: Updated Freemius to v2.5.3
- 👌 IMPROVE: Slow performance when there are more than 1000 items
- 👌 IMPROVE: New Fetch items asynchronous function to collect items data
- 👌 IMPROVE: Sync items asynchronous function to store items data in logs
- 👌 IMPROVE: Performance for front-end by fetching data on visited items
- 👌 IMPROVE: Storing data in WordPress transients cache
- 👌 IMPROVE: Global override settings for links
- 👌 IMPROVE: Loading progress bar for fetch and sync items
- 👌 IMPROVE: Memory notification for optimal performance if there are 1000+ items
- 🐛 FIX: Crashing issues while syncing items
- 🐛 FIX: Error handling for Sync process
- 🐛 FIX: Layout issue for navigation buttons. Improved layout
- 👌 IMPROVE: Caching deleting process with WP schedule cron-job
- 🐛 FIX: Deleting cache issues if Yoast keyword is created/updated/deleted
- 🐛 FIX: Deleting cache issue if manual links are created/updated/deleted
- 🐛 FIX: Dropping custom table if setting option is checked to remove data
- 👌 IMPROVE: Updated Freemius to v2.5.6
- 👌 IMPROVE: Compatible check with WordPress v6.2
- 🐛 FIX: Security fix
- 🐛 FIX: Ajax Actions causing conflict
- 👌 IMPROVE: Updated Freemius to v2.6.1
- 🐛 FIX: MySQL query issue with special characters
- 👌 IMPROVE: Backward compatibility with serialized arrays in upcoming major release
- 👌 IMPROVE: Updated Freemius to v2.8.1
- 🐛 FIX: Security issue.
- 🎉 NEW: Completely redesigned options interface with modern tab-based navigation
- 🎉 NEW: All in One SEO plugin compatibility added
- ⭐ PRO: Background Auto-Sync feature with configurable batch size and schedule
- 👌 IMPROVE: Streamlined manual link creation process
- 👌 IMPROVE: Enhanced activity log browsing and management
- 👌 IMPROVE: Completely refactored codebase for better performance
- 👌 IMPROVE: Better error handling and user notifications
- 👌 IMPROVE: More intuitive settings organization
- 👌 IMPROVE: Simplified navigation between different functions
- 👌 IMPROVE: Enhanced bulk operations for links management
- 👌 IMPROVE: More efficient database operations
- 🐛 FIX: Various UI/UX inconsistencies from previous versions
- 👌 IMPROVE: Updated Freemius to v2.9.0
- 🚨 NOTE: Major update with significant improvements in stability and performance