Plugin tag: author
Author Categories
(0 aantal beoordelingen)A wrapper of the default 'wp_list_categories' to present an author's menu, when in the author pages.
oDvut Author Bio
(2 aantal beoordelingen)oDvut Author Bio is a simple plugin which will enable you to place blog author's bio anywhere in the blog.
XE Author List Widget
(0 aantal beoordelingen)XE Author List Widget Plugin displays list of authors. It also displays authors Email avatars. XE Author List Widget Plugin displays list of authors.
My Email Shortcode
(0 aantal beoordelingen)If you often display your email address on your blog, this plugin is for you. If you change your address, it will apply the change in all places.
Link Publishers
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Link Publishers allows the Link Publishers team to publish articles as an Author, and notifies the site admin whenever a new article is published.
(0 aantal beoordelingen)The Diffen comparison plugin allows Wordpress bloggers to easily search for and embed comparisons on their blog. You can compare anything on Diffen ri …
Plugin Name: Modify Author URL
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Allows administrators to modify a users author url from their profile page.
Multiple Editors
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Allow multiple editors and contributors per post or page. Also enable contributors and authors to upload files and add new pages by default.
Author Box Plus
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Author Box Plus allows blog owners to manage authors and their profiles.
Author Bio Plus
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Author Bio Plus displays author information in a box at the end of the post.
Linkify Authors
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Turn a string, list, or array of author IDs and/or slugs into a list of links to the post archive for each author. Provides a widget and template tag.
WP Compteur
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Compte le nombre d'articles refusés pour chaque contributeur et passe les contributeurs trop souvent refusés en abonnés.
Author Box Reloaded Pack
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Adds the Author Box Reloaded External Contact plugins. REQUIRES Author Box Reloaded 2.0.3 or greater.
CW Author Info
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Add a box with information about the author of each post after post, include a widget in which appear a list of all components of the blog
Plugin Name: Multi Editor Posts Control
(0 aantal beoordelingen)This plugin allow in a multi auhtor blog, to lock posts by editor permission level.
Display Author Option
(0 aantal beoordelingen)This plugin enables you to overwrite how the author is being displayed. By overwriting the the_author filter.
Author Box
(0 aantal beoordelingen)Author Box Plugin is Simple and Useful Plugin which anyone can need it. Using this Plugin you can show the author information in a box under the post …
Author Page Comments
(0 aantal beoordelingen)GNU/GPL AuthorComment is a plugins that help to administrate Comment in Author Page as like a testimonial for author.